The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1899
  • Hi @tas, just came back a short while ago and was shocked at what I had done. Confusing @kimmie and @Estar is dangerous. I wouldn't want either mad at me. Mississippi may be a little backwater (said with all the love that someone who grew up there can muster) but I thought they had WiFi. I hope your problems clear up.
  • Pa? What would they be mad for? Simple mistake e*; exterminating her flat, Kimme relocating hey you simple mistake:) im sure neither take offense; )
  • Arggghhh!!! Not just my phone wonky tablet tooooo!!!!
  • Hi all! Just poppin' in to share my news of the day. You will never, ever guess! But give it a try anyway.... just kidding ;) No, no, go ahead, just TRY to guess! Oh alright, alright.... scroll down for the answer.....
    My lunch mates and I sent a PERVERT to jail in handcuffs! And God only knows for certain, saved a young girl from a terrible fate! Whew!!!
  • Wwhhoa!!! @BPC WH A T Happened yeahh for you!!!
    OB give this lady hero anything she wants:)
  • @BPC -- Great job! Complete, detailed story please!
  • *taps fingers on bar*
    Helloo @bonneypattycat details.?
  • I am sill shaking hours later! I was having lunch with a big group of friends at a small cafe. A few of us couldn't help notice a white man around 50 at a table with a very young Asian girl, about 12 years old. They sure didn't look related, and they were holding hands across the table. I couldn't see his face, but she had a dreamy expression, like a girl with a big crush would have. It was just plain creepy!

    When the female server came over to our table, we pointed out the situation. She didn't look surprised, and said he was always in there with very young women, but never one THAT young. We decided to call the cops.

    Longer story made shorter, it turned out the man had a criminal history and was supposed to stay away from all minors. They packed him off to jail, but I didn't find out what they did about the girl.
  • Omg he was probably a trafficker!!!! Thank goodness you said something!!!
    That's my first thought based on the waitress remark :/
  • @BPC--The police can't be everywhere. Thanks for helping them. And her!
  • Very creepy :/
  • The police ARE busy, and took almost an hour to get there. Fortunately they arrived in time, but had they not, there was also a local business man in the restaurant also keeping tabs on the situation. He even stood outside the restaurant, prepared to stop the PERV from getting the girl in his car. He was also sneaking photos and videos on his iPhone. Hurray for teamwork!
  • Yes!! Good thing the public is aware,where was this that it takes police an Hour to arrive?!!
    That's crazy
  • I think I need a REAL drink!
  • No kidding @BPC I would too!!
  • It happened near Tacoma, WA. I f you ever watch those police reality shows, that might give you a clue :/. Not far from where we were, four police officers were gunned down in a coffee shop. You might remember hearing about that one a few years ago... :(
  • No I didn't hear about that @BPC but I guess that explains why.
    What's this world coming to:( :(scary. ..
  • That's it for me b gotta turn in then flashlight:/ woke up this morning with a nasty indent in my left cheek lol.certainly don't want a matching right side lol Have a great night all :) Happy Flinging:(
    *places fflashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth. .oh my looks like Someone Been Enjoying some of sunshine's ribs in this booth? Mumsie heee hee
    Blues clean up in booth # 3 please :)
    Nighty night all happy flinging:)
  • Wow. Sounds like you're talking about east of McChord AFB @BPC. Nice area. How ever did you find out he had priors and a restraining order? Police don't normally offer up details to bystanders.
  • @Rat, I had to get the info from friends who remained on scene until the cops arrived, my car had to leave early. Most of the info actually came from the local business man with the iPhone. I don't know, maybe he knows the cops well, so they were more likely to tell him more than they usually do. He had exchanged phone numbers with one of the ladies, and he called her later in the day to give an update on the situation.
  • Just popping in for a quick read before breakfast - it's so very good that you called the police @bonneypattycat!
  • Well done @bonneypattycat and friends - sure hope that means he's broken a restraining order and gets put away for a long while!
    @rat - I have been sat here all night with my eyes glued to the wall - but I keep nodding off - no sign of any bulging and even the scurrying noises have quietened down - maybe they were packing and lugging their suitcases past? Must go - golf in the wind and rain beckons! Hope I can stay awake!
    Hey @sweetp - how did your golf game go with hubby?
  • Wow @BPC it's sadly rare these days people step in to help so Huge Kudos to you, your friends and the man with the iPhone!! Well done!!!

    Good luck today @mumsie, do Try to keep warm and somewhat dry!! And stay safe tonight, hopefully the worst of the storm passes you by! Your poor eyes must be feeling like toothpicks are stuck between your eyelids!! Do put some eye drops in them to moisten them up!! ;)

    @rat sounds like the next generation of babes is starting to emerge!! Oh boy could be a mad house of new heyyous heading into the BP and out of the walls!! :O Should be interesting!! :D

    *shines Kathys flashlight, replaces the batteries and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

  • Good morning everyone :) Enjoy a nice relaxing Sunday:)
  • @BPC -- Congrats and thanks to you and the others who stepped in to help! Glad there are still people who think it's their responsibility to intervene.
  • @BPC That was a good, good deed. You just changed someone's life for the better. I'm awed.

    Well @all, I think I just figured out why I was so KO'd yesterday: some strong coffee had spilled on the carpet and I had to slosh oodles of dry-cleaning fluid on it to get the stain out. . . Should've worn a mask. . .

    @rat, @mumsie, @kimmie Oh help! I think little mouse that lives in our rockery has just gone plural - there's a lot of scurrying out there! Very close to the house, too. .

    @kathy I found these super Hallowe'en cocktails:
    Very tempted by #16. Could I place an advance order with OB please? Thanx.

    @EStar Sounds like a horrendous tiring day you had, specially when you needed to rest up. Hope you've had a super relaxing Sunday!
    Wild weather, do please take care tomorrow - high winds alert!
  • Thanks @Tompuss ;) I'll use a couple for Halloween;)
    some look kind of gross lol dont think I could drink hee hee
    I Do like the candy corn Martini and jello shots, some very creative ideas there:)
  • Page 1899... we're almost to the 'turn of the century' page... I wonder who'll end up with the page change!

    And WOOHOO to @BPC! Stopping criminals in their tracks... man, that's creepy! It can be a scary world out there...
  • Woo hoo good call @ AngryBirdsSpaceMaster ;) we are close;)
  • What did you give up Mooroycomics? :(
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- Hi! Pretty quite day today. Can't stay around much, have a lot of guests tonight.
  • @kathy School has driven me into the ground. It's hard to manage a weekly series when half the time you're gone camping or stuck doing homework. Plus I really want to finish up The Spy Files so that I can move on to a smaller spinoff series.
  • Well @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster school is most important and I'm proud you have your priorities straight;)
  • I do enjoy the spy files ;)
  • Well I must say. .just watched Oz The great and Powerful
    Not at all what i expected..
  • Good night all
    places flashlight in @KimmieCV special safe nighty night Pahthah; )
    hope all is well
  • @Kathy all is as good as it can be :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Hope your Monday flys quickly until you get home!!

    @tompuss love the Halloween drinks! And good luck with the newest additions to your erm yard!! Here's hoping they Stay in your yard!! ;)

  • Good Morning all:)
    Oink @LaurenM can't wait to see your piggie pumpkin:)
    Have a fantabulous flingin' day everyone; )
  • Just realised that I have been on ABN for 369 days :D
  • Happy Anniversary @angermanagement!
    OB could I get a coffee & some waffles please? Thanks :)
  • And to all our flinging friends in the UK hope you all stay safe through the storm!
  • @AngerManagement -- There is a huge storm in southern England (it even has a name), but maybe it's passing south of you? Looks like it will also do some damage in the mainland.
    And congrats on your 1 yr+ anniversary.
  • Hi @all--Does anyone know what happened to @mudslinger AKA @slinger? No leaderboards or a membership for that matter. He was doing so well.
  • If it is in southern England then it wont be hitting me then, hope nobody gets hurt, or loses any valuable possessions down south :(
  • Me and a few other people including @Aman have been chatting with Rovio about making a $2 unlimited Space Eagle option. Hopefully it'll go through...
  • And in other news another animation is finished. It's not AB related but has a Star Wars theme to it. It came out really cool.
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