The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1861
  • Ahem guess it's back to mopping the floor :(
  • @hunnybunny. How did you become interested in Elie Laine?
  • @Kimmiecv I did enter my nomination! I edited my comment and said who I was nominating! It is 2 above your comment about @ABSM and I being confusing with who logs-out-and-comments-on-the-other's-thing and stuff.
  • Good morning all:)
    Have a Fantabulous Flingin' Day!!!
    Roast Pork for Dinner:) :)
  • Happy Thursday everyone! (You can see the weekend from here!)

    Just a quick note to @Kathy. I saw you mentioned you couldn't find stuff you put on your clipboard. If you're on an Android platform, try looking in your Gallery folders. That's where my stuff ends up, so take a peek.

    For your other items that you've copied into your clipboard, I found a really good app from the Play Store, "File Expert." It lets you see EVERYTHING you have on your phone and the SD card(s). I found it to be very handy when I wanted to transfer files from my phone to my hubby's phone or my computer. Hope you find those "hidden" files!
  • Have a fantastic flinging day, everyone! I'm off... So long, folks!
  • @mvnla2 my sister is a landscape historian, who moves around the world with her husbands job. She first heard of him whilst living in Paris, and started some research, but no one knew anything about him, despite the amount if work he had done. I'm a very amateur genealogist. She mentioned his name to me, and I traced his family from 1700 to a present day relative living in France. (He lived 1829-1902) We know all about his early life, his main pieces of work, and his later life and death, but there's this huge gap in the middle: how did the son of a jobbing farmer became the landscape gardener of choice for the Rothschild family and the King of Belgium?
    It's sort of taken over our lives, especially my new found ability to read 19th century French manuscripts!

    @Kathy @Kimmie @Estar shame about the Halloween avy contest. I thought, and so did @CCJolly by the sound of it, that it was a piece of harmless fun that wouldn't have put any additional work on the admins. Some people obviously put a lot of work into their avys, so recognition would have been good. BTW I nicked mine off the web and just added some fangs (I had to have fangs) and the trick or treat logo!
  • @all. Successful trek out to the Marmotton today, though they didn't have my favorite Monet on display. The special exhibit was about Napoleon and his sisters. Subject and art not my thing, but the Monets more than made up for it.
  • @Hunnybunny Well, you won your bet - I'd never heard of Elie Laine! Vaux le Vicomte is quite handy for us and we've been there several times, but I had no idea that the gardens had been totally redone. . . I guess because we were just too busy admiring it all. What a facsinating story though, a great mystery indeed. If hubz ever goes on one of his train photo safaris in that area I'll see what can do. What do you expect to find in their archives? Genealogy stuff? Or if he lived/worked there? I enjoyed the sites, yours and sis's I guess, wonderful pix. And Waddesden is lovely.
    Love your avatar, what an eerie bunny!
  • Just got home from work... Weekend for me yeahhh!

    @hunnybunny I didn't say it was not allowed or nixed, just think it would be a good idea to run it by Slim. And because I have enough on my plate I didn't offer to do so.... But Maybe he is all for it and you can go right head :)
  • @estar skipped through the comments, didn't read them all, Kimmie seemed to suggest it was a no go. I guess she skipped thru like me.........
  • And shouldn't it be hexed? Halloween after all!
  • Hi everyone,:)
    @sweetpea thanks for the info:) and Happy Anniversary a day late sorry i missed that whole page!!
    Thanks for the link @HunnyBunny Waddesodon Manor!! Wow it's amazing looks like a castle:) i do love it:)
    @mvnla2 cool sounds like your trek to Marmotton went well is it an art museum?
  • @HunnyBunny you should check with slim, I'm not sure but i think any and all forums may take up space on the site and make more traffic:) but E* didn't say no-go i think she just has enough on her plate and would rather you check with slim so he can authorize it not her?
    You could also collaborate with CCJolly maybe you could work on it together?
    Anyhoo OB I'll take a PigKiller please ToT 3-11 is killing me i may just have to duck out of thato one arghhhh Error Box :(
  • OB a nice cup of sleepy time Tea for E* please:)
  • No worries HunnyBunny I understand a skim over the comments, I did the same these last few days in the BP due to the low energy level ;)

    @kathy hi!! and huggggss! you just home or did you have the day off?
  • aww thanks Kathy, could you slip in some muscle relaxers so my back will let me actually sleep tonight?
  • @hunnybunny I did read e-stars comment, I got from it that it was a no-go, sorry if I interpreted it wrong. :/
  • To be honest I added (cc and me) to the comment, cause the "we" could have been interpreted a in me and Slim... so no worries Kimmie!! Mwaahhh!
  • *slips muscle relaxer in E* tea* gently rubs shoulders*
    Sweet Dreams E*
    Hi @kimmiecv :)
  • I left work early and get this.....had my hair permed at a real salon!! Haven't been to salon in over20 years.!!
  • Ow wowwww!! And how do you like the result?? I do get my hair done every couple of months, but they always want to "do" the hair and use every foam, blower and such out there, I usually feel like a poodle when I leave hahhaha LOL
  • Ok e-star, I feel bad I gave her the wrong info though, guess I need to reread what you said and figure out where I got it wrong. Mwaaaah :• Sorry to hear your still aching :(

    Hey @Kathy, you got a perm huh! I got them for oh I think 15 years in salons, got my hair straightened and have had Curly hair ever since!! Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa how freaky is that!! My hair went from super straight no curl Ever to curly?! LOL Do you like it? Is it spiral or more of a wave? I wanna seeee!! :D
  • Is weird lol gotta get used to it, but i like hair is so fine it always had a messy, straggly look
    But it's loose curls with my natural wave it's o.k;)
  • The stupid error box is playing hide and seek again!!:(
  • aww just blame it on the DutchEnglish this Dutchies used and no one is the wiser Kimmie LOL

    ROTLMAOF Kimmie you just have to be backwards in everything huh?! hhahahahah curl when you are going for straight LOL
  • I'll send a email:)
  • Like me trying to go back to brunettes and ending up blonde for life lol
    Guess the hair fits the personality;)
  • ROFLMAO I'm backwards in all things e-star! I've given up trying to correct it, but yep Years of perms only to find out I just needed them to straighten it to get the curls I was always paying them for!!! :D
    It sounds nice Kathy! I have super fine hair too :( but thankfully I have a lot of super fine hair so it's not straggly, especially since it's now past my bum! I gotta get a trim soon though! ;)
  • I still can't believe i have this Awesome Avatar ....o can't stop looking at it...sorry it's just soooooo me!,;)
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa funny Kathy!! I actually went blond for oh maybe 5 years, hey did you have a salon try to recolour it? I was platinum at the end but my girl was still able to get my hair back to brown/red so I could start to let it grow out. Yeahhhh a picture!!! :D
  • Sorry bout that outburst lol:/
    That's good hair kimmiecv past your bum it's why it doesn't get straggly the weight even though fine keeps it down;)
  • That's the sign that your avy fits you Perfectly!! I can't stop looking at mine even though it's been a long time since e-star gave it to me!! :) And now the Halloween avy has me super hooked!!! :D
  • Hmm no kimmiecv i tried to do it myself, maybe the salon i should try lol..i always cut and color myself..
  • hahahaha so you are also backwards Kathy LOL getting blond after a treatment to go brunette hahahahah
  • They actually have to strip your hair of all pigment, Then they colour it, that's why you need to go to a salon @Kathy otherwise you could ruin your hair and end up with a buzzzzz cut!! So yeah if you Really want to go dark again do it professionally!! Much safer that way!
  • Ikr it's so cool when you look at avy and it just is YOU!!
    E* has us pegged to a T;)
  • hihihi love that you love your Avy Kathy, as does Kimmie, so don't apologize for the outburst, I can almost see you jumping from joy :D
  • The Error Box Haunting Me!! Ahah bring on the roly Guy hheee heeee hoooo
    The backwards AB Twins:;););)
  • Yep E* it just loves me and me love it Evertime lol i log on just to see it haha
    Ok error box giving me fits!!! Gonna go fling
    Sweet Dreams E* (((((((( hugs))))))
    Hit the pillows;) see ya tomorrow
  • [[[hugggs]]] Kathy and kick some bacon!
    Going to walk the walk now... Pillow here I come!

    Kimmie, here is my flashlight, I promised myself to turn in before midnight... have 1 minute to go, don't think I am going to keep my promise to myself LOL
    thanks for the safe keeping and catch you soon! mwaaah!

    thgin! thgin! backwards twins LOL
  • It's her weekend @Kathy, she doesn't have to hit the pillows so early. And she gets to sleep in tomorrow, at least that's what she said...........;) have erm fun? Flinging! I swear ToT is sucking the life outta me!
  • Hahaaaaa cute @e-star! I hope you sleep well!! And feel really good when you wake up!!! :)
    Mwaaaah :• likely see you when you Do get up!! *Snicker* that's just odd!! :D
    *replaces batteries and shines e-stars flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out special healing candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • I know Kimmie and normally I would never turn in this early, but my back is killing me and the 5 hours I had with all the waking up from not being able to find a comfy way to relieve the pain really didn't do me much good, so I am hoping the muscle relaxer Kathy slipped in my tea will work like a charme and I can sleep like a rose :D
  • I hope you do @e-star! I know all too well how horrid it is when your tired but not able to sleep! So rest up good, maybe take some aspirin to relieve the ache some! Sleep well my Sweet Dutchie Friend!! See ya when you wake up!! Mwaaaah :•
  • Hair? Why are we all doing the same stuff? My super fine hair was cut last week, unsure about colour, naturally dark blond / pale brownish. Absolutely no red tones whatsoever. Spent five days looking at the other half, asking Blonde? Brunette? Diplomatically, he said up to you. Went blonde today. But mine is super short, not super long, down to bum length!
    @kimmiecv that long hair just totally killed my mental image of you ha ha Guess I'll never know!
    @all goodnight
  • Sleep like a rose? Hahaha sorry haven't heard that expression in that way;)
    Sleep tight;)
    Yep kimmie tot sucking the life out of me to:( we shoulda went to Rio haha oh well we'll get it done;)
    Good luck Pahtnah!!! OB a couple Sunuppers to go please and whatever my Twin waNts ;)
  • Huh what did you picture @hunnybunny? I'm always curious what's in a persons head!! LOL Are you liking the full blonde? I had fun being blonde but was happy to go back to normal! And I cut my hair to super short for a while but I've always been a loooong hair type of gal!! :)
  • Thanks @Kathy a Sunupper for me too!! Argh can't wait to move on and then complain about That bunch of games! LOL :D
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