The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1929
  • Yep it's all yours @Kathy!! LOL :D
  • @rat -- Call the vet and ask him! None of this waiting for people to call you. Busy people sometimes procrastinate on calling unless they get a call asking a specific question.
    OK, a lot of people think I'm a pain, but it does get answers.
  • We'll get to 100,000 comments soon enough. You don't have to do it all by yourself @Kathy
    I'm not sure but I think it costs more to buy a can of cat food with some tuna or salmon in it than it does to buy a can of tuna or salmon.
  • You don't know me very well @mvnla2. Of course I called. Said so in an earlier post.
  • @rat9 I used the human one with one of our dogs to supplement with I also had to do IVs for her to hydrate her, it does a great job, having said that you for sure need to talk to the vet to see exactly how much you should use if at all. Cats are different than any other animal in what and how much you can give them of just about anything so it's safer to get the OK from your vet.

    Hahaaa me gots a bit of time!! Dads in the showah!! LOL :)
  • *picks herself up of the floor, after triple double knockout*
    Wtheck just happened. A triple/double AND a page change..I'm going back to my
  • Hahaha @KimmieCV has picked up the twang heee heeee !! :-)
  • :D your rubbing off @Kathy LOL
  • @rat, our pets are family so we'd pay any amount for our little four-legged "sons and daughters" just like our own relatives. My hubby and I are seriously thinking of getting insurance for our dogs. Have to talk to my vet about it before we decide.

    Oh geez, I'm seeing double! Better get my eyes checked...LOL @Kathy. I do the same thing so don't worry. You can always edit one of them and change the text. Hehee.
  • Yea but it wasn't my fault!! Anyone see @rat double post in between mine?
    That's why I say triple and a double?
  • Whoo Hooo I'm famous!!! Too cool for school man!!! :D Heeheee our rolly guys are funny!!!
  • I'm I really want to finish a chapter
    er of my books before bed..I'll be back soon..if not Kimmie will be prying my flashlight our of my death grip lol...
  • Hmmmm I wonder if it's a site thing that puts them in tandem.......
  • Laters @Kathy enjoy your book! Dads done too so gotta go!!

  • Ok I'm out really truly;)
  • You should call them again, @rat. This time to ask about giving Robert some pedialyte and his lab results. You pay them to give you results, so they shouldn't make you wait so long.

    I've often used some OTC medications for my cat and dogs. Neosporin, hydrogen peroxide, bag balm, pedialyte, and other meds I can't remember. In fact, sometimes the meds the vet prescribes are the same stuff! There have been a few times when the vet asks me to use what I already have or can buy cheaper.
    My dog recently had an issue with his spine, and the vet gave me some Tramadol. My hubby takes the same meds for his back...I was surprised!
  • @Rat -- Sorry, but why doesn't the vet call back. My doctor calls back, and answers e-mail. Maybe e-mail would work better? I tend to call several times if the first call isn't answered. As I said, I'm a pain.
  • I'm like you @mvnla2. I'm a real pain in the a** so they usually give me what I want just to get off their backs! LOL

    Just like when I called my doc's office to get a question answered, I even emailed but got no answers. I called about 8 times but still no reply or call back. I finally got fed up and called the Patient Services (Kaiser) and filed a complaint. Let me tell ya, I got a phone call that afternoon from the doctor's office!
  • Lol @mlvna2 I'm sure your concern is true, but yep your a pain..;) we still love ya but I'm sure Pa has been in touch with the vet as much as humanly possible;)
    Sorry I had to but in when I saw that..ok really going back to my book,;)
  • @all I learned "the squeaky wheel gets the oil" a long long time ago. And rats squeak. I talked to the assistant and the vet yesterday. I've been promised a call today and every day until this is resolved.
  • @rat I knew you'd been in contact with your vet today because you said you'd talked to him, not sure why mvnla2 and sweetp thought you hadn't?! Can't see You sitting there just waiting, nope, but I Can see you calling them every half hour or less Until they Do call you!! Hell your prob like me! When Tigger was visiting the emergency room every blasted month I practically Lived there with him! That's how I see you dealing with it!! :)
  • *poofs in quietly and dislodges Kathys flashlight from her fist, tucks her in, poofs back, shines it up and doesn't bother with candles since she'll be up soon!*

    Everyone have a great Wednesday :)

    @rat9 I hope you get good news tomorrow. Kisses for Robert. :•
  • Huh. Hmmm. Thanks @kimmecv jeenhee I'm awake..go to bed haha
  • Oops I'm half awake anyway lol
  • @rat -- So any more eye sparkles from Robert? Hope he is getting better.
    My apologies again. In my defense I would just say that a lot of comments from Mon. were lost, so I don't think I saw what you wrote about Robert. Also, if you put them in a PM, I wasn't included.
  • @mvnla2 I'm not very verbose. If you get a pm from me, you're one of a very few. Most of my pm's are answering questions on strategies. I've only refused help once. And he...well, you would have understood why. And just so you don't need to ask again today, No, the vet had no results yet. I'm mildly perturbed.
  • Mumsie pops in to make sure she has a supply of wool - need to start knitting again! @rat9 sorry to hear no news yet- fingers crossed !
    OB - cup of camomile tea to go please - have to up at 05:30 tomorrow so off to bed!
  • @mumsie I will join you for the tea as I just found out Hubby needs to go in early, so alarm is set for 5:45 for us... I should be heading to bed soon, but doubt that will happen...

  • @rat Thanks for my English word of the day... perturbed... not sure i got it right, because it says causing disturbance, as I can imagine you are doing... but it also says uneasy or anxious, something I can also image you are right now! Anyway, wanted you to know he is still in my thoughts and I will be sending a next dose of healthy happy prrrrry vibes your way along with a huge big hug for you!
  • @team i can't post in the forums
  • @Yimmy7 -- You just posted in the old forum, so I assume you are saying that you can't post in the new forum? I think you may need to register separately for each. See the FAQ under about on the gold bar at the top of the page.
    @AMSlimfordy can also help. I'm assuming @E-Star really went to bed (she's in the Netherlands).
  • @yimmy7 Assuming you're logged in, you don't have to register for the new forums. With that said, you can no longer create new discussions in this forum, you have to head to the new one at: If you're having a problem replying or creating a topic there let me know what it is you see. Also, confirm you're logged in.
  • well, since i can post here i assume i'm logged on. this appears on every topic
    You cannot reply to this topic.
    and for creating topics it says
    You cannot create new topics.
  • oh and i made a post in The Incredible Bacon Machines and it disappeared.
  • wait i had three posts/topics deleted. is there some kind of 3 strikes thing?
  • @yimmy7 -- Have you been spamming or trying to advertise non ABN approved sites? The admins are very diligent about removing spam, and if they think you are spamming, they may block you from posting.
    Can you make a screenshot and post it in your album? Send the link to @Birdleader and @AMSlimfordy. -- As you can tell from what BirdLeader said above, I am not an admin. You should use the @name format if you want someone specific to answer.
    Also some posts were lost Mon, due to server issues.
  • @yimmy7 Creating posts titled "Hello" with no usable content will be deleted.
  • oops, forums are so complicated. this is my second forum ever, and my first was mostly carefree. i'm not used to having to have everything being on-topic
  • You should be able to participate again. But please be more selective about your posts.
  • @yimmy7 I think you are misunderstanding this forum things. .
    The forums here are part of a whole website created to help angry bird players.
    The several forums here are about specific topics except this one where we just kind of chat away about anything. If you have a specific topic you can create a forum inn the new forum section n, or post your comments on any of the other forums that are in the general discussion section
    Not sure of that helps. The site is also in transitioning the forums to a new format, so some are in the new and some still in the old. I can see where it could be confusing for a new member so please feel free to ask question if you need help; ) Welcome to the site and glad you found this forum; )
  • yay you guys are tolerating. btw, i have a bad forum history. mainly just because i'm an idiot.
  • No your not an idiot , it just takes time to get to know how things work when you enter a new place that's all; )
  • if you saw the other forum i was on, you wouldn't think that
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