The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1859
  • Night @kathy who is naaaauty!!! Ooooh baaaad late night girl!!
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
    Ok back to dishes!! :/
  • Haven't been around all day, my husband and I had been celebrating our anniversary today. L♥ve that man so much!

    Yes, @annifrid it's still Tuesday here for a few minutes on the West Coast. So be my guest and whhhiiiinnnnnnneeeeeeeeee away!
    Whew, now that I got that off my chest. OB, I'd like to order a triple espresso please, and a cinnamon roll.

    @Kathy, here's a certificate for a spa treatment to help you relax and revitalize those flinging fingers. Good luck, my friend!
    @kimmiecv - Sounds like that birdie has got her feathers all in a bind. Why don't you shake her cage and tell her to start dropping that egg when YOU say so! LOL. Hope she straightens those feathers out soon!

    Well, off to bed for me. Got a busy day of rescuing our fellow birds in Rio tomorrow.

    G'night everyone, and happy flinging to all of you!

  • @ABcrazy--Sorry you got this crud too. Every time I cough it shoots pains throughout my neck, upper back, shoulders, and arms. And I can't stop coughing!!! It's getting better. I looked at my Space leaderboards today @kimmiecv. Yuck. At least I looked. It's a start.
  • Lovely Hallowe'en banner at the top!
    @HarryStar: great avatar!
    @Kathy @Kimmie Oh that infuriating White Bird! Egg-bound for sure. Or maybe needs a pair of specs. . .
    @EStar and @all with colds: settle down in the Snug (all good pubs have one) and have some spicy mulled wine or hot toddy to chase those evil Vader bugs away!
  • @rat. Glad your cold is getting better, but not nearly fast enough.
    @TomPuss. Off to marmotton today. Hoping we can bring a little rainless weather to paris.
    @estar. Love the new banner.
    @all. Please blame all typos, terseness, lack of emotocons on iPad.
  • @sweetp and @tompuss I not only rattled her cage but I tried to wring her neck too but she's so Fat she hasn't Got a Neck!! Stupid Crack Head!!! :/
    @rat9 I've had the crud for going on 2 weeks now, it's tricked me as of yesterday 3 times making me think I'd gotten rid of it only to wake up feeling miserably sick Again!! Rat it is promising that your at least looking at your space boards!! Might be you'll head over there to take your crown back sooner than those that are feeling a false sense of security think!! ;) I'm sorry it's racking your body to all kinds of new heightened pain though :( I truly hope you get over it soon!!
  • E-star sweet!!! Glad your awesome banner is up and it looks Maaaavelous!!!! :D
  • mwaahh thanks Kimmie, thought you might enjoy more spookiness around the Nest. BL updated it last night ermmmm... your todays afternoon lol :)
  • Thanks @TomPuss did you spot it that fast or did you see Birdleaders activity update? And thanks for the tip, but I do not like spicy wine, so maybe I will try the hot toddy... @rat I hear ya, my upper body is killing me too... not only with the coughing, but also with the sneezing that has returned from the curb as well... not sure what super bug is causing this, but it must a sneaky one... didn't see this one coming at all! Sorry to hear your boards are slipping, I can not fling much either, can't find a comfortable position to sit in and fling at the same time. Anyway, hang in there when you return in full force we all know Space Rat is going in for the kill ;)
  • Thanks @mvnla love making them :D Hope your flight was a good one and you are enjoying yourself!
  • Good morning @all
    Get well soon, those with the bug
    Don't take Mister Rat too seriously, he's already creeping up the Cosmic Crystal leader board!
  • You know I love spooky!! :D It's very fun to look at e-star! If only Halloween lasted longer than a month!!
  • @EStar Oh I spotted it straightaway! As soon as I didn't see Luke anymore over *Forum*. I do love the Hallowe'en decors. Take care and get well soon!
  • @mvnla2 Enjoy Marmottan! Yes, the forecast's looking better and about time too. We just had to switch on the central heating to get the dampness out of the house.
    Thanx to you and the other girls for holiday reading suggestions.
    Gotta run, boring domestic stuff to do. Bye!
  • Morning HunnyBunny!
    And Kimmie I do love me my skeletons for sure, we don't have a big thing with Halloween it self, but I do love the theme :D
    @TomPuss thanks for the well wishes and hope the domestic stuff is done in a jiffy for ya!
  • I'm playing the challenge this morning. Even those hated snowy blocks make a welcome change from TorT!
  • I know e-star we have that in common for sure!! :)
    HB that's a very scary thought and yet I totally understand!! Good luck!
  • Ah so the snow is the challenge for today? Well good luck with that HB! I am off to make a hot tea and some aspirin, maybe it will help and I can tackle the rest of the day without letting it go to waste ;)
  • AHHHH @ABSM didn't log out so I nominated an avatar on his! I'm sorry, @E-Star, this must be getting annoying! :[
    EDIT: @E-Star I will be off soon, so just delete the comment and I'll nominate later. Have a fantabulous flinging day!
  • @EStar Would love a telepod to do domestic stuff. . .
  • @TomPuss Funny, reminding me of Telepods, I wonder if my brother finally has the hang of it! (I somehow get the Telepods to work, but he can't!)
  • Bubbles I already did :D right after the notification... so just make the nomination again and it will be all set... I already put the avy up on the wall :D
  • Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  • TomPuss I would love anything to do the domestic stuff right about now :/ but unfortunately I can wait till I turn blue in the face. I will still have to...
    So I am off doing as little as possible, but just enough for it to look tidy ;)
    By all!
  • No problem Bubbles :) must be difficult sharing one device, maybe santa will bring a second one so you each have your own?
  • Good Morning Everyone:) Happy Hump Day!!!:)
    Have a Fantabulous Flingin' Day :)
    Bacon Bits Tonite!!!
  • E-Star (((((( hugs)))))
    I thought ia saw mention of new banner? Hmm must be in somewhere else?
  • E* while your on, could you have a talk with White Vail please she hoarding eggs again:(
  • @all. Trekked out to the Marmotton (Monet museum) only to find out it was closed while setting up a new installation. Think it is open again tomorrow. From the marmotton went to L'Orangerie to see the water lilies (Monets). Fortunately the water lilies were open although the rest was closed for new installation!
    After lunch went to Musee d'Orsay.
    It is easy to forget how many great paintings are scattered in numerous museums all over Paris.
    Still plenty of art museums left.
  • @TomPuss. Your comment about the "snug" made me wonder if you are from Britain even if living in Paris???
  • @mvnla2 Yes, we're Brits, good detective work! We live some way out of Paris, tho'. Sorry not to have been in closer touch on this occasion, but there were so many complications on returning from hols that, assuming (wrongly) you'd already be moving along eastwards, I didn't suggest a get-together, which would have been nice. Glad you made it to the Orsay museum, they've got super paintings there, the sort you wish were hanging on your wall at home! Looking forward to hearing about Budapest, I've never been there. Have you ever been to Prague? It's really beautiful.
    Ah, arriving at museums only to find them closed. . . It happens so often to my best friend, who travels a lot, that it's become a standing joke. . .
    Bye for now, and enjoy your evening!
  • @tompuss anywhere near Loire Valley, Angers especially? If yes, I'll explain why I asked
  • @Hunnybunny No, we're in outer suburbs, near to where the Brie comes from!
  • @tompuss Well, my reason for asking was that my sis is a landscape historian, and I do some research with her, and we search for anything to do with Elie Laine. Bet you've never heard of him! He designed the gardens for Waddesdon in Buckingham, Vaux le Vicomte, Armanvilliers, most of the layout of Brussels, and no one has ever heard of him. I was hoping you lived near enough to Angers, became curious enough, and you will once you know Elie's story, to wander into the hotel d'ville in Angers, look up some records, not get paid (we don't, it's just the love of the subject) and report back! A long shot, but we've had longer shots that have proved invaluable
    Sorry, OB, if I've bored the patrons, but it's one of my loves, and any chance to progress the research is worth taking..
    PS Elie's bother was a monk, making the Port Salut cheese in about 1900!
  • I think that is very interesting! I've never heard of Elie Laine.
  • @BubblesLover no one has! Me and sis are planning to change that!
    See Waddesdon here. Laine did the gardens
  • @kathy although it's not an old British castle, but a nineteenth century manor house built in the style of a French chateau, I bet you love it......
  • Wow! @HunnyBunny that link you have up is AMAZING! The gardens are just fantastic. The light arrangement is cool further down, but I assume that is modern ;D .... I don't even think they had light bulbs by that time... But what do I know? It has been a while since I learned about the light bulb...
  • @all how about a little "vote for your favourite Halloween avatar contest" no points, just kudos? Any takers?
    I'll start a new discussion, if you fancy it. Three votes per nester
    No fancy wall of avatars like Estar manages so effortlessly, just PMs to me, and I'll post the results daily, until the winner is announced on, wait for it, you guessed, 31st October!
  • Hi just got in, haven't read up yet but @HunnyBunny that sounds like a good idea:)
  • Sounds fun:)
  • @BubblesLover going back to the Waddesdon link, that light display is definitely 2013! You really need to brush up on your history of science ;-)
  • Goodnight @BubblesLover @Kathy
    Kathy please look at the Waddesdon link, it's a WOW!
  • Will definitley thanks @HunnyBunny just busy tonight for a bit I'll be back
    Nighty night sweet dreams:)
  • Hahaha took me a couple minute ...hee hee:)
  • Hmm!!! Lol just takes a minute to type it in;)
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