The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1932
  • I Finally got all the videos to work today!! They were all amazing!! Thanks for sharing @tompuss, @mumsie!! Just great!!! :)
  • *Snicker*
    @mvnla2 I Finally feel asleep close to 7am again last night so nope wasn't up that "early!" LOL more like 1:30ish! :D

    IKR @sweetp and @tompuss!! Waaaaay too early to put Christmas stuff up!! Thankfully our neighbours Are good about taking the outside stuff down usually in January like we do. HA as to putting the decos Up well my sister and I have a deal! She puts all of them up outside (and she's a nutter with the lights and extras!) and sets up inside stuff for me to decorate as I want Always on Thanksgiving weekend And takes them all down and puts them in the back shed where we store them!! For my part I do all the dishes during the holidays along with the Christmas baking, so all in all me thinks I got the better end of the deal!!!! :D
  • Hahaha @KimmieCV sounds like you got the best of the deal for sure:)
    Watching the game then bedtime for me..So I'll in turn my flashlight early before I again fall asleep with tablet on my lap , save you from poofing across country lol
    Nighty night Pahtnah :)
  • LOL @Kathy :D hey thanks for explaining the Sunday fam time! :) Enjoy your game, hope they kick butt!! And thanks for the early turn in of your goods! Sorry I was remiss the last couple days! Got sucked into finishing a project with my sis and Mom and Yikers I'm not a sewer on the best of days so it was a loooong process!! :/ Sleep well!!
    *takes dings out of Kathys flashlight, puts new batteries in and super shines it to a bright gold, sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland when she's ready!!*
    (((((( Hugs )))))) :)
  • ((((( hugs)))))l @KimmieCV . :) Nighty night Pahtnah I'm out:)
  • My Mom used to make eclairs at Christmas @Kimmie. Did you say you were baking?
  • Hey @rat9 good timing! I have about 15 minutes before starting dinner! Yep I'm the baker for Christmas goodies, have been for too many years to count! :)
  • I'm the dishwasher/cookie maker.
  • You too Huh! Yep I do our traditional goodies from both Mom and Dads handed down recipes and then the more traditional stuff like Christmas shaped made from scratch sugar cookies with different coloured icings to choose from and of course have to have a few fruit cakes, some with walnuts for Mom and pecans for me! :) I take 1 week off and bake the whole week, love it but man is it back breaking!! This years going to be tight because we lose an extra week due to Thanksgiving being so late this year! Yikes
  • Got to go to bed now!! See ya @rat9, remember to give Robert his Kimmie Kisses please!!! :)
  • @LesToreadors That other forum I was talking about wasn't an AB one, it was of an online farming game I used to play before. Don't know what was worse, whether the game or the forum ... but I'm outta there anyway ;)

    @kimmiecv I totally LOVE Christmas cookies. They're a huge tradition over here, and my mom bakes some really delicious kinds. But even more than the cookies ... prepare for something really weird ... I love the cookie dough :D
  • @annifrid And I love raw cake mixture!
    @rat Mmmm. . . the fragrance of baking makes my mouth water
  • @Annifrid. LOL I didn't know online farming was such a hostile environment.

    Thankfully I never thought to try those, I just build dollhouses for my sheep :)

    Today to counter monday blues I devised a simple little game for the bacon community
  • @Annifrid -- Eating raw cookie dough (and piecrust) is a widespread guilty pleasure, as is cleaning the cake-mixing bowl. It has been frowned upon recently because the cookie and cake dough contain raw eggs.
  • @mvnla They can frown all they please - I will not be moved!

    @LesToreadors . . . . they make bankers look like angels
    (sorry, no Facebook)
  • yo pigs so bad, they deopped an egg a mile and it didn't crack.

    (bad at cooking/stealing eggs
  • @Yimmy7 -- LoL! In the new forum there is a forum for piggy jokes. You might want to check it out. There is also a closed forum here, with all the older jokes. Click "Back to Discussions" if you don't know how to get to the complete list of old forums.
  • they probably just grabbed a white rock know that i think about it...
  • @yimmy7 -- Sorry, have no idea what you mean.
  • the pigs grabbed a rock that the blue birds painted white. from the end of flight in the night :P
  • @rat Love and cuddles to Robert xoxo

    @mvnla Yimmy's referring to @LosToreador's post above

    @all Night-night, sleep tight, sweet dreams
  • Mumsie "poofs" in just to show OB her winter Avatar - thanks again E* (((((hugs))))) - Mumsie "poofs" home to bed - golf tomorrow hurrah! Will be wearing so many layers it may be difficult to hit the ball! NNGB @all
  • @TomPuss Robert gladly received the love, cuddles, and @kimmie kisses
  • Welcome back @blahalb09! Good to see you've found your way over to the BP's new home, under the Community menu. Hope you like the new format in the Forum section, too.
  • Love your new winter avatar @mumsie. Very cute! Now, I'll have to find one somewhere.

    @Rat, lots of chin scratches, ((((hugs)))) and kisses for little Robert.
    and I can't forget about Max...
    @TomPuss, lots of chin scratches, ((((hugs)))) and kisses for Max!

    Oh boy, it's gonna be crazy tomorrow shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. I'm in charge of a couple side dishes and the desserts. This year my nephew's birthday is on Thursday as well. He doesn't like cake, so I'm making his favorite banana cream pie!

    Gotta get to bed early so I'm outta here to do some flinging first.
    Have a good night @all, and Happy Flinging!
  • Must make this quick, @annifrid I think your in the majority Not the minority with the cookie dough!! My whole family likes to take spoon dips and Everyone fights for the bowl!! LOL

    @rat, Robert is due his nightly Kimmie Kisses!! :) Do hope he's had a fab day!!

    @tompuss give Max kisses too!!

    Everyone have a great day!!
  • *poofs quickly but quietly to Kathys, grabs her flashlight and poofs back to shine it up bright, sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
    Hope your Tuesday is a good one!! :) Off to fling until bedtime!! Trying to finish up Pahtna!! ;)
  • @SweetP, @kimmiecv Max is @ABcrazy's kittie, not mine. . . Sadly, we don't have cats anymore.
  • Max purrs back at ya @tompuss. Thanks!
  • *quickly walks in and places a basket of ear plugs near the door*
    Sorry these are late @all. I couldn't find @mumsie, she must've been too exhausted from her round of golf yesterday. So, please grab a pair and plug your ears now.

    OB, a triple-shot PigKiller please. AAhhh, much better.

    How'd you do on your golfing @mumsie?

    Oops! Sorry @tompuss and @ABcrazy! Geesh, what a bad senior moment that was!

    Please give Max an extra big kiss and (((hug))) @ABcrazy, and my apologies. I got confused!

    Time for some hog slaying. Have a good day @all and good luck flinging!
  • Thanks @SweetP fir putting out the earplugs:) I didn't have Wi-Fi connection this morning and am without my phone
    Lol you confused again. Hee hee @Mumsie basket full of yarn for knitting, mine is the one with the earplugs, but they really belong to the Bp so anyone can put them out if i for some reason cannot, so your giving up on rmf? I don't blame ya, have you tried the new update?
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, on I'll take a Pigkiller please:)
  • Good morning @Kathy! Oh wow, so sorry! I'm really losing my marbles now. Hope you get your wi-fi back soon! I know it really is frustrating when I don't have any connection either.
    RMF is a bit harder than I expected. Those levels look deceivingly easy, but silly me, I should know by now that is not the case!
    I just updated ABO, since I saw the announcement this morning and watched the trailer. Bomb Bird kinda reminds me of myself! Hahaha! I'm going to take a peek right now.

    A PigKiller please, OB.
    Have a great WHINNEEE Tuesday everyone!

  • Nice score @kathy, and #3 on the leaderboard! Woot-woot! I'm not that far behind, #7 for now which I don't expect to last very long with all of the great flingers we have!
  • Thanks @SweetP nice flinging yourself:) I am beat gotta get to sleep..last day of work tomorrow then 4 days of Wooot wooot!!! Have a Great night all
    *places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth with a bushel of ((((((( hugs)))))*
    Nighty night Pahtnah hasn't flinging:)
  • Thanks for the Hugs @Kathy, right back atcha Pahtna!! :) Have a quick last work day!! 4 days off!! Whoo Hooo very nice!! :D
    *super shines Kathys flashlight and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • Heeheee love the pic @tompuss!! :D
  • Just love the picture birdday card @TomPuss, thank you! (((hugs)))

    Ooohh! That is a very cool balloon ride @kimmiecv! Thank you and (((hugs))) for the birdday wishes.

    I'm going to bed early, got lots of baking and side dishes to get ready for Thursday!

    Have a good evening/morning/afternoon @all and Happy Flinging Wednesday!
  • Today's a half day at school! Let's actually learn something!

    Said no teacher ever.
  • Happy birthday @SweetP! Best wishes for your big day!
  • Why am I not getting any notifications Again!!!! :/
    I'm glad you liked it @sweetp, I hope it's a fun ride for you!! ;) And figures this year Thanksgiving would come so late it interfered with your birthday!! Sleep well and happy baking tomorrow!! :)

    @absm enjoy your half day of learning! LOL
  • Thanks @E-star for my avatar :D
  • You are welcome @lamia Needed to walk over to the main site to check which one you are wearing. In here you Gravatar one is showing. But happy to be of help, enjoy!
  • @e-star Can you see now??? new avatar??
  • @lamia Yup it is showing in the BP as well, looking good! Seems Darth Maul is somewhat of a favorite... but then again who doesn't love that wicked looking bird right?
  • it's a pig -_-
Post in the New Forum!