The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1833
  • BTW -- I'm a horrible speller, so always have spell check on (not autocorrect -- you're never sure what you'll get), and try to correct all my spelling errors. Sometimes google can't figure out what word I was looking for!
    I am pretty good at grammar, so any grammatical errors are typos that I can't fix (or so I say).
    I think that internet posting is a good chance for teens to practice good grammar. It is still important to career success, and I hope it stays so.
  • Ouch! 2 page changes in a row! BubblesLover will never forgive me.
    BTW -- I only buy paperbacks, since buying so many books in hardcover would be quite expensive. I do make an exception now and then.
    We periodically go through our bookshelves and donate books we don't want to keep to the local library. Despite that, we probably have way many more books than are necessary.
  • None of the searches i did came up with the correct book..I'm pretty sure it was 'starman.
    I read it when i was a teen so oohh never Mind lol just Counted Back the years let's leave it at a long time ago;)
    Ermm OB a Sunupper to go please;)
  • I hear ya in that @mvnla2 i currently only have about 30 books .
    I sold some at our yard sale the rest i donated to the senior center up the street.
    When i moved i left a lot of my precious books behind , didn't have room in the car, but all my hardcovers are in my sisters attic.i have a lot of classics such as the Illiad series and a few others that i will always save:)
  • Are you next in line for the 'stealing of the page changing crown ' lol;)
  • Okay @mvnla2 I forgive you! L er I mean Lol
  • Yawn... Night, All!
  • Good night all ,:( i know its early, but my eyes are fighting me°°/
    *places flashlite in safe, next to E*
    Soo tired must be the weather, changing suddenly from summer to Fall.
    @mvnla2 i would llooovee to have your weather, wanna trade ¿/o.k good night all..
  • *poofs Back in grabs flashlight from safe*
    Woohoo OB didja miss me..haha second wind..
  • :( another night of Natgeowild :( tonights is about lions and there struggle to save there litter in the savannah,
  • G'Morning All. I have popped into the BP a few times but never for very long, so it seems I may drop a comment and tootle off soon after, apologies for that. Impressive rate of page turnover here in the BP!
    @Mumsie @mvnla2 I'm a fair weather golfer, love to play but don't dedicate any time to practise and am not a member anywhere. H/c dropped from 30 to 25 last year but I'm struggling to compete off that as the pub society play some rather hard courses (Hindhead, Camberley Heath). But well done to you for your h/c progress this season.
  • Good morning good morning good morning @all!!!!!
    Woooohooo! That's me done and done with work for 2 whole weeks! Yayyyyyy!
    Just finished packing and I'm sitting in the garden enjoying the morning sunshine before we head to the airport. Off to Budapest for 4 days so I thought I'd get my final fix of the nest before I go.......*gulp* 4 days without nest contact....yikes:( Hope the hotel has free wifi or I'll get the shakes bad. Couple that with a lot of missed girly chatter I'm in a whole heap of email trouble when I get back. Has anyone been to Budapest that can give me some info etc? The weather is looking hot and sunny so that's a bonus. Scotland is def turning autumnal so it'll be nice to get some heat :D
    @lindajh hi! Are you on my side of the pond? If so you'll have a lot of golf talk with @mumsie coming up lol!! I can't join in,I'm a golf widow ;)
    @kimmie are you here honey? Wanted to say goodbye in real time!

  • @JLZ666 Budapest sounds interesting, look forward to hearing your traveller's report!
    Golf: it was play or be a golf widow, and trailing around a few courses near Elgin swung it for me, pardon the pun.
    Happy travels!
  • Crap crap CRAP!!! @JLZ-666 are you still here or did I miss you??? :(
  • Dang it!!! That'll teach me won't it!! Huh I may have missed you but I swear I can still.............SMELL YOU!!!!! WAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAA :D
    Have a Fantastic time Jujubean!! I'm Gunna Misssssss youuuuuuu!!! Lots of Love yous and Tons of Kisses!!!! :•
  • Hello @lindajh, haven't been in when you did a popper! :)
  • @lindajh thanks! I'm looking forward to it,it certainly sounds beautiful. I'll stick with being a "widow" I haven't got the patience and to be honest I think my hubby would leave me if I said I wanted to learn lol!!
    @kimmie hey!! Sorry but I'm out of battery so phone is on charge and I'm just about to hit the shower but I've dinged you. I'll def be back in before your pillow walk though. We're not leaving for another couple of hours.
  • Haaahaaaaa!!! You got the message!! Yeah I stink!! @all I tried to decant some perfume into a travel pump and spilled it all over me! I've got 1/2 of Scotland's bees following me!!!!!
  • Oooowwww I hope it wasn't the costly perfume?! Ouch if it was!!!
  • here?!!!
  • Yep! Are you on your way or at the airport? Did the kids do ok getting dropped off?
  • @JLZ-666 how are you feeling?! Sending Tons more vibes your way!!! Only 3hrs, you'll be there before you realize you've left!! ;)
  • Hey!! No not away yet. The babies are underneath the chest of drawers in the bedroom so just about to have a screaming hairy fit!!!!! That's me....not them lol!! Arghhhh I hate this :( as soon as they're in the carriers we're heading away. Hubby's upstairs waiting on me so we can attack attack at both sides so I'd better go! Big kisses to you! I'll miss you! See you when I get back!
    Mwaaaaaah xxxxxx
  • I know I know!!!!!! It's such a short flight but bleughhhhhhhh:( love ya!! Xxxx
  • Good luck with the babies @JLZ-666! Have a glass of wine on the plane or 2 or 3! ;) You'll do fine and the kids will be happy once they know where their going!! I'm going to miss you tons and tons!!! Have a wonderful time, eat lots and see lots!! I Wuuuuv you very much!!! Mwaaaah :• See you when you get back!!!!
  • They're in and there's no blood or tears on any of us!!!! Pass on a kiss to sleepy head when she gets up!..........and I'm outa here! Bye bye XXX
  • Whoo Hooo things are starting out well then, crap forgot to ask if you were able to wash off the excess perfume?! LOL Have a great time @JLZ-666 and I will pass it on to sleepy head!! :D Mwaaaah love you!! :•
  • Good night @all :)
  • JLZ!! Sleepy head is finally a wake!! hee hee, Sending you a ton of good and happy vibes to get you thru the flight. Have a safe trip sweety!! and most of all ENJOY!!! Mwaaah kisses!
  • Kimmie night night, have a fab pillow walk and a long and amazing stay in dreamland!
    btw sniff sniff... whats that smell??? I thought JLZ left already? hahaha
  • *poof* Hello @all! Who's here?
  • @Kathy -- A trade sounds good, but only for a couple of weeks or so. My bro-in-law lives near Boston, and he can't play golf for several months each year, and he plays in the rain and COLD! I actually played an entire round with him in the rain in LA -- Never again!
    @JLZ666 -- Have fun and be sure to write a trip report, complete with pics. We are going to Budapest the end of Sept, also Vienna and Paris. Never been to Budapest or Vienna before, so any tips from anyone much appreciated. Are you going to spend an entire 2 weeks in Budapest?
    @lindajh -- I probably even welcomed you to the BP before. Hope you stop by more often. It's @mumsie's handicap that is going down; mine is going up. : (( My excuse is that I had (have?) back problems and didn't play for more than a year. But it sure is time to make a change in direction. Will have to look up the courses you mentioned. Check out Mumsie's location on the map in the map group.
  • Nothing to say, nothing to do... So what now? Well, I am just popping in to so hi and good morning/night! I'm off flinging!(Again) :D
  • Did the winner of the BP quiz ever get announced @rdnzlrips82?
  • Wow this has got to be the slowest weekend in the BP for alooong time maybe forever so far..
    OB I'll have Sunupper please:)
    @angermanagement not sure who won, try pm Ripsy..did you send in answers ¿ To Ripsy pm.
  • My first Mooroy comic is now up!
  • *taps fingers on table* aahem ah just kidding thanks@AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I've been waiting lol:)
    *Poofs to mooroy :)*
  • Hahahaha...Roflmao very clever @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster :) :)
  • Tonight's random posting, sings "Bear Down, Chicago Bears!". Happy Days are here again...
  • The Pats are down by 1 with a minute to go..*holding breath*
  • Da Bears * lol ..
  • 3 point kick:) !!!!! Woohooo !! *Da Pats*
  • And it's wins all around, cheers @Kathy !
  • Cheers @Lindajh *clink*
  • *Gasp!* @Kathy nice, go pats! Is my new Gravatar working?
  • Nerp... I'll fix it!
  • Okay! There! How does it look? Ahh it is a shame the whole pic didn't fit! Oh well! Listening to ABBA awww yeah! Any one here?
  • I got a new avatar too! It's the "Shooting Star" from my first Mooroy Comic. Read the comic at!
  • Any time now, Gravatar...
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