The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1930
  • @yimmy7 see the gold bar above? Take some time to explore the different sections and learn what this site is all about you'll find it fun im sure.. do you play angry birds?
  • btw i only joined because of the pigineering forums, and didn't think that attempting to introduce myself with a topic wasn't allowed
  • @kathy no only bad piggies
  • @yimmy7 im the one not understanding now. .you posted in the pigineering forum with a topics that wasn't allowed? Then like amslimfordy said earlier you will be able to post again probably, im not familiar with that forum so i didn't know certain topics not allowed, but of you simply said hello.. then maybe you need to introduce yourself and say why your interested like i said im not familiar with that forum
    @mvnla2 any idea what going on?
  • Ohh lol I never played bad piggies @yimmy7 I couldnt get hang of it!
    We have a friend from pigineering though he comes inn here sometimes
    @Les Toreadors he hasn't been in here inn a week or so. .
  • i cqme for the pigineering forum. i attempted to introduce myself in general chat twice, and it got deleted twice.
  • @kathy i mainly just got it, having no idea what it was and i figured it out almost imediately
  • Ohh @yimmy7 did you click on create topic?
    I just checked it out so there are 3 topics you can click on and comment
    So you got it now:) good. Have fun and your welcome to pop inn here if you have any more questions about the site; )
  • @all No news was good news. The news I got from the vet was all bad news. Robert has the more aggressive large cell lymphoma type cancer. It's the reason he lost so much weight so quickly. Prognosis for treatment is poor. Possibly days or weeks.
  • Nooooo. PA :(:( Im so very sorry. .. no words. I will still pray
    ((((((((((((((( Hugz))))))))))))))
  • @Rat! So sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you through these difficult times. Don't understand the first acronym though.
  • @mvnla2 is ' By for now i might come back later. . Same one we been using but shortened
  • i had a pet almost die once. i was extremely sad. i hope your pet gets better
  • Is a very sad thing to lose or even almost lose a beloved pet:(
    @yimmy7 how did you make out in the pigineering forum?
  • @yimmy7 -- Don't ever say you're stupid! We all come across things we don't know anything about and need to learn, but that's not being stupid. You never know about things until you take the time to learn about them.
    @Les-Toreadors is the creator of Pigineering, and the creator of the Pigineering forums. I love the Pigineering creations, incredibly imaginative! I have played Bad Piggies, and have duplicated some of Pigineering's creations.
    You can either observe the comments in the Bad Piggies forum or make comments like I did. Mine aren't much more specific than "Hello", but they at least say something about the topic.
  • @kathy haven't posted anything yet, hopefully will tomorrow
    @mvnla2 why thank you
  • Good thinking @yimmy7 get the feel of the forum first; )
    I think if you check the old forum you can still view old posts just can't post there.
  • actually, i just wanted time to think of a legit topic @kathy
  • Oh @yimmy7 that's cool also, thought you wanted to participate in the ongoing topics..but either way is good;)
  • I'm off to fling. See you all soon
    OB I'll take a Pigkiller please and some crispy pig ears to go:)
  • @alfiandi, @king-bird and I made this for all flingers but no one saw it yet lol.

    Kentucky Flown Terence. KFT. Finger Flingin' Good!
  • @yimmy7 - apologies for the missing topics, there were server issues for this site but you can reply to my topics anytime. The existing threads will more or less be there permanently :)
  • @Yimmy7 -- I think you will do better replying to existing topics until you've been on ABN for a while.
    How long ago did you start playing Bad Piggies, and how far have you gotten? Do you have 3* on all levels yet?
    Any reason you haven't tried the Angry Birds games? Angry Birds (AB) unlike Bad Piggies, gives you a score in addition to stars, so you can compete with other players, and always try to improve your scores. Check out the leaderboards to see what I mean.
  • Night night all. .sorry I'm falling asleep in my book again lol
    @yimmy7 your in good hands I see. @Les ToReadors has explained things:)
    *places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth* nighty night Pahtnah sorry missed ya
    ((((( hugs))))))
  • Sweet dreams, @kathy. See you tomorrow.
  • Night @Kathy hope you sleep well :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • Cool Forum! Should We Make Chat Forum?
  • @Les_Toreadors Finger Flingin' Good...I like it. Go Terence.
  • @sten this IS a chat forum. Welcome to BP, you'll need to read page 1 for the rules and such to get a better idea of what it's about. :)

    @rat I agree! @les toreador it was too cool!! Thanks for sharing!!
  • @Sten -- This is not a "real-time chat room," because all comments on this site are moderated. You need to keep refreshing the page to see the most recent posts.
  • Mumsie"poofs" in- can't stop - just wanted to say sorry it was bad news @rat
  • @mvnla2 this website is the opposite of my other site :P
    i 3 starred all levels except tusk till dawn
    i don't want to load up my mom's tablet with downloads
  • wait @sweetp you don't fling in bad piggies
  • @Yimmy7 -- Hope the opposite of the other site means that ABN is good and friendly?
    There is an episode in ABO (Angry Birds Original) called Bad Piggies, in which you do fling. A lot of people on the nest play AB and haven't played the Bad Piggies game.
    I play both. I also have 3* most of Bad Piggies, but there are a few levels where I still don't have 3*. How'd you do in Road Hogs?
    Depending on what tablet your mom has, downloading a few AB games, might not take much room, but I can understand that she might not want it to become "your" tablet.
  • i'm getting my own for christmas. i'm gonna finish tusk till dawn before i do road hogs. i do have at least one star in each though
  • yes, the opposite of the other site means that ABN is good and friendly.
  • ((((((Hugs)))))) @rat So sorry to hear the news came in so bad. It's so hard to go through.
    You know lots of love & caring thoughts are directed your way from all the 4 corners.
    All I can think of is spoil the heck out of Robert and let him go in as much comfort and loving attention as possible. I'm sure you are already doing that.
  • @annifrid my other one isn't that bad, it's mainly just that three of the 10/20 active members are jerks
  • Hi @yimmy7 Welcome to the nest! I'm glad you are finding it friendly. It's generally a good idea to spend some time lurking when joining a forum so you get to know the norms, or the accepted ways that members interact before jumping in to participate. It's kind of like walking into a room full of strangers. Do you walk in & immediately yell Hello! To anyone? Or do you look around first and try to find someone friendly looking to introduce yourself to.
    You've done good by coming to the BP, probably the most easy-going & friendly place around anywhere as long as you abide by the reasonable rules.
  • i actually came here because i couldn't post in the new forums. i was getting my attempts to yell hello to everyone deleted :P
  • Yup @yimmy7 the security team took you out quickly. :-P Now you know better & it looks like you've successfully started a new discussion topic. Congrats! Just gotta learn how to play the game. ;)
  • yum i'm like some kind of immigrant coming to ameraica and unknoingly doing something illegal
  • aw man i just looked at all the bad piggies news things and they might make a road hogs leaderboard! that would be EPIG!
  • Hi @annifrid good to see you again! I've been really busy with school stuff too. I'm really really looking forward to the holidays coming up soon.
  • Still gotta be careful @yimmy7 lol did you read page 1 of this forum..although I find your comment funny..err can't be offensive to anyone...;)
  • Awwww @yimmy7 not quite that bad. More like being removed from the library for being noisy and disruptive.
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