The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1912
  • I only have one @rat and that's because e-star set me up or I'd have none either!! Don't know how they're getting them to post so easy! Especially Kathy since until her new pad thingy she couldn't do it?!!
  • Anonymity!
  • I'm out! See ya all later!!
  • I thought you were the Queen of emoticons @kimmie. Later back at ya.
  • @theanonymoussomeone - congrats on winning the Spelling Bee! I won my school's Spelling Bee waaaay back in the day. But that's as far as I got because I was quickly eliminated during the regional contest. I remember studying Webster's Collegiate dictionary back then, every night after I finished dinner until bedtime.

    Just FYI @rat, in Iowa it is the end of the harvesting season for 75% of the corn which is early due to nicer weather this year. And 95% of soy beans are also in the final stages. How do I know this? My hubby grew up on a farm in Iowa, and a few of his relatives are still in the farming industry. Oh, yes it's canning season! Can hardly wait until I get some fresh apple butter!
  • In Bad Piggies, Piggies are Bad.

  • Good morning @SweetP Haha that pre-release Bad Piggies comic brings back good memories. And also gives an easter egg to the boxing glove item. Rovio is fun like that. It's possible to predict most of the future updates depending on artwork and community interests.

    As for contraptions, they have been taken a backseat due to a flu I caught whist returning from vacation. Too much spicy food perhaps.

    Hmm, just thought to share my take on creative contraptioning - though this little webcomic never took off, it was a nice graphic design exercise.
  • Aww, @LesToreadors that's a real drag, getting sick after vacation. Hope you had a good time while you were away. Sending some healing vibes your way so you can get better soon! (((hugs)))
    Are you whiskeyrosesg? Since that was based on the movie, was there a plan to create more pages? Those two pages were funny! I saw a picture of the airpork, and read the comments below the picture. Has the seapork and container terminal created yet? Would love to see those!

    Well, it's waaaay past my bedtime, so I'll say goodnight!

    Good Luck and Happy Flinging!
  • *sets out baskets of earplugs around the booths and on the bar*
    Good Morning all ; welcome to Wwwwwwhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeee
    Tuesday Happy Flinging:):)
  • Let me be the first HoW 2-3 that stupid little bacon bit refusez to die!!!
    Die Piggies
  • @kathy I'll join you in that wwhhhiiiiinnneeeee on 2-3.
    OB a large coffee please? Thank you! Happy Whine Tuesday everyone :)
  • @karen68 Lovely thought to highlight Remembrance Day poppy in your avy.
  • @Kathy Chapter 2 of The Spy Files Book 3 is out! Go read it!
  • Thanks @TomPuss. There's a bit of military service in my family so I think it's important. Sometimes I think we don't remember enough.
  • @karen68 I wish I had another nomination for this month. Your avatar is great. I'm from a military family myself.
  • Just popping in to give those following SW Moon of Endor 5-29 a heads up. Wicket182 is posting scores truly out of this world and has also posted wonderfully detailed tips on how to get the same. Check it out!
  • , Hey everyone:) @karen68 loove the avatar how very honorable to all our veterans:)
    Thanks for the heads up email @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I'll catch up tonight:)
    @Les Toreadors sorry to hear you've been sick:(
    Congratulations @KimmieCV !!!!!! Woo hhooo !!!!
    OB drinks on me for the night:) I'll take a Pigkiller and now......still HoW 2-3..
  • Thank you for your well wishes @Kathy, @SweetP - I am much better today, or at least I don't have to go everywhere with a tissue box in tow now, after some simple flu meds and half a bottle of cough syrup went down my porcine maw.

    Last night I was shopping for little rabbit figurines from a Japanese cartoon. I call them 'epic fail rabbits' and the family is addicted to rewatching the show over and over again.

    This morning, got a flood of Twitter notifications saying my 'draw a pig in 2 minutes' drawing won the Bad Piggies competition. Woww. Better get rid of the rest of the flu so I can draw more pigs :)
  • @Les Toreadors -- I thought it was your "poster" of all the spacecraft? See link from @BirdLeaders twitter page on the "monitor chatter" page.
    Anyway, whatever it was, huge congrats. I'm sure that does wonders for you cold / flu / whatever.
  • Yes @mvnla2 that poster was actually the result of digitizing this primitive drawing :)
  • That is cool, congrats @LesToreadors for winning! Good to know you're feeling better, and hope the worst of it has passed.
  • Congrats :-) Les Toreadors :)
    I'm going to try one more
    Just because lol
    OB another Pigkiller please:)
  • Hey @SweetP fancy meeting you here:)
    ((((((Hug w))))))
  • Early night for me I'm so tired Good night all happy flinging:)
    *places flashlight on @@KimmieC booth, good night Pahtnah :)
  • Nighty night @kathy, sweet dreams kicking pig butt!
  • I wish it was still Tuesday so I could whine @Kathy. I just finished a very long response to your pm. Hit send and it said site down for maintenance. I don't have the patience to write it again. So I'll just say, no.
  • *rushes in and skids to a halt...huff puff...only four minutes to go* Quick! WHIIIIINNNEE WHIIIIINNNEE WHIIIIINNNEE!!! HoW is making me WHIIIIINNNEE!
  • Dang missed WWwhhhiiiinnnneee Tuesday :( crap on toast with a big slab of ham HoW SUCKS!!!!

    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Sadly poofs back to HoW without a WWwhhhiiiinnnneee :( sigh.....
  • Hi @kimmiecv! You can always "complain" and it works the same way. Or, you can always use FF's room anytime!

    Here's some extra L-factor to take with you. ((((HUGS)))) Good luck, my friend.
  • Heeheee I guess I kinda did WWwhhhiiiinnnneee under the radar didn't I @sweetp!! LOL ;)
  • And thanks for the 'L' factor too and ((((((Hugs)))))) back!!!! :)
  • Good morning USA, today I have bird and pig related news!

    According to this BBC news article, pigs are used near an airport to destroy seagull eggs, increasing aviation safety.

    It is unknown if the birds have built slingshots in response to the porcine raiders.
  • Good Morning everyone ;), )happy Hump day! !!
    Have a fantabulous flinging day! !!
  • E* Help!!! I made a boo boo entered wrong score on Piglantis 2-3 can you remove it. ..I have no time I've lost the page Gotta Go work. . Love ya sooorrrryyy..
  • ow and @kimmie Thanks for the props on the new banner, I am laughing everytime I watch the Pig with the leaf in his face, something that would happen to only me during the autumn days over here LOL

    And did I see Bird Addict fly by?? Wow, that was fast!! I know it is way later, but hope the whinee worked! I see loads of flingers that are experiencing my pain, just finished HoW... owwww dear, with all of you persistent birdies, my scores will drop again (like they did in ToT hahahaha).... me thinks I will have a revisit to be done after my revisit ;)
  • K ty;) e*
  • @kathy, I believe that you can remove a score by entering "-1".
  • Good afternoon @all
    Not going to attempt to read back 4 days so I'm hoping everyone's well?
    @karen68 your new avy is beautiful,it really stands it should:) We won't be going to any services on Sunday but we'll be observing the 2 minute silence and watching the ceremony (on TV) at the Cenotaph in London. I can never watch it without shedding a tear.....
    @kathy Happy Hump day to you also! I'm glad I know what it means now;)
    Hope your day off is going to plan @estar? Or should I say "went" to plan? Yikes it'll be getting dark soon :( Just had a late lunch at 2-45pm and it's dull,v.cold and sleety Ewwwww:(
    OB could I have a triple shot to go please? Cheers!
  • @Les-Toreadors -- Interesting article about pigs being used to keep birds away from airports. Actually, the whole article was interesting.
    Especially found the statement that there are twice as many Canadian geese in North America now as in 1990 mind-boggling. It may explain why there is so much goose shit on the fairways of one golf course we play on, which is part of a bird refuge, and incidentally near an airport! There are also flocks of geese parading across the fairways.
    On the other hand, pigs are one of the predators that are driving many endangered species of birds to extinction. : (
  • Good afternoon all!

    This is just a friendly reminder that the Lowest Score Challenge is still going strong, even while HappyShake takes a few months off to catch malaria and get eaten by hippos.

    There's 2 days left for Seasons, Trick or Treat level 1-3.

    Oh, and a big shout-out to @Estar for my new psychedelic unibrow!
  • Thanks @jlz-666. I'll be watching the ceremonies here as well, & I agree, it's hard to not get emotional, it's always very moving. A lot of stores here are already in full Christmas mode, I wish they'd wait a few more days until after the 11th.
    @burpie I've been resisting the low score challenge but I might have to check it out. Glad it will carry on.
    Happy Wednesday everyone :)
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