The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1871
  • @rat @burpie -- I must still be suffering from a sever case of jet-lag, but what is BFG, and are you really talking about level 6-14. Or will this just make my legs the same length again?
    Recently I've felt that ABN was written in Martian or some other language about which I have no clue.
  • Ah! A page change! There is really something strange going on, because I almost never do this.
  • However, it's a good time to post my "short" summary of our vacation to Budapest, Vienna, and Paris.
    Don't want to upset anyone, but we had near-perfect weather for the entire 2 weeks: not too hot, not too cold, and only 15 minutes of a shower when we were outside.
    @Jlz666 has already given a pretty detailed description of Budapest, so I won't say much except it is a beautiful city.
    By serendipity, we visited Budapest first, then Vienna, then briefly back to Budapest, and finally Paris. This provided a really interesting comparison of 3 cities with the same architectural style over large areas of the city.
    Budapest was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire prior to WWI, and was a rich capital of cultural achievement with square miles of the beautiful 5 to 6-story, neo-classical buildings that make Budapest, Vienna, and Paris similar. However, Hungary was controlled by the Soviet Union for 50 years after WWII, and has not really recovered, although they are making a lot of progress. So a lot of the beautiful buildings still need to be repaired, and the economy has not made it to the European standard. The newer buildings were mostly built during the Soviet period and are remarkable for their ugliness.
    We took the train from Budapest to Vienna (and later back). The border between Hungary and Austria was marked only by the abrupt change from farms and houses in poor condition to properties in tip-top shape. Vienna itself was beautiful with its old buildings all in good shape and some beautiful modern buildings. When you think of Vienna, you may think of classical music, but a lot of it has been packaged for tourists (musicians dressed like Mozart playing snippets of pieces by Mozart and Strauss). We did however hear Haydn's Creation Mass performed as part of a mass. I've always wondered how all the great masses actually worked as part of a mass. It does make the mass fairly long by contemporary standards, but well worth it (FYI I am not Catholic). Fortunately the sermon was very brief, because it was in German.
    Our brief return to Budapest (a few hours) underscored the differences between Vienna and Budapest.
    Well, what can one say about Paris? It is of course huge compared to Vienna and Budapest, but the area around the Arc de Triumph Is similar to the neo-classical areas of Vienna and Budapest, but on a grander scale. Paris has many buildings that dwarf any in Vienna or Budapest in scale. And then the museums -- Paris is a real heaven for Monet lovers like me. But that's only the start, and we didn't make it to several of the well-know art museums. We did spend most of one day in the Louvre. It may be the largest museum in the world, and contains art from at least as far back as ancient Egypt to the late 19th century. Impressionists and later are generally in other museums. There is no way you can even speed-walk through all the galleries.
    I could write a whole page on food, but Paris will win every time. They say that you can't find a bad restaurant in Paris, but it is possible to find a very expensive one. I offered to give @Kathy a few of the extra pounds I brought back, but there's enough for anyone else who wants some.
  • @mvnla2 That sounds like a great trip! We also visited those places but Budapest was in the winter and many years ago... my memories of that city are not so fond.

    Regarding the BFG, that's the Big eFfing Gun. But perhaps I'm mixing up Angry Birds and Doom...
  • Ok, OK GUYS I will explain to you why I named myself what I did.
    I joined ABN a little over a year ago, not knowing what leaderboards were and what the point of scoring was. I thought that since I had three starred the game I had mastered it and that was that.

    Two months later I discovered the leader boards and came to a realization I was NOT the SpaceMaster I had thought I was.

    So there.
  • Also, I see no lamp on 6-14.
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- I think @Burpie and @rat are pulling your leg as well as mine. It's very easy to pull mine, unfortunately, especially when I'm jet-lagged. First night home I actually slept pretty well, considering. Second night (last night) I felt like I was wide awake from midnight to 5 am, which is when I got up.
    Seriously considering a nap.
    Have you tried the low-score challenge (in forum)? That's more my speed right now, but more difficult than you would think for anyone other than Rat.
  • @mvlna2 I haven't. I think I will! I'm just trying to get above average on 7-20... I'm 230 points below. Grr.
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- BTW -- Aren't you in school right now?
  • Nope. Get out at 2:00. I was at lunch when I asked for help on getting above average. (We're allowed to have our phones at lunch.)

    And also...

    I actually figured out a new strategy on 7-20! I've never really come up with a NEW strategy... I'm so proud of myself! Woopee! I'm going straight to that walkthrough, since there are no really helpful tips on it.
  • WTG @absm
    @mvnla you and jlz are inspiring me to visit Eastern Europe. We've seen a lot of the world, but never Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Sofia, etc
  • @absm but...but.... I have the highscore in7-20 and I posted a walkthrough, too. Whaddaya mean it's no good? That does it - I'm rising my price to TWO cupcakes per hour!
  • @burpie Apparently I missed that one. Two cupcakes an hour it is, then.

    Now where is this lamp in 6-14?
  • Ooh, but I missed @Rat9's offer @ 1 cupcake per day... I might take him up on that myself ;-)
  • You've done it now @burpie. @ABSM is coming after ya.
  • oh snap!
  • @absm, I regretfully have to inform you that the lamp and BFG were a lame joke. There's only the railgun in level 3-12.
  • @mvnla2 @burpie @ABSM--I couldn't resist egging on @ABSM after @Burpie made me look for the lamp in Pig Dipper. That's my neck of the woods. One of my legs got longer on that one @mvnla2.
  • Railgun...ha ha ha ha ha
  • Cool drawing @abs(l)
  • @absm, add some frizzy grey hair and that IS what I look like.
  • That's not a drawing, that's one of Ice Bird's sprites when he auto-detonates.
  • At least you got hair @burpie.
  • YES
    Got above average on 7-24 using @Burpie's strategy
    On to 7-27!
  • I'm above average on all levels of Cosmic Crystals! Yippee! On to Pig Dipper... after homework. (Skulks off to writing desk)
  • I'm about to play in the band at the football game! Groooooooooaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn.......
  • @tas hi, how are you? What's wrong the band and / or football game?
  • @Pa that's ok I am happy you popped in:)
    Thanks @sweetpea for the birthday kitty cuties;) now saved in my gallery with all my biryhday pressies:)
    And no worries @theanonymoussomeone I totally understand internet issues;) lol you talking to Me remember;)
    and thanks @bubbleslover I know you busy with school:)
  • I haven't finished reading up yet, but igotta run...
  • Hi all! Hope all is well in the land of the flingers! I am happy to report the bug is kicked to the curb for real this time :D have been busy tonight, so I didn't have the time to put up my feet and enjoy some of Sunshines cooking and OB's company. But I see your party was a success Kathy! And you got a tablet! yeahhhh you! how is the flinging on the new larger screen? I know you needed to run and I can not stay long, but I will read up when I get in tomorrow! [[[[hugggggs]]]]
  • Whoops!! hahahahahhahahahahha sowwwy!!
  • You're forgiven @Estar. Long time no talk.

    Edit: I forgave too quick. I didn't see you hugged me to pieces.
  • I never thought about it, but your right @Estar. Space is controlled by a bunch of old men.
  • :)) Your avy says enough for now! Have to go to bed anyway, so I am off for the night!
    All on the other side of the pond... have a fab whineeeee Tuesday, don't mind me, I will be wearing my earplugs tonight!
  • Hey @E* Yep a great party it was;) new tablet is cool..hard to get used to though
    So happy you kicked that bug(((((((((hug))))))((
    Well the btablet good keyboard lol gotta get used to it;)
    :and since im not in space im gonna skip all those comments sorry @Pa @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster, @burpie
    @ mvnla2 sounds like an absolute wonderful vacation. I would love to see paris, unforunatley I'll never:( so its nice to hear how beautiful it is from everyone:)
  • :) well enjoy the new toy and hope you will master it soon... it did come without the voodoo right?

    Ow and yes, that reminds me @mvnla2 I did not get the chance to read the story (been too busy) but I will sure read up tomorrow when I will have the time.
  • Yep no voodoo just my clumsy fingers getting used to keyboard haha:)
  • Im off to flingin' :)
    BBFNMCBLIDK :) The long well used acronymn that is now a fixture:)
  • Goodnight @all
    Have an excellent fling, sleep, whatever takes your fancy.....
  • @Estar--I knew there was a reason I had an aversion to hugging. You made my eyeballs pop out before I blew up. Halloween scary! I guess you can be loved to death.
  • So @rat -- Is your new avatar an E-Star creation, or did you make it yourself? Whichever -- very cute.
  • @rat -- There are real railguns, but probably not in ABSp.
  • You are correct @mvnla2. Just not in Angry Birds. Sometimes I wish there were. Sorry for helping @burpie yank on your leg. He did it so well I had to join in. His target wasn't you, but @ABSM. You and I were collateral damage.
    Did you look at my avatar blown up? There's something in the left corner. Yes, it is an @Estar original.
  • @Rat -- Did look in the left corner, but will have to look again.
  • Aw wow... Poor @hunnybunny gettin' kicked. But then again.... Beware who you accept challenges from. Especially more than once.

    Rats. It's way past my bedtime already. This 0430 rooster time needs to stop!

    Happy flinging!
  • Love the avatar Pa;)
    *places flashlight on @Kiimmiecv favorite booth, * my eyes closing Pahtnah. Im almost there;)
    Have a great night;) see ya tomorrow;)
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