The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1918
  • I know, I'm just thinking that someone might make an avatar late in November that's awesoome, and it won't get nominated. I'll save my nom. And wow, no ABSW2? That sounds horrible! And I thought I had it bad when I got it a month and a half late!
  • @FFB -- Really like your new avatar!
    Good to see both you and @theanonymoussomeone
    Not sure how many people have nominations left. Wish I had a couple more, and as you said, it's Nov, so no waiting until next month.
  • @all -- Just realized that some of you may not be paying that much attention to the rules of the avatar contest. November is the last month you can nominate anyone. The voting starts in Dec.
  • Aw @KimmieCV Sorry you can't look forward to Friday like everyone usually does,
    But at last now it's Saturday !!!
    @Tompuss thanks for asking 'The Ferocious Five'are hanging in there plowing through slowly Thanks for having Red Smash up some Wood for us; );)
    @firebombbird that really is a Great avatar:) I do hope that's where @theanonymousomeone went to nominate you:)
  • Oohh thanks @mvnla2 I didn't realize that :)
    OB I'll have a hmmm... make it a Mimosa please and some piggie shaped pancakes:)
  • @FFB -- Hope you'll be safe from the typhoon. Don't know exactly where it's going.
    Hope ABNesters in the Philippines are OK (Enrico Carl Andree, Dr Daryl, and @Cal2004)
  • @tas Oooh, page changer, nice! Like your profile picture too, ferocious-looking boss. . I always dread the boss-fight levels, I'm no good with moving targets, find myself firing every which way. Utopia was the worst ever. .
  • @all As I mentioned yesterday, my poppy pix all arrived in my album upside down. I found out that iPad and iPhone users often have this problem, which happens when you send pix by e-mail. So here's the reason why, and how you can avoid it:
  • Well looking like everyone is busy today. .
    OB I'll have another SunUpper please;)
  • @kathy Hi! Ships that pass in the night. . . Have another Sunupper, and a great Sunday!
    @FireBombBird Stay safe
    'night, @all
  • Good night @Tompuss sweet dreams; )
  • Goodnight, @tompuss.
    I'm about to purchase The House of Hades on my Nook, and I can't wait for the money to finish transferring! It's the new fourth book of a REALLY popular series. I'm so excited!!!!
  • Mumsie is a tad weary after a day with some of the g'children - so it is literally a hello and goodbye - the gdaughter who is staying is going home tomorrow pm - will hopefully find some time to pop in then - after changing the beds cos another g daughter coming for a 'sleepover' on Monday!
  • @Mumsie -- You seem to have endless energy, even though your a tad weary! Most of us would be totally exhausted with your schedule of gkids and golf.
  • I live in the South of Vietnam so I'm not in the path of the typhoon. I hope everyone in other places will be OK.
  • Thank goodness @firebombbird ...and, my prayers are with those in the path of the storm.
  • Boring gloomy sunday so King Pig dances to cheer everyone up and raise cake funding :)
  • Hi all!

    Just popping in to say that everything's fine here :) I've been ssoooo busy lately that haven't had much time to write much. The Little Monster just started at daycare and I've been doing all kinds of stuff. In january I'm starting a new job at the local school. It's not a "real job" but more like a try-out. I'm going to be helping kids in classrooms :) If the 1,5 month's try-out goes well, I might get a chance to continue there until the end of may and after that I'm going to start studying to get a qualification :D

    Gah, I just came in and now I have to go again. It's father's day and we're going to have a dinner at hubby's grandparents...I'll try to pop in later when we come home! :D Have a nice day @everyone!
  • @lisko !!! Great to see you again! Been thinking of you and how you are doing, but didn't want to disturb you in you new adventure. How is the car project? Did you pick on? And congratz on the new job! Helping out kids is a reward in itself, seeing them develop and learn new things. Great way to start and amazing way to begin a new study. Have a fun day at hubby's grandparents and hope to see you more often!
  • Good Morning all:)
    @Lisko nice to see you happy to hear all is going well. That's reallycool working with kids is so much fun, good luck hope you get to be permanent;) enjoy your dinner with the family, hope to see you again soon:)
  • @Lisko -- Great to see you again in the BP! Hope you can stop by more often, but it sounds like it might be the reverse.
    What age kids will you be working with?
    @all -- What happened to the normal night crew? 3 comments overnight must be a new record low.
    @Les Toreadors -- Have you heard from the Pigineering crew in the Philippines? Hope they are all OK.
  • @Mumsie -- Just saw your post in B&R -- Is crazy golf something like miniature golf -- a game you play on a small course with crazy obstacles and usually only a putter?
  • Yep that's crazy golf!!
  • @Mumsie -- I googled Crazy Golf and found a golf course in China that gives it a new meaning! More like regular golf played on a course with crazy obstacles.
    Have you ever played the mobile game Super Stickman Golf? Now something like that in real life would be really Crazzzy Golf!
  • @mvnla Drinking alone? Can't have that - OB, can I get a Big Pine Puss please and another of whatever this lady's having? Thanks! (*clink clink*). That's better! Well, I did enjoy that Chinese golf course, unbelievable someone could dream that up.
    I listened to the Remembrance Day ceremony on BBC radio, very moving as always.
    @LesToreadors Loved that merry King Pig!
    @Lisko Great to see you back. Wishing you all the very best for your new job!
    @TAS Having a good read? Enjoy!
    @FireBombBird Hope all well with you and yours
    @all Well, I expect you'll all arrive just as I'm going to bed! Love to everyone xoxo
  • I think my dinger is broke again:(
    OB a Pigkiller Please :)
    Agreed @mvnla2 is crazy slow in here lately...
  • @TomPuss -- Obviously missed you; why didn't the forum say there was a new post??? Your post was at 1 pm local time, so a little early to start drinking, but I'm having a nice glass of Chardonnay now. Wish we could get decent French wines at a decent price in LA. Paris spoiled me on the wine front as well as food. The upside of not eating out in French restaurants every night is that I may have lost the weight I gained on vacation.
  • @mvnla2 I think something is wrong with the notification,I haven't got any from the forum.
    Maybe that explains the quiet ?
  • Ok then maybe its just really that quiet. Hmm well OB relax and enjoy:)
    I'll take a Pigkiller, I'm off for a bit,
  • I've gotten notifications from you when you @mention me. Don't know why it is so quiet. maybe because no updates recently?
  • That could be it also @mvnla2.. we did have a busy couple days during the week:/
    Ok really going to read my book;)
    May be back before bed
  • @mvnla2 - thank you for your concern. @king-bird has just reported in and was not in the direct path of the storm.
  • V good to know @Les ToReadors :)
    @mvnla2 any word from Enrico? I haven't been on twitter in a while.

    *places flashlight on @KimmieCV booth*
    Nighty night Pahtnah happy flinging; )
  • Hi everyone. I haven't been here for a while due to lots of other commitments. However, I decided to be here to share something.

    Today, I've finally finished a project that's been on the drawing board for a while: an Angry Birds Rubik's cube. I decided to do it because there's now a Bird for each of the official Rubik's cube colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and white). It's been on my mind since before Halloween, but it's only after two Sundays ago that I bought the materials and only today that created the stickers.

    Like I said, there's now a Bird for each of the official Rubik's cube colors, but I don't want to leave Terence (also red), Bomb (black), and Stella (pink) out, so I put them on the red, blue, and white sides respectively, with them being the centers.

    I have pictures of the finished product. They're in Twitpic right now, so here are the links.

    Red (Red/Terence), blue (Blues/Bomb), white (Matilda/Stella) sides:
    Yellow (Chuck), green (Hal), orange (Bubbles) sides:

    I'll be waiting to hear your comments! Also, you can ask me for the picture blocks as they can also be used as avatar icons.
  • @lestoreador your video was funny thanks for the laughs! And glad to hear your crew member is safe.

    Night @Kathy :) Sleep well!!
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Dinner time!!!! :D
  • @nanami those are great!! Love the idea, very creative!! :)
  • @nanami Brilliant! Stunning concept, I love it!
  • @mvnla Nice to see you! I must say that an advantage of living here is that really good and affordable wines are readily available, even in supermarkets. Every time we watch TV and hear someone in a US series or movie talking about "a $300 bottle of wine" we fall about laughing. After 40-odd years here, we've never paid that, even for a very special occasion.
    This said, I'm not losing any weight. .
    Hi :) @kathy, @kimmie, @all_&_sundry
  • Hello @tompuss, have a great day!! I'm off for my pillow walk!! See ya :)
  • Good morning all
    Sweet Dreams @KimmieCV
    Hi @Tompuss
    Have a fantabulous day everyone; )
  • Thanks!!! Byyyyeeee @Kathy!! ❤❤❤❤❤
  • @TomPuss -- There's no way I pay $300 / bottle, not even in a restaurant (restaurants tend to charge 2x to 4x times retail), not even close; ~$10 is more like it, which means ~$40 in restaurant). I heard that Australians and South Africans who visit LA buy wine here and ship it home! They must have some really wicked taxes there.
  • Watching the news now -- Lots of American flags, but haven't seen a single poppy.
  • Happy Veterans Day Pa; )and Thank You to all Veterans for our Freedom; )
    That's odd @mvnla2 no poppies
    Gotta get back to work. .see ya later on; )
  • Hey guys, guess who's animation was shared on the Bad Piggies Facebook page!!!!!!!
    I'm honored that they're willing to do that :)
  • Congratulations @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster:) that's awesome:)
  • Hey everyone home from work finally!!
    @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster can you send us a link that's really cool y should feel proud:)
    @Nanami thats a great idea I love it. Nice job..Thanks for sharing:)
    OB I'll have a Pigkiller please as usual:)
  • hey all, sorry to be a popper again tonight, but been caught up in real life and some other obligations, ow and the season finale of a show they aired here the last few weeks, Under the Dome. 3 episodes in a row, ahhhhhh my kind of night. I love series and watching them back to back. I am just a sucker for those. So please excuse me while I pop back on the couch and watch the last one before my Pillow calls me again. I hope I will have more time tomorrow evening or on my free wednesday.

    @rat and all the other veterans out there Thank you! "lest we forget" In my heart I truly wish that your duties were not necessary in the past and the future, but for some reason world peace is a concept that still isn't bottled and distributed for all to drink, so in the meantime we depend on those who serve to protect us. So thank you for that!
Post in the New Forum!