The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1803
  • @rat did you get a new puppy or are you workin it now? Glad to here your smiling by the way!! :)
  • No way... Mister Rat... did no one try to cheer up??? Like running around the living room, singing if you are happy and you know it... while acting out being a plain, al most knocking down grandma's vase, banging into a wall, falling backwards and laughing so hard at one self you can not help but laugh yourself?? No one?? really?? i thought everybody did that sort of thing... hmmm must be only me LOL
  • might want to use Google instead of your goggles Rat... maybe that might help??
  • Last one I got was a few days ago. I named him Snicker @kimmie.
  • Erm well @rat I do recons in my garden late at night to catch all the slimy snails infiltrating my garden and eating all my helpless and innocent plants, hence recon, reconning and reconer. ;)
  • doing a recon... nothing rat?? hmmm beginning to wonder if miss Bunny was right on the money... you are an eskimo with some wicked internet reception down there.
  • See e-star I'm not the only one that goggles things!!! :)
  • Ohhhh, new @kimmie word. Kinda like my new password last night.
  • ehhh yeah, but Kimmie I don't think you want to say that out loud... doesn't really sounds or looks intelligent... putting on your goggles and trying to find things on ones tiny phone... so you might want to keep that info away from the public eye hahahah ROTFLMOA!
  • Exactly Rat!!! :) I like using new words, keeps the mind sharp!! *snort*
    You know I know you got a new puppy named snicker right?!
  • I make up a stupid acronym for saying bye and @Kathy starts using it.
  • E-star that cat got out of the bag the first day I stepped into BP! LOL :D

    Rat Kathy's good for that kinda thing!!! :D
  • I thought you did @kimmie. But reference the top of the page comment.
  • You said you got a new puppy @rat, snicker isn't new anymore so I thought you'd added Another one, seems your insatiable for puppies!!!
  • Kinda like karen68!!! :D
  • I hate to say it because you're going to say nasty things after I leave @estar. But levels are getting higher hunched over this cmptr. Need to stop before you make me cry. And I'm not talking about from laughing.
  • Take a breather @rat! E-star will likely be lurking through the day and I'm almost done with stuff for the night so ill keep her company if she needs to escape from her chores!! I hope you feel better sooner rather than later!!
  • That's funny @Estar, because gay also means happy.
  • Well poo mister Rat, like I would make you cry, I would never do that to a sweet oll rat... how could I make you cry and not from laughter... what did I do... when... *frantically looks around* what ... when... where... me??? never...

    But I have to do some cleaning anyway, so don't you worry, I will not stab you when you are down. Hope the levels will die down a bit while resting @rat
  • Cute song @e-star made me tap my feet and smile, your right, don't need to understand the words!
  • I would love to Kimmie, but I really need to do them... we are having a BBQ this weekend and you know me... need to clean as if the queen is coming LOL!
    Will be lurking though! If I don't check back in within the hour, call the ambulance, I might be at the bottom of the ladder trying to get up again ;)
  • Not funny e-star!! Off you go then!! Maybe see ya in a while! :)
  • @kimmie @Estar--BFNMIWCBLIDK
  • Back attcha @rat :D
  • Ok that was too cute even without the kiddie voices!! LOL :D
  • Ehhh yup Mister rat I believe you are right, same to you!
    Kimmie :))) now you kinda know what the dutch versions says.
  • okay I was ready to go back out there and now Jaapie decided it is time to come sitting on my lap :/ typing sideways with one hand is not easy hahahaha LOL... going to give him some treats and head out... back later!
  • Yep it's very cute, I'm glad I got to hear the words I understand :)
    Give Jaapie kisses! See ya later my sweet!!
  • Twenty plus years in the military and I never heard of a "reconer" @kimmiecv. I was in the Air Force. We didn't reconnoiter. I'll forgive myself for missing that one. As I said, new Kimmie word.
  • Checking in... survived the ladder and onto other cleaning things. No need to send out the troops :D
  • Headed to Myrtle Beach next week @Estar. Maybe some fun in the sun will help my giddy up. So if you hear about a beached whale on the shores of South Carolina don't call the Marine Animal Rescue, it's just me.
  • Good morning @all
    Although not too good.
    There's a troll in seasons posting fake scores, and Rat is making jokes at my expense. Watch out Mr Rat!
  • @rat I come from serious Marine stock so they all bloody reconnoiter!! It's in their genes!!! ;)
    Nice vacation you got going there rat! If that don't put some giddy up in your stride you might as well lay in a coffin and wait for The Lord to call you home! Just sayin!

    Good job @e-star I'm glad you made it in one piece!! :)

    Hey @hunnybunny :) Trolls Suck at real life so all they have is cheating, let them have their 5 seconds of fame, it's all they'll ever get!! :D
  • Oh hey @rat my Dad always said the same thing about himself when we used to go to the beach! ROFLMAO what are the chances!!
  • Hahahaha thanks for the heads up (and the laughs) @Rat Hope the sun will do you some good indeed!
  • good morning HunnyBunny... don't mind the troll, like Kimmie says... if that is what gives them their kicks... mweeh, let them, soon enough they will be removed. As to rat... awww you know he only does that because likeyyyyys youuu :D
  • Good morning everyone!
    Terribly sorry to interrupt your coffee morning chat girls but could I please borrow @Kimmie for a moment? I need an answer to a salted plum question;)
    @rat sorry your back is bad again tonight. Get off the computer!
    @hunnybunny yeah the troll will be kicked out soon. Did you get a look at Dweezils.......lets just ;)
    Sorry,gotta run. Back to work I'm afraid :( OB a super strong black coffee to go please? Cheers!
  • Too late @JLZ666, the coffee klatch is ruined.
  • @jlz666 I certainly looked! More than once!
    @rat OK I won't unfriend you again, unless its another accident ;-)
  • Ha ha Estar!
  • @Estar--Please don't kick the bucket. You would be missed.
  • WAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAA Ahh geez e-star!! Your on a roll and it ain't a good one!!! :D

    @JLZ-666 I was actually in the process of answering but I heard all the dings and lost my concentration!!! :D
  • Estar, I think you're following my (bad) example: doing chores with one hand and typing with the other. And brain is only focused on the latter ;-)
  • Hello @everyone.

    What on earth are you all up to? I haven't had a chance to pop in for a while because of work, but it sounds like everyone is causing mayhem around here!

    It's it a bit hard to follow, but I suspect @Rat is at the bottom of it somehow. Although if you are feeling blue, then you have a license to cause all the mischief you want. Actually, you have a license to do that regardless. And I know perfectly well you'd be driving the Mischief bus whether you had a license or not. Which is why we love you. So carry on, you have my permission. The granting of which I'm certain you've been fretting over all this time.

    Never been to Myrtle Beach; I bet it's lovely. Send us a post card from down there please.

    And what's all this about puppies? Are they real puppies in real life? If so, where are the cute photos? I share my birds; I expect to see other cute animals or wildlife in return.

    Speaking of which, I like your new avatar @Hunnybunny. Who is that handsome creature?

    @Kimmiecv, I love the image of you all kitted out in tactical gear, doing a stealth nightime recon for...slugs. @E-Star may laugh, but you can pretend it's all very James Bond. Except with...slugs. *snort!* Oops, sorry -- didn't mean to do that out loud.

    I'm too lazy to scroll all the way back to discover the origins of @Rat's creative new sign-off, but let's see if I can decipher it. BFNMIWCBLIDK = Bye For Now, Maybe I Will Check Back Later, I Don't Know. I like it. Sounds tactical.

    Now I have a very messed up PowerPoint presentation to sort out. Here is an important life lesson: do not ever, EVER, allow your colleagues -- even the ones who are also close friends and whom you love dearly -- edit your very carefully and cleanly produced PowerPoint files on their pesky Macs, when you run Windows on a PC. It will all end in tears, mark my words. Cutting and pasting all the text from one file to another, one slide at a time, for 35 cussed slides turns out not to be nearly as much fun as one might suppose. I thinks it's more on the level of @E-Star and ladders.


    - JM

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