The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1848
  • @JLZ666 thanks wow what a beautiful view!!! Happy you had a fun day:) you must be exhausted. Have a safe commute home:)
  • I can't believe it! Achievements for android! I really wish I knew where my nook was!
  • I'm in a good mood, I think I'll have some pig ears!
    I wonder what the pigs will think of us when they see the BP menu. I don't think it would be pretty, especially now that they can get their revenge.
  • What!!! Did i hear achievements for Android @theanonymoussomeone?
  • We are well protected from the piggies here at the BP no need to worry, trust me they've tried and lost. Ripsy got lots of tricks Up his sleeve:)
  • Okey dokey. And yes @kathy, there are achievements in-game for SW2 on Android. Finally we have even more goals!
  • Do you like my avatar? (It's only on the main site. I stopped trying gravatar long ago)
  • That's awesome:) ill go to main site to see your avatar? How come trouble with gravatar again i forget? @theanonymousesomeone
  • I can't find it:( i went to your profile but is gone to Rio lol
    Do you have a different name on main site? Don't worry this happens to me all the time
  • No problem @kathy! I forgot to take one when we were through for my birthday. Just slurping down some espresso and biscotti so I'll be wide awake in no time;) Also just realised I seem to have aquired the power of time travel!!! It's only Friday....not Saturday! Good grief I'm throwing my weekend away lol!
  • Thanks @JLZ666 sorry i got called away:) lol yep only Friday:) enjoy:)
  • hahahaaha TGIF JLZ!! You got me scared hahahaha... I was on my way to flinging, but saw your comment and needed a few seconds to let it sink in and try to remember where the time has gone! LOL

    Ow and @mvnla2 really??? bulbs in the freezer?? hmm need to google that one, really curious as to why they need to freeze up at some point.

    Okay I am really out of here and going to kick some bacon behinds ;)
  • Good evening my fellow Flingers

    Yes, @e-star, @mvnla2 is correct. Bulbs can be stored in the freezer until it's time to put them in the ground. This "fools" the bulbs into thinking they're in frozen ground. For myself, I have never put them in the freezer. I just plant them whenever the planting guide says I should for my climate zone (Riverside, Calif). They come up in the spring, at various times, so I always have blossoms all the way into early summer. Good luck with your revisit to Mooncake. Now, go kick some swine behind!

    So, now I'm off to finish Abra-Ca-Bacon, after being stuck for two days (!) on level 2-5.

    Have a good evening, and a terrific weekend!
  • Arghhhh !!!! OB can i please have a double PigKiller I'm never getting through ToT never..never..never:( 2-9 I'm stuck:( but afraid to move only too be stuck again
    Go ahead Hunnybunny laugh..i dare ya;) hee hee
    Looks like i missed girls night out last night and in no possible way on God's green earth, am i going to even try to reply or even try to say i kept Up reading any of it lol i did try but i got dizzy hee hee thanks again @JLZ666 for remembering the castles:) beautiful
    O.k I'm sucking down this PigKiller and going in..
    Ohhhh i actually heard from an old friend:) hopefully he will pop his head in here over the weekend..but I'm not telling, many of the newbies haven't met him but I'm sure everyone will welcome him with open arms:)
  • @SweetP -- Didn't know you were in Riverside! We're almost neighbors (in the ABN sense). I live in LA. I've never planted real tulip bulbs, I always thought they wouldn't bloom. I love tulips; have some every week from the farmers' market when they're available. I think Riverside, although a lot hotter than LA, might be colder in the "winter" ?
  • Ohh again I'm sorry for my absence sorry i missed you @sweetpea but alas my flashlight is way over worn tonight.i finally got that pesky level and am off to dreamland..
    *places flashlight (quite beaten) on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Happy Flinging Pahtnah..i finally beat that pesky level so i pass the lucky clover to you so that you can overcome those bacon bits :)
    Nighty night happy weekend:)
  • I know it's not Tuesday, but wwwwwwwhhhhhhhhiiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee, I just need 90 more points to complete Red Planet 5-28, any advice would be appreciated.
    I wonder if the Whine-factor works.
  • @kathy I am definitely not laughing. I have a list of levels that need "significant improvement" sounds better than "stuck" but means exactly the same!
    I'm outta here, we're away with friends for the weekend, and I should not be birding ;-)
  • Hi and bye @fbb
    sorry I've not played Red Planet so can't help
  • @mvnla2 thanks for the info, I'm not good with bulb stuff, I stick em in the ground Ahh whenever and forget about them, if they pop up I'm always surprised because I forget where I planted them!!

    @sweetpea are you frikken kidding me??? Try 5 DAYS and COUNTING on a level, then ill take you seriously!!! ;/ Glad to see you popping in again!! :)

    Mavelous castle @JLZ-666! I'm glad you put the pic in here! I'm thinking its time I poofed to my getaway castle! Need to play with my ghosties!! :)

    *does a super buff and shine on Kathy's flashlight and Replaces batteries Again ;) Sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    @tas like your new avy!! :)

    So this weekend is Supposed to be the airshow!! I say supposed to be because usually the jets are flying over our house morning to early evening Wednesday to Friday as practice and I haven't seen 1 jet up in the air?!! Have no clue WTH is up, guess ill know tomorrow!

  • Hi @hunnybunny, I hope Mr. Rat can help me with that.
  • Ack! @fbb I haven't played it either, sorry I can't help you. :(

    @hb have a great time!!!
  • Happy Saturday(it is Saurday right?) Morning!
    @fbb I'll have a look at the level,haven't played it for a while.
    @mvnla @sweetpea really? In the freezer? WOW! Nope we don't have to do that over here lol! Give it a couple of months and our ground could give any freezer a run for its money ;)
    Hey @kimmie! Yep I think it's time for you to come over and visit your holiday home! It's getting dark at around 7-30pm and your fave weather is on its way ;) Just sent you a ding about last night. Not much to report really. We weren't overly impressed but the walk around Edinburgh on a lovely evening was nice :) it's a great city. Last weekend off before work *sob* House is clean,garden done so just going to chill and enjoy! Hubby just left for golf so I'm home alone and loving it lol!! Ok going to look at red planet.
  • What a nice surprise, @mvnla2 that we are neighbors! I moved here (Sun City) 3 years ago from San Diego.

    Yes, it has been scorching hot here lately! During the winter it does get pretty cold, and I usually plant my bulbs in November. Last year we did have a few overnight temps in the low 30's and it was quite a challenge between the changes from cold-hot-warm-cold-freezing-warm, etc.

    My tulips, lilies, hyacinths did not know whether to bloom or keep growing! I managed to save some of it by digging them up and replanting in pots, feeding them with B1 and hoping for the best. I then dug up the bulbs after they were done growing and stored them to replant this year.

    I think it's cool you live near to Farmer's Market to get your fresh tulips! It's been quite a long time since I've been there, but I remember the beautiful flowers that were always available. If you want to try your hand at growing your own bulbs, try Amarylis. They're the easiest to grow indoors. Or, narcissus (paper whites) you can grow in a vase.

    Anyway, have a good weekend and see you around the Nest!
  • Heydy Ho @JLZ-666!! Aww I read it, sorry the whine didn't pan out like you'd hoped it would, but at least you turned it into a lovely time!! Can't believe how fast hols go!! :( Blink and they're gone! But you had a fantastic trip And you got loads of stuff done And now you get to relax the rest of your hols!! :D
  • @fbb that's a stinker all right. I've only got 146k on that level I'm afraid so can't help much. Its all about maximum damage on this one I think. Try @lesleyg strat and see if that helps. She very rarely let's us down! GL
    Hey @kimmie! Yeah well,they'll get our feed back so we'll see what they think. It was a lovely night though and the meal before it was great so not all bad :) I'm still sitting in my Jammie's in the garden watching a neighbour wash his car and another cut his grass so I'm feeling slightly more chilled knowing all my work is done! My mind still wants to do things I mad? I've forgotten how to be lazy! Need to hear the AB tune then all will be fine and I can lose myself for a few hours ;)
  • Arghhhh! Just got an email from a travel company we use for our "special" holidays! Yikes,they pick their times:( We do a biggie every 2nd year and that's next year woohoo!! Looks like I'll have some great reading to do this afternoon! Haahaaaa! I'm just picturing hubby on the golf course at the moment thinking "crap.....something bad is happening!!!"
  • LOL yes you are mad @JLZ-666!! If listening to the AB song gets you motivated to be unmotivated well then Get On It!!! :D I'm glad you turned the night around and enjoyed yourself!! :)
  • Yes, it is Saturday morning @JLZ-666. Happy Saturday everyone!

    @kimmiecv Oh geez, you poor girl - 5+ days?!? That sounds more like torture! You have more patience than I do, that's for sure. I usually give up after three days on the same level. In fact, there are a couple I need to revisit because I can't even get the average score. Not looking forward to them, either. Anyway, have a great time at the airshow if it's still on this weekend.

    WTG @kathy for finishing that pesky level. Nighty-night, and sweet dreams to you.

    Good luck @JLZ-666 in red planet. Brrr...that sounds really cold! I'll bet you could build a snowman in November and he'd still be there in March! I love the winter months. Looking forward to cozy nights sipping hot cocoa and snuggling on the sofa with hubby to watch movies. ;-)

    Well, it's time for my head to hit my pillow.

    Have a good night (morning?) everyone, and happy flinging!

  • Good grief!!!!!! Seriously!!! Triple posts??? Can we say Echowowow Echowowow Echowowow Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa
  • IKR @sweetpea!!! I'm seriously certifiable!! :/ I've given it a break after 5 solid days, ill have to go back but I couldn't take it anymore!!!
    Sleep well!! :)
  • Sorry @kimmie could you repeat that? lol!! Yeah I'll no doubt get blamed for a bad round! Ooooooo I'm seeing deserted beaches,bikinis and sundowners........yep he'd better be afraid!
    @sweetpea I think it was 2 years ago when we had a record breaking cold winter that one of our street snowmen......yeah we build them with our's a long story;) one lasted till April! Sweet dreams!
  • @kimmie he actually wants to do a Cali road trip but that would mean next September. We tend to go tropical in Feb/March and as that seems closer I'm going to try to edge him towards that one. Although there's a HUGE lure in California ;)
  • HAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAA be careful what you ask for JLZ-666! I may repeat 10xs!!! :D I'm eating a fudge cycle in hopes of cooling off!! :/ So a deserted beach eh?! I'd think he'd be jumping for joy!! ;D
  • WTH is a fudge cycle?!!!
  • OMG can you imagine!! Highway 101 is awful fun!!! *wink wink!!* :D Now That would be Fuuuun!! Hahahaa
  • It's a frozen fudge bar!! YUMMMMY nice cold chocolate!!! Mmmmmmmmmmm
  • My mind's on overdrive????!! Yeah that highway could take us to some great places! He's also a fan of deserted beaches though so I don't think I'd have to nudge him too hard! Thought he would hate them the first time we did it but nope......he found his inner slob!
  • Ooooooo sounds nice! Strange name though;) thought it was a typo!
  • Oh like a Popsicle but fudge?
  • Dunno why they call them that?! But OMG they are delish!! So where's this deserted beach at? Which one did you get him hooked on? How do you get it deserted?!
  • I've had waaaaay too much coffee,I'm twittering to myself!
  • *Snicker* that's funny JLZ-666!! :D twittering to ones self, I do that all the time and I don't drink coffee!! LOL :D Yep it's that exactly frozen fudge but I think my phone changed it up! Just reread what it wrote!! No wonder your confused!!
  • We found the Maldives a few years ago Kimmie and fell in love! They really are paradise! I was worried he'd be bored but we discovered snorkelling and (for him) diving so it was just the best of both worlds. Omg I want to go back! I'll have to look out some photos for have to see it to believe it :-D
  • Phone ringing brb
  • Niiiice!!! Yes please do!! :) So is that where you'll be heading? Or another deserted island/beach?!
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