The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1888
  • Gotta get back to helping hubby in the garage.


    (ooh, page change!)
  • @sweetppsgechanger ;) see ya later ;)
    @hunnybunny yes I agree is the mutant jackalope :)
    O.k OB my last offer before I let @KimmieCV loose on your voudin, uncle, father, brother,
    whoever Double your pay and free insurance;) hee hee I'd take that insurance deal it covers extended family. ? Ermmm if you get my drift;)
  • Recently watched Gravity the movie with the family, so naturally, this week's photoshop art is space stuff. Digitized a quick hand sketch from a couple days ago.
  • Very cool artwork @LesToreadors. How was the movie? We're going to see The Family tomorrow.
  • @SweetP - a must watch for anyone even remotely interested in space (Angry Birds: Space included!). The technical detail is off the scale, from spacewalking physics to the interior of space stations and various spacecraft.

    Of particular note is the awesome detail in psychology and (lack of) sound effects. There are no explosions in space. The lack of external sound (creates fear and authentic immersion, as the sounds you hear are inside spacesuits or spacecraft only) and technical realism made for one of the best movies I've ever watched. I'd watch it again in 3D given the chance (which would be 10x more awesome given all the detail).
  • Mwahahahaahahahaaa vewwwwy scawwwy things be a foot in BP!!!
    @hunnybunny Loving the vampitty!!! Me wants one!!!! :D As to your dreams, well can't say as I blame you one little bit!! The view is Forever etched in my memory!!!! ;)

    @sweetp I think your erm scary thingy is a definant second!! Those fangs, just wicked!!! :O

    @Kathy must say I was trying very Very hard to be quiet last night but just as I was getting ready to poof out I tripped on a slipper and went flying, poofed in mid air but not before making an Umph!!! ;/

    OB I see you made an effort with your relative, possibly thinking @Kathys very generous offer worth your while, however he's still not performing to his fullest, after I believe this is now the FIFTH day he's sadly made only minimal progress with me or the other group members in the Ferocious Five. Therefore the countdown begins! If he doesn't buck up and pop for all he's worth, well you best start looking at caskets my friend!! That's the last warning he's getting......

    Whoo Hooo CongRATs to @rat9 and @burpie for making a new law!! And hitting the top 2 scores!! Way to go guys!!! :D
  • Bacon bits on a pogo stick @Kathy did it Again!!
    *poofs over to Kathys, verrrrry gently takes flashlight from her death grip, plugs in her thingamajig, steps OVER her slippers (wont make that mistake again!) and poofs back to BP, shines her flashlight, replaces batteries and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • @mvnla2 Big thanx for the help and detailed explanations, very much appreciated. Must admit it has me shaking in my shoes tho'! Scarier than anything our Hallowe'ensters could dream up. . One last query: are you pleased with the result? A simpleY/N will do.
    *consults clock app to see what time it is chez you* Sweet dreams and c u L8R
  • Oooohhhhh Nooooooo @burpie :( I'd ask but @happyshake doesn't seem to acknowledge me, I'm a ghost in his world therefore I do not exists! But my bet is he has a lot of time on his hands along with being a good flinger, the two combined are sure to foil your plans until he moves on to a maybe more exciting locale, thereby giving you the edge you need in time to make up those points and take back your lead!!! ;)
  • Don't worry about that invisibility thing @Kimmiecv, HappyShake is Syrian-German so his mind works in mysterious ways. I'm sure it's not personal ;-)
  • @burpie, there be lots o' friends I have in BP, one less wont break my heart ;)
  • @Burpie--I counted. Happy has 26 of his scores in the top three in Cosmic Crystals. Why do you think I'm trying to come up with new strats? Can't touch him with existing stuff.
  • @burpie @Kimmiecv for the record I am from Styria not from Syria. The "t" makes a hell of a difference ;-)
  • I am the wind..........mwahahahahaaaaaa :D
  • Hey, nobody asked you to the party. We were talking behind your back @happyshake.
  • No, wait a second. Styria (Steiermark)? Where the heck did I get Syria from??

    There goes my theory about your superhuman AB powers, @HappyShake.
  • Well, as long as you're here @happyshake. Congratulations on a job well done.
  • Aha, Schwarzenegger is from Styria. Has anyone ever seen Schwarzenegger and HappyShake together in the same room?
  • Hi @kimmie. It's 6 am here. I'm going to try the sleep thing for a bit.
  • Sleep well Rat, laters Kimmiecv & HappyShake.
  • Hey @rat9 :) Good luck hope you get amazing loooong sleep and come back ready to take on the world!!
    @burpie me thinks not as Schwarzenegger is actually in my neck o' the woods!! HS ain't anywhere near here!! LOL
  • @burpie on my FB page you could see a pic of him and me in the same room :-)
  • Good morning all:) Thanks @KimmieCV for taking care of my tablet and shining up much flashlight:) hee hee I didn't hear a thing! Don't worry I too and a ghost in @happyshake world most of the time, sometimes he gets a glimpse of me not often:(
    Thank goodness @burpie was wrong about the Syria thing! !!
    I see youve had another talk with OB hopefully he listened this time. I'm about to find out:)
    Have a great day everyone; )
  • Ladies @Kathy and @KimmieCV I do not understand that ghosting discussion. I try to read back as far as I can and to answer all comments directed to me. If I have overlooked a comment of yours in the past I do apologize. I don't do that intentionally.
  • Thanks @HappyShake it's o.k I know its hard to keep up trust me, I don't always remember everything when I read back, hard to respond to by the time ifinish responding sometimes there's 10 more Posts lol, I'm a really happy your not in Syria though:)
    And congratulations on the fling ing;)
  • Good afternoon @all
    Chores done, thought I'd have a little fling so tried the challenge. What a weird level! Shoot the bird exactly the same, kill all the pigs exactly the same, result anywhere from 74k to 88k. And the target is nearly 93k. What you need to destruct for a really high score defeats me :-(
  • @HappyShake, I don't have Facebook (like I need another time sink) but I'll take your word for it that you are not Schwarzenegger. Which, by process of elimination, leads me to the conclusion that you are Chuck Norris.

    @Hunnybunny, thank you for drawing my attention to the fact that today's challenge is a Pig Dipper level. I'll give it a try for 20 minutes before I foolishly resume playing catch up in Cosmic Crystals.
  • @Kimmiecv -- Not sure where Styria is, but it must be in Austria. Schwarzenegger was born in Austria, though he now lives in CA.
  • Crap it didnt work:(
  • What were you trying to show Kimmie @Kathy? Maybe I can lend a hand?
  • @Les Toreadors No way, I am heading over to the cinema tomorrow with my hubby, going to see Gravity, a friend went and told it was amazing. We are lucky enough to live in a large city and we are going to see it in 3D AND IMAX! A totally amazing experience. Watched The Avengers on 3D and IMAX and I absolutely loved it!
  • @HappyShake I know this is tricky grounds and I hope I can explain it the best as I can (hoping the language barrier for me isn't too much in the way), cause maybe you are not aware you are coming of like this. Yes you answer all the question thrown at you and let me be clear, I love hearing about your live as a traveler and thank you for being so forthcoming. But you (imo) hardly ever comment on stuff others tell about their lives or for instance when I signed off for the night, most people say goodnight in here to the person leaving. As if you are not interested in the rest of the stories in here. Now don't get me wrong, maybe you are, it just doesn't show from your comments.
  • @E-star it's a pic in my album of a liitle birdie casket hahaha sorry OB
    I copied the embed lik?
  • That sounds awesome e-star I haven't checked the link @LesToreadors posted yet but im sure it will be an awesome movie ive seen commercial for it;)
  • There you go Kathy... all done :D
  • The link was of something else, not the movie @kathy, but will let you know tomorrow... we are going in the afternoon, cause it is less crowed... last time we almost got the whole cinema for ourselves LOL
  • Thanks e-star :)
  • I'm of to breakfast BBFNIMCMLIKDBPW
  • You are welcome Kathy, a bit to gold for me (silver kind of girl hihi), but the painting on it does look amazing! Have a fab breakfast... we are almost ready for dinner, whatcha mean wonky stuff these timezones ;)
  • I have another one I'll put in my album later:)
  • Enjoy your dinner wonky times zone indeed haha
  • E-star the trouble is the whole link doesnt show in the bar in my album? So it only copies half:(
  • Yes I did it ;) ;)
    Well sorry OB @KimmieCV did warn you I'm just trying to help;)
  • It worked :D Must admit, not my cup of tea though
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