The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1867
  • Hi fellow-flingers,

    I just found this forum and thought it might be the right place to post one of my callow ideas for another challenge. Being some sort of a surgeon - a vet in fact - during surgery I try to only remove what is absolutely necessary and leave the rest unharmed. That brought me to the idea of finishing levels with as little collateral damage as possible. Sure, like most of you I love to blow everything to smithereens and total destruction, but try and you'll find out that it can be as challenging as the *normal" way. I hope that someone will comment on that idea.
  • @HappyShake--Do you mean clear the level with the lowest score possible? Interesting. Don't see a lot of future in it, but interesting. A lot of flingers would say they're already "Gods" at this.
  • God of the least collateral damage here!
  • @hunnybunny--I'm pretty good at lowest one bird scores, but can't compete with you. They could award baby bunnies instead of puppies. This is a challenge you could excel at.
  • @rat that's nasty, even for the nasty ratty rat, I ain't that bad, am I?
  • And @rat cosmic crystals 7-11 you seem to winning there, for the lowest one bird score. You've had me beat, if you can call a lowest score "beaten" from day one. In Space! Ha ha ha
  • Ah, well. I'm talking to myself.
    @BPC hasn't revealed the reason for her bleeding tongue
    @Happyshake started a new discussion, but didn't set the challenge
    And @rat goaded me, but didn't come back when I retorted
    Goodnight, I'm a tired Bunny, a big bed and a good book is calling
  • @Ma, Ms. Bunny is picking on me again. Whaaaa
  • @Kimmiecv -- Back in LA, so you can stop trying to get used to seeing me post at 12:30 am!
    Trip was great, but it's also nice to be home.
  • @TomPuss -- I heard about La Nuit Blanche, but thought it was just all the buildings lit up, along the Seine in particular?? So an ordinary Sat. night does not have that many people out? Since we had to get up early, we did not even go to see the lights on the Seine. They were off at 7am when we were on our way to the airport, and it was still dark.
  • @HunnyBunny stop picking on Pa!! After all he's been not feeling well he pops in to say hello and you gotta give him crap ¿ ;
    Sorry Pa I've been busy earlier, then sleeping think I'm coming down with The crud:(
    Sorry all i wish i could catch up with all the chat, but I'm gonna take the road of Pa and pretend nothing happened in BP today.except for welcome back@mvnla2 and nice name fur the pup @kimmiecv and @tompuss:)
    Nighty night all *places flashlight in the safe for kimmiecv handiwork tomorrow*
    Hope your enjoying your reading Pahtnah:)
  • Kimmiecv, I understand your frustration and agree completely ;)
  • Well... I did my best... but....

    Moon of Endor 5-29

    Happy flinging all...well... most of you ;)
  • Thank you @Kimmiecv nice to see you read the comments!
    @BPC WOW! That is some discussion, no wonder you bit your tongue
    And good morning to all, even @Kathy, no offence taken ;-)
  • @BPC What a frikken twit!!!!! Nough said!!!!!

    @hunnybunny indeed I do read all the posts, unless it's when the teens go off on tangents I don't understand or want to understand or high tech stuff that just makes my head hurt! LOL :D
  • @hunnybunny--I thought you wanted me to leave 7-11 alone. It is your claim to fame over me. I see now that you want me to "try" to beat you. OK, I'll take a look at it now that you got my dander up. Wish me luck.
  • @kimmiecv--I still haven't named one of my pups. I'm thinking of calling him "7-11", as in I need to get lucky. "7-11" is associated with luck in gambling circles right? Come onnnnnnn... 7-11.
  • Ummmmmm dunno @rat9 I don't gamble BUT I DO know there are 7-11 convenient stores open 24/7!!! :D
  • Did you see I named my girl Wicked!!! Bwaahahahahaaaa be afraid little piggies and slimy snail/slugs be veeeerry afraid!!!!!!
  • Ding ding round two
    I've top scored 7-11 twice, third time lucky for me, perhaps?
    Any escape from TorT will be welcome :-)))))
  • Hey HB, like you lost the top score there then got another top score? Or you topped your top score??
  • Good luck @hunnybunny. It's on.
    Wicked's a girl. I should have guessed @kimmie. Great name.
  • Yep she's a she @rat and YEP you shoulda known!!! ;D
  • @Kimmie I top scored it. Surfcow beat me and sang a lovely little song in the walkthrough to celebrate, and it spurred me on to regain it.
    I haven't played Space since, so a couple of flingers have overtaken me now
    Game on, see you later
    Good luck @Rat if I can help you up the leader board I'm happy (did I really say that? Lol)
  • OMG I've a cake to bake as well!!
  • Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa yep @surfcow tends to do that!! :D Go get em @hunnybunny!! Awww and your leaving breadcrumbs for @rat too!!! WAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAA Love it!!! :D
  • Why thank you @hunnybunny. Thank you vewwy much. I see you're back in the top ten in ToT. Don't look behind you. It appears the birthday girl wants a rabbit's foot. She's nipping at you're heels.
  • Awww, he's cute with his little jazz hands.
  • Teehee IKR @rat!! I couldn't resist since she loves kitties!!! :D
  • Gotta work tomorrow so I want to make sure @Kathy gets her gifts when she wakes up!!!! :)
  • Happy Birthday @Ma. I sending you all my luck vibes for use on ToT 3-15. May you get the top score as you're present.
  • Oooohhhh that'd be a Sweeet gift @rat!!!! :D
  • Well awoke early the AM because something is very special about today but I cannot quickly recall what it it.

    Lets see, I have to go to work, have to try to get my barber to give me a hair cut before she heads off to work, need to fling a few birds to stop the shakes and satisfy the addition, have to get ready to travel his week, got to make breakfast, hum....oh yes the brain cell finally connected to itself, I remember what make this day a very special day....

    Happy Birthday Kathy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful day and if you have to go to the "office" do it with a quick step, a smile on your face and twinkle in your eye. This is your day, to enjoy and be happy. Make it a day you will not forget. We only have so many and do something out of the ordinary that is nice for yourself.
  • Heyyyy @wrw01!!! That was nice!!!! :) Awesome you popped in!! Mwaaaah :•
  • @Kimmi
    Thanks, time has been short in the last two months. But things may lighten up in Nov and Dec. Hope all is going well with you. Missed the gang in the BP.
  • There's pigs in @Kathy's castle. Get em out @kimmie.
  • I sure hope it slows down for you soon @wrw01! We Missssss you!!!! :) I'm doing A-OK!! :)

    @rat she's supposed to EAT them!! MWAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA
  • Hope she's hungry. That's a lotta pigs.
  • She's supposed to be gaining weight, I'm trying to help!!! ;D
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