The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1911
  • Hi @e-star (((((( hugs))))) I'm just lurking/flinging good to see you hope your had a great day:)
  • Aahhh The Princess always changes the page when I don't want her to lol:)
    Mind of her own!!!
  • hee hee, I see you still got it @Kathy! [[[hugggsssss]]]]
    I had a enjoyable Monday yes, still wished it was weekend and I didn't have to work seeing the night owl thing doesn't work all too well with the common people. But other than that I had a good day. And you? Just home from work?
  • YeP lol still got it hee hee.
    Good you had a good day, mine was ok for a Monday E* ;)
  • I wish it was Always the weekend hahaa ;)
  • Awww how cuuutte:) thanks for sharing lol looks like he was sad when they were gone hee hee
  • Whahahahah I think I can never look at another Santa wondering if this is what he looks like without the beard LOL!!!
  • I Know !! That's scary really hahaha now If I see a kid pulling Santa's beard
    I'll probably scream Stoooooopp haha
  • Sorry to pop out again, but it is midnight again and I really want to fling me a couple of "one mores" hee hee... hugggsss Kathy and enjoy a hopefully quiet evening ! would not want to see you lose the hair you have left.
  • @Estar, Two different settings? Gheez! Can y'all make this any more complicated for us dummies.
  • Sure we can but be are also human, so only a little torture at one time LOL... also keeps them braincells active ya know ;)
  • @rat did you manage to wander out to your settings and did you check mark the @mentions as well in the forum section?? Did you get my message in the email?

    Anyway, it is time for me to turn in my flashlight @Kimmiecv booth and call it a night. Walking the walk of the Pillow, all have a wonderful evening!
  • @Estar, I almost feel sorry for @burpie. He's got first place in CC. I have no problem with him owning Cosmic Crystals. He's definitely put the time into it and has great scores. But unless he finds a way to lessen the 8k I have on him on 7-16, I might just catch him. As long as he doesn't get too uppity and try to take away my overall first in Space, I'm OK. Live and let live I say. But no, it's going to bug him BAAAAD. So no sleep for @burpie this week.
  • Hey guys! How's it goin'?
  • @Estar, If you're referring to my beach picture comment from you, then yes. Anything else, no. I don't have my email setting active. I know it's archaic, but the wife and I still share an email address. She got tired of all the messages very fast.
  • Sharng an email address?!?! Wow!!! Think my hubby would go bonkers if we did, I get at least 100 emails from the Nest everyday LOL... And if BP is hopping it can rack up to a couple of hunderd. You could opt the pop up notification, never used that myself, but might work for ya... Okay really out of here, night night Mister Rat
  • Night @E* ((((((( hugs))))) sorry I was wandering
    Sweet Dreams
  • Pa if you want notification from here click on the star up top, but you'll get every single comment in your inbox:/
  • @rat Ow and beware of the Dutchies, we are a small country, so we tend to want to be great in other things, so might want to keep an eye out for @burpie
  • Night night Kathy! Huggs
  • @E-Star -- Loved the Santa!
    I always thought raccoons pealed grapes before eating them?? Must be different if you're a Russian raccoon.
  • Hi guys! Gotta pop in, but I just won my class spelling bee today! I can't wait for the school spelling bee! I also got Juice Cubes. It's fun, for those who don't have it. Anyway, no school tomorrow! Yay!
  • Congrats @theanonymoussomone :)
    Pig ears on me; )
    Sorry you always seem to pop inn when im on break lol
  • Oohh and a day of from school also:) why?
  • They let them out of school in MS to pick cotton this week. Pecans next week. Followed by beans, corn, watermelon, etc. At least that's what my Momma used our time off from school for @Kathy. She wouldn't let even let us use the auto sheller for the black eyed peas. It was free. Said it squished too many peas. Ain't that right @tas. Gotta fill those freezers while the getting is good. It's canning season. lol
    Good luck with the spelling bee.
  • Hi Ma, repressed memories. I thought I had forgotten picking three bushels of peas so that we could keep one. I have forgotten when the seasons are. We use to sell most of the pecans for cash. Aww...childhood memories, ain't they grand?
  • Childhood memories huh Pa? I've worked very hard to block all those memories haha..;)
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Congrats on the spelling bee win! So for the school spelling bee, do you compete against all age groups in your school? I hated spelling bees, because I was always the first to be eliminated.
  • @Rat -- Don't you have your seasons a little mixed up? Even in southern CA, there isn't much corn or many watermelons to pick. Not sure about the rest.
  • Really @mvnla2 I would have thought youd be good at a spelling bee:/
    I know it's hard to believe but im am excellent speller , and an excellent typist lll
    Just not on these touch screens haha;) and if I took the time to fix all my mistakes well I'd be answering posts from last week still lol
  • @Kathy -- IMO the greatest invention since the printing press was the spell-check. I have always been and still am a terrible speller. I blame it on a "new" method of teaching reading that was all the rage when I was in grade school. I also tend to leave whole syllables out of unfamiliar words when pronouncing them.
  • @mvnla2 you must be much younger than me; ) we had great emphasis on spellingb and correct structuring of sentences and words 'phonetics' I forget what exactly the program was called but enjoyed it i was always fond of English and any related subjects; )
  • @junkenmetel it's nice to see you popping in again but I'm sorry for all the stuff your going through, I hope things even out for you and your family real soon. Taking care of aging parentage is hard work sometimes but then taking care of us as babies and especially into teens ain't easy either so I look at it as only fair!! But yeah hard and heartbreaking work too.

    @e-star LOOOOOOVE the banner!! And the funny raccoon eating grapes!! :D Bot to keen on Santa though!! Stuff of nightmares IMO!! LOL
    *replaces batteries, works major dings out and super shines e-stars flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Hello everyone else who may be either here or lurking. :)
  • @kathy -- I think I'm quite a bit older than you. They system they were using when I was in school was a failed experiment. You got the benefit of the much improved method. I love grammar, and English in general, just not spelling.
  • Hey @ KimmieCV wassup Pahtnah:) lol want that raccoon the cutest:) and what banner?I missed it?I just looked back 2 pages"? How did the rest of your day go yesterday mom and dad enjoy the day m I'm sure they did:)
    @mvnla2 I guess maybe we're about the same age? Just different parts of the country are ahead of others as:/ far as schooling
  • Oh crap I missed @karen68 somewhere.I swooped away the notification before I saw where it was from:(
  • @Kathy they had a blast!! :) and the header up top is a new one! Really cool!! And @karen68 just popped into the ACT forum to place a vote for @burpie ;)
  • Lol thanks @KimmieCV what would I do without you keep me on up on these things lol:)
    I never look up at the header to busy scrollin down *dope s lap* it is awesome:):)
    Glad mom and dad had a blast:):)
    Smoke break......brb
  • @Kathy -- I'm sure I'm quite a bit older than you; I'm retired.
    But I agree, there were (are?) huge differences in the level of education depending on where you went to school. When I was a kid, even if you were at the top of your class in CO, let alone CA, you were WAY behind kids going to school in the east (Chicago and anything further east).
  • @mvnla2, Did they have reading comprehension when you were in school? I said I'd forgotten when the seasons are before you scolded me. BTW, you win! You're old!
  • Agreed @mvnla2 ;) I only wish i was retired but yes the east coast schools are a few steps ahead wonder why that is?
    Anyhoo I'm off to fling before bed have a great night
    Im turning in my flashlight @KimmieCV before i find myself with the alphabet engraved in my forhead again lo.. I'll fling by candlelight for just a few minutes; )
  • Night Pa;)
  • Night Ma. I hope @mvnla2 could tell I had a smile on my face when I said she won. I don't have any emoticons like you pros.
  • Would hate to see that @Kathy! By candlelight it is!! ;)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out a couple extra candles ;) to see her safely to dreamland (and a few more flings!) *

    LOL @rat funny guy!! Mvnla2 may hurt you for that comment!!
  • @rat -- While I'm sure I'm older than Kathy, I'm not sure I'm older than you. Didn't you say you retired 20 yrs ago? I only retired 2 yrs ago. : D
    I'm very good at reading comprehension, just not at spelling.
    Sorry, I missed your comment about seasons. Can't find it now either, where was it?
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