The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1832
  • @Rat -- I may need more crumbs. TNT just exploded, but circles 1 and 2 mostly intact. Crumb! I really don't like that level.
    [Edit]: You did say to wait for circle 1 to break, which it did. So your crumbs are pretty powerful. Not sure how you got such a high score, but that's a different problem.
  • @BubblesLover -- Sorry for stealing the page change. I don't pay any attention to them, so don't do it very frequently.
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- I hope you told BubblesLover about the impending page change, but she didn't have much time.
  • @Mumsie tell us about your golf...?
  • Hi @lindajh - welcome to the BP ( or have you been here for ages and I have just missed you!) if you are new first drink is on the house and don't forget to read the rules on page 1.
    I'm somewhat of a golf aficionado ! Not necessarily the knowledgable bit but the enthusiastic bit of the word! Love it - because this summer has been soooooo good here this year I have managed to drop 5 shots since May! Absolutely delighted! But I fear the autumn has arrived (that's Fall to all our friends on the other side of the pond) as I played yesterday evening in pouring rain and distinct chill in the air - and played atrociously to boot! Do you play?
  • Hmmm... Hi Everyone! Ahhhh Saturdays! Hmmm... strange happenings of S-14 on @SPSM's iPod. Quite a few hundred points when both pigs on the boat/tower on the bottom right planet slides. I can't get again so I'm not saying it's a glitch yet, but the possibilities out there. The tower will wiggle then collapses on itself sliding the boat forward, almost like S-15 when it slides on ice/on the bottom of that same planet.
  • Haha... new name! Yes, this is (who was formerly) ABSM. Confirmation in @BubblesLover's comment about @SPSM. I just did it because I don't exactly believe it was fair to prematurely name myself @SpaceMaster before I'd even discovered the leaderboards. So this is a little joke about it.
  • Ok... apparently it hasn't changed on the forums... my name on the main site is now SelfProclaimedSpaceMaster.
  • New name @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster awww don't do that to me:( I've taken such time to perfect spelling your name correctly..
  • I agree Kathy ! ABSM is so much simpler!
  • Errr..uhhmm i think @rat9 may object as well? But where its 'self proclaimed' doesn't necsassarily make it true:)
    Darn I'm a very good speller but nessacarily messes is my downfall ..
  • Lol @Mumsie your right, but AngryBirdsSpaceMaster is saved in my keyboard thingie

    So is easy..unlike nescaraily
  • Does AngryBirdsSpaceTrainee work then? I want to change it to SOMETHING that's not Master.
  • Plus it's not changing on the forum anyway. Ah well. Do I have to change it seperately on the forum?
  • Naw keep the master lol.. If not then what will @rat9 have to give you crap about lol:)
  • You may me master, but he is King:)
  • Can someone Puleeeze tell me how to spell nessacarily omg I'm to lazy too look it up..
  • @BubblesLover -- Are you aware of the forum on Self-Destroying and unstable levels? We don't call these glitches so much as self-destruction or instability.
    S-14 isn't on either list yet, but do you really mean AB Space S-14? I don't see anything that looks like a boat on S-14, or 2 pigs on a tower, or a bottom right planet?
    Would love to add that level to the list, whatever it is.
    Would like to know
    * how many point you get without shooting a bird (for self-destruction) or what kind of shot(s) you need to make to have it happen (instability like S-15).
    * How frequently it happens
    * How long after restart do you have to wait.
    * How long does it take to finish
    * A screen shot would really help.
  • @ABSM -- I believe you can't change your name in the forum, sorry. You can try reading FAQs or ask Slim.
    I think you should stay ABSM everywhere, so people don't get confused.
  • And have i mentioned I'm still still on ToT 1-8 its killing me to try to get into top100
    Ohh OB i need a strong PigKiller with one of @sunshine's secret formula thingies..i think she his them a long time the secret cabinet
    Ohhh Super special some kinda seed thingies..
  • AB Space S-14. She meant the lower left part of the right planet. She's only gotten it to work once, and can't get it to work again, so I don't think it's proof enough yet. We'll keep an eye out though.

    I'm entering my scores on ABSW... my scores STINK! Hardly anything above average. I'm really gonna have to play around in Tatooine...
  • And yes, I'm reverting to ABSM everywhere :)
  • You'll get it @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster :) if i can do it you can..Remember the 3 P's
    Patience, Persistence, Practice :)
  • @lindajh -- Welcome to the BP! (I'm assuming you haven't been here before.) @Mumsie also lives in the UK, as do several other BP patrons. I assume you're asleep right now, but stop by tomorrow.
    The number of people at the BP is pretty unpredictable, and activity can vary from several pages per hour to a couple of days per page.
    I'm also an enthusiastic golfer, but not nearly as good as Mumsie. I'm also a certified southern California golf wimp, and don't play in the rain if I can help it. I also don't play in extreme heat, of which there is plenty during the summer, but you can usually find someplace reasonable cool near the coast.
  • @kathy necessarily
    I had an old fashioned English teacher. One of her top ten spelling test words. Others include business, definitely, immediately
    A good teacher makes things stick forever!
  • Hi @everyone hope you had, are having a good day.
    I had a fabulous one. Not much of a TV viewer, but today all my absolutely favourite stuff was on. Sat and watched, and ate, and drank a glass of wine or two.
    Better get off my butt tomorrow and take a little exercise
  • @BubblesLover @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- On my iPad, AB Space s-14 is in Pig Dipper. There is the small planet with the slingshot and a larger planed with lots of water. There are 7 pigs, each sitting on top of a separate stone tower. I looked at S-15 and S-16 also, and they don't seem to fit description either.
  • Thanks @Hunnybunny :) necessarily got it:)
  • Oh goodness! We were talking about S-5. Wow, tooootally wrong level. LOL!
  • @hunnybunny Did you see my new comic site?
  • Goodnight @all
    My fab day is over. Nadal just won his match. I didn't win the puppy, again! But put 7k on my score, which ain't too bad!
    Oh, and @mumsie good to see you in your chair, knitting away
  • @all -- Could someone check the map and table in the map group and see if you can open them? Mumsie reported problems, but since I own them, I can always open them.
    Please let me know either way. Thanks
    @BubblesLover @ABSM Ah hah! Will look at S-5
  • @BubblesLover -- OK, S-4 makes sense. It's not on the list yet, so keep your eyes pealed.
  • @mvnla2 caught me before I went to bed
    I can never open the map on my iPad, and only sometimes the table. But they always open on the laptop. I thought it was just me, and my inept use of the iPad ;-(

    Edit: just tried on the iPad and they both opened, although the table took two attempts
    Must have been my ineptness in the past lol
  • @Angrybirdsspace(case)--Don't you dare change your name. I jumped ahead on the reading to make this comment, so I don't know what all has been said or done. But keep your name. Just stuck my head in, saw this and had to comment before I left.

  • I decided against it anyway, @Rat. And I now have you to testify that I shouldn't. :P So don't worry about it :)
  • And 'The King of Space has spoken' so it shall be @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster forever more:)
  • Hi @Pa hope your enjoying your vaca:)
  • Aah haven't come back in a while. Nose in a good book... Can't beat it! :)
  • @BubblesLover -- What's the book?
  • Star Girl, I read it last year but I felt like reading it again...
  • Ohhh @bubbleslover who's the author? How old is the book? I think i read that when i was You.g..if its the same book i loved it.
    Reading is the key to all things in life, if your an avid reader you will go far:)
    My examples of grammar and spelling here are no good.i Blame my tiny keyboard and also poor impatience and laziness on not taking the time to fix my errors:(
  • Haha @Kathy same here curse and thank autocorrect! I just finished, it is by Jerry Spinneli I know the last name is right...
  • @Kathy -- Just googled Stargirl -- It was published in 2000, so I doubt you read it when you were young. Sounds like a really good book, and won a lot of awards.
  • @BubblesLover -- Good books are worth reading more than once. Better read a book 2 times than watch a movie 2 times.
  • Haha @bubbleslover :) you finished already ? Good girl..when i was a teen i read a book every day..usually in one day, but depending on the book
    One reason i wish i never started flinging birds is i have several good books i want to read..but the flinging is to addicting..DON'T let that happen!! I can't stress it enough read read read:)
  • Good advice @mvnla2 most times if they make a movie based on a book it doesn't measure up..
  • So true! My mom seriously is annoyed cuz i read books so fast she just give up on buying me real books! But when she does buy the real copy I read it twice... Or more :)
  • Sorry @mvnla2 i missed your comment on when the book was published. Yes very unlikely i read it when i was young lol:) Now its gonna bug me what was that book.? Starman maybe? Going to google , Brb
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