The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1850
  • Page change YEEEEEAH
  • And doh!! Not till tomorrow haha i forgot it was Saturday:) whew!!
  • @Kathy maybe I'll pull a Rovio and release it early ;)

    EDIT: Now check the website @kathy!
  • I know I already started a discussion about this, but has anyone here upgraded to ios7 and lost all of their progress, even though the stars were still there?
  • @Blahalb09 I can't get iOS 7 because Apple's not even willing to upgrade a 4th gen iPod! I was really angry at first but now I'm starting to wonder if I should be...
  • @ABSM ios 7 looks cool, but once you get it, you have to get used to it and they changed a lot of things.
  • My brother @SpaceMaster and I both drew our avatars! How do they look?
  • Ooh thanks @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster headed there now
    Hi @blahalb09 Brb
  • oh, yes, it is a HUGE difference. iOS 7 looks great and all, but I don't think that they should say my iPod is too OLD!!! It's a 4th generation, got it last year! Now I can't update it!?!?! It is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blasphemy!
  • Oh Thank you, @blahblalb09! ABSM would say thank you too, but I have the computer! MWAHAHA! lol :D
  • Ahahah !!! Good one @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster:)
    Ok battery low gotta plug in and hit airplane mode BbFNMCBLID;)
  • Oohh hi @bubbleslover the avy looks great:) good job..see ya soon
  • I have to go... sadly. *sigh* Well, so long folks!
  • @bubbleslover the 4th gen is 3 years old, which according to apple is old. I guess they retire a device after 3 years, since the ipad 2(the device i have now) is only 2 years old.
  • Oh! OH!!!! I am so excited!!!

    I just found a very repeatable 1-bird strategy for ABO 23-13! Yippeeeee!

    So far, a few people lucked into a 1-bird, and possibly a few others who did, did it by strategy, but did not share. But since I like you all so much... I BLABBED!!! Hahahahhahahahahahaha!!!
  • @BPC congrats!!! And thanks for blabbing hee hee:)
    I'm in Tot 2-10 all day and last night..send me some luck:)
  • All my luck to you tonight @Kathy! You deserve it!

    It is So, SO satisfying to post a strategy others were too greedy to share! In my AB world, I live for moments like this :D
  • Thanks @BPC yes that's a great feeling:) i don't understand why peeps are so unwilling and greedy to share With the rest's part of the fun:)
    I'll check it out tomorrow:) right now i want to conquer this stupid stick level and get some sleep lol..thanks for the good luck vibes:)
  • Omg i just went out to smoke and had to fight of an attack moth lol..i swear he was dive bombing me, when i swatted him, he regrouped on the corner of the porch waited then attacked me again lol..never seen anything like
  • Good night all:) breakfast with my daughter in the morning, so i wrong be around till later on. Have a great Sunday morning all:)
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Sorry i missed ya this morning Pahtnah have a great night happy flinging
    *passes the lucky baton that BPC gave over to Kimmiecv:)
  • @Kathy have a wonderful time with your daughter! :) Thanks for the lucky baton! I can use it for sure!!
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    @mvnla2 have a super great time!! Can't wait to hear how fun it was!! :)
  • Hello, lurkers?
  • It all started 14 hours ago at 4:30 in the morning. My parents woke me up so we could get to our church's annual yard sale, where a bunch of people from our church bring their junk so they can sell it. An overnight storm covered the ground in a fresh coat of rainwater. At 5:00, we left for the church. We made history and arrived first for something for once. As I laid down on one of the building's cushioned benches, my dad poured water on my head and made me help mark out each "lot" in the parking lot. Basically my dad extended some measuring tape to 8 feet (2.6 meters) and marked a wet chalk line at 8 foot intervals while barking nonsense at me. Each "lot" marked the spot where you were assigned to put your junk to sell. It was aggravating and tiring work of having to put the end of the tape measure perfectly on one line so the Great Almighty Dad could mark another. Finally we were done, but then we had to go BACK to our house and get some of OUR stuff to sell. Then I had to help get out the boxes, blah blah.
  • Sorry it took so long to post storytime! I had to leave for something. Anyway, after being forced to help in my dad's booth, I finally got to do the thing I was excited about: helping with the concession stand. Me and four of my friends from band and my mom ran it to raise money for the band's trip to Disneyworld in February. It was a 7 hour time frame of cooking, selling, and advertising food which indirectly involved a 50¢ banana suit. Finally we were done, so we helped take down tables and tents. Me, Trey, his sister Nicki, his even younger and very spoiled sister Laura, Shelby, her young-but-not-baby brother Parker, Connor, and Jordan all came over to our house so we could actually do something besides cooking. We eventually took the lizards, Rocky and Rusty, outside. Trey's mom had never really seen them before, and shw FREAKED OUT. Now, I usually bring them down when a new guest is here anyway, but I didn' even think about that. But she screamed like 61497 needles were poking her, and I couldn't stop laughing, even though it was very rude. Eventually we put up the lizards and my friends tried out my pogo stick. I showed them how to do it and even bounced without my hands on the bars a few times. Somehow a huge water war ensued, and after being drenched everyone went home and all took showers. After I finished mine I started on this story and my mom left to pick,something up. Later my dad dragged me to Lowe's, and I complained about it. Well, my dad gave me a 30 minute lecture on how I never do any wwork. He tried to make sense, but it didn't really work when I spent a school day's worth of time cooking food. Anyway, story's over. So how's life?
  • @jlz, @estar and @kathy, the bulbs are for the "special" garden but I think I went over the top as usual ordering so some will go in the New landscaped area when it's done.
    The people who came to dinner are carnivores so I made the a chicken dish. The dinner was a hit!!!!! :D
  • Aarrggghhh! You come home after a weekend away only to find @kimmiecv has booted you out of the top ten in TorT
    Good flinging, girl ;-)
  • Awesome @sunshine I'm sure the gardens will be beautiful as usual:) and of course your dinner was a hit!! You being the wonderful hostess with the mostess:)
    @theanonymousesomeone thanks for story time:) , you tell a very good story,i could picture myself there amongst the hustles and bustling eager yard salers:)
    And funny storey about Rocky & Rusty:)
    Aww @Hunnybunny :( Kimmiecv sure is on fire:)
  • Just returned from breakfast with my daughter,e were late because we woke up and realized we had left the car windows open overnight and guess what happened?
    Took some time to try and vacuum, but ended up sitting on towels the whole ride, and i have a damp butt!! Gotta go change
  • Poor @hunnybunny. Anyway, I found my nook! Now to wait an hour while it charges up. You see, I don't actually have a nook color charger, and anything else takes super long. I literally measured once when my nook had no battery left, and it took an hour to charge 10 percent, the amount it needs to be at if it's off and has less than that. BTW I would have uploaded the storytime drawing I made, but my phone won't let me.
  • Oh good you found your nook@theanonymousesomeone :) can you use it at 10%¿ I can't use my phone that low
  • :( error box playing hide n' seek..
  • Curse that error box.
    Error box: (sob) No one likes me! (sob, sob) Why was I ever even coded? It's not (sob) like anyone (sob) cares!
  • Whine. MoE 5-15. What an annoying fling & pray level.
  • I was just told I am suffering from ABCD - Angry Birds Compulsive Disorder since I've been switching between my iPad and iPhone to play while one is charging... I'm not sure how I feel about that.
  • Interesting story @tas

    @Kathy I'm freaking a bit!!! I promised e-star tonight and tomorrow night No AB/phone after 2am!!! Me no likey!! But I have a great series I'm going to reread tonight (well Not the whole series! But I'm starting over so I'm back into it for the new books in the series!) Ahhhh no AB! No phone! No shining from electronics!! Argh!!! :O
    Sounds like you had a great time with your daughter! I'm happy to hear if! :)

    @HB erm sorry bout that! ;) I was on a roll with a particular level and seriously was aiming for 1k more but it ended up being a whopping just under 7k! Freaked me out big time!!

    I feel your pain @abcrazy, I'm on one of those now! :/
    @jtb make the best of it I say!! Your in good company here!! ;)

    Ok off to get dinner cooked! Have a 2am apt with my pillow and a book! Ack!!!

  • 'Breaks in..kicks error box to the corner..arggghhh!#
    I missed you @Kimmiecv ..good girl:) , no phone no bright your book:)
    Wish i could do the same.darn now I'm dinging you:(
    Crap ok gnite luv ya Pahtnah breathe breathe out
    Shut off the phone;)
    I'll fill you in , on the breakfast and sis info tomorrow..
    Nighty night..sweet sweet dreams
  • @Kathy my dinger seems to be on the fritz, it didn't go off! But it's only 8:30 here so still have time (I hope after dinner and cleaning is done!) to fling some! :) Can't wait to hear how it went! Ill pop in to take care of business (nightly ritual) before I sob sign off :,(
    Why can't you do the same? Hey it's like 11:30 where you are missy!! And it (Blecky!) Monday tomorrow! Oooh baaaad Kathy baaaad LOL ;D
  • Awww your right so oooo right lol i was just thinking that lol;)
    Ok one last ciggie and I'm out..:( is so hard to put the darn thing down..but o.k i will..turn in flashlight in 10 minute:(
  • Annnnd that's sounding just like me!!! Hahahaa enjoy your ciggy and a few more flings @Kathy! ;) my dinger actually dinged this time!! *snicker*
  • Ohh darn its cold out here..last ciggie the leaves are rustling the wind blowing,..:) i actually love this weather:)
  • Lol @Kimmiecv *snicker * the 10 more minute part;)
    We can just edit with dot she'll never know...hee hee
  • Nice! We don't get that lovely rust coloured leaves thing here! They go from green to falling off the branches! No in between! Can't wait for cold weather and the one hour earlier time change!! Yeay my fav time of the year!! Dark and pretty soon rain weather!!! :D
  • LOL we could certainly try! Except she's got those dang spidey senses and we'd be buuuusted for sure!! ;D
  • Oh the rain wasn't my friend this morning..left car windows open all night:(
  • Huh kinda like you do with me?!!! Can't get one past you two!! :D
  • Ahhhh yikes!!! Been there way too many times!! And my seats are material so wet wet and more wet bum!! Ouch! Add cold to that and you must have been one unhappy driver!! :/
  • What? Oh you mean what I said about you? I mean you always catch me when I stay up as your going to work!! Frikken bust me every time!!! :D
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