The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1804
  • Salted plums?
  • The floor is soaking wet and a mess (cause yes I do walk barefoot outside... read sand and dirt sticking to them, add water to the mix and a mad woman trying to find a towel to dry the floor... WHOLE floor filled with black footsteps... ARGgggghhhhh
    I wanted to kick the bucket, but nahhh I have so many elderly bald folks to stab ;)
  • Nope HunnyBunny... I can not use that excuse as I am on the computer LOL... just me being well ehhh me :D
  • Hi @junkenmetel one of my joys of retirement is never having to do aPowerPoint again! Meet Max, our much missed, but still loved German Shepherd
  • And in the time it takes me to type up my lengthy post, @E-Star puts her foot in it. Again.

    Love the photo; thank you -- that made my day. Because I would definitely do something like that. Brilliant.

    Also, major bonus points for the fact that your toe nail polish coordinates with your cleaning supplies.
  • Hello @junkenmetel and yes I agree, if you've got to scrounge around in the bushes and flowers for slimy snails then by God it should sound official!! Not to mention my blind kitty and my 21/2 pound pup love to recon with me and who am I to take their fun away! Especially when their so Good at finding the slimy things!!! :) I'm sorry to hear about the presentation, I have to say that bites big piggies and I can see why you'd have tears of unhappiness!! I hope all will end well and the presentation rocks!!!
  • Sorry @junkenmetel. All I have is a puddy tat. And I showed you a picture of him. Working on your acronym. I'll get back to you in a year or so.
  • Hey I noticed that too @junkenmetel!! Lots of blue at e-stars digs!! LOL
  • I'm off to finish my PM! BBS erm BBL
  • Hahahahah LOL Junkenmetel! Long time no see, sorry to hear your PowerPoint issues. I do take offense though... Macs are not pesky... Microsoft is! Not providing the same stuff for us... although I am intrigued in the problem and wonders if I could have made it come to live instead of the copy paste thingy, cause I never heard of any real issues between Mac And PC. And we make our share of PowerPoints for clients with PCs.
    Anyhoe I am glad I am not the only one out there with these stepping into bucket skills hahahah Yup I like me colors to be bright and light... luckily I painted them before taking up the chores, cause last week they were bordeaux red hahahahaha and I do not have a bordeaux red bucket LOL
  • Bfnmicblidk
  • @Hunnybunny -- sorry that Max is no longer with you, but I'm sure he knew how much he was loved. After 20 years of house rabbits, we still get all teary eyed over the ones who lived long and ridiculously pampered lives, then left us behind. We only have two now, who we think of as the "youngest," even though they're 12 years old. They're slowing down a bit, but are barely showing their age. They certainly cause as much trouble as they always have...
  • Sorry need to try and clean up the damage I did and hopefully get the rest of the cleaning done without any incidents, but stand by just in case :)
  • @junkenmetel the best dog ever!
    Bfn @estar
  • Thanks @kimmie
    Nice one @estar
    WTH do you mean there's no coffee @rat????!!! Nope nooooo,never gonna happen.
    @hunnybunny yep,veeeeery very ;)
    Hi @junkenmetel I agree,her toes look fab!
    Seriously multi tasking here and it's something's going to go horribly wrong,better scoot
  • Kimmie, I'm glad you have highly trained members of the K-9 and K-T units to cover enemy incursions.

    @Rat, my acronym is apparently pointless, because here I am so till, definitely not working. But it's not even 6am yet, so I'm allowed to hang out with my friends while I drink my coffee. Hope you get some rest!
  • Hi @jlz666! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to wish you a happy birthday last week. In fact, I think I missed a bunch of birthdays, sadly. So don't take it personally -- apparently I am a Bad Friend to everyone, regardless.
  • [Everyone else ignore while I have a brief techie discussion with @E-Star. Unless you care about this stuff, in which case feel free to butt in.]

    So E*, their are compatibility problems between Windows and Mac office versions, as you pointed out. Annoying, since I often work in both. The real issue is that PPT works in mysterious ways, and you have to really understand that the slide masters and master layouts are there behind the scenes for a good reason. I stupidly sat right next to my colleague on Monday while we worked on the deck together, and watched her delete text boxes that slides inherited from the master and paste in new ones. So naturally, when I reset the slide layout to clean up the formatting, there are two text boxes. Oy.

    Also, fonts and characters sometimes don't carry over properly -- we had weird issues with bullets. I usually try to make sure that my masters are really clean, only make formatting changes in the masters as necessary, and the reset slides so the changes apply consistently. It's like styles in Word -- it's hard to get people not to go making format changes willy-nilly all over the place, which only cause problems down the road.

    To be fair, we exchange files all the time, and don't usually have these problems. I think it was because this particular presentation had some more complicated custom layouts that I created to show specific types of information. But for a while, my colleague is going to be on probation, and only get PDF files to comment on. Which is a pain in and of itself.

    Collaboration should just be easier. Why can't we all just get along?

    [OK, the area is safe again for civilians.]
  • LOL well put @junkenmetel!! Love the very reconish sound of that!!! :D Yes my K-9 and K-T teem is a mighty don't mess with us unit!! Those slimy suckers have no chance when we're reconning!! None whatsoever!!! ROFLMAO
    And bite your tongue!!! Can't help it if your busy!! Anyway besides JLZ-666 no one else really showed for their parties so meh you didn't miss anything or anyone!!! ;)
    Ok back to my PM, it's turning into a book!! LOL
  • @junkenmetel print it out and give her red pen next time ;-)
  • @JunkenMetel I so hear ya!! We usually make the template for the clients and to see what they all destroy along the way is astonishing! And slide master is indeed a great thing, but one needs to understand it in order to not do damage to the presentation itself. hahahah sorry, but it all sounds to familiar... yup pdf is much safer in the hadns of the less knowledgeable LOL. Wish Microsoft would make a Mac version that is up to speed and can do the things the PC version can. Not sure if the PC version has the styles for text properties (like Word has) but I really miss that in the Mac version. Or I am not looking in the right place, cause although we do make them, I am no where near an expert on the products of Microsoft. So I agree Microsoft, why don't you give us the tools to make collaboration easier hee hee
  • Also a very good option HunnyBunny hahahah
  • Seriously, my last job involved presenting to various groups on a forthcoming computer system, better working practices, and making intelligence drive policing practices, etc. a bit dry, so needed some good promo stuff to work with.
    Some of the PowerPoint presentations sent through from head office were so poor, it was easier to start afresh.
    You both have my sympathies.....
  • If only I still had the one diagram, that some consultant was paid thousands to produce. At least eighty boxes, links, call outs, notations, goodness knows what else, to help "simplify" a process. It gave you a headache just looking at it :-(
  • Good Morning everyone;) Have a Fantabulous Flingin' Day:)
  • LOL @Hunnybunny -- I know exactly what you mean!

    There's definitely a special type of thought process required to focus, refine, and simplify anything. I think my 10 years as a technical writer in my early days, long before I got into advertising and professional services, really taught me how to keep paring away everything that isn't absolutely essential. Basically, that's what I do for clients now -- help them cut away all the noise and communicate with their customers in such a way that the digital medium sort of disappears, and the interaction feels natural and real to the customer.

    It also taught me how to envision complex virtual systems (like software that no one had coded yet, and for which the functionality and behavior was constantly in flux) as sort of 3D models in my mind, so that I can shift them around, and visualize all the interconnecting parts, pretty much all at the same time.

    I can "see" an entire website for example -- all the navigation and where it all leads to, all the detail that's on every page, how everything links together, all the branches and paths of any transactions, and all the connections to external entities, like social media or back office systems.

    I think it's something like the way chemists learn to visualize molecular structures, or architects think about their work.

    And I can't tell you how I do that -- I just do it. And we all do similar stuff, every day. You build of mental models of virtual spaces, or even physical ones, so that you just "know" what roads to take to get somewhere you're driving, or find a particular leaderboard on this site.

    OK, that's enough of that nonsense. See what happens when you set me off? Let that be a lesson to you....
  • While you ladies were having your coffee klatch, I flung a few for the first time in days. Utopia has succumbed to the King of Space. Long live the King. lol
  • @E-Star, I agree with you completely. Instead of messing around with adding all kinds of complex new features, Microsoft should pay attention to how people work in the real world, and make everything run the same way no matter what platform you're on.

    I certainly know how hard that is, but it's kind of the same issue I have with Rovio -- it's great when there are new games and episodes released, but really not great when you can only get them if you happen to have a particular device. I can understand some delay, but it should be minimal. By the time something comes out on the PC, everybody here has already finished playing it, and it's just not as much fun for me as it would be if I could share the experience of exploring something new with everyone at more-or-less the same time.
  • Good for you @Rat! I love Utopia -- it's my favorite episode in Space.
  • I don't love it. That's why it's taken me so long to get back to it @junkenmetel. Guess which two worlds in Space I hate? Too many spray and pray levels.
  • Ohhh wow I can't see for tears! Why didn't I notice it before? @hunnybunny that is an awesome way to start a new page! Ohhhh heck! LMAO!! *cough* get a grip Jlz ;)
    @junkenmetel don't be silly!! Thank you for the birthday wishes. They're always nice to get no matter when! Kimmie follows the rule that birthdays are a week long celebration so there you go,you're not late at all :) ok? No broken bones? Broken glass? Chipped nail polish? Just checking ;)
    @kathy hope you have a fab day today and all's well with the broom broom :D
    Lunch time so grabbing a sarnie, coffee and having a quick fling for 20mins.
  • Nice going, @rat9

    That's five out of eight episodes. I'd sit back for a year or two to enjoy the accomplishment ;-)
  • @jlz666 that still doesn't answer the question!
  • CongRATs @rat
    Now I'm outta here, real life has to take over for a bit
  • Thanks @burpie. I was sure you'd get there first. I guess someone is giving you problems in your region of Space.
  • @burpie--How is Happyshake anyway? Two years off. Do you think that will give you enough time to catch me in Pig Dipper?
  • Ohhh I'm sorry @hunnybunny I didn't did I? HaaHaaa! Ok. Kimmie told me about a mexican savoury snack she eats called salted plums. I'm quite a savoury person so she sent me a photo of them and they look absolutely hideous! Dried up plums encrusted in salt! She's doing her best to get me to try them but I think she's setting me up ;)
  • @rat, I haven't played Utopia lately. I only sprang into action for a few days to secure Pig Bang... other than that I haven't played much at all.
  • @rat9, Your first place scores in Pig Dipper, Red Planet, and Danger Zone are so far ahead of mine that I have to replay the entire episodes. No thanks.

    It seems that HappyShake is done again. For now.
  • That means you only have one person to worry about. Are you wishing for an update about now @burpie?
  • Just joking @burpie. Gentleman's agreement is still in effect.
  • Haha, Pig Bang and Cold Cuts are just temporarily mine. There are still lots of points to be found there. Utopia is a different story.

    As for the new episode, I'll put up a fight but if you go gunning for top-6 scores again, I doubt you'll be impressed by my efforts.
  • Modest this morning, afternoon for you, aren't we? Nobody will ever touch your Eggsteroids @burpie.
  • @burpie--I was gunning for top five, but people kept raising the bar. They're funny that way.
  • JLZ my elbow feels bruised and well my self esteem just went down the toilet. Nothing major, for the love of AB can someone take that bad luck charm away from me??? Please?? pretty pretty puleasssse???
  • @E-star , so your assorted electronics exploded in a symphony of sparks and smoke, the wooden floor absorbed gallons of water, and your downstairs neibor is currently banging on your door because his ceiling turned soggy? I can handle that kind of bad luck... send it over and enjoy the rest of your day!
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