The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1898
  • @JLZ666--I wish I could post the American Idol contestant General Larry Platt video here. All this talk about baggy and low riding pants on @mumsie, the homey, reminds me of his song. Pants on the ground. I can't look at someone wearing them low without thinking of that song and LMAO. I think he almost single handedly stopped that craze.
    Thanks for your concern @TomPuss and @ABcrazy.
    Good night @Estar
    Hi Ma
  • @Rat -- Since when has the low-pants style been stopped?
    Also, no fair not playing the low-score challenge. After all, we can't have you saying "I would have won if I'd only entered."
    Not sure how much more flinging I can do today, because house guests are returning.
  • @mvnla2--I'm *edited* if I do, and *edited* if I don't. There's just no making you flingers happy. LOL

    Edit: The above edits were edited by user @mvnla2
  • @Rat -- I don't think you're being edited any more. We're waiting for your low score to know what we need to shoot for.
  • Well @rat9? You can't forfeit now! There are flingers counting on you to set the standard. LOL
    You know what they can't please all of the (sic) peeps all of the time!
  • @SweetP, I've never had peeps to please before.
    Thanks for the video. I do love Larry's message. Short and sweet. Pull up your pants. And I know the craze hasn't stopped nationally @mvnla2, but I don't see it where I live any more. It's a start. And I credit Larry.

    Edit: I like the acapella video version from American Idol better. The jazzed version above doesn't feel as clean and honest. Plus you don't get to watch Larry in the above version. Too commercial.
  • It's time for bed, so I say goodnight @all.

    Happy flinging and have a great weekend!
  • That's the one @SweetP. Love it.
  • Mumsie pops her head around the door - ( tightens the belt on her trousers another notch to make sure they stay at her waist ) - and wonders at the way in which language can be interpreted ! OB I know it's only breakfast time on this side of the pond but those ribs look and smell delish - no cutlery required but could you bring a stack of napkins and some wet wipes please. Oh and I think I'll sit in Kimmies booth so I don't get the sauce over the knitting!
  • Hi @Mumsie. Looking at that pile of bones, I don't think you're in danger any more of your pants falling down. BTW, could you do me a favor. I thought I notice a bulge in the walls of the BP. But when I blinked, it was normal. You're in here quite often for long periods of time. Could you keep an eye on the walls for me? We may be due for another mass relocation of relatives soon.
  • Certainly @rat - I will keep an eye on the walls - I can't say I've noticed it but I have heard some scurrying noises so...... As long as its only them and not that the plaster is addled as well as my brain! Don't you just love the English language where a word like addled means two completely different things! The more I type the word addled the more wrong it looks!
  • @Mumsie I can't mention the E-word here, but among my favourite Americanisms are "sunny side up" and "over easy", also "cool beans"!
    P.S. I have a rocking-chair too. . .
  • Good morning @Mumsie, @TomPuss and @Rat9. It looks like it's gonna be a nice day here.
    OB, I'd like a tall glass of OJ, cup of coffee, and some bacon with eggs scrambled, and an apple scone please.
    @rat9 what bulge in the wall? If there's relatives on the way I'd think it would be closer to Thanksgiving next month, not any sooner.
    Well my fine feathered friends, I better get ready to go golfing with my hubby. It'll be a perfect day with sunny skies and cool breezes.
    Good luck and have a great day flinging everyone!
  • Thanks @Mumsie, you're a mensch.
    Possibility of too many Heyyou's in the walls @SweetP.
  • Hey @rat thanks high praise indeed!
    I was wondering - do you think the heyyous could be trained to collect snails? Then we could take it in turns to 'poof' them to Kimmie's garden! :^)
  • I'm not real proficient at poofing @Mumsie. That's how I got in the wall last time. Wouldn't work anyway. @kimmie called an exterminator on some of my relatives recently. I was able to warn them and they barely got out in time. The warning didn't get to the mice. Oh, the horror, as my relatives watched, her hired hit man got them while they slept. My relatives are suffering from PTSD. They'll never be the same.
  • @rat @sweetP thanks for the links! Yep they lookin like fools lol!
    @mumsie pull your breeks up woman! If that stormy wind catches you tomorrow you'll be up in the air and heading my way in no time!
    1hr left at work then my weekend can start! Woohoooo!!!
    Have a good one @all!
  • @SweetP -- Didn't remember that you play golf! Hmm -- At 5:30 am it should have still been dark. Where did you play?
  • guys I need to let off steam and this seems to be the right place. Improved my score 4 times on the daily challenge and now I stopped 100points short from top score arggghs!!! that's better
  • Woohoo! OB round of drinks on me please. I got a top score on POTJ 11. (Happy dance)
  • Congrats @ABCrazy:) thanks for the drink
    OB I'll have one not-so angrybird orchard please; )
  • I am confident I will get the highscore on CC 7-18. I must do it. I've gone from 7th place to 5th place and I'm super close to 4th. @rat9, watch out.
  • @all Keeling over with sleepiness, it's been one of thse days. . so off to bed to make the most of that extra hour. Forgive brevity please, xoxo to all
  • Aww good night @TomPuss. Sweet Dreams;)
  • Hey guys! Haven't been able to come lately because of being dragged to errands most of the time..... I got a new bike today though! We had a good ride to the nearest park and rode the trail there a few times. It's about half a mile long. Anyway, I finally found my nook today. It won't connect right to the wifi though, and it won't let me go to the google play store! I'll probably end up having to bring it somewhere else where it'll let me connect to the store. Until then, I'll be getting NO updates for a while, and with my luck I won't be able to get ABSW2 until a month and a half after the release, possibly even after its first update! NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
  • Well.... I'm bored.
  • I guess I'll get some pig ears to go. Bye.
  • Good score on 7-18 @ABS(?). Thanks for reminding me about this one. I was top score for a while but am now in fourth. Time to look at it again. Thanks.

    and good luck
  • @rat9 WTH??? It was e-star that had the bad guys come in!! Let me tell you how I deal with rodents, my BiL put out traps in the garage when we had a few of your heyyous come to visit, I snuck in and popped the traps so the poor babies wouldn't end up in those evil things!! He finally gave up and they moved on! I was able to catch a couple of them and relocate them to the field round the corner of our home!!
    Ok that's me popping in to clear the record!! Like I'd let anyone kill a mousey or rat!!! :/
    Gotta go!!
  • Hey @theanonomoussomeone sorry I missedb you
    Lol @KimmieCV I was wondering what Pa was talking about I knew you wouldn't have exterminated the heyyou's ;)
  • I'm being quiet as a mouse right now bf sleeping, the Mom downstairs cleaning. So I'm sitting here in the dark flinging lol..
    OB I'll have a PigKilller please and some pig ears as well thanks tas for reminding me. . My almost favorite;)
    it's amazing what this Stupid keyboard guesses to type when I type in one word it comes up totally differnt; ( to much correction I gotta do!!!
  • How are you @theanonymousomeone did you find your nook?
  • Was out all day and trying to catch up, but I think after this long and boring day I am going to have me some couch time and enjoy my time with Hubby. I see it has been kinda slow in the BP today, guess we are all enjoying the weekend as much as we can right?

    Sorry for skimming the stuff I missed, but all I noticed was mister Rat confusing Kimmie and me... but don't blame the poor man, we are alike, we both can PM his ears of LOL... but yeah it was me that wants the house all for me, hubby and Jaapie... Don't mind visitors, but when they are trashing my belongings, I want them out ;)
  • Oops spelled it wrong. .had to reset my dictionary
  • A quick hi to @Tas Sorry to hear the nook can not connect to the internet and you are missing all the fun.

    And a quick hi and huggggs to @Kathy sorry for popping, but I really want to zombie out on the couch... trainride of 3 hours, a visit to my nieces birthday party and a 2 hours car ride back really numbs the brain cells. Guess only a good nights sleep is going to wake them up again ;)
  • Hahaha @e-star Pa was talking about the time you called the extermination for the BP walls:)
    He says there bulging and n need to relocate a few? Heyyou's hee hee
    Enjoy your couch time;)
  • Oops sorry tas I'm on my phone , didn't catch that part of the nook wont connect:(
    I'm sure you've tried scanning the network? I am just learning how to connect to wi fi and at first it says not connection but then i hitv scan and a list come s up of available
    Some have a lock but others are open.
    Cool you got a new bike and enjoyed your timein the park;)
  • Hmmm are you sure @Kathy, I thought he was talking about my appointment I had with the exterminator this week over at my house. But mweeeeh doesn't matter, it was me who called in the bad guys and not Kimmie, which by the way, Love the popping of the traps LOL, so you @Kimmie!! hahahaha
  • Well gonna switch over to tablet BBFNIMCBLIDKBPW :)
  • I could be mistake @E* but possibly Pa mixed stories together lol
    Either way .. Enjoy couch time;)
  • @Estar, @Kimmie, Have you ever heard the saying think before you speak? It applies to texting as well. I never engaged the brain or I'm a little foggy after my meds restart.
    Either way, my sincere apologies to you both.
  • And yes, @Mumsie is keeping an eye on the walls for me. I thought I saw some bulging, but only out the corner of my eye. When I looked right at them, all is fine.
  • @rat well hello! I thought you left!
  • Pa I think you ought worry bout it;)
    How's the LSC going sorry I bailed to tough for me , I'm trying to conquer HoW ;)
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