The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1900
  • Turn of the century page change! We're into the 1900's!
  • happy 1900th page change!!! almost to 2000!
  • hey @Estar, things are good, busy school week, but couldn't resist popping in on the 1900th page change
  • Hey @angryboy :)
    WooooooHoooooooo 1900 pages!!!
    OB break out the Cristal !! And Apple cider for the teens and of course cranberry for Ab :)
  • Yes thank you for thinking about us young'n's @kathy :)
  • V your welcome @ AngryBirdsSpaceMaster :) congrats on the page change and happy anniversary:)
  • Just a flying visit . . @ABSMaster: big congrats on the historic page-turner!
    @EStar: Been thinking of you today amid the storms - hope all well with you in NL?
    Pillow-call, goodnight @all
  • Ahhh....Yep. That's the one @Estar. I promise not to use heavy machinery in the near future. After all the mistakes I've made lately, I've got the wife testing my memory to make sure nothing serious is happening. So far it's all good. Just the elevated pain levels distracting me.
  • Guys sign the unlimited space eagle petition please and thank you
  • folks..just wanted to let you know that the new Lowest Score Competition has started just now. Surprise, surprise...Rat did not win the last one. It is a Seasons episode ths time and totally different of all former challenges. I hope for tons of contestants this time and good luck to everyone!
  • Just stopping in to say hello @all. Been laying low, sicker than a dog!
    Ok, back to bed for me. Good night everyone, and happy flinging.
  • @SweetP -- Sorry to hear you're sick. Hope you got to play golf before it hit. If you haven't read back, I'd like to know where you played and how you liked it.
  • Thanks for the notice @ happyshake ?why is it over so soon?
  • Awwww noooooo @sweetp not you too!!! :( I hope you feel better really soon! Eat lots of that unnamed soup you made and get well super fast!!!

    @Kathy how cute is she!!!! :) Phew one more level down loads more to go!! I'm hoping the 'L' factor the rest of you Ferocious Four are using rubs off on my limited fling time like it did today!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Glad to see you popped in quick like @angryboy I hope your doing well!! :)

  • AAAAAAACCCKKK there's a a a a a ppppicture offff aaaaaaa slimy snail in my advert section!!!!! :O
  • @kimmiecv Yes! I saw that pic too and thought of you! Idea: you could bring all your snails to the BP (for $$$ of course). Escargots de Californie would make a great addition to the menu...
  • Hi @all I ahven't been here whole summer and I missed you and this awesome place. I probably missed a lot happenings but as I can see somethings never change. @kimmiecv your problem with snails!!! OMG dear how do you manage with those little slimy creatures?
    @mvnla2 I think you mentioned you were on vacation in Eirope this summer and I remeber you were in Budapest. What else you visited?
    Who plays ABSW2? Isn't it great? I just LOVE it and those telepods are awesome. Way to cool to resist IMO.
  • @tompuss they're following me Everywhere!! The nest isn't even safe anymore! Every page I have up has the slimy snail on it!!! :O Don't know if OB will go for it and not sure I could stomach being the one to bring the slimy things to their doom to land in peeps stomachs!! Blecky
    Hey @cosmo2503! Indeed they are a sadly permenant part of my life I'm afraid!! Glad to have you pop back into BP! Haven't hit SW2 yet but hear pretty good things about it! We're in seasons ATM. Take care and hope you can pop in more often again!! :)

    I'm off to fling a wee bit then getting my bum to bed erm early (hahaa really going to try that!!)

    Everyone have a Terrific Tuesday!!! :)
  • @Kathy the competitions now run for 5 days. The top posting has a link where you can see how much time is left in each event. Last time some time was lost while picking the next level.
  • @angrybirdsspacemaster, I read your answer on my AB GO! related thread. What do you think about playing racing games on mobile devices? I simply find controling difficult and therefore annpjing, not fun at all. Playing on PS and wii is cool but touch screen devices, God NO!
  • @kimmiecv I am not sure if we have same ads on ABN home screen but there is one for cool game free in iTunes store, just in case that you need more snails in life
  • *sets out baskets of earplugs on all booths and on the bar*
    Good Morning all
    Welcome to WWWwwwHHhhhhhiiiiinnnnneeeee Tuesday''!!
  • @Cosmo2503 -- We were in Budapest, Vienna and Paris. There is a short summary a few / many pages back, maybe about 10/7 or 10/8. Marvelous vacation!
    I've also been playing ABSW II -- 3* before vacation; returning now to get above average. So far I've been able to get above average in the first bird / pig episode without using character swaps or telepods in all except one level (last pig level). Good thing above average is my goal, 'cause I'm not sure you can get much higher without swaps / telepods.
  • @mvnla2 Budapest, Veinna and Paris must be great places to visit and see. I am glad that you had such a marvelous vacation. I'd been in Budapest twice. First time during socialist Hungary and second time some 10 years ago, charming place. I also visit Veenna two times, last time 3 years ago during x-mass holiday season, magnificient place.
    I am dreaming about visiting Paris, I love everything about Paris and Parisiens, their language, cluture, food and style.
    As for ABSW2 I got above average on most levels in both bird side episodes and was above average on most levels in pig side episodes at very begining (before people start entering character swap scores) without telepods and character swaps. I am declared telepods fan and have already used them a lot on bird side levels that I played (so far haven't played pig side levels a lot, except B2-1 which I played to unlock reward chapter). Now, I am not satisfied that scores are not distinguished in game, because i am not sure which of my current scores are obtained with telepods and which ones are "clean".
  • @kimmiecv Well, perhaps we should accept that you'll NEVER be rid of them. . . just like microbes. I thought everyone had got over the crud, but it seems to be coming right back at 'em.
    @SweetP, hope you feel loads better soon. And you too @rat, poor you, bad backs hurt like hell, I know.
    @BPC That perv is in the military? Based at McChord? If it's the same guy I've been reading about today I guess he'll be in double trouble.
    @EStar How's things? Hope no problems with storm.
  • @TomPuss, yes, that is the guy. They said he was a soldier, so I think he is Army. A few years ago they merged McChord Airforce Base with Fort Lewis, so it is now known as Joint Base Lewis McChord, or JBLM.
  • Hi @all. I'll have to catch up on reading back a few pages. Hope you're having a good day.

    OK, get your earplugs on everybody...
    *clear throat* WWWHHHHHHHIIIIINNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEE!!! Ahh, that feels better!

    @mvnla2 and @mumsie, I did get to play that round of golf, which was very nice. I got feeling bad a few hours after we got home. I guess I got too much fresh air and sun but it was worth it.

    @mvnla2 We golfed at Diamond Valley Golf Club in Hemet. It is a really nice semi-private course, not too hard but challenging. The course is well maintained, and surprisingly greener than I expected, given the really hot dry summer we had.

    Thanks @kimmiecv @TomPuss I am doing much better, I actually have a little appetite, my tastebuds are partially working. Had some oatmeal that wasn't too bad.

    WTG @BPC for helping in getting that perv arrested. Saved a lot of young girls' lives!

    Happy Anniversary @AngerManagement!

    Hope everyone in the UK is safe and the storm didn't do too much damage.

    Well, I'm going to take a little nap now, then catch up on my flinging.

    Have a happy flinging day, @all!
  • Hi @all - hope everyone is enjoying whine Tuesday - had four of the gkids here since Sunday - they've gone now and I'm grabbing some me time!
    @rat - all has gone quiet in the walls - not sure whether that means they've moved out or are lying low!!
    Might amble over to the lowest score challenge if its seasons! Hope it's one I like!
    @sweetp - hope you're feeling better today!
    Everyone else have a drink on me! Nothing to celebrate only having the BP as my local!
  • Hey everyone:)Thanks for the drink @Mumsie , wow 3 days of gkids , enjoy your me time
    OB I'll have a PigKilller please:)
  • Sorry everybody to run in here without being all caught up... will read back in a few, but wanted to ding ding ding @rat check your PMs... I was able to get you the help for your album issues!
  • @SweetP -- Glad to hear you're feeling a little better, and hope you're feeling much better soon.
    Just took a look at Diamond Valley Golf Club. Looks pretty challenging, but interesting. Didn't realize Hemet was that close to LA, it's actually closer than some of the places we've been to play in the winter.
    Question -- Did you ride your motorcycles to the golf? Can't imagine how you get a set of clubs and bag on a motorcycle, but have seen some interesting additions.
    Played golf today myself; did moderately well (for me). Beautiful day, almost chilly, which I like for playing golf.
  • @TomPuss you are always so kind and thinking of us, thanks for that. Yeah we did get a lot of wind, but nothing major in my area. Some accidents, trains could not ride the tracks due to fallen trees and I think 2 fatalities due to falling debris. Which is of course sad, but when I read the weather report I thought it would be way worse.
    I think you Pillow time has already passed and you are in dreamland, so sleep tight and catch you another day!
  • E-star ((((( hugs)))))
    I just popping in cuz i saw you here want to say hi; )
  • @Sweetp awww the bug has gotten you now?! So sorry to hear that! OB can you bring SweetP @Sunshines famous matzo ball soup… she made some for me the other day and it really did the trick!

    @BPC good job! Thanks for stepping up, like @Kimmie mentioned, a rare thing these days, so glad you did!
  • @mumsie Thanks! OB, a Big Pine Puss, please! *clink*. Mumsie, relax in that rocking-chair and get a well-earned rest!
    Hi @EStar, hi @Kathy !
    And. . . nighty-night to everyone,
    over and out
  • Lol you like me only way to keep up and read back answer as you read?
    I didnt read back today im guilty:(
    Sorry Pa you still in pain:(
  • @Kathy Heyyyy!! great to see ya in here when I am really here, LOL.... lately I have been such a popper, to much stuff to handle and the timezones don't make it any easier. How are you doing? Did you just got in from work?
  • Night night @Tompuss Sweet Dreams:)
  • Hee hee kathy yeah you are right, especially when so many of the sweet nesters popped in during my workday :D
  • Yep got home about an hour ago.. just chilling ;)
    Did you work. .you have tomorrow off m
  • @TomPuss @BPC -- Where were you reading about the guy BPC helped capture. Tried Googling, but obviously using the wrong search terms.
  • @TomPuss !! I thought you would have turned in already, sweet, I get to say, sweet dreams in real time! have a relaxing sleep!
  • @Kathy Yeah I did work today and tomorrow is my day off... I am over the hump already, I know it is a luxury these days to be able to work part time and still manage. Work has been slow on and off, but we are still a float and I am happy for it. Just hope they won't have to cut back my hours even more.
  • Which reminds me.... did anyone heard from @Junkenmetel ?? Hope she is just too busy because she landed the new project she was running for.
  • That is tough but as looking as you head above water is good right; )
    My work is slow now but still full time so all is good; )
    Brb smoke break;)
  • Ow and thanks @Mumsie for the drink I will have a Russian earl grey tea real hot please... nothing like a nice hot cup of tea on a cold and rainy evening like this!
  • Haven't heard , but i think she got the account; ) so probably busy
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