The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1860
  • I will find a practice room, like e-star said before don't want to fill the page with practice stuff:)
    I think i know where there's one lol;) ;)
  • LOL @Kathy!! Pretty easy once you get the hang of it yeah?! Just remembering what goes where if your not doing it all the time, for me is the worst part! :)

    @hunnybunny Halloween contest sounds fun however not sure why you'd need everyone PMing you when they can just put their votes in the forum and since you started the forum you can keep a tally by updating a list in your opening statement. You may want to weed through to last years ACT contest as it was pretty much done that way when CC did it last year, he did eventually add the avys but it started out as just a list of names with the votes next to it. You would have to friend everyone who voted the other way and you may not want to go that far for a fun contest. Just a thought. :)
  • Yep @Kathy it's not that tough, except if you don't use it a lot, then you tend to forget what it should look like, that's why I keep my numpty 101 email handy!! ;)
  • Good thinking @kimmiecv on the contest of HunnyBunny rather than pm;)
  • Yeah the whole PM thing would make for a nightmare that she doesn't need to go through for the contest when everyone can just say what the vote for right there.
  • Arghhh !!!i have to switch between 3 keyboard i got Mixed up lol..
  • If my stupid note pad thing worked right I could save the info there for all the fun HTML stuff but it keeps erasing all of it in a couple days and I have no options in setting to keep it from erasing! Stupid if you ask me! What goods a note if you can't Find the dumb thing!!! :/
  • ?¿ Roflmao span ok no more practice here:)
    Yep that would be a nightmare pm from who knows who voting!!
  • I can type quickly just can't colour quickly because I don't do it enough!!! :/
  • Really? I was gonna get the Samsung note but i think I'm not gonna anyway, but glad you said that's just another reason.. This stupid/smartphone saves stuff to clipboard but i have NO idea how to retrieve it lol!!
  • I couldn't find purple when I looked at the chart so it likely wouldn't have worked :( you have to use magenta?! Seriously?!?! WTH is wrong with Purple!!! LOL
  • E-star is able to save stuff on her notepad and find it without erasing, not sure other than I have a lower form of Hoodoo Voodoo in my phone that mucks stuff up!!
  • Hopefully I'm getting a tablet for my birthday:) i just found a cloud program for Android:) gotta check it out but it could work for transferring all my stuff so phone matches tablet:) :)
  • Ya but E* a techno Genius don't forget ;)
  • Niiiice!! I couldn't get cloud to work for my phone?! We can't figure out why it won't work either, so no cloud for me, have to sync the old fashioned way! :/
  • Roflmao could you imagine us in a real bar trying to chat..i just saw your comment about purple!!!;) we d be the only ones who understood each other answering 3 questions back Haraha
  • Hard to forget when her cool stuff is everywhere you look, including our avys!! :F
  • I'm hoping it works:) ko gotta get some flinging in.IM soooo far behind 3-11 is killing me 3k i need:( can't wait to get the heck out of tot!!
  • Hard to forget what?
  • Ohhh lol that E* a techno genius lol;)
  • That e-star is a tech genius!! ;D
  • Ahgahaha the roolllyyyy Guy:) :) your right they would hahahaha
  • JINXS!! LOL Sunupper on @Kathy OB!! Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa
  • Ok now we saying the exact same thing at exact same crying right now..roflmao
  • OB 2 Sunuppers please on me:) lo Kimmie when you jinxed my whole forum went wonky wierd was a list kinda?
  • Ok good luck with that awful level!! I'm STUCK on 2-12 big time!! And it's time to start dinner! Go get em Pahtna!!!
  • Sstttooooppp ROFLMAO !!!
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa :D
    Ooopsy I woke up your Hoodoo Voodoo with the Jinxs!!! :O
  • Ok enjoy dinner hmm 2-12 not remember I'll look..ooohhh need to edit haha i was thinking out loud!! Haha see you in the morning!! Better not;)
  • Crap it's after 11 :( ooh well a couple flings won't hurt..
  • You don't remember it because you hit #3 and won't Ever have to look at it again @Kathy!! LOL *Snicker* you did stop yourself before you finished!!! :D
  • Erm @Kathy it's veeeery likely I will be up when your up again after you......FINALLY go to bed!!!! :D
  • Ohhh seems like we do the o pposite on some levels you kick pig butt and i can't, then vices versa..
  • K ;) I'll see you in the morning promise i wont sneak up on ya;)
  • Yep or we both end up with scores wicked close to each other!! LOL weird!!! :D
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa yeahhh sure @Kathy!! :D Go fling! Time is ticking away!! ;) See you Ahh maybe when you get up?! ;D
  • I know lol we ends up the same at the end;) AB Twins;)
  • Okey Dokey Pahtnah:) enjoy you dinner:)
    ((( hug))) I'll turn in the flashy in a bit;)
  • Yep we do end up in close numbers at the end!! :) Off you go! Ill be back to take care of your flashlight later tonight! Hope you kick serious bacon butt!!! :) (((hug)))
  • ;) BBFNMCBLIDK :) hee hee :) see ya....
  • Goodmorning all! Justa fly by, cause I need to get to work :/ muscle ache still not gone, but mweeeh it will be fine. Anyway, @hunnyBunny and Kimmie, before you make a new thread (which is better than a PM contest indeed) know this, CC jolly asked me about maybe making a thread for the Halloween avys as well, I advised him to check in with Slim first, given the fact there will be simularity with the Contest thread it self. After some back and forth we (cc and me) decided not to test the limits of the forum halls ;)
  • Awwww really have to run... By all!
  • Well there you go! Thanks for the info @e-star! :) I hope your work day flys and your feeling better by the end of it! Stay warm! Weird to say since I'm frikken warm here because it's Hot here!! :/

    Sorry @hunnybunny, but it was a fun idea! :)
  • @bubbleslover please don't forget to put your nomination back in the ACT forum, it's on the wall but you haven't reentered your nomination yet, thank you! :)
Post in the New Forum!