The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1925
  • Hey guys, quick question: how come werewolf69 is at 35 points and has been in-active for nearly a month?
  • @ampagechanger (first one in a couple of months :D)
  • Oh I didn't think it seemed crude e* but I will not mind editing, I'm sure it has a whole different meaning, like some English words and phrases are not what they seem:)
  • Ah, @Estar, then I will also edit my reference to it. Which will make @Kathy sound a bit crazy for mentioning it out of the blue, I suppose ;-)
  • @AM That person has been tossed out the nest, why he has points I do not know.
  • @angermanagement Hi:) no idea what you mean about points?
  • I could leave it if you didn't take it the wrong way @burpie but I know some things need facial expression for them not to be taken as heavy as writing can be.
  • Hahahah you both are quick LOL...
  • @Estar, No, I didn't take it the wrong way at all.

    P.S. Didn't you go to sleep already?!
  • Why was he removed, if everyone doesn't mind my asking?
  • Me???? *feels Burpies head* I think you are delusional my friend, this Dutchie is a notorious night owl, usually 4 AM on a weekend day, with luck and a big hammer the rest of the week 2AM (which doesn't help cause the outside world doesn't play with our agenda and 7AM the alarm clock goes off)
  • Different reasons @AM which we gladly want to forget
  • ok no problem E-Star
  • The new forums are looking great by the way :D
  • Sorry, @Estar, then I guess you were wishing me a good night at 1:01 AM. And I am off to bed.

    Good night @all!
  • I'll be back in a bit gotta eat something..not sure what..hmm pizza sound good
    Haahaa for a change:;)
  • @rat (((hugs))) to you, your wife, and Robert. May he recover to share several more years of the happy life with you.
    Your story of your dog reminds me of ours. The vet made a house call and we let her go in her favorite spot in the front yard. Still tears me up. They are part of the family.
  • Scratches head, burpie you mentioned it was past midnight, but you wanted wait for the update on the avy, so yeah I assumed you were close to your bedtime. But don't go on my account :D
  • Surprising @Kathy hahahaha enjoy the pizza!
  • @ABCrazy awww in her favorite spot, that sounds... awwww, snif! any pet that has an owner that speaks so lovingly as most of the nesters in here must have (had) a great life as they indeed have been taken in as a part of the family. imo the only way, but unfortunately that isn't always the case.
  • Hi @estar yeah. The furry ones are most definitely part of the family. I glad to see @rat still has some humor for @burpie aka @stinker. :-) hang in there @rat.
  • So true e*sadly not always the case:(
    Hey @ABCrazy sorry I'm popping lol..
    Just came down stairs to eat and oh never mind heehee
  • Hi @ABcrazy. I've had dogs myself. I know the feeling.

    @Estar, we have a 5 year old and Sinterklaas arrived today. He was up at 6 AM. If I'm slow, it's because I'm sleep deprived. And tonight Zwarte Piet is bringing a small present so he'll probably wake up tomorrow at 4.30 AM... in 3 hours. I really must get some sleep.
  • @Kathy -- Please go ahead and pick one.
  • Hahahaha I wanted ask about your 5 year old had a great time, but didn't know if the world knew the famous burpie has a kid... But whahahahaha fun times huh? But so sweet, did he sing a song and placed his shoe in front of the fireplace? But owwwkay, 3 hours sleep is a bit on the short side,so you are excused hee hee... Have a great nap and just make it a lazy sunday, daddy needs his flinging ;)
  • Ok @mvnla2 if your sure? Give me a few I'll pick it before the night is up:)
  • Hey @mvnla dontcha wanna pick on yourself? Sorry, not sure who did better, ermmm worse in points in the challenge. Anyway hope it will pick up again as I still think it is a magnificent idea.
  • @mvnla2 did better than me actually the pick should go to @SnTrooper maybe see if he wants to pick first hee cane in second
  • Hi @burpie Sinterklaas already? I'm a Texas girl, but my family came from Germany. I remember the shoes out for St. Nikolaus on um... Dec. 5th, 6th? Chocolate and small goodies in the shoes in the morning. :-)
  • Thanks @Estar. Much better. It was too hard to read the ornate lettering. Kudos on using it you lil STINKER.
  • @Kathy -- Yeah, I didn't think I was close to having to find a level; so be my guest. If I picked one, I think it would just be a random choice.
  • @E-Star and @Burpie -- I was thinking of asking earlier, but it sounds like Sinterklaas, although the Dutch "equivalent" of Santa, isn't really associated with Christmas? What's the reason for having Sinterklaas and Swarte Piet come in mid Nov? Got to look up Swarte Piet. How do you guys celebrate Christmas?
  • @Estar, @Kathy, We all had a great time today. And when nobody was looking, I did the dad thing and checked my phone for sports updates... only in my case the sports updates were chess moves in the world championship. That felt a bit odd on both counts. But not as odd as what happened later on... Before our son's bedtime we made a family effort to sing some Sinterklaas songs. It's the tradition when you set your shoe (right on, @ABcrazy!). We tried about 4 or 5 songs and started out fine each time but quickly came to the shocking realization that none of us remembered the full lyrics to any of these songs. So there we were, mom dad and kid bravely humming our way to the end of the music =)
  • The way @burpie talks about his little Houdini, maybe lil stinker is his boys nickname. Following in his Daddy's footsteps.
  • @mvnla2, we celebrate Sinterklaas on December 5th, but he arrives in the country in mid November and just hangs out here for a few weeks first. Then we also celebrate Christmas.

    Sinterklaas is the older tradition for exchanging gifts.

    It's more involved than this, but I really, really have to get some sleep now. Sorry! I hope @Estar will fill you in on the details :-)
  • I keep thinking you have two children @burpie. Just the boy? Hum singing? Someone needs to practice before next year. Happy Sinterklaas.
  • @Rat9, our son isn't much of a Houdini. He can't even escape from a plate of Brussels sprouts.
    Yup, just the one.
  • @burpie I have memories of you calling him Houdini after he got out a couple of times.
  • Yeah mvnla although he is kinda the equivalent he is not... Really hard to explain, but it is a totally different holiday but the traditions are kinda simular. Christmas at our house, when I was young, was not with presents, just the tree and decos, and in the early years we would go to church and have a evening ermmm breakfast... Have to read up on why we did, something with religion. A wiki explaination of our Sinterklaas holiday...

    In the Netherlands, Saint Nicholas' Eve, 5 December, became the chief occasion for gift-giving during the Christmas season. The evening is called Sinterklaasavond or Pakjesavond. it is customary to put one shoe in front of the fireplace from the day Sinterklaas arrives in the Netherlands, usually in the third week of November, sing Sinterklaas songs and go to bed. A carrot and/or hay, an apple, etc. may put in the shoe as a treat for Sinterklaas' horse. The next morning the carrot would be gone and the children may find candy or a small present in their shoes. Drawings made by the children are put into the shoes as a present to Sinterklaas. In houses without a chimney and fireplace the shoes are put in front of the backdoor. The rationalisation is that Sinterklaas has a key for every door, or one key that fits every door.

    On the evening of 5 December, ("pakjesavond") the main presents will somehow arrive, or a note will be "found" that explains where in house the presents were hidden by Zwarte Piet who left a burlap sack with them. Sometimes a neighbor will knock on the door (pretending to be a Zwarte Piet) and leave the sack outside for the children to retrieve; this varies per family. When the presents arrive, the living room is decked out with them, much as on Christmas Day in English-speaking countries. On 6 December, Sinterklaas departs without any ado, and all festivities are over.
  • Awww @burpie that's such a Sweet thought,I miss days of singing Carol with my kids..such nice family time, no matter the words were forgotten humming is just fine:)
  • Hahahaha sooo funny, I can see you 3 sitting and humming your way to the end. I haven't tried, but I think I would not be able to get past the second line of all those songs as well @burpie and whahahahaha poor boy, does he get to only eat the amount of sprouts as his age is? We did, I still don't like them and luckily I do not eat them at my parents as 35 sprouts is wayyyy more than I could handle LOL... No off to bed!! Sleep tight!
  • Pa I think you are thinking of Ripsy Houdini boys:)
  • You know @Kathy, I believe you're right. I wish I had faces to make it easier for me to make the connections. I get lost in this textual nickname world. I'm old school. Faces and places.
  • @Rat9, I went to a Houdini museum once. Does that count?

    Good night @all. I'm shutting off the computer before I'm tempted to stay for another hour.
  • Wow E* thanks again for the explanation of the dutchie version of the celebration:)
    I still have the story bookmarked that you posted a while ago.its so awesome to be able to share traditions and learn how other countries celebrate fascinating really:)
  • As for the date, it is either december 5th or 6th, I know it to be on the eve of 5th. saint nicholas died on december 6th and that is said to be the reason for the holiday.
  • Stinky GO to BED!!! Cause if you do not switch of that computer you WILL be up when the little one runs down stairs... Don't forget to switch the carrot for a goodie ;)
  • @Estar and @Kathy, I told the wife I needed to go to Holland to take care of a "Burpie" problem. She started looking at airfare before I could tell her I was joking.
    Thanks for the kind words @ABcrazy. And hopefully it's all in fun with the lil' stinker. I enjoy the competition. Even when I lose.
  • I know right kathy, love to learn new things of different cultures myself :)

    @rat that would be something right, I think it would be amazing to really be able to poof into this bar and get the name faces connection as well... Al though I think some people would not be as forth coming as they are in the virtual (me probably included LOL)
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