The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1913
  • @Kathy Restored a score of 99,540.
  • @sunshine, testing testing....
  • @estar thanks it worked! I guess old dogs can learn new tricks! Lol ;)
  • @burpie at my parents for a visit but see you took the wicked eyebrows ;)
    Almost undetectable in the forum section. But on the main the change is clear to see, glad you liked my little twist!
  • @sunshine glad it did!! Prepared for a full inbox ;)
  • @estar I'm not popular like you and the ladies. ;)
  • Happy Wednesday @all. It's hump day, so it's all downhill from here!

    @LesToreadors like @mvnla2 says, very interesting article. It's surprising that birds find airports ideal habitats with all the noise and activity in the area.
    Where is the golf course you mentioned, @mvnla2? I'll be sure to avoid it! That was a surprising write-up on the encroachment of the feral pigs and marmosets causing near extinction of bird species.

    @karen68, I know what you mean about stores already in full Christmas mode. I remember when I was little, stores didn't put out any holiday wares until after Thanksgiving. I used to work at Macy's back a few years. One year, I thought it was really crazy when we had to set up the Christmas shop in July! The stores never did that again, because of huge revenue loss from lack of sales and higher overhead costs.

    Hmm...where is that banner you speak of, @e-star and @TomPuss?

    Off to do some flinging, so have a great day everyone!

    OB, I'd like a Pigkiller to go please.
  • @sweetp the banner is at the top of the page.
  • So @everyone...I would like to say I'm sorry for not replying to @mention. I didn't relies there was a setting for that until today. The great one @estar filled me in and helped me get them setup. Please forgive me! I was not ignoring anyone and didn't mean to come off rude! My deepest apologies!!! :)
  • *slaps forehead* Oh, DUH on me @sunshine!

    What do you mean "not replying to @mention." Is there something I need to set up also? I never think of you as being rude, just because you couldn't reply to someone. Like the rest of us, LIFE gets busy!
  • @sweetp you had asked about my kidnapping by the evil clowns and @jlz666 was kind enough to fill you in. Well, they took me and put me in one of those very small (I guess you would call it economy size) clown cars filled to the brim with clowns of all shapes and sizes. They drove everywhere like @jlz said. I never knew where we would end up next. I was starting to get sick form being dizzy, along with the fact that one of them (probable the most evil one) had a BAD case of gas!!!!! I don' t remember a lot because I've tried to block the horrifying experience from my mind! I do remember them driving thru B&R group when @birdaddict receive Champion rank, and them throwing her diamond at her head and knocking her out. I felt really bad!
  • @sweetp if you scroll to the top of this page in the black section that starts with discussion you will see your name. If you click on your name it open. Then to the right you will see a section that has your avatar in it. Click on edit forum preference, and click @mention notifications. You will then receive an email when someone @mentions you in any of the forums. ;)
  • Thanks @sunshine! Those bad clowns had you all confused! Glad you were returned safely to us, and @birdaddict has recovered from the nasty concussion! Hopefully they'll never return to wreak havoc in the Nest.
    Ah, ok I see the settings for the email notice, thanks! Happy flinging!
  • Hey everyone:)
    OB I'll have a Pigkiller please while I read :)
    @Les Toreadors very interesting article ty and hope your feeling much better:)
    @burpie love the look :-)
    I have an idea if @karen68 doesn't object? How about Nov 11 we all wear poppies as our avatar to honor the veterans:?
    Pa that's o.k I understand :/ sorry though:(
  • Thanks @Amslimfordy :)
    Yay @sunshine happy to got it to work:)
  • Ohhh @KimmieCV How is tough : ) we need a visit from The Angry Birds Goddess I think
    AND OB Please contact your extended family in HoW and tell them to get busy!!!!
    Ok going flinging ;-)
  • Abcrazy slinks in quietly. Slips to a dark corner booth. OB a Pigkiller please? Just tired and really grumpy. POTJ-25 is a frustrating stupid level for me. Time to quit flinging for a while and find a happier place. That's what the BP is for, right?
  • *poofs in quietly behind the bar, sprinkles some of @sunshine secret recipe into @ABCrazy Pigkiller. .. poofs out*
  • * I hope it helps @abcrazy*
  • @lestoreadors interesting article. The piggie egg connection seems to be real. I'm not real clear on the effectiveness of the various strategies they wrote about though that's probably me being a little too familiar with the aviation industry. The chicken cannon just reminds me of an old joke. It's obviously not a deterrent, but a way to test protective hardware.

    Anyway... I thought your commentary was funny.
  • :-D Thanks @kathy @sunshine Just what I needed!
  • ;) I hope it helps too @ABCrazy:)
    Hee hee @sunshine nice to see you ((((( hugs))))
  • @kathy of course I wouldn't object, I think poppy avatars are a great idea.
    @ABcrazy enjoy your break from POTJ :)
  • Umm -- @TomPuss -- Nice leaves, but the color clashes with the birdies. : D
  • I didn't think you would @Karen68 but just thought I'd check; )so what's ever think change our avatars for Veterans Day Nov. 11th ?
  • @kathy @sunshine you guys are awesome. My dark side is showing at the moment. A little sunshine is just what I need to brighten up.
  • @karen I love your avatar!!!! The moment I saw it, I thought perfect! ;)
    @kathy hugs back! ;)
    @abcrazy ENJOY!!!!! :D
  • @SweetP -- I was talking about Woodley Lakes Golf Course, which is an LA City course in the San Fernando Valley, in the same general area (the Sepulveda Dam area NW of the intersection of 405 and 101) as Encino and Balboa, which are better known.
    The info on the feral pigs and their impact on endangered birds came from Bird Life International, as did my avatar.
  • @karen68 I just found my poppy!!! ;)
  • @karen68 I like poppies, very pretty flowers despite the other products that can be derived from them. A poppy owl?...... Hmmmm... Have think on that one a bit.
  • @Kathy -- I haven't been in on all the changing avatars bit. How do we all change to a poppy? Do we need to find our own poppy pic?
    @E-Star -- I'm sure you know how to arrange this.
  • Cool @sunshine ;) I gotta look after i eat dinner ;)
  • I guess yeah @ mvnla2 probably find some on Google image maybe then copy and upload it to gravatar I think; )
  • Ok well then gotta wake up BF and get some flinging in:)
    OB a Pigkiller to go please; ) I'll be Flirking ;)
  • It's Thursday here already. Pigs have to stay cool for just one more day :)
  • @sunshine your avatar is beautiful!
    @mvnla2 I just used google images to find my pic.
    OB could I get 2 fingers of Scotch please before I go flinging?
  • Heellooo @Les Toreadors ;)
  • Oohh @sunshine now i see it; ) awesome:) your probably going to want to shut your notifications off in your email when you go to sleep
    Email 》settings 》 notification》uncheck
    Less you get dinged all night:(
  • @Les Toreadors -- What happens tomorrow with Bad Piggies?
  • I have no words @sunshine WoW !
  • Wow @sunshine, beautiful song!
  • Hope a CA poppy is OK?
    Well, it doesn't show up that well; may have to change it.
  • That's really pretty @mvnla2 but your right doesn't show that well:( needs brightening..the big pic is pretty though:)
  • That is such a beautiful song @sunshine. Maggie Siff is a very talented actress as well. Never heard of her until I started watching SOA back in 2008.

  • In Flanders Field

    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the Dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
    In Flanders fields.

    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields

    ~John McCrae
  • On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War, then known as "the Great War." Commemorated as Armistice Day beginning the following year, November 11th became a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars.
  • Ok I see the poem so maybe that's where the poppies come in with armed forces/veterans? I'm at a loss why that flower is a show of gratitude? I asked my parents both veterans and neither knew why poppies, sorry to sound stupid but I've never heard of the two together.
    @sunshine really beautiful song and lovely poem @sweetp.
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