The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1926
  • @rat hmmm is she that desperate to get you out of the house?! Hahaha when do you arrive? If you can take the airport rotterdam den hague airport, less crowed and much closer to your problem.... No wait... WHAT take care as in.... Nooooooo bad rat!! Bad bad rat!
  • @Estar Oh, I understand the need for anonymity. I even appreciate it. But I have problems dealing with it. Again, "old school".
  • Oh my @ e* @PA it would be so cool if actually we were sitting around the pub sharing story's
  • @Estar The wife is ready to retire and travel. We do two large trips a year now. Last one to the Bahamas got cancelled. So she's got an itchy trigger finger at the moment.
  • Hahahaha, well not sure we can compete with the bahamas LOL but you are more than welcome in our lill stinky country :)
  • As a matter of fact, we were suppose to be at the beach this week. It got called off because of my problems but it was just as well. We weren't going anywhere until Robert is resolved.
  • @Estar Your stinky lil' country is on her list. Flowers don't cha know? Fields of color.
  • So besides the trouble with poor Robert your health issues are acting up more than usual huh Rat, sorry to hear that! And I hear ya, no relaxing until every stone is turned to figure out what is up with him.
  • Ah the Keukenhof? So the Burpie problem isn't taken care of until at least spring time as the flowers are in hiding now ;)
  • It didn't seem to be slowing her down that the flowers aren't in bloom. She would drag me to a few windmills instead.
  • I did see a documentary a couple of weeks ago about the flowers we ship to the states and how weddingplanners have close connections to dutch florist just because of the variaty and quality.
  • The spring garden is a must, so the lil stinker is safe for now.
  • @estar I'm not making excuses. I've conceded to @burpie. But my problems have decimated my flinging time the last six weeks. Left arm kept going numb. And when it wasn't numb, my left shoulder was in horrific pain. I still did good enough in the gaps to satisfy me and give @burpie a few headaches.
  • Hahahah Kinderdijk also a famous tourist place, that might actually be beautiful in the winter, if it is freezing enough so the rivers ice up and the dutchies go nuts and go en mass iceskating.
    Watched a show the other day called The Netherland from above... A ma zing!! They did a series last year, shot from a plane and lots of little funfacts (like a map they showed and the lines of where the organs went of to of one person who died or the path of one deer during 24hrs). Thought of all of you in here at that moment, if only they translated the show so you would understand, the commentary is almost poetry and with those shots...
  • Aww that sucks Rat no wonder the beach got cancled!
  • The nineteen mills of Kinderdijk. Sounds like a good photo op but what else they got?
  • It doesn't matter, it's close enough to lil' stinkers house that I can go see them after I take care of my lil' problem.
  • Hahahah I have no clue as to why the windmills attrack so many tourist, maybe you can explain when you have been there LOL
  • But if you are in for a really weird tradition and dutchies going bonkers, you might want to book your trip around the end of april, when we have KingsDay (which was Queensday until this year) orange loons trying to sell their junk while drinking tins of beer hahahaha I am sure that would be an experience on never forgets LOL
  • Well 4AM, not really sleepy yet, but better turn in for the ermmm morning, I can almost hear burpies son running down the stairs hahahha, also if I don't turn in now, tomorrow will be a biat... Sorry, even harder to turn in on time. Night night all! And mister Rat, will be thinking of you and Robert! Huggggsss
  • @E-Star -- Why did you call your country stinky? Maybe you meant something else?
    I think the only place I've been in the Netherlands was Amsterdam, but I thought it was very nice, and interesting.
  • @mvnla2 If you read all the covo between rat, burpie kathy and me from today it might shed some light... Burpie is now Stinker/Stinky... Rat is after stinky and willing to fly over to stinky's country... So nope no mistake, just a bit of goofing around. As for Amsterdam... Me as a Rotterdam person will never admit to such thung as Amsterdam being nice, long history of rivalry between our cities.
  • Must go now, night night enjoy your evening mvnla!
  • @E-Star -- Don't want to keep you up, but since I've never been to Rotterdam, it could well be nicer.
  • Good morning/night @estar. Have a nice nap.
  • @all -- Just finished moving the forum on self-destroying and unstable levels to the new forum:
  • Now that @burpie is officially stinky in the BP, I'd like to treat him to Sunday lunch.
    OB! An extra big helping of baked beans for this gentleman, please!
    @burpie, Do you know the rhyme about beans?
  • Good Morning all:)
    Happy Sinterklaas to @burpie ,@e-star and all who celebrate hope you all enjoy and get lots of pressies;)
  • Good afternoon all!

    @TomPuss, thank you for the English brekkie. My favourite! And no, I don't know the poem... I know a few sonnets and some nsfw limericks, but none that feature beans. Please share!

    @Kathy, today there were just a few small treats for the kids. The actual celebration isn't until December 5th.

    @Rat9, thanks for postponing your visit until at least next spring. That should give me time to save up for a bird-proof Kevlar vest.
  • @burpie A simple verse that says it all:

    Beans beans are good for the heart
    The more you eat, the more you fart
    The more you fart, the better you feel
    So let's eat beans for every meal
  • Heee @TomPuss haven't heard that for a while..
    @burpie oops my bad , you and E*did mention the date last night.I forgot git confuses cause of the pressies.have a wonderful day anyhow:)
  • Hello, everyone!

    I'm so, so sorry I haven't visited sooner and personally thanked everyone who so kindly responded to my last post -- all your well wishes mean so much to me, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support, kindness, and friendship of everyone here! I feel overcome with so much joy and gratitude to all of you.

    Maybe I can leave a standing order with OB and the Blues to give everyone a hug from me when they next visit the BP? I know it's "off the menu", but still... :-)

    I am doing fine, although still not working yet. But we sent out another proposal on Friday, and maybe this project will actually happen next week. Fingers crossed! And I still have the weekly pleasure of getting trounced by @Lisko and @grammyK, who constantly push me to sharpen my flinging skills, and help me feel connected to ABN, even when I can't visit here.

    I have indeed been keeping very busy, and here's some happy news to share for a change! A wonderful jeweler friend of mine (check out to see one of the pieces from her newest collection) was a personal organizer in a previous life; she came over to my house last week and we spent a long afternoon tackling junk that had piled up everywhere -- including some boxes of really old stuff that had been just stacked in the bedroom for years! I can't believe how much progress we made! It made such a difference to have someone else there to be an absolute (loving) tyrant, tearing through everything like a whirlwind and continually putting stuff in front of me to decide ruthlessly whether to keep it or get rid of it, and then properly storing the "keep" stuff, and putting things that belonged together in was place. My friend is amazing, and the closest thing I've ever seen to perpetual motion. I was so grateful for her help -- which was a barter in exchange for the marketing help I've been giving her for her jewelry business.

    So here's the piece of unsolicited advice that seems to be a requisite for every one of my posts: for those of you who haven't tried this yet, always be on the look-out for opportunities to barter skills with your friends. First, you get the wonderful satisfaction of helping out someone you care about, and then you get the bonus reward of help getting something done that you wouldn't be able to tackle yourself! And as an extra super bonus, you get to spend more time together, enjoying each other's company, and having lots of fun, even when you're working on something difficult. My friend and I have found this exchange to be so successful, and have discovered that we work so well together, that we're going to continue working on these projects on a long-term basis, and find other things we can continue to help each other with. It's been great!

    So now, finally, for my long overdue thank you's!

    Thank you @mvnla2 for your kind words, and I also owe you a separate reply to your PM -- I really appreciate that you took the time to write me such and thoughtful and helpful personal message, and again, I'm so sorry for not replying sooner. Also, thanks to you and @Angryboy for clarifying the difference between jawas and ewoks (I didn't see any of the SWII movies, so I'm a bit clueless). Since I have no idea what jawas are, and whether they're as annoying as the ewoks, I think I'll just continue to pretend that I'm destroying ewoks, and savor my guilty pleasure! :-)

    Also thank you so much @hunnybunny and @SweetP for your incredible kindness in writing to me directly; catching up on all my PMs is next on my to-do list. Please don't think my radio silence doesn't mean that I don't cherish your friendship, and your wonderful expressions of support and encouragement.

    Thanks @Kathy for keeping me in your thoughts, and for sharing your own experiences with the issues that inevitably come with caring for aging family members, and I'm so sorry that you had to go through such a difficult experience yourself. I know, of course, that many people having to deal with the same situation, but it's so helpful to get support from friends who understand exactly what one is going through. Thank you, my dear!

    Thanks @burpie, for your lovely words of commiseration, support, and encouragement. Your comment was very clever and witty, made me laugh; I think you definitely hit the nail (or the client!) on the head! I truly appreciate your humor and kindness.

    More thanks @Kimmiecv and @tompuss for your expressing your understanding and support. It's always a joy to hear from you two, and your comments always brighten my day!

    Thank you @E-Star for being so a wonderful friend, as always, and for your lovely words of encouragement and support. I am indeed so very grateful to everyone here in this wonderful community at the BP, where I always feel welcome. My only regret is that I can't visit often, and return the kindness everyone has shown to me, which you all so richly deserve. But I hope that you all know that I think of you often, and that just the pleasure of having met you here makes me very happy! The BP is truly a unique and very special place.

    @Rat, I still owe you a reply from an earlier PM -- hope you are doing OK. I very much miss the pleasure of reading your posts here...I always feel like you are a kindred spirit; as you pointed out before, our senses of humor are expressed in different styles, but are closely aligned nonetheless. Thinking of you, and wishing you all the best, as always.

    There! My sincere apologies if I left anyone out -- thank you and big hugs to you all! Now that you've had the dubious pleasure of my monthly tome, which would not be complete without my earnest promise to visit more regularly (well, hope springs eternal). Is there a badge for Member Who Regularly Writes the Longest Posts in the BP? Oh, maybe that's a demerit badge...

    I see that the new forum has launched -- how exciting! More catching up to do. Meanwhile best wishes and happy flinging to all of you! [Sorry for all the edits; pesky HTML and fat fingers...]

    - JM (Laura)


    Spoiler Alert! If you don't care to spend weeks losing sleep over figuring out the translation of this new sign-off that I just made up, and that others might perhaps find suitable, it means Planning To Post Again Soon, But Don't Hold Your Breath. Thank you @Rat, for starting this tradition of amusing and cryptic sign-off acronyms; they always make me laugh.
  • @Junkenmetel -- Good to hear from you! Hope your latest proposal turns into a real job soon. I get the impression you and whoever else write these proposals work for a very small company, where there is an immediate connection between winning proposals and working? I forget what you do, software maybe?
    Anyway, I like reading your long posts -- everything is in one place; don't have to search back through pages and pages. Guess my age is showing. I grew up reading and writing letters, which were sent by mail ("snail mail"). Not sure if anyone under 20 (or is it 30?) understands the concept of keeping in touch with your friends by mail -- as in not many phone calls, certainly no long distance (>10 miles) except for very important occasions; couldn't phone Europe at all, no computers, let alone e-mail and internet.
  • Just looked at ALL of your friend's jewelry -- fabulous stuff! Sending you some comments by PM.
  • Good luck on the proposal @junkenmetel. Keep flinging them out there until one sticks. Great to hear from you and that most, if not all, is well.
    @burpie You lil' stinker. I saw what you did on S-19. I suppose I'll try your method. I'm just not very good at that first shot. As far as the Kevlar vest, it may be bird proof but I'm a rat. Rats can gnaw through anything. BTW, I'm now 1st or 2nd in all levels of Space except a 3rd in Pig Bang. Still don't like the luck levels in that one. I'll play it some day.
  • Is anyone interested in looking for total self destruction in ABO GE-30 (RMF)? If it happens, it is most likely a wait-overnight level like DZ-4. Of course, it hasn't happened so far for me, but it does look promising.
    I'm posting my progress tilting against windmills in the new forum on Self-Destruction:
  • Oh my goodness! Such beautiful words @junkenmetel! Yeah I think that's the longest message in BP history LOL! I love the advice and whole heatedly agree. I'm self employed as are a few of my friends. One of them is an astoundingly talented florist and I've worked with her on many occasions. It's a wonderful feeling to help a friend and working together brings out so many new dimensions to a relationship. We have been through highs and (many) lows but knowing we have this unique connection helps deal with those lows. I sincerely hope your project goes from strength to strength! Wishing you both all the luck in the world!!
    @estar @stinkie LOVE that story! When estar first told me about him I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of some strange dude putting sweeties in kids shoes but heck,Santa is even creepier lol!!!
    @rat9 my heart goes out to you...........Robert is such a beautiful boy. I don't have children either and my babies (kitcats) are my world. When we got them we made the decision to take out insurance but even if we hadn't there is no amount of money I wouldn't pay to help them. I hope with all my heart that its IBS but if it's not then I pray it can be treated and that the wee man can have a happy,pain free life. XXX
    Eeeeeek I'm welling up........jeez :( *cough......breathe.....* OK.......Hope everyone is having a chill out Sunday?
  • @JLZ666 We've got him on a few meds, anti nausea, appetite enhancer, and something else. He will eat a little out of my hand now. It's a start while we wait for the biopsy results. Fingers crossed. He is a handsome cat but is looking very drawn at the moment. Thanks for the support. I'll let you know if anything changes.
  • Please do @rat9 You've got a tremendous amount of support from all the animal loving nutters here so if we can help,we will :) 4lb is a shocking weight loss in a kitty so I can imagine how he looks :( Got everything crossed for him.
  • @Rat -- Best wishes for your cat. When I first saw the 4 lb lost, I thought you were talking about a largish dog.
  • Hey @angryboy :) sorry just on my way out, family stuff hope all is well..
  • Hey @AngryBoy! How's school going? You must be pretty busy these days.
    Have you checked out the new forum? It hasn't been given world-wide release yet but check the forum list on the gold bar.
  • He's was a 13lb 13oz Maine Coon cat @mvnla2. He had no fat on him, all muscle. He's now below 10lbs. No weight loss the last three days. No gain either. ????
  • Oh dear, @rat9. So sorry to hear about your dear Robert. Tears are filling my eyes as I know what you must be going through. My sweet Star I had for over 12 years, and just lost her recently. Our pets are part of "family" and it's hard to see them get sick.
    I hope the vet can figure out what is wrong and can get him well again. Hope the no weight loss/gain is a step to getting better. My thoughts for a good outcome is with you.
  • @SweetP Sorry about the loss of your family member, Star. And they are family. I know it's not a medical term, but I did see a twinkle in his eyes today.
  • @rat - sorry to hear Robert is not too good - hopefully he'll manage a few extra treats tomorrow!
    @junkenmetal - great to see you again - love the news all at once - sorry to hear about the last project hope the new one takes off - would your personal organiser friend (whose jewellry is gorgeous btw) like to pop over her I am clutter queen!
    @burpie - love the new avatar - ROFLMAO at @kathy mix up !
    Hi @angryboy - long time no see!
    Well I'm already tucked up for the night - I now have a sore throat courtesy of the small people that I love to bits and went up to look after during the week! Such generosity of spirit should be laudable but I do so wish they'd not shared it with me! GNGB all nesters! See you soon.

    ps @kathy & @rat - it would be truly Mazing if this was a real pub - such great craic every night!
  • Good to hear from you @junkenmetel! That certainly was the longest post I've seen here, but it was so enjoyable reading everything. Life does throw us curve balls and we have to take care of them, so I can understand your long absence. Your kindness and sincerity I shall always treasure.

    Sure do hope this latest proposal is the kicker to get you working again. That would get a huge burden off your shoulders, I'm sure.

    I just love your friend's jewelry designs, very unique! That was very nice of her helping you to clear out some of the "cobwebs" that had been accumulating. Such a nice change that you needed, and reconnecting with a good friend.

    Keep your spirits up my friend, and may the L-Factor be with you in your adventures.
Post in the New Forum!