The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1927
  • Nice to hear from you @JunkenMetal lol not sure if that's the longest post I've seen @JlZ666 posts lol but Thank you fir the kind words;)
    @Pa good to hear no weight loss
    What I mix up now @Mumsie :/
    Anyhoo now I'm lost lol gotta read back..
    OB a Pigkiller please:)
  • Oh and there she goes again The Princess haha haha;)
  • And on that note I really need to get me bum into bed now as it is 1AM already and blechhhhhh tomorrow is the start of a new week. All enjoy a Sweet Sunday! talk soon!
  • Sweet Dreams @e* ((((hugs)))))
  • @mvnla2 can you me a favor I think ripsy is in the storm in Illinois I can't find him on the map?
  • There's actually a lot of members in Illinois and Ohio my thoughts and prayers are with them all:(
  • A twinkle! Yea @Rat! I'm with SweetP, I think no weight loss is the turning point to weight gain.
  • @Kathy -- Sorry for not answering sooner; I've been out all afternoon. @rdnzlrips82 lives in Effington, which is in southern IL; quite a ways from Peoria, where I heard there were tornados earlier today. Will have to check news for what's going on now.
  • @E-Star -- Sounds like I should put more of the Netherlands on my "to visit" list.
  • @Kathy -- Just looked at the news on the severe weather, as far as I can tell @rdnzlrips82 should be OK. Will have to see what else happens with this storm. Hope everyone else is safe.
  • @all those in the storms way, the ABN Bloated Pig patrons would like to know that you are OK. Please post in the BP wether or not you are OK after the storm passes.
    We all hope you have no problems, and send you best wishes.
    @Gracie (@Gracie0211)
    @Bowlerboss (@bboss)
  • Sunshine checking in. Rain and wind for the last 45 minutes. Power went out for a few minutes, but back on. Weather service has a warning for my county until 9:05p.m.
  • Northeast Ohio. Thanks for checking in on us! :)
  • Hey thanks @mvnla2 sorry my keyboard acting up again
    all above I pray for your safety
  • Hei was just gonna post that I've heard from you @sunshine Happy your safe:)
  • @kathy and @mvnla2 good to go here. :)
  • @sunshine :) Sorry I'm a worrywart :/
  • @kathy that's okay!!!! You're just keeping an eye out for all of us!!!! (Give Kathy a hug) ;)
  • ((((Hug)))) back at ya @sunshine :)
  • Southern Illinois t hit hard:(
  • @Kathy that would be around Ripsy area....I'm off to sleep.
  • i know @sunshine:( stay safe..good night .(((((( hug)))))
  • Gracie0211 just checking in. Thanks for thinking of us. Inside the house, I'm still recovering from recent surgery, but from the looks of our cats, terror reins beyond the doors and windows. From the sound of things, they may be right. At times it sound like the hounds of hell have gotten loose, but if you peek out the windows everything is still standing locally, and we know of no nearby casualties. Stay safe out there!!!
  • Gotta scoot for now.get ready for work tomorrow..I'll be back In a bit
    Thanks again @mvnla2
  • Thanks for checking in @Gracie0211 that's scary kitties have that weird sense:/ hope you stay safe.prayers are with you((( hugs)))))
  • @sunshine @Gracie -- Good to know you are OK. Hope everyone else is well.
    I still think @rdnzlrips82 is out of harm's way, but would like to hear from him.
  • I sent an email to ripsy @mvnla2 but no reply yet I trust your knowledge of the map to feel that he's o.k ty
  • In reality, wvnla2, the weather channels can be very misleading. For example, we had a tornado watch/warning with high winds and heavy rain until 11:00 tonight, but if you looked at our radar anytime about ten minutes after my last post, there wasn't a single cloud on it. (They were here and then completely gone! Where they went I have no clue because they're not on our radar anymore.) We still have some pretty strong winds occasionally, but the rain is gone and most probably the chance of a tornado has left too. If anyone would like to give me a better idea where ripsy is, I'd be happy to see what the local news says, if anything, about that area and then report back to you.
  • Thanks @Gracie @mvnla2 could give a more accurate location of ripsy he's in southern Illinois is all I knew near effington?
  • Thank goodness the tornadoes didn't hit you:)
    Btw welcome to the BP:)
  • Well let me have a listen to my local news coming on here in just a minute and see what they have to say about Southern Illinois in the Effington area. I'll come back either when the news is over or when they finish their report. Honestly, I'm on so many meds right now, a tornado could blow right through my bedroom where I'm propped, and I probably wouldn't notice it. :) Nonetheless, thank you for the well wishes and the welcome too!!
  • Thanks Gracie and I do hope you get to feeling better:(
  • At least five dead in Illinois. Power outages everywhere in Illinois and Indiana. From the sound of things, if you DO have power, you're in the VAST minority. (Count your blessings!) There are problems in Indiana getting word to the local news reporters because people are not welcome into certain areas just now and the people who belong there aren't saying much or going to the allowed areas to talk to the press. Those who ARE talking to the press appear to be looking for loved ones - showing pictures of people, so I'm guessing that's what is happening. The authorities are making it known that if you leave the general location of your home, you may not be able to get back for a while, so people are staying put. Power lines and phone lines are down and cell service is clogged so people are just going to have to be patient -- that's almost a direct quote. That's about all I'm getting off of my local news in the Akron/Cleveland Ohio areas before they start to repeat themselves. I wish I could be most helpful. I'm becoming a little fearful of falling asleep on you so I'm going to have to say goodnight. Just be patient. I'm sure ripsy with contact somebody as soon as he is able to do so. I know that's hard to hear, but right now that's about all there is to say. Keep the faith. Talk to you soon. EVERYONE stay safe!
  • Good night Gracie and thank you so much for the update my prayers are with all of those in storms way:(
    @Ripsy ,@rdnzlrips82 please check in of you can..
  • Hope everyone is safe from the tornados, thinking of you all!
  • *places flashlight on @KimmieCv favorite booth* nighty night Pahtnah hope all is well ((((( hug)))))
  • Good grief all hell has broken loose since I left for a family weekend for my sisters Bday!!! :/
    @rat9 I surely hope Robert has turned the corner and will be getting better from here on out! He, you and your wife are in my prayers, as you know Anything to do with our babies is of utmost importance since they are our kids in my eyes so I'm also sending you loads of love and healthy thoughts for Robert as backup!! Can't ever have too much good stuff sent ones way!! Kisses from me to Robert!!
    OMG you had me rolling with the @burpie now dubbed @stinker rampage!! Love the new avy burpie!!! :D you two are a hoot!!! Made my night with your shenanigans!! Although I'd worry about rat finding you at some point burpie!! *Snicker* Also glad to hear your son had a great surprise found in his erm shoe, sorry don't quite get the candy in sweaty shoe thing but meh it's not my holiday!! ;D I hope Stinkerklaas remembered you too!! ROFLMAO your kinda named after him!! NOT!! Hahahaaaa
  • For those of you who were stuck in that horrid storm my prayers are with you and yours! @Gracie it was really nice of you to pop in and give everyone that info and I hope your feeling well super soon! Welcome to BP!! After your well on the mend I hope you'll pop back in again!! :)
  • @junkenmetel it was wonderful to hear from you and I hope your new endeavor pans out and things start settling in for the better work wise!! Loved the trade you did with your friend and that jewelry is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing the picture! :) Loved the new acronym as well! Got a kick out of it! LOL :D And thanks for breaking it down because I'm one of those that would have gone nutters trying to figure it out, never would have gotten close either!! Heehee
    As to the longest post eehhhh I might could have given you competition with the first couple of intros into my slimy snail prob, they were pretty lengthy but can't say for certain!! ;) Do so hope you don't stay away so long this next time!! ((((Hugs))))
  • @Kathy all is well, besides having to do a craft nightmare my sister begged my Mom and I to help her with which took all Saturday afternoon and wellllll into the late evening, so NOT my thing!! Painting itty bitty teeny tiny details I have all the patience in the world but sewing blahblahblah I have ZERO!! Today was the BBQ/cake and it was loads of fun!! :) Hopefully you had a good weekend!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
    Warning though!! Monday and Tuesday are going to be a nightmare of Loooong work hours so I likely won't be seeing you before your pillow walk!! We've a new system and the data we used is Gone not to mention the bugs we've found are horrid!! Aargh me not happy!!!! :( Hope your Monday is better than mine will be!! (((((Hugs)))))
  • one day everything is normal, next... they've unleashed the new forums
  • @Gracie @Kathy -- Well, need to try to figure out where all the tornados were. Looks like they may have blanketed most of IL. @Rdnzlrips82 is in the far south of IL, in Effington, but I just saw a map that had tornados even in the southern tip of IL.

    @angryboy -- Change is good. New forums look pretty good and admins working hard to make sure they are as good as possible. Let them know if you see anything you think needs to be changed.
  • Hello to @ll... just using a job break... what's up?
  • @mvnla2 and all -- Thank you so much for your concern! I am fine, and all my family is fine. I live too far north to have been in the tornado's path. Well, there was more than one tornado's I think, so I mean I was farther north than the damaging part of the storm system's path. We got lots of wind and rain! Fun fact: I was catching up on sleep, so I slept through the whole thing. I didn't even know there would be storms. Luckily, my mom keeps track of weather. I mean, if we lived where the storm hit, it would be bad to be uninformed. I heard it was an EF2. That seems low. I didn't hear of any fatalities.

    Also, I live nearer to Chicago than Springfield. I'm 21 now, so I can update the map if I want.

    EDIT// Apparently there were fatalities. Good information, @Gracie
  • @Kathy -- Well I found a map of the tornados, and there was a small one fairly close to @Rdnzlrips82, but it was in Altamont, not Effingham (it is EffingHAM, not EffingTON as I wrote at least once above.) I don't know exactly where ripsy lives, but he was active on the nest 2 min ago, so he should be OK.
  • You may have to click on a link to see the map. Effingham is north-east of St. Lewis; you may have to zoom in a bit to see it.
    Here's the link to the map:
    and an article about the tornado in Altamont:

  • @TienShenLong -- Hi! It's been pretty quiet here lately. Have you checked out the new forum? See green box at top of page.
Post in the New Forum!