The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1872
  • Night @Kathy :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out special bday candles to see her safely to dreamland * Bwahahahahaa ahem.....


  • Yes! Yes, yes, YES!!!!

    Most amazing posts on Moon of Endor 5-20!

    Now THAT is what ABN should always be about!
  • Yep very well written but then @wicket182 is a Real top score player and not a mooch like someone who shall remain nameless tends to be. Anytime you ask wicket a question you always get a response!! I've noticed most of the really good top players are like that, look at Rat and burpie, they do the same thing and yet they still hold the top spots in space!!
  • @kimmiecv @bpc , I also find that a lot of the top-scorers like to share. Personally, I don't mind being beaten over the head with my own strategy. I also copiously borrow other people’s ideas and it all averages out.

    And when you play for the leader boards a specific level doesn’t matter much. Very few people have the time or inclination to be competitive in a whole episode, never mind a whole game. This makes it ridiculously easy to be generous.

    Now who is this mooch-who-shall-remain-nameless... this one is going to bug me all day :-)
  • @burpie couldn't agree more! :) and it's buttvertigo I'm talking about!! LOL didn't want you to lose any sleep over it!! ;D

    @tompuss I've seen that video too!! LOL I guess it's true cat vids are the most popular!! :D

    Ok off for my pillow walk!! Shoulda been there half hour ago!!! :/
    Night all!!! :)
  • Haha reading all the comments I think @ABSM is gullible enough for someone to say that there is a squirrel in the attic and he would go look. Ahhh brothers. Now that is said any other tricks from you @burpie or you @rat?! :D
  • @burpie -- Were you in Budapest when it was under Soviet control? Just curious why your memories are not fond?
    @hunnybunny -- I've never been to Sofia, but we have been to Prague, maybe 10 years ago. Prague is another beautiful city, probably ahead of Budapest in terms of recovery from Soviet rule. If you zoom way, way in on Annifrid's dot on the map, and switch to street view, you will see the great hotel where we stayed in Prague (Santini Residence). It is just below the castle and has rooms with painted wood ceilings. It was fairly new when we stayed, and not outrageously expensive. When I put Annifrid there, it was quite expensive, and now it's not clear if it is still open.
  • @rat -- Are you referring to the bunny in your avatar or something else?
  • @mvnla2 No, it was after they emerged from the iron curtain but the concepts of frivolity, openness, tourism, etc., still seemed alien. The people came across as a no-nonsense hard working bunch that viewed any hint of public enjoyment with suspicion. The drab, cold weather didn’t help. The feeling I got in Sarajevo a few years ago was worse – a lingering tension and buildings still riddled with bullet holes - but not by much. Moscow was no joy… I’m just not a fan of Eastern Bloc countries. Great for the anthropological experience but not for a vacation.
  • Yes @mvnla2. That's my good luck rabbits foot, bunny attached. An homage to @hunnybunny nipping at my heels constantly trying to beat me.
  • @burpie--You're safe for a little while. He's stopped going after you. @Happyshake is coming after me in Danger Zone now. Knocked me down to second place yesterday. You can sneak up on him in Pig Bang while he's distracted.
  • @burpie read back HappyShake commented here. @rat tells me he's travelling the world and has no distractions. I hope you two put up a good fight. I'm not betting against Mr HappyTravellingTheWorldShake though ;-)
  • > HappyShake commented here

    Really @HunnyBunny? Well, then there goes that idea.

    @Rat9, moving on to plan B: I'll stuff his house with popcorn kernels and shine a laser on it from outer space. I saw this work in a movie once. Then YOU grab TWENTY Top Scores! MWAA HA HA!!!
  • @burpie read! He's not at home, fill his plane / boat / train with the popcorn!! Or just send the Borg Cube to assimilate him lol
  • Argh, foiled again. He's crafty!
  • How about nano probes? Infiltrate HS with the idea that he hates AB? OMG my Trekkie obsession is showing!
  • I like that!
  • Beam me up, Scottie. I'm putting the plan into action
  • Goodnight @burpie and @anyone
    I went to bed cold stone sober last night. Unusual for me, there's normally a glass of wine, at least, with dinner. Couldn't sleep, woke up with the headache from hell. Which I can't throw off. The big comfy bed, a good book and eight hours is calling.
    Maybe some early flinging for me in the morning....
  • @burpie "Since he can't possibly be following this thread, we have the element of surprise! " surprise no more
  • Hi @HappyShake. Great to see you!

    So, ummm.... Say, is that a pony over there?! *runs away*
  • no thats a donkey
  • all folks have such cute and intelligent animals as avatar - i thought i take something different
  • actually this donkey ambushed me in the mountains of Sardinia a few days ago. He demanded vegetables
  • jumped right in front of my camper and when I stopped he came to the driver window. i reckon he does this all the times
  • Ha ha, clever animal. I was once ambushed by macaque monkies. They just grab what they want.
  • i hate monkeys, they stole my two favorite bascaps oin Bali
  • Your what?! Wikipedia only turns up 'Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy' and it's unlikely that you had two of those on you.
  • baseball caps - you know that hats
  • went to a temple and those beasts came and played nice and before i knew it gone was my Death Valley Golf Course Memorial Basecap - priceless!
  • Ah, right. For me it was in Thailand. By the time we reached Bali we were prepared. Did you do any diving in Bali? (I was gobsmacked by Sipadan.)
  • I did some diving in Lembongan, Menjangan and on Gili Trawangan. BUt best diving was in Komodo and Sulawesi, Togean Islands
  • I want to know if you 'earned' the cap by playing golf in Death Valley!
  • of course i played in Death Valles - deepest golf course on earth. I have the title for worst player who played all 7 continents (including Anatarctica). Additionally I played the deepest, the highest, the eastermost and the westermost the southermost. Only 2 are missing : the northermost and the oldest
  • but my handicap is nowhere below 40 - which is really crappy.
  • Oh Wow! Can I be your caddy!!! Of course you will have to carry the actual bag cos I'm too old! But I'll offer words of encouragement!
  • ok, next round will be in November in Cape Town, meet you there
  • @hunnybunny -- Just in case it wasn't clear -- The Santini Residence is a very, very old building, it was just the hotel that had opened recently when we stayed.
  • I have played in Africa before, but not that far down south. Usually they provide caddies - but in your case we'll make an exception ;-)
  • @burpie -- I would say that Budapest has made great strides in embracing tourism as one of their most profitable industries, and the people are not all that glum, although I understand that their economy is not doing as well as it might.
  • Oh I thought the player paid the caddies expenses! However if you go to the oldest I don't mind meeting you there!
    The Old Links at Musselburgh has been officially recognised by Guinness as the oldest golf course in the world; a fact that should immediately place Musselburgh atop any avid golfers wishlist. The Old Links may have lost some of its lustre in a tournament sense but the history behind the course should persuade any golf aficionado to make the pilgrimage to Scotland. Mary, Queen of Scots is said to have played the links here as far back as 1567 and the official measurement for the width of a hole stemmed from a piece of equipment used to cut the holes at Musselburgh all those years ago.
  • I'm also intrigued as to what your actual handicap is - here in the UK highest hcp for female is 36 (I'm off 23 - still boasting as I have gone down from 28 this year!) and the highest hcp for men is 28.
  • i thought Old Course St. Andrews is the oldest
  • i might come to Scotland again for the Islay Whisky Festival 2014 - missed it this year. Was there 3 times in a row before
  • I though St. Andrews was too - until I googled it!
  • thats very intersting, because my chances to get a t-time at st. andrews were pretty zero
  • @HappyShake -- You said your handicap was not below 40; in the U.S. that would mean that you're female??? Highest handicap index for women in the U.S. is 40.4 (don't ask where that number came from), not sure about men, but I know it's less. They don't seriously have a golf course in Antarctica, do they? Curious about what courses qualify as highest, most eastern, most western, and most southern.
    Interesting that UK handicaps seem to be different. Thought they were universal (or at least worldwide).
  • @mvnla2 I'm very glad to hear that things have improved in Budapest.

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