The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1933
  • Happy BirdDay @SweetP -- Hope you enjoy your day, even if you do spend most of it cooking. Hope you get to celebrate you day for a couple of hours at least.
    Are you having Thanksgiving at your house? How many are coming? We will have 8, which is about as many as we can handle comfortably. Schedule for today is Santa Monica farmers' market (a twice yearly treat for me), then grocery store; hopefully home by lunch.
  • Happy Happy Birthday @SweetP!! I'm sure you're busy getting ready for Thanksgiving but I hope you have a chance to celebrate :D
  • Happy Birthday @SweetP
    Hello @all
    You're even closer to those four days off now @kimmie. I hope I don't get confused with the holiday schedule and not go to work when I'm not suppose to. Not!!
  • @kimmie Loved the air-balloon pic, that's magnificent!
    I'm missing notifications too.

    @SweetP That was my very first attempt at speech bubbles!

    Pretty banner, @EStar!

    @yimmy7 Oink!

    @rat Hi! Are you baking for tomorrow? Tons of love to Robert xx
  • One down (farmers' market); one to go (grocery store). It's going to be a late lunch.
  • grr, my moms not home and i want to play bad piggies, but i don't have permission :(
  • @yimmy7 -- So sorry. At least it sounds like you will get your own iPad or whatever at Christmas. Bet you're really counting the seconds.
  • Grocery store not anywhere as bad as I expected. Lunch on time!
  • @mvnla2 Well done! Keep some energy for tomorrow!
    Sweet dreams, @all
  • Happy Birdday @SweetP :D
  • Wow, thank you for the beautiful banner @e-star! I feel very lucky and honored to receive this very special gift, because I know you don't make them for everyone. Ermm, it's actually right on time and not late at all. LOL but don't worry about it, I love it just the way it is!
    ((((Big Hugs)))) of thanks, my friend!
  • Thank you @TomPuss, @kimmiecv, @AngryBirdsSpace, @mvnla2, @karen68, @annifrid, @yimmy7, @rat for the Birthday Wishes!

    Awww, @Kathy you are so sweet! That is a yummy cake and I love the fireworks greeting card, Pretty flowers, balloons, and the gifts of the plush Red, Blue Birds, Matilda, and Stella!

    I hope I didn't miss anyone to thank for such a wonderful day! If I did, my apologies but I'm trying to finish my pie baking and it's making me nervous. Heehee.

    Have a good evening @all, thank you again for everything!
  • *poofs beside his favorite stool at the bar, grabs a towel from the bar and wipes the dust and cobwebs off and sits down*
    OB, I will have a White Russian and a shot of Jager while I sit down and celebrate Drunksgiving.
    And put a drink on my tab in honor of SweetP's Birdday. And I will be buying anyone's drinks that come in tonight.
  • Hi @rdnzlrips82 -- Happy Thanksgiving! How are you and your family? I see you're playing the Short Fuse episode of ABO, as is everyone, I guess.
    We've missed your tales of your kids exploits.
  • @mvnla2 Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. I have played Short Fuse. I find it very refreshing and fun. An interesting take on the classic gameplay that employs some nice graphics.
    The family is well. Maddy has officially joined the boys in their exploits. Isaiah is now going to school all day which leaves me, Maddy and Eli at home during the day. So we usually listen to music and play, color or craft. It's a good time. I have started teaching the children about LPs and they love to listen to them.
    Business is busy. I am pretty sure I could replace an iPhone screen in my sleep. And I am coming close to landing a big deal that will bring in a lot more customers.
  • Happy Thanksgiving everyone:) hey @Ripsy nice to see you:)
  • Hey @kathy! Nice to see you as well. Happy Thanksgiving and drinks are on me.
  • Well, my work for long overdue BP business is finished. Now, I move to audio editing for a personal project.
  • Hi @ripsy, good to see you again! Aww, you are so sweet buying drinks for everyone! *clink* a toast to good friends @all!

    I've been flinging in Short Fuse too, and I have to admit I'm enjoying it very much! What level are you on now? I'm done with the first half, and now in 26-5. As more flingers put their scores on the leaderboard, the more my ranking drops! Looks like I'll have to hang onto your tailfeathers so you can guide me back to the top 50 LOL.

    Have a good evening, and see you in Short Fuse!
  • I finished Short Fuse the first day it was released. Played through for 3*s then went through to increase my scores on the first 15. Haven't had a chance to play through and increase the second 15 yet.
  • *bleary eyed looks at the clock, places flashlight on @KimmieCV favorite booth*
    Happy Thanksgiving Pahtnah Nighty night:{
  • Hi @Ripsy It's been too cold for me to get past 3* on the first 15. I only play on smoke breaks. Unless it warms up quick, don't consider me a challenge.
  • Happy Thanksgiving to all you transPonders!

    @rat How about fingerless gloves, maybe @Mumsie could knit you some?
  • @tompuss I use double gloves, the left pointer (my flinging finger) and thumb I've cut out the tips of so I can keep 98% of my hands/fingers warm while still being able to fling outside!! Hahahaahahahahahaahahaa another adapt and overcome thing! Guess my parents taught me well!! :D
    @rat9 it's a super idea!! I've been using mine for the year plus I've been flinging!! :)
  • Good morning/afternoon @all :)
    Belated congrats @sweetp Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
    Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends over the pond! Have a fantastic day. Eat,drink & enjoy!
    To everyone else.......ermmm Happy boring old Thursday lol!
    OB could I have a double espresso to go please? In fact seeing as its Thanksgiving,stick some hot water in it and I'll have an Americano ;) cheers!
  • @rat Have you ever read a short story by Garrison Keillor called "The end of the trail"? It's in the collection "We are still married".
    This from one smoker to another. . .
  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    I caught some free range turkey from the 'farm' :)
  • @LesToreadors Brilliant! But what about Kimmie - she's missing her special HAM!! Can you help?
  • Mumsie rushes in - OB sent her a text yesterday to remind her it was @sweetP's birthday but Mumsie's phone ran out of charge so she has only just read it!
    Happy Belated Birdday @SweetP!! Hope you had a good day

    Mumsie also wants to wish all the US patrons a wonderful Thanksgiving !

    @ripsy - how wonderful that you found time to pop in! Lovely to see you - did you say there were cobwebs on your stool! I'll knit OB his own duster for use in the BP!

    Mumsie dashes out again - why does the real world impact so much on this world?
  • I'm hearing you @mumsie. Real life is seriously getting in the way these days. I never have time to play AB *sniff* The only time I'm in here is to grab a coffee and go. I must look like a streak of black to OB! Talking of whom,he doesn't have his own duster? Oh mumsie how could you? All that time knitting in the corner and not one for him?;) Loving your new winter avy BTW.....very funky hat!
  • Thanks @JLZ666 - the hat is cosy with the chilly winds whistling round!
  • The hat looks lovely @Mumsie :) the wind truly is whipping today,:/
    Well 3 preparation and cooking,10 minutes of eating, now another half hour of clean up..hmmm
    Hope everyone is enjoying the day:)
  • @kathy it's always the same. So much effort for such a short time enjoying the fruits ;) I only wish you could enjoy the whole occasion. Hopefully you're getting some peace and quiet now? ((Hugs)) Hope you read the "sleepy bawbaws" message cos that's where I'm heading now :)
    OB could I get a mug of nighty night tea please? Jammies here I come........
  • And before I head over for my Pillow walk, I too want to wish everybody that celebrates today... a HAPPY Thanksgiving!! Maybe you all enjoy the day with your families!

    I have to do a popper again tonight as I really need to find my pillow and rest my poor little night owl of a brain... the 5:45 AM wake up calls from the alarm clock are knocking even this worst of the worst night owl down even before 1AM?! IKR?! who knew! But hope to have more time over the weekend!

    @JLZ happy seepy baw baws! Also to @Mumsie @TomPuss I wish them a very very restful night! And to all the other side of the ponders, enjoy!
  • Sweet Dreams @E*
    *sets out candles fir e* sleepywalk to dreamland, places flashlight in @KimmieCV special safe*
  • Wishing a very Happy Thanksgiving to all my American flinger friends! Hope you are all enjoying a yummy feast :)
    @kathy if you did all the cooking shouldn't someone else have to clean up?!
    And sweet dreams @Estar, @jlz, @mumsie (love the hat!) and anyone else across the pond :)
  • Thanks @karen68 :) You would think so lol ikr? But bf has to work tonight so he had to nap so just me:/
  • Happy Thanksgiving to the other side!
  • Thanks to all for the Thanksgiving wishes. We had a really good day, with two nephews and their wives. Lots of help in the kitchen; lots of good food.
    Do I really need to look at the scales tomorrow?
  • Happy Thanksgiving @mvnla2 sounds like you had a nice family day:)
  • Wow!! The weirdest thing I just was looking for a product called 'genucell' that I heard advertised on the radio And Now I top of the forum here's an advertisement for it!! Kinda freaky:/
  • @iammighty nice to see you thanks fir the thanksgiving wishes:)
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