The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1895
  • Oh noos... that was no ordinary whine. Good luck, Hunnybunny!

    Ooooh, page change! *gets up and does a jig*
  • @all Hi! Such an interesting article, thanx @burpie.
    @tas What a marvel of technology, I was fascinated. Also by @lesToreadors' camera work. The BP certainly attracts brilliant minds!
    OB, can I get a No So #AngryBird Orchard and a bag of pork scratchings please? Thanks! (Am I the first to try Slim's new drink?) *clink*
    Good night, sweet dreams. Over and out.
  • I need to post my new strategy for CC 7-18
    I got a mildly unrepeatable 187k score
  • @hunnybunny--Now I really have something to whine about. I beat your score but messed up the screen shot. Lucky bunny.
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster Congrats on 7th place! But, eh, that's 8k lower than the current high score. Does your new way have the potential to rack up that much more?
  • @burpie, I went and looked as well. Vultures are out today.
  • @Rat9, of course I checked. I nearly had a heart attack when he said 'mildly unrepeatable' strategy! :-)
  • You crack me up @burpie. Ha ha ha ha ha
    Give me one of those newfangled Slim concoctions as well OB. I going back to the low challenge to hunt wabbits.
  • Heeeeey @burpie. Your whine worked. Happy can't recharge his laptop in his current location. The field is wide open.
    My whine only worked half way. I was able to beat the bunny numerous times in the low challenge but I was unable to get them to upload from my ipad photo roll. After two hours of trying I succeeded twice. I'm posting the lowest and calling it a day.
    I'd sure hate to lose because of technical problems.
  • @Rat9 @Hunnybunny @Kathy , There's still 14 hours left for the low score challenge. @Happyshake has set a countdown clock:

    Girls, it's up to you now!

    As for my whine, I *almost* had a fantastic score on Space 7-5 but that last piggie was made of titanium. I did pick up some points elsewhere.

    I'm off to bed. Goodnight all!
  • @burpie -- Great article! May have to actually go to a 3-D theater to see it. Haven't been to a movie theater in at least a year -- watch all movies on TV.
  • @Kimmiecv -- Sorry to hear about your mom's continuing problems. They don't surprise me however, bruises frequently take a day or two to show up if the injury was deep. Hope you're prepared for the normal color progression: black / grey, purple, green, greenish yellow.
  • @burpie it definitely has potential. It requires a SUPER lucky shot with Terence though. Once in 100 tries; something ridiculous. I have yet to replicate it.
  • Great whinne @Burpie ;) quick study I see;)
    @firebombbird thanks for the toonage :)
  • OB, a double tequila and leave the bottle. I haven't had much to drink in twenty years. I've got some catching up to do.
  • OB make that 2 bottles:)
  • I am back at work now and brought my Major Lazer Bad Piggies record to my office where it will be kept for the rest of its life in a climate controlled environment free from predation from felines, lambs and other household animals :)

    My boss was very amused at the Chef Pig Pizza box it came in. My next Angry Bird collectible will probably be that ginormous ultimate Bad Piggies collection which is on offer for $99.00 though I will only get it after Chinese New Year next year. And then I will probably run out of storage and display space to do any work anywhere so I can let the little piglets here choose which small pig they would like to adopt.

    I will likely retain the 16" King Pig and 12" 'uncle' Pig for my own use as they are the fattest. Fatness is the deciding personal trait here in sunny Piggy Island!
  • Sorry I missedv everyone tonight b; (;busy busy busy
    *places flashlight in the safe*
    nighty night everybody sleep well
  • *goes to safe grabs Kathys flashlight, shines it up bright and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * @Kathy your doing reallllly good in HoW!! Hope your workday goes quickly so you can continue to kick piggie butt! ;)
  • @tompuss and @mvnla2 yep to both! My Moms bruises are both taking a bit of time to heal and especially the oldest one around the eye she smacked into those colours are getting to the yellowish weird array of colouring!! But today she was doing a bit better!! :)

  • Sorry I haven't been around the BP today, busy, busy!

    I'll see you all tomorrow, since it's 1:15am here and I should get to bed. Have a good night @all.

    Good luck and Happy Flinging!
  • I'm so stupid clumsy!! :/ I dropped my phone on the floor and the screen is now broken ... it still works, but some weird lines and shapes are on display over the stuff that should be there, which makes aiming in AB completely impossible. I should get it repaired but that would mean two or three weeks without the phone AT ALL ... I'm not sure if I can take it for that long :((

    OB, crispy pig ears with bacon, please ;)
  • For those having a slow morning, here's a serving of tea. And Pillows.
  • @LesToreadors Designer teabags, wow!
  • @Annifrid Oh no! I did the same thing with my Pad, I was sick as a parrot, I can tell you. . . Actually when I went to the store they sold me another pad at a cheaper price, but billed it as a repair. Hope you can get it sorted (((sympathy vibes)))
  • A duck walked into a general store, waddled up to the counter and asked: “Got any peanuts?”
    “No,” said the assistant.
    The following day the duck was back again, “Got any peanuts?”
    “No,” said the assistant firmly.
    The next day duck came in again, “Got any peanuts?”
    “No,” yelled the assistant. “I’ve told you we don’t have any peanuts. If you come back in here again and ask for peanuts, I’ll nail your webbed feet to the floor.”
    The next day the duck came in again, “Got any nails?”
    “No,” said the assistant.
    “Good. Got any peanuts?”
  • Did it work?
  • Hi there @Kathy :) Lovely story! *roffles* All good with you?
  • Hi @TomPuss:) yep all is well, sorry I can't stay im at work:)
    Just saw that funny on my lunch,, thought I'd share:)
    Have a great day:)
  • Good one @Kathy :D
    @TomPuss I'm also scared of the fact I'll have to back up AB data ... don't wanna play the entire SW and SW2 again in case something goes wrong or I even have to buy a new phone.
  • @Annifrid
    You'll have to back up. . But how, I think that depends on what system you are using (we have a Mac computer and an iPad, so can sync). You should ask for expert help in the forum, giving details of your devices. Try not to panic!
  • Wow! It sure is quiet today. Anyone around? Been trying to catch up (get above average) on all the levels that were released just before I went on vacation.
  • Wow! Not a single post in 7 hours.
    *gently nudges OB * errmm could i get a.
    Never mind I'll get it. You goback to resting;)
    Did i missed and update?
  • Haha @mvnla2 no post for 7 hours and we both post same time, same idea
  • @Kathy -- Hi! Still no one else here. Back to flinging.
  • I am typing up like, a zillion mortgages today. Secretarial fun :3
  • Hi @les Toreadors -- I think you must be just getting up, and I will be going to bed shortly. Updated map, but need to do something about your large green pin, which doesn't show up unless you zoom in a lot.
  • That's alright. I replied with a solution in the maps group; just move me to Kuching or some remote place in East Malaysia. No one is there at the moment.
  • Hi @LesToreadors. It's pretty quiet in here. Anything going on?

    OB, may I please have a Kahlua Coffee please. I need something with a kick to keep me awake tonight!

    Darn, I missed @mvnla2. Well, sweet dreams to you.
  • I'm lurking @ SweetP .. just getting ready to turn in the flashlight;)
  • Hi @SweetP welcome back, all quiet in King Pig Office at the moment. However, I forgot for the second day in the row to bring my digital camera to the office so I can take pictures of that Bad Piggies vinyl record.

    Going out for lunch... or rather, going to buy random takeaway food to create my own dish with.
  • *Places flashlight in @KimmieCV special safe, *
    Nighty night Pahtnah..I know ya been busy. . Try to get some rest
    ((((( hugs)))))
  • Hi @Les Toreadors sorry im sleepy have a great night ;)
  • Good night @Kathy watch out for Zigs! (Zombie Pigs) :D
  • @Kathy sorry I missed you, as you now know I have a horrendous headache so been laying low today. Almost weekend again!!
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

  • @LesToreadors - Random take away food? What concoction did you dish up today? Would love to see that Bad Piggies vinyl! Gosh, that reminds me I still have all of my vinyl albums, about 200 of them. We have a radio station here, that plays music from vinyl. They never play the same song more than once in any given day. If you like old classic rock music, here's their link:

    Have a good night @Kathy. Sweet dreams, see you tomorrow!

    Oh dear @kimmiecv, sorry you're not feeling too well. You're tending to your Mom so much, you've forgotten to take care of yourself. Stress will weaken your resistance to cold and flu infections, so try to maintain your strength and don't forget to eat and get more rest. Feel better soon!

    Well, speaking of rest I'm exhausted from such a busy day. My eyes are droopy and I don't want to fight it any longer.

    Time to say goodnight, sweet dreams, and happy flinging everyone!
  • has anyone ever earned bird coins on the FB game? i had to join some sites and participate in some surveys to get enough coins to get the stone i have less than 100 coins :( ah well. it's worth it in the end. i guess.
  • @SweetP - I created a frankenstein recipe out of Chinese style fried rice. I got the plainest, most boring fried rice I could find, added dried anchovies from the supermarket and added a potent 'sambal' chili paste to it.

    I create frankenstein recipes as I can't stand the soggy local fare, and anything that isn't soggy is too small or too expensive.

    If I want more calories I usually just get a double cheeseburger from MacDonald's, chop it into pieces, add to rice and plain vegetables. The food is much 'cleaner' this way.

    For stuff like dried anchovies I can get a sizable packet for it for only $1.50, and the double cheeseburger just $2 at MCD.


    As it stands my mind never quite moved out of the 80s and early 90s so yes I like that sort of music a lot. Thank you for the recommendation! I will try to get some proper pics of the bad piggies vinyl tomorrow.
  • Happy day! Trashed the dingy underwear at last, in favour of a golden robe. This thanx to @EStar (a ministering angel, thou) for her help in solving the Gravatar problem. @ABSMaster: I love my new clothes!

    This is the only place I need to use an avatar. Like @burpie, not interested in time-wasting social media, let alone publishing personal details:

    I Tweet not, neither do I Like
    I Follow no one, and no man stalketh me
    I'll sit snugly on my Nest
    because it is by far the best
    and coolest place to be

Post in the New Forum!