The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1812
  • Yeah, @am you haven't been here in quite a while! Good to see you again! :)
  • I always just miss the page change.
    @rat was AngryBirdsSpaceMister intentional?
  • same:) made any new animations or comic strips I should know about?
  • You figure it out and get back to me @angrybirdsspaceace
  • @am I actually haven't come out with anything new, unless you haven't seen the final chapter of Tribal Conflicts ( ). I've got a lot I'm working on though; I've got a new weekly strip coming out on one of my friend's websites starting Sunday, and Book 3 Chapter 1 should be out before October 1st.
  • @rat I'll run on the assumption it was intentional.
  • awesome buddy:)
    night @hunnybunny:)
  • What. What? There was a fight?
  • Wow... I just sat down to eat some pizza and I don't even know what just happened here.
    Um.... Night @hunnybunny
    Hi @am good to see you again!
    @absm don't let the rat get to you. He's just funnin. I think.
  • Don't worry, @abcrazy, I know. Me and Rat are buddies :)
  • Hi @rat. Feeling ok? ;-)
  • Hey @abcrazy, still no.#1 in Tatooine? :D
  • I figured @ABSM but the mom/new teacher in me still feels the need to keep the peace.
  • you are a teacher:D
  • @am Yes! For now. I recovered my lead a week + or so ago. I just keep sticking to my top 10 goal and keep pressing on. No doubt when I take a break, the next move will be made against me. (Glances over my shoulder suspiciously)
    My precious.... Sssss.......
    Speaking of which, seems like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter would be the next logical partnership for AB. Any bets?
  • @AM Me a teacher. Well... We'll see about that. Eyeballs only been staring back at me for a week so far. Not sure any teaching happened yet. Mostly I've seen sleepy eyes.
  • I will give you two tips in the world of teaching: 1: From all of the teachers I have had, I have learn't "school stuff" from the nice ones, and morals from the strict ones; the nice ones, I listened to, and learn't from, and the strict ones, I rebelled against and refused to listen to their bi8#&iness, so I indirectly learn't morals from them! My opinion: be a nice teacher! 2:Always give the same amount of attention to all students, if there is a mentally disabled pupil, then they will have a helper to guide them along, and if there are idiot chavs (council house and violent: it is a British thing xD) that are only looking for your weaknesses, instead of respecting the fact you are helping them progress through life, then my idea of letting them have their way, is to give them the attention they are looking for, so don't conform to thier demands, and instead, help the nerdy kid in the back corner of the room to becoming to next Einstein, and maybe the idiot chav may become the next David Beckham (sorry ladies!) instead of a binman whom over doses at age 21! I hope my school experience has helped you to guiding that shy kid with no friends in the back of the room, into becoming a Human salvation, because I aint seen no-one doin that at the moment, have you! ANYWAY!!! What are you teaching, @abcrazy?
  • Ha, you should see my latest activity comment, if you click onto the main page for it, it will be hyperlinked to a picture you may take an interest to:)
  • @AM Thanks! I think I get what you are saying. I'm teaching engineering, so my kids are already 'special' because they volunteered for my class for whatever reasons. I hope to make it fun & cool for them.
  • Awesome, I always enjoy classes when the teacher is nice:)
  • Well, I am glad I let all of that out of my system xD
  • Hmmmm.... Nice is good. But the kids that just try to do fantasy football are getting split up.
  • Is this high-school?
  • @all--My humor, or lack of it tonight, is uncharacteristic and unforgivable. My only defense, I wasn't feeling well. Not a good excuse. To any and all people I unintentionally offended, I humbly apologize. As a peace offering for you and a punishment for me, I will take a self imposed time out and stand in the corner for at least the next week. I will use this time to learn how to play well with others.

    Good night and bfnmiwcblidk when. Bad Rat
  • No problems @rat :) Did you ever heal the pains that were restricting you from playing more Angry Birds?
  • was going to post this 2hrs ago, but our power is out. see you all later.
    @angerManagement -- Glad to see your chatty self back!
    This may be a translation issue, but in American english gallery also refers to all those small places that sell art. So I seriously doubt you've been to all the art galleries in London. Glad you liked the Saatchi. I've never been, but their website looked interesting. What did you see there?
    Love the Science Museum, but probably haven't seen all of it.
  • @rat9 I've read the pages 3 times and I'm not seeing you as being particularly grumpy nor did I see an argument, I DID see you and @hunnybunny teasing eachother as is quite normal, I'm thinking @am just doesn't realize your erm funny baiting of eachother and mistook it for arguing. He's been away for a good while so it'll take him a bit to get used to your banter. (Which personally I quite enjoy!! LOL) never know which of you is going to win the round!! :D
    So I'm not sure there's any reason you should be standing in the corner for a week and really that can't be good for your back, not to mention a few of us would miss your baiting of eachother if your too busy chewing a hole in the corner! Just sayin ;)
  • Welcome back @angermanagement :)

    Ok off to get dinner on the table!!
  • Escaped convict still on the loose. My neighborhood is in the "Hot Zone."
  • BFNIMCBLIDK yep I'll be needing that lol secret code;)
    Pa I'm sorry ,;( very distracted tonight with stuff..still love ya (((((( hugs))))))
  • Your kidding @Ripsy !! thought they caught the guy..
  • Nope. Still at large.
  • Oh crap now i gotta read back and its late
    Pa *knock knock on hole in the wall* please don't make me read back..what's happening why are you in the corner? Crap..gotta read back..
  • Good night all:).*places flashlight on Kimmiecv favorite booth* High fives again Pahtna:)
    We'll get this one too:) good night all :)
  • Sorry i deleted my comments i learn't to hold my tongue..i ain't seeing no one doing that during the 'argument'i guess i just read;)
    Night @Kimmiecv Night @Pa Ohh and @rat9
    Pa if you EVEN THINK of hiding in a corner for any length of time.forget it!!
    I will seek you out no matter where you hide;) ;)

  • *high fives* back Pahtna :) Still have no earthly idea WTH argument am seems to think there was?! Seemed to be business as usual to me!!

    *shines Kathy's flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • ROFLMAO @e-star not sure we're going to make much of a dent in seasons!! :D
    I hope it's a sunny great day for your BBQ! It's going to be another hot one for ours :/ sigh I sooo wish we could trade!! We have a nice big covered patio so rain would only be a blessing!! Have a great time my sweet!! Mwaaaah :•
  • uh huh right Kimmie, of course... that trick doesn't work on me, you know that! I KNOW you are on AMAZING flinger my friend, so although you might want to fly under the radar, I know by the end of it, you will be up on the boards next to me! You just need to ermmm catch up on ALL the new episodes... you are going to go thru all of seasons right?
    The sky is finally clearing up, so it looks like the promise is going to be real. Wish we could trade as well... Hope the BBQ at your place will be a fun one to, despite of some friction between the invitees sort of speak :P Will be watching the news closely hahahaha
  • Dunno what you speak of @e-star! I'm an adiquate flinger at best!! And YEP the Entirety of seasons!! By this time next year maybe we'll be done?! LMAO :D YEAY your getting your sun!! Hey maybe by the end of your day and the middle of mine the sun will be worn out and the clouds will take pity on me?! Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa a girl could sure hope!!! And I shall keep you apprised of the erm Ahh friction and how it all plays out!! ;D I take it you read up on the latest then?! :/ Anyways have an amazing no kids yelling and screaming time!!! :D
  • Surrrrre Kimmie, you are an average shooter at best.. I will play along :D
    And yes I did read up, just no time to get back... want to prep everything and if I have the chance I will pop in the PM. Now off you go... scoot!! Almost bedtime for you missy, so better prepare for your Pillow walk! May it be one that takes you to a fill night of sleep! mwaaah! :-*
  • That's right go along with me e-star!! ;D And no need to get back on that one! Not much to do but curse!! LOL I'm flinging my anger at the piggies before I hit my pillow!! Good way to let off steam and not get arrested for murder!! ;) thanks for the wishes of a full nights sleep! Now off You go! Get that stuff prepped so you can maybe fling yourself! Can't wait to hear how the BBQ went! Catch ya later!! Mwaaaah :•
  • Still no convict.
  • Hi, everybody! I haven't been here for a while, because there's NO wifi at my grandparents house (ugh!).
  • Whoops! I told ABSM to log out so I commented on his! Grrrr how can I delete that?
  • You can only edit it @bubbleslover.
    Sorry to hear it @Ripsy that's gotta be unsettling to say the least :(
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