The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1885
  • no @hunnybunny havent been there and no plans to ever go there
  • @happyshake I retired at 49 (one of those final salary pensions in the UK, that they don't do anymore, but I paid an awful lot of money in, to get an awful lot out!). My other half still works, so holidays are limited to his time off. We tend to cruise these days to see places we wouldn't normally, we're arguing at the moment over a holy land cruise.
    Look in my album for pictures of Iceland, don't think you've been there. Amazing. Well worth the expense. And it's really, really expensive!
  • @hunnybunny I have to always watch my budget. Expensive places are totally off the list...except when they are unique. Like Galapagos or Antarctica. I am a wild animal nerd, especially mammals and reptiles and so those places are priceless for me.
  • Thanks @happyshake for the advice. Actually she's a Silky Terrier. Her papers from the breeder shows her mom and dad are purebred Silkies. But, I suspect that might not be true, because she does look like a Yorkie. I have two other Silkies, and they're a bit larger, and their snouts are longer too.

    P4? Don't know what that is. However, she does get eye boogers, and we clean them off all the time.
  • P4 is a tooth. and when it rots it will break through the bone and skin and pus will ooze out under the eye. you will know it when you see it
  • WooHooo came home from work early;) :)
    @burpie thanks for the history note; ) nice to know I share my birthday With b an Olympian gold medal winner:)
    @sweetpea Sorry I missed your baby nname how'd the ttooh appointment work out, ? She's so cute, I think you showed me that pic before:)
    Thanks @HunnyBunny for monitoring the language;)
    @burpie did you read page 1 ?
    OB could I get a Pigkiller please ;)
  • Believe it or not I'm heading next door to say Bon voyage to a friend who is leaving tomorrow for a trek in Nepal! She's going on her own which we're slightly nervous about but are assured is perfectly safe for single female travellers.......hopefully. @happyshake that was pretty specific about the teeth,are you a vet? LMAO if you are cos boy you're going to be busy! You've no idea! If not why so knowledgable? Galapagos is on my bucket list but I lost my heart when we went to Kenya :) Those animals beat beaches and buildings any day!
    I'll try to lurk but need to get moving.
  • how do you insert those thumbnail pics into this chat?
  • yes, I used to be an animal doctor
  • Oh yeah @JLZ666 she leaves tomorrow I forgot today was Thursday lol
  • My best wishes are with her @JLZ666 :)
  •'t it too late for the Himalaya right now? I plan to go there in Mai, hoping for warmer weather
  • @happyshake well we did see minke whales off the coast of Iceland, but I expect you've seen them elsewhere! I particularly love art galleries, museums, etc, I've bored them all to death here with stories about the Caravaggio in Malta, a private art gallery in Rome, the Isabella Stewart Gardner in Boston. Each to their own....
  • yeah, travelling is like food. different tastes . and that is good, otherwise we would all crowd in the same place. Regarding whales, yes Antarctica is full of them. Didnt know that so many were still around. Orca, Finn, Humpback, Sei, Mink, Right...
  • @hb thx for that; oh yeah a geyser, first I saw it a thought thats Old Faithful
  • Of course,@EStar can give you instructions for uploading from your web site. I think it's much the same, but you need to insert the pictures source code and the size into the HTML.
  • Well I'm off to chase the much wanted puppy. Only 580 points away today. I know I'm not destined to ever get one.
  • I love the Bad Piggies update!!!! No sandbox levels though :(
  • Thanks again @happyshake! Nice to know we got a (former) vet in the house.

    Good luck catching that elusive puppy today @HunnyBunny.

    @Kathy My dog's name is "Silky" (I know, kinda silly name. My hubby named her). She's still at the vet, and will be done later this afternoon. When a dog goes to get dental work done, the vet puts them under anesthesia. It takes awhile for them to wake up from it, get monitored, and back to "normal." So, I have to wait to pick her up. Thanks for asking :)

    Going to get some lunch, BBL!
  • @sweetp dogs usually object to painful manipulations in their mouth. In that respect they are more clever than we are... beeing tortured at the dentist and hold still
  • @sweetp Awwww poor Silky! Hope she will wake up soon and the treatment works. Sometimes pulling teeth can do wonders though, so don't worry if they needed to pull some. Give her a cuddle from me... hate seeing animals hurting like that!
  • @ e-star you should have a look at Antarctica - I think those are the best pictures I ever made
  • Great comedy evening at the BP! Really I laughed till I cried over the missing letters.
    And dear @sweetP, I love your hernialick maneuver, what a hoot! (Memo: avoid choking, the remedy is worse)
    @mvnla2 So enjoyed the pix of the swimming piggies, they look so happy! Delightful that they really exist.
    As for that mystery acronym, I'm aching to know what it means. . .
    Night-night, everyone.
  • Lovely picture indeed, but from an designers point of view I like the beach one better... but I see you did manage to show a picture in here all on your own... did a quick html study now did ya?
  • @HappyShake If you turn it into a link, we could see it up close and personal :)
  • @e-star after beeing a vet I worked 10 years as an IT professional. I can do some coding
  • Owww dear that is what I forgot to mention.... I had a "ball" as well reading up on the missing letters... I was almost angry I needed to work when they had the comedy evening... but luckily reading up was just as fun!
  • Ha, ha my car is called Silky. Why my cars always have names, I don't really know.
    @happyshake those Antarctic pictures are amazing, looked at them yesterday. And you really did play golf there
    Still no puppy for me :-(
  • @HappyShake Ahhhh okay, did expect that cause you asked about it how to go about it.
  • you can klick on it to see it large
  • ups...there was a c/p error...fixed it
    @e-star i did not expect that this forum parses HTML code. Most forums dont allow it coz it is too risky
  • Ghihi I see you have a double .jpg in your link description, thanks for making it a link, it does brighten up the place ;)
  • Going to have me some ipad/fling/couch time. Have a fab evening all of the this side of the ponders and those on the other side, enjoy your afternoon and dinnertime!
    See ya later!
  • @hunnybunny I also always name my cars. makes it more personal when anything goes wrong. Or after a long drive I pat it and say "Well done Harley/Moby/Betsy" those were the names of my last 3 campers
  • Ahhh, yeah the mainsite doesn't allow any coding, but luckily this one does, we would be lost if it wasn't allowed in here, we throw virtual birthday in here and tons of html is used during such days ;D
  • Jeez I'm gone for a a half hour and the page is full again. ?.I'll never catch up
    beautiful pics @hunnybunny, @e-star,@ happyshake:) I'm downloading them:)
    @sweetp oh yes silky:) you did tell me that before, I do hope she'll be feeling better when she gets home:)
  • @all how can I find out which active members are in South Africa?
  • Quick [[huggg]]] @Kathy, was just heading out ;)
  • (((((((( hug))))));e-star I promise no flashlight snatching lol its your weekend Enjoy:)
  • Uhhmm @happyshake did you check map group. ?
    @mvnla2 will be able to help you;)
  • There ya go a link and everything:)
  • Ok back to flinging:)
    OB another Pigkiller to go please;)
  • oh there is one member in Cape Town ... think I try to say hello to him
  • @Estar, that's what it means? I though you guys were cursing like sailors in Chech.

    (Still no luck on S-17)
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