The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1866
  • Hmm how come @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster not coming as blue?
  • Oh now it is:) PrincessPageChanger :)
  • Let me know when its Up:) :)
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster i tried clicking on'Read the Prologue and it didn't work:(
  • But i can get to read the .'read the comics' at the bottom but not the assassin?
  • Hover over the 'the comics' sidebar. Five options should appear, assassin being one of them. Or just go
  • Wow! Over thirty new puppies today. Sorry to see you didn't get your first puppy @hunnybunny? CongRATS on your first @kimmiecv. Now we can have play dates. How come I don't see your partner, "Ma", in the kennel picking out her new puppy? She doesn't have the crud does she?

    Sorry I missed your Birthday @sunshine. May you have many more I can make it to.

    I'm just going to assume nothing has happened in the BP during the last three weeks. I can't read back that far. Howdy to @all.
  • I got it @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster sorry i fell sleep.
    Pa ((((((( hugs ))))))) .. No puppy for me trying to finish to..
    You feeling better?
  • What a puppy day. I gotta say, I don't think I've been so close to top score (-90pts) and ranked so relatively low (4th) now that it's all said & done. Sure was fun tho & I gained a new friend out of it. Yay!
  • Thank you @rat9!! :D me a very happy camper right now!!! Dunno why my Pahtna didn't partake of the challenge, it was a pretty easy shoe-in which is funny because when I got the trophy it was anything But easy!! Then again we didn't have my sweet @xebic88s video either!! ;) Yeahhhh we can now have play dates with our Pups! How cool is That!! I just have to figure out a wicked name to bestow upon my wicked Pup!!! Hmmmmmmmm.....:::.....,.,,,,,,..:...
    I hope your feeling better? I've still got the crud but it's a wee bit better today. I was surprised You weren't taking advantage of getting a third Pup?! Hahaaa then again maybe you only like the serious challenge levels?! ;D
  • And now back to the drudge of making dinner!! :/
  • @kimmiecv Pahtnah:) i didn't do challenge cause i want get the heck over tot:/almost there I'm on 3-15 so after tomorrow hopefully we can move on:)
    Maybe your pup will be a slug hunter:)
    Read your latest recon story:/ sounds like you could use a an another nose to help Tig and Boo ;) enjoy dinner I'm flinging away in 15..
    OB a double PigKiller please:)
  • Is it a he or a she puppy @kimmie? I don't have Star Wars loaded. So no easy puppy for me. Whaaaa... Still have the crud, it just lingers. But I'm not coughing as bad now. Yea!
    @Ma Do you have so many puppies you could pass on a free one?
  • @kimmie--I've got four pups. You just know about Snicker and Snort. My first was Wolfie.
  • Nope Pa i got no puppies:( but i really want to finish ToT, so i passed, and i know kimmie waiting for me to finish, couldn't waste a day, and it paid off i finished 3-14, now working on 15:)
    Hopefully we can move on soon:)
    Sorry your still not feeling well,:(
  • @Ma--I'm feeling great compared to the last three weeks. Just can't quite kick it though. Got a new player in Cosmic Crystals. He started ahead of me. Suspicious???
  • I've got a lot of catching up to do now that I'm flinging again. @Happyshake and @Burpie have nothing but firsts and seconds in CC. Going to be hard to beat. I like a challenge though.
  • Well i Hope that now your feeling a bit better you'll continue to improve,,:)
    , so who's the suspicious player did you flag him?
  • Aww you can beat burpie hands down, I've heard of happyshake = good flinger and if i remember correctly he's pretty helpful when asked, but don't count on my memory,:/ its not all that reliable;)
  • @Ma--He's very helpful in a cryptic fashion. He's on a five year sabbatical from work traveling the globe. He's been to all continents except Africa. Headed there next. Loads of time to fling. Very good shooter, as is @burpie. Burpie is on a mission at the moment. I think he's having visions of first in Space. They way he's shooting he just might make it. I hate that he got a two week head start on me.
  • :( you'll catch him PA i know you can:) 2 week start nothing..
    That's amazing about happyshake!! Wow:/
  • No. I didn't flag him @Kathy. I said it was suspicious, but he could be for real. How do you know? He has no first places but a lot of seconds within 10 points of first. Very curious.
  • @rat. Good to hear you are feeling somewhat better.
    @all. At Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. Will arrive home today, doubtlessly unbelievably jet l
    What time does the new toon post?
    Couldnt believe the crowds on the street at 10pm Sat night!
  • Seem to be starting out jet lagged, since we got up at 6am!
  • @rat I didn't know you had more than Snicker and Snort! But I do kinda remember something about the name Wolfie, I have to say its beyond suspicious to have loads of scores only 10 points below 1st place, waaaay to coincidental IMO.

    @Kathy congrats on finally conquering 3-14! Great job :) You still shoulda gone for the easy puppy though! Even if it was just to take a break, however who knows if you'd have finally gotten 3-14 so I guess it's a win either way! But Kathy when I say I'm in no hurry I really mean I'm in no hurry so Stop putting pressure on yourself to get ToT done! Lets face it Seasons is the hardest set of games AB has so their all going to take a ton of time!!
    *poofs to Kathy's, gently prys her flashlight out if her death grip, poofs back to BP, shines it up and sets out candles for Kathys dreamwalk*

    @mvnla2 I can't get used to seeing you post stuff at 12:30am!! It's too weird!! Have a safe trip home, sounds like your Vacation was a success!!! :)
  • Congrats on your First Puppies @Annifrid ,@ABCrazy & @kimmiecv :)
  • Got #1 pup! OB some kibble please!
    Everyone with colds: get well soon!
    @EStar: hope your back is better, I know how that can hurt
  • Good morning @all
    That's my exercise done for the day. Just watched the marathon runners going past the house for the last hour!
    @Rat you know I'm destined never to have a puppy!
  • @hunnybunny If can, you can! I was so surprised, you could've knocked me down with a feather!
  • Thank you @ibird :)

    @tompuss don't hedgehogs do damage to gardens or under stuff too? Yikes if they do I'd just be trading one prob for another yeah? Congrats on getting your first Pup too! What a High eh!!! Finally got that coveted badge!!! Yeeehaaaaa happy happy day!! Was worth being up until 7am!!! :D And now I have 3 animals to help me hunt those evil slimy snails!!! Just gotta figure out the right name for my new baby!!! :)

    HB you soooo should have been in on the action! It was really a shoe in!!
  • Congrats to everyone else who got their underdog! Way to go!!

    Me shivers in horror just of the very thought of having a dog (I've been scared of them since my neighbor's dog once tried to bite my bum when I was a kid) but a virtual Underdog puppy seems fine. I'll call him Luke Skywalker ;D

    Yeah and I moved up a rank! I'm now Well Traveled, no underpants anymore!!
  • @annifrid this was your first pup as well yes? Congrats to you too!! :) Awww now see you need to spend some time with dogs that aren't mean! And most aren't! You don't know what your missing!! If we lived close I'd have you get to know Boo, she's super shy But she's only 2 1/2 pounds!! More like a doggie snack than a real dog!! LOL No way you could be scared of something that teeny!! ;D Huh I loved my skivvys!! Was bummed when I got the suitcase! It's been a banner day for you hasn't it!!! So Double Congrats!! :D
  • @annifrid Go to the avatar contest and look at BubblesLover's first avatar. That's our dog. NOW are you afraid of dogs? You could possibly be scared of that little face :)

    @all HOW do you all get a puppy at once?!??! I thought you had to get a top score on a level!!
  • @ABSM yesterday's challenge was beating MY top score :/ Anyways anyone who beats it gets a Puppy, so my old score was 79120 and everyone who got a puppy had to beat That Score, so if they got say 79125 then they got a Puppy! (including me thankfully!! Made it not hard to swallow losing the trophy!!)
  • Does that explain it? You just have to beat the old score then tell how you beat it and put a screenshot of your better score in the walkthrough and Víola you get your puppy!!! :)
  • Annnd that's me done talking to myself!! Geez ask a question then leave the person answering hanging why dontcha!!! ;D
  • Good night @all!! Have a great Sunday!!!
  • My New Pups name is..........WICKED!!!! MWAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA :D
  • It's ABSM. I've forbidden BL to use the computer for ABN. She can use her iPod.
  • @mvnla2 Last night it was La Nuit Blanche [sleepless night] in Paris, with lots of concerts and other festivities going on, which explains the crowds of revellers you saw. Have a safe journey, see you soon in the BP.
  • @kimmiecv Hedgehogs are truly beneficial to the garden. They eat insects, slugs and snails. No problems except you have care for them too, making sure they keep warm in winter, protecting them from dangers such as swimming pools, etc. Lots of info on google. I'm thinking of getting a couple, as our garden is high-walled, so they couldn't escape and come to grief on the road. Two important points: 1. They are not pets. 2. Never give them milk.

    Yeah, yesterday was really wild! Clash of the Titans! I was worn out by bedtime, having gardened in the morning.
    Congrats on Wicked and have a great Sunday!
  • Congratulations to all those with a new puppy!

    There's a @theanonymoussomeone type story behind my lack of puppy.
    Saw @iBirds tip on obtaining my much wanted underdog badge. Stars Wars. Eh? OK. But I've only ever played eight levels in Tatooine, Looked, 32 more Tatooine levels to open Dark Star, 28 more levels to get to the challenge.

    I am NOT going to do it.

    Finished chores, and thought why not?
    Its a puppy that will never be earned again, a collection of flingers, working together, to fill the kennels full of lovely little puppies.

    It was our first peaceful, no guests, no events, weekend in a month. I can play all night. Settled down, played all those Tatooine and Dark Star levels, got to the challenge, hit about 400 less than puppy level, neighbour knocked the door "Fancy coming over to us for a glass of wine?"
    Four hours later, my flinging finger crept off to bed, a little unsteady.....
  • Ow! Ow ow ow!

    Never mind me, just biting my tongue real hard....
  • @kimmiecv The pup is named Berserker and he's all yours! Raring to join the next slugfest alongside Wicked. Mighty Woofers!
  • @BPC of all the flingers who deserved that puppy it was you
    To three star all of Star Wars in the time you did was amazing!
    I'm presuming that's why your tongue is bleeding.........
  • Oh no no no, @hunnybunny! I am so sorry for the confusion, totally my fault!

    In regards to another matter on which I must remain silent or risk getting the boot ;)
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