The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1883
  • Thanks @tompuss she's got a nice cold pack on her shiner and is tucked Nicely in bed!! :)

    Heyyyy @JLZ-666! IKR it's horrid!!! LOL I've been teasing her and keeping her laughing but it was painful today along with other parts if her poor body! The next day or two are always worse arent they (like your poor hubby!) ;)
  • Anybody here an iOS user/bad piggies player? I can't find the update!!!!
  • @absm I'm on iOS and I don't see a bad piggies update are you sure there was one?
  • Page change!
    Good morning to you too, @JLZ666.
    Hello @kimmiecv. Your poor mom, sounds like she'll be sore for awhile. Hopefully the swelling will go down soon with using the icepacks. I know, give her chocolate! That's my cure-all anytime I'm not feeling good. ((Hugs)) for her.

    Time for me to get to bed. Gotta get up early and take drop my dog off at the vet's for teeth cleaning.

    Happy Thursday, @all. You can see the weekend from here!
    Nighty night!
  • Android and PC users have had it for an hour. Good to know my iPod's not messed up or something.
  • LOL @sweetp she does love her chocolate!! :D Thank you and I will pass on the ((hugs)) :) Sleep well and good luck to your pup on the teeth cleaning! They don't like that much I know!! See ya tomorrow! :)
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster - Android only for now.

    PC users will have a cumulative 1.3 - > 1.5 update soon. PC skipped one update due to scheduling priorities.
  • Huh that's weird they got it first!! And nope your iPod is A OK! I just looked again and still no update. Hang in there it's got to show up sooner or later!!
  • Well there you go @absm!! @LesToreadors would know if anyone would!!!
  • Thank you @lostoreadors. I didn't know that PC didn't have it either. However: HEY ROVIO!! Give us the update already!!
  • Hey @kimmie ding ding! Sorry,it looks like I'll be popping and missing you again :( I'm going to ignore that comment BTW;)
    Hi and nighty night @sweetp! Good luck at the vet tomorrow.
  • OK @JLZ-666 I did a speed read and I'm back! Lets put that 1/2 hour to good use yes!! Getcha bum in here!!!!!!
  • ROFLMAO guess we popped in at the Same time and now your popping?! WTH!!!!'
  • Sorry,that was rude:( hi and possibly bye @absm & @LesToreadors
  • Hells bells I'm here....I think? Where am I? Be back in a sec,just need to do something.
  • Do you have a wee bit of time or are you gone @JLZ-666? Me confuuused!!!' :/
  • I'm here @kimmie soooo sorry:( it's the nature of the beast I'm afraid! 1/2hr has suddenly gone and its 10 mins if she's on time. If she's early I'm outa here.
  • One liners are the best I can do @kimmie!
  • Is your mom to lay low for a few days? How the heck are you going to be able to stop her?!
  • Argh!!! This'll be the time She's on time @JLZ-666!! ;/ Ahh well it is what it is eh!!
  • Good morning @all
    That took some reading back phew!
    @JLZ I think we're wasting our time with geography lessons, I've tried before, but the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland appears to be beyond the grasp of mere mortals.
    @kimmie more kind wishes for your mum
  • Naw they seemed to think if she can do it it's ok, and good thing because unless I tie her down it ain't happening!!! :/
  • I'm getting it all out while I can lol!! Yep hubby is bruised so I feel a teeny bit quilty but it was still bloody funny though! Makes him look like a wimp compared to your mom tho ;)
  • Thanks @hunnybunny, you'd FREAK if you saw that black bruise she's sporting!!
  • I'm feeling quilty?! Haahaaaa!!! That's a new one!
  • Well this place has been busy since I last popped in - Mumsie goes to her rocker, starts to knit and begins the long job of reading back over a shed load of chat!
  • Morning @hunnybunny yep I know,I know but then again my knowledge of the States in America is limited! It's only because my Mum has lived in 4 that I've got a rough idea where they all are! I'm hoping @kathy will study this map lol!!
  • Heydyho @mumsie42!! It's been wicked long since you've popped into BP!! Welcome home!!! :)
  • I'm not sure why it's so confusing? Never thought England had anything to do with Scotland or Wales!! Besides the queen anyway.
  • Morning @mumsie knitting more dusters?
  • Shoot not even sure if the queen has anything to Do with Wales!! I know Scotland is stuck with her, good thing she's a figurehead and not like our President, senate and congress!! :/
  • Ahhhhh! Hey @mumsie! Just in time to say goodbye!
    @kimmie yep I'm going to show him tonight. He doesn't know I've told everyone about his mishap though...shhhhhhh ;)
    Ok I gotta split. Have a great sleep tonight Kimmie ok?
    This side of the ponders have a great day!
    See ya's!
  • Byyyye @JLZ-666!! Good deal, maybe give him some kahoneys to deal!! *Snicker* hope your workday flys right on by!! Mwaaaah :• Ill leave you something to read on your lunch break!!! ;)
  • I'm off too. See you all later.
  • @kimmie--Speaking of kahoneys, my balls are back. I didn't do anything to lose them and I found them the same way. 7-20 and the rest of the wonky application are A OK.
  • Since I'm all alone, I'm going to leave the nest and surprise the wife with breakfast in bed this morning. So nobody ding me in the next few minutes. Watch em come out of the woodwork if I try to leave.
  • @Rat9, the Borg is back!
    So what's the recipe for S-17? It seems I've been spending time optimizing a suboptimal solution.
  • OK, breakfast in bed it is. My wife thanks you @all.
  • Whoo Hooo good news @rat!!! :D Glad you got your balls back!!! ROFLMAO

    Arrrrgh!!! There's a a a a a a a sssslimy ssssnail in pig pot potion!!!! Aaaaack :O almost had a heart attach!!!! :/
  • > So nobody ding me in the next few minutes. Watch em come out of the woodwork if I try to leave.

    Oh, crap. Sorry!
  • Drats, @burpie. You just cancelled breakfast. Like that score do ya?
  • Uh-huh. I like it!
  • But go ahead, enjoy a nice breakfast. I'll be here sweating and biting my finger nails.
  • PM's as well. It got busy. But the wife's getting lucky this AM. BFNIMCBLIDK
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