The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1813
  • Good night everyone!! :)
  • Ahhh or day for most of you!! :)
  • Thanks @kimmiecv & I can't remember any specific pictures, @mvnla2, I just remember that it wasn't poorly done squares coloured in a primary colour with another primary colour colouring parts of the background (basically, art that a toddler could surprass xD) Also, I remember the pool of oil which is so reflective it looks as though the floor goes right down!
  • Hey, @bubbleslover, nice to meet you to:)
  • Hi, @AngerManegment! Nice to meet you too. ;D
  • @AngerManagement -- I'm guessing that the "poorly done squares" were done by a very famous artist, whose name doesn't come to me at the moment, right? But you liked the pool of oil, which probably more people would not call art! Not, me, like it all (well, or almost).
  • @all -- Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far where we live, but not all that hot, given that this is LA. So of course the power went out at ~6pm and was still not on at midnight. No power means no air conditioning, and no fans to circulate the air even if you open all the windows.
  • Looks like it is a good day for chatting with yourself. -- It is Labor Day weekend in the U.S., so lots of people are away for the weekend or otherwise celebrating the unofficial end of summer. In LA, one could say that summer is just starting. The hottest days of the year are often in Sept.
  • Hi @mvnla2 sorry to hear about your power outage yuck.
  • Is it back on? Its dreary and rainy here in Boston, but muggy:( hard to breathe weather..
  • The point was, that I never saw any pointless art that a 4-year old could easily surpass in technique etcetera, therefore, I regard it as a good gallery, @mvnla2;)
  • @Kathy -- Yes, the power is back on; came on sometime after midnight last night. Today is supposed to be a little cooler. I'm like Kimmie -- I don't like it too warm.
    @AngerManagement -- Yeah, I got your point about the gallery you liked; but you may have missed the point about those paintings of squares. : )
  • @mvnla2 good to hear you got your power back
    I think @angermanagement was trying too say is that he Didn't see any of that style of art which he considers could be painted by a4 year old;)
  • I don't know what is going on anymore xD
  • Lol @angermanagement me either and I've read back 5 pages haha;)
  • Why do you do xD is that a smile :)
  • All I want to know is; is everyone still friends?
  • xD= laugh face
  • Ohh haha xD i guess not really but ..
  • How about %D
  • Ha, I like yours too @kathy:)
  • Arghhh why cant i do it so the picture shows?
  • Well I'm still friends with @angermanagement and all the rest of the crazy people here. Does that answer your question @am?
  • @kathy good photo. Looks far too nice to be a rodent lol
  • *from over in the corner, a small voice cries out* Yes @angermanagement. We never stopped being friends. The heated discussion was fake. My pouting in the corner was fake. It was all an elaborate ruse to prank @hunnybunny. But she and @estar are too smart to be fooled. I'm headed to Myrtle beach this week. So not posting in the nest for a while will be a result of that and not any perceived argument. Still good friends.
  • Just finished getting par and all coins on all levels in icebreaker... That leaves me with the Angry Birds series, Cut the Rope series, Bad Piggies and Icebreaker completely perfected. On the contrary, I don't have any highscores in the Angry Birds series.....
  • Ermmm all x still friends:) whacha Talkin' bout @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster ? What series?
    Ohh and congrats for getting par lol..can you pm me with the spy file i had it bookmarked but lost it somehow..i do so want to catch up;)
  • I wanted to be a space man that's all i wanted to be!! But now that i am a spaceman nobody cares about me..Hey Mother earth won't you bring me back down safely to the sea around and around and around and...i forget the rest hahahaja
    Have a great vacation Pa:) will miss you:(
  • Excuse me. I should have said, Hi @angrybirdsspace(boy). Sorry to hear you have no top scores in Angry Birds. Please fell free to take one of mine. It seems to be a trend here of late.
  • @kathy back to my much loved music, again, can't do an Estar, with link, but, David Bowie "there's a star man waiting in the stars, he'd love to come and see us..."
    I'm 13 again.........
  • Ohh @Hunnybunny YES!! I love David Bowie:) wish i could do the E* thing..but that's what i mean when i try to do Link up comes the when i try to make a pic up comes the link.
    E* and angermanagement have spent painful hours trying to teach me but i just can't do it captain.
  • Ah Mister Rat is back out from his hole in the wall. Rather liked it here with no nasty rodents....
  • Well that's not very nice @Hunnybunny:(
  • Mister Rat understands, just a jest :-)))
  • ;), i know;)
  • Roflmao @Kimmiecv i just noticed the advertisement!!! Tooo Funny:).%D
  • What ad? We get different ones here I think
  • The one up top with the beavers lol;:)
  • Hmmm not there now? Maybe it changes i usually don't notice the ads.
  • Yeah, I've seen the beavers, I've got financial services at the moment. Bring back those beavers. I can only presume that 'beaver' has much the same double meaning here as in the US
  • I got it @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster :) i just subscribed:) and accepted your friendship request hmm i thought we were already friends lol;)
  • Yes @Hunnybunny that's why we did our avatar s for the party lol..inside joke;)
  • ToT #2 is killing me i cannot get into the top 100 i have over 79k but need over 80 and i keep getting stuck at 77:( OB a PigKiller please:)
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