The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1886
  • @kathy who asked about travelling safely? In my youth I travelled with a rucksack. On every train or bus there were fellow travellers, shared food, drink, stories, advice. I met a woman from New Zealand, well over 60, travelling the world on her own. It can be done, if you really want it. @kathy how about Paris you can do it you really want to
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster, it's all on the previous page. Rat figured out a crazy 1-bird solution.
  • burpie tries to shoot fish in a tank ;-)
  • I tried shooting one fish. The only one in the universe. I missed. More than once
    How you space masters do it I have no idea
  • @HappyShake -- Glad you found the person in South Africa. There are actually 2, @rocklands and @silent assassin. Silent assassin does not list his town, so not sure exactly where he is, and maybe he is under 21, in which case you should not try to contact him.
    @E-Star @Kathy -- Last time I checked (a day or two ago) the sortable table was sorting only one page at a time. Not sure if it's always been this way or if it is a recent "improvement". You can click through all pages and sort one by one, but that is certainly a pain. members are listed by time zone (starting with UTC -10 and going to UTC + 12, then by country, state/region, city, and name.
  • what about people living in UTC -11?
    Don't we have any members in Alaska?
  • @hunnybunny when I was young 16 I packed a duffel best got on a bus and went across country it was an open Ticket so I could stay any place I chose for as long as I wanted then catch another bus. ? I had no money to speak of, I stayed at salvation armies or parks depending on the weather, my mom wasn't happy when I called her from Ohio ;/ to say I was o.k
    I met lots of differnt people saw lots of interesting things
    but there's a lot of bad out there even then. I went again was 18 with a couple friends
    I've never left the country, and nowadays with the turmoil in the world I Wouldn't unless I had a specific destination like visiting e-st a r or Mumsie ..l
    or you haha I'd love to do that but unfortunately money not there:/
    So nope just Gonna stayin my own little corner of the country and live vicariously through ABN
  • @estar @kathy just had a snottery,tearful goodbye with her! She's shaking like a leaf:( *sighhhhh* It's all OK though and she's excited but nervous as hell! The next 2 days she's on her own till she meets up with the rest of her group of who knows what's!!! Yikes I feel sick but what an adventure she's got ahead! Got her itinerary so we can at least track some of her moves.
    @happyshake Ahhhhhh so you are an ex animal fixer! Good to know:) Great photos from you and @estar
    @SweetP hope Silky is doing fine! My drama was with my kitty but I think their mouths harbour more bacteria so she didn't have a great experience with her extractions.
    @hunnybunny Betsy was the name of our old family beetle! Jeez that brought back memories!
    Off to brush toofy pegs then hit the sack. Night all :)
  • @kathy as long as your happy that's all that's matters
    "The past is over… “Today is tomorrow’s past so if you have a wonderful today there will be no regrets in the future”
    Now where did I hear that before???
  • @jlz666 some i fixed, some i put down. but i tried always to fix them because the other solution meant the end of a busniess relationship. other professions usually do not kill their customers
  • @all a very enjoyable day in the nest (other than my abject failure, again, to win the much coveted puppy) but it's bed time.
    He-Who-Does-Not-Fling has a day off tomorrow, so no late night flinging, laying in bed until nearly lunch time, for me. Up and out with HWDNF. And, in all seriousness, a day out with the other half beats flinging hands down.
    Good night
  • Hee hee @hunnybunny I wonder?
    @JLZ666 I can imagine the nervousness on both Parts !!! I didn't realize it was the freaking Himalaya's isn't that big humongous Mountains!!! Is she crazy!!!????
  • Awww No puppy for the bunny:( Sorry:( sweet dreams @hunnybunny..
  • Sweet Dreams @JLZ666 sorry I missed that part..;)
  • @happyshake I once worked as a vet assistant :( sometime made me very sad I once had a kitty die in my arms he had heartworm in his lung. The vet said that very unusual fur a kitty:(
    Then a doggie hit by a car, the people who hit it brought it the night in there trunk cause it had the tags from our hospital. Couldn't get hold of the owners, the dog stayed with us for weeks when the owners finally showed up to pick him up. !.
    !!! Well let's leave it at that I got fired...
  • @kathy yeah, i also have some stories to tell. some sad some funny
  • @HappyShake -- The ABN members' map doesn't list anyone living in Alaska, but even if it did, they would be in UTC - 9. Hawaii is UTC - 10 (one member on the map). If you look at a map, you might think that some of the far western Alaskan islands would be UTC -10 or even -11. But remember that time zones are partly political.
  • @happyshake Oddly our business relationship with our current vet started when it was time to put our dog down. She was willing to come to our house and take care of it in a favorite outdoor spot. (Wipes tears) We were so grateful. All 3 of our subsequent pets have been clients ever since.
  • Just got back from the vet about an hour ago. Oh wow, got a lot of reading to do! I'll catch up later.

    Thanks @e-star, I gave her a big hug and kiss for you. She's doing well, just a hungry little pup.

    @happyshake, You're right about dogs NOT liking us messing with their mouths. We tried giving her a dose of acepromazine, but that didn't work at all. She was snapping and snarling away, like we were going to kill her with that tripleflex brush. Oh, and forget about me trying to use the finger brush. She was having none of it!
    @Kathy, I know I could never work in an animal clinic or vet's office. I get too emotional and I'd be drop-kicked out the door so quickly!

    @JLZ666 Thanks for asking. Silky is doing fine, no extractions (yay)! That would've cost some extra $$$ so I'm glad her teeth weren't that bad. She's hungry, but I can't feed her anything right now. Have to wait for a couple more hours then she can have some soft food.

    I'll be back after dinner and getting my hubby off to work in a couple hours.
  • @sweetp Glad to hear Silky is doing fine. Doggie teeth cleanings are no fun. We started giving ours raw (frozen) bones from a local butcher, and/or bully sticks about once a week. It's amazing how much that helps to clean their teeth. No need to schedule a cleaning since.
  • @sweetp ;) Happy to hear she's doing o, k , she will probably be mad at you for a little bit, but she'll get over it;)
    Have a great night in case I don't see you back;)
  • Sorry to leave you hanging @Happyshake. Here's the story behind the mystery that is BFNIMCBLIDK. I did see that @estar defined the acronym for everyone.
    I'm not a youngster and not terribly computer savvy. When I started coming into the BP I was constantly confronted with small acronyms that seemed to be written by Klingons. I was always asking, "What does that mean?". In rebellion over my ignorance after a couple of (new to me) acronyms, I fought back. I had seen BFN (bye for now) used frequently when people signed off. So when I signed off that night, I did so with an acronym that those young whippersnappers wouldn't be able to figure out. BFNIMCBLIDK (Bye For Now, I Might Come Back Later, I Don't Know). I left them hanging (inside joke with @TomPuss) for a day or two before coming forward with the answer to the mystery. Everyone laughed and the world continued to spin on it's axis. Then the strangest thing happened. My rebellious acronym started showing up all over the place. It's now a permanent fixture here in the BP. My apologies. This one was all my fault. Guess those young whippersnappers won in the end.
  • Hello everyone and it's soon to be Friday! Weeee! Bad Piggies do little to no work on Friday, instead preferring to eat and sleep in preparation for more eating and sleeping on Caturday and "Ice Cream" Sundae :)

    As a result of our epig failure to do any work the mechanical sheep broke...

    But then a worm came crawling out of the ground and all is well.
  • @ABCrazy you're right about that. Can you imagine me trying to shove a pill down her throat! I'm pretty good at it now, quickly shoving it down her throat far enough that she can't spit it out. Same with liquids in a vial. Open mouth, shove down tongue, squirt!
    You're right about her being mad at me. She won't come to me right now, even though I got a nice piece of steak for her! She'll get over it (that little s*it!), and soon she'll be scratching at my arm, begging to sit on my lap, then we'll be best buddies again. LOL
    @Rat ahh, I get it now. Those young whippersnappers might've had this one on you but they're too green to figure out Old School!
  • Phew BP has picked up!!! Nice! :)
    @sweetp I'm glad to her your baby is doing so well after her cleaning And no teeth pulled!! Yeay :)

    @happyshake I wanted to be a vet from a really young kid to my teens, until I realized there's death involved! Burst my vet bubble and I couldn't go there! Huge kudos to you for obviously being a caring vet!! I've only ever had rescue animals myself so many of them come with issues which is to be expected. My Tigger has lost both his eyes, his tail is broken in 4 places and he has some nasty seizures if he gets sneaky and tosses his meds and I don't catch it! I adore my vet!! He's seen Tig through some extremely rough times, wish I'd been able to see it through but instead I try to give my previously abused babies the best most loving and as healthy as I can life and without my vet well I can't go there! I hope you get back into the vet scene as no place can have too many exceptional vets IMO!! Just sayin :)

    @LesToreador I have bad piggies but only played the very first one and never went further than that level, I see your funny contraptions and it makes me think I might want to give it a try again just to see if it's more fun than I remember!! :D
  • Hi @kimmie. I hope you're mom's eye has opened up. Don't want her looking like she was in a prize fight and lost. Been missing you lately. I so lonely.

    Edit: That came out wrong. I haven't been in the BP the same time as you of late. And I'm lonely.
  • Ack @rat nope it's still pretty swollen but the dark dark black has finally started to fade to a dark greyish colour! She's napping now so I decided to pop in here! We've been either just missing eachother or you ditched us to surprise your honey with brekki! :) How'd that go by the way? Was she a happy wife!! Showed you some extra love I hope!! ;)
    Awwww no way you could be lonely!! You have quite a following my friend!!! :D
  • @kimmie--Can you believe it. I go to all that trouble. Bring in the tray. And she's in bed nauseous.
  • Did you take the tray back to the kitchen and eat like the King you are??
  • @kimmie--It was a bust. She ended up taking a half day off work. Stuff was trying to come out both ends. It wasn't pretty. But she did say thank you. Pregnant? I laugh at you.
  • *Snicker* if that "acronym" doesn't get tongues awaggin nothing will!!!! :D
  • Yeah, I finally fessed up for all the world, or at least the BP, to see.
  • Well then we both laugh at me!!! :D That works just fine by me!! ;) She took only a half day!! Not sure in lo of her erm "issue" a half day would be enough?!
  • You mean to the BFNIMCBLIDK BUT not the RatKR007LtF which I shall never NEVER break the code of!! BWAHAHAHAHAA :D
  • Sorry for teasing you with a visit @kimmie, but I'm on my way to the shower. Be quiet, vewwwy quiet about that one. It's a secret code.
  • Enjoy your shower @rat and you KNOW there's Abso No Way I'm Breaking that code!! It goes to the grave with me!!! ;D No worries, maybe catch ya later tonight!!
  • *Snicker* another one we may not break!! Mwahahahahaaaaaa
  • Hmmm I could be bribed to break the last one!!! But never Never @RatKR007LtF!!!! Nope even tied up to a post waiting for a train to blob me with no knight in shinning armor coming to rescue me will I break THAT CODE!!!!! Bwahahahahaamwahahaahahahahaaahaa
  • OB kindly talk to your relative in HoW 1-5 and tell him to start cooperating with the lot of us fighting the good fight there! If he persists in flunking out I can't be held responsible for the permanent damage I'm going to do to him, relative or Not!!! He's been warned!!!
    On that note a Sunupper for me please OB and make it as strong as you can, oh and to go please! ;)
  • @Kimmiecv

    haha I am the opposite, I am not much of a bird flinger. However I am addicted to "angry bird pillows" which I use to throw at the Pigs in my office. The angry bird toys are round, heavy and awesome to threaten people with :)

    Sadly my plans for pigging out in the office are foiled by a premade appointment. Oh well, I will get pigger another day.
  • @kimmiecv, my other two Silky Terriers are rescues. In fact, all of my pets I've ever had were either rescued or strays. Silky is the only one that was bought from a breeder. My hubby got her before I knew him. Anyway, you're such a good mommy to take such good care of Tigger and all of your other babies. I know how hard and frustrating it can get at times, but we give them the best loving care possible that comes from the ♥!
    When I see animals abused at the hands of monsters, I get so angry and it brings me such great sadness that I'm bawling my eyes out. That's why I couldn't handle working with veterinarians. There are times I wish I had all the money in the world so I could rescue these helpless babies and give them a furever home.
  • @SweetP
    'decades' ago I was in college and my classmates captured this gigantic lizard which they were torturing. I demanded they hand it over to me and brought it home and realized it was dead. Said a 15 minute long prayer over it and it sprang to life and was still alive when I moved from that house years after.
  • Tomorrow's FRIDAAAYYY!! Woo-hoo!

    Nighty-night @all.
  • @lestoreador the pillow talk was funny!! I have to decipher the pig jargon sometimes but yeah funny!! :D

    @sweetp great pictures!!! And what I wouldn't give to have ohhh lets say even just 2 minutes with the kid, yes YOUNG KID (boy) that tortured my Tigger, I'd have ZERO problems with stabbing a pencil in both his eyes and breaking his tail bone in 4 places! Just for starters!!! Seems only fair the little serial killer in training should know Exactly what it feels like so he's got a better reference point. Call it a learning experience!! ;D
  • *poofs over to @Kathys, ever so gently dislodges her flashlight from the death grip she's got on it, plugs her erm big new device in the plug thingy and poofs back to BP, shines her flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
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