The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1935
  • Sorry I'm talking over everyone whilst trying to listen to hubby!
  • Wow that's even worse!! @E* 1$
    I gotta go cook dinner bbiab
  • Well isn't that the story of my life page header?????
  • Cook kathy?? Whatcha cooking? Have a peacefull dinner ;)
  • I know,I know @ripsy, I'm sorry. I've/It's been crazy ;( I'll get there soon.
  • No worries @jlz. I found an audio copy of that Zappa Plays Zappa show I went to online. Free. All I have to do is dissect it into the different songs.
  • You found your show? That's fantastic! It would be great if you could send it my way when you've got time. Cheers.
  • I haven't looked at YouTube for a wee while,is there any more vids from it?
  • No more vids. I know that is your preferred method of "listening" to Dweezil.
  • They even have some Hendrix, Zeppelin, Floyd, Who...etc.
  • @ateam Really like the Christmas headers, not to mention the holiday menu and songs. Any chance of adding the Hallelujah Chorus to the selection?
    @Ripsy -- Will have to check out the wine list.
  • @kathy -- The IOS users are all envious. Just never say you never get anything first.
    @JLZ666 -- We have something different for Christmas, especially when there are fewer people. Have done stuffed Cornish game hens several years. One per person is just right for 2 nights. Even though we gave away a huge amount of turkey, I imagine we will have trouble finishing the leftovers.
  • Hey @mvnla2 :) I ain't complaining lol is about time android users got a head start:)
  • Eek @ripsy that link needs more brain cells than is available right now but I'll show him tomorrow. Yeah I prefer the "visual" these days;) Be in touch soon.
    Heehee @kathy left overs are the best! You need them more than us so dig in girl!!
    @mvnla that sounds delish! I'm still so glad I have only one big meal to prepare;)
    Gotta go to bawbaws quick smart as up in 6hrs for work so nighty night @all
  • Shhhhhhooot didn't look up @estar:( night night honey! Enjoy Fringe, it's my hubby's fave!
  • If they can offer the 25 seasons levels for 99 cents, then they can offer unlimited Space Eagle for 99 cents!
  • Nice to see the BP get its Christmas makeover! Nice work @ripsy. @kathy, @sunshine, @angryboy the food & drinks look delicious & the banner is awesome as always @Estar!
    And my fave Christmas song on the jukebox - *pushes K1* - time for some Bing & Bowie :)
    OB could I get some Scotch please? Time to think about a Christmas avatar. Sorry I'll be changing from my Canadian one so soon @Estar but I'll put it back after the holidays!
  • The new Seasons looks great. Can't wait for it to land on iOS.
  • I'm off to dreamland before I get any more alphabet imprints I the side of my face:/
    Nighty night all*places flashlight in @KimmieCV special safe*(((((hugs))) Pahtnah hope your day went smoothly..
  • Weekend!!! No work, so, time for me for say HELLO 2 @ll...
    Is there a "new-forum-version" of TBP?
  • @EStar, @all IOS Seasons update on App Store!! Love the new banner E*

    @TienShenLong Hello! This is the new version, right here!
  • Thanks, @tompuss ... so where is the "suscribe" button? lol
  • @Kathy it was nutters!! Not only super chore day but Christmas decos went up too!! Very glad it's over!!! I hope you enjoyed your day off!!! :)
    *super shines Kathys flashlight, replaces batteries for the extra advent flinging and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Glad to see you didn't get more alphabets stuck to body parts tonight!! LOL ;D
  • @tompuss THANK YOU!!! For telling us iOS had the app ready!! Great fun!! Can't wait until tomorrow's comes out! Half the fun IMO is waiting for it!! :)
  • @junkenmetel Awesome news!!! I'm so happy for you, not only that you got the job but that you seem to be happy with it and the crew you work with!! Yeay :D Thanks for filling us in!! Love great news like that!! :)
  • @e-star that header both in BP and the Nest are soooo Righteous!!!! Love Love Love them!!!! Having the different seasons on the Nest headers is such an Awesome idea!! :)

    @team the first page looks Scrumptious good!! I agree with karen68 the songs are some of the best Christmas ones out there!!
  • @EStar Awesome ABN header. IMO the best one so far, I love the entangled pig ;)
  • Thanks all! I love making these things and I am always so happy you all love them :D
    Just put on my xmas outfit, ready to download the Event Seasons! Just going to look as I want to have the full experience and will play the first level tomorrow... I know silly, but can't help it, I love the advent and having to wait. So not for the buck as they could have ask for a buck just because and I would have given it to them, they have made tons of levels for the money I first put in when buying the app... but I just won't give them money for shortcuts.
  • Tis the ABSeasons to be flinging;
    Fah-la-la-la-lah La Happy Me!!!
    *Big Smiles*
  • i just want a bad piggies update :(
  • @E-Star -- Am I just imagining things or did you just change the header on the main pages to the Arctic Expedition Theme? Anyway, I like it. Also I noticed the big piggie at the top of this page has the Short Fuse goggles on (probably always has).
  • @yimmy7 -- Just think how many levels you will have to do when you get your iPad for Christmas! Any chance of getting it early, like when Christmas vacation starts?
  • Hey everyone;) hope all are having a nice relaxing weekend
    OB I'll have a Candy Cane please and some crispy pig ears; )
    Anyone heard from Pa?
  • @JLZ666 Yes, after many years in France, we still keep up the traditional lunchtime Christmas dinner on the 25th, while the French have their big celebration on Christmas Eve. No way could I ever eat all that in the evening! And they do it all again one week later on New Year's Eve. Too much. . . And yes the wine flows, no shortage here. Our house has a nice wine cellar but somehow we never manage to keep bottles for very long. . .
    Hoping for a new Simon's Cat cartoon for Christmas.

    Hi @all No prizes for guessing how I spent this afternoon. . . in the Arctic! Love it!
  • LOL nahh @mvnla2 I couldn't help myself and when I updated the app on my Mac I had access to the images of the arctic episode, so made a new one this morning. @birdleader only quickly updated the main header but not the old forum one. He is so swamped with the new update that he will probably do this when things quiet down.
  • Just saw ABN has all the walkthroughs online, snifff I don't blame the guys, but the whole idea of the event has flown out the window for me... Rovio is killing almost every bit of fun left in the game for me. I just loved the fact that the whole world would sit and wait for the next level to be released, but the temptation is just to much for most... Like I said don't blame them as a large portion will do the same, but snif snif...
  • @mvnla2 it's a samsung tab just like moms, so i think it'll be possible to transfer the data
  • @Estar I love it! That's so nice of you, I will display it proudly. Thank you!!!
    And I admire your will power in resisting even playing the 1st level until tomorrow! I'm not going to buy them all even though a small part of me wants to, but I like the one-a-day style, it's almost like a Christmas tradition for me now :D
  • i'll probably go on a downloading spree once i get my tablet. get every single game made by rovio, then the three rovio stars games
  • Hi everyone - gosh where to start
    @junkenmetal - that's wonderful! Sooooo pleased for you AND you took time out to let us know -thank you - here's hoping that when they realise just how good you are they'll keep you for ever and ever!
    @tien - nice to know you're still around even if life is hectic!
    Hi @angermanagement
    @admins - just love all the Christmassy things - fantabulous ! OB mind where you're putting that stepladder - oh you're started putting the lights up outside ok!
    @tompuss - I have this mental image of you going to your wine cellar thinking 'mmmm the cupboard is bare' and then just popping down to the nearest vineyard to stock up!
    I was so excited to get the new seasons update - went to put my score in the leaderboard and saw all the episodes had data in and then came here and saw why :^( very disappointed - like you @e* waiting for a new one every 24 hrs was fun !! And generated lots of chat in the walkthrough pages.
    Hi@annifrid, @yimmy7 & @lindajh
    Well I have to sit in my rocking chair and knit furiously to stock up my secret supply box in B&R - though must remember to use the Bamboo knitting needles so that @jlz666 doesn't have any reason to give me another 'makeover '

    OB a nice tall G&T please!
  • Oops just realised I missed saying hi to @karen68 and @ripsy ! Just so long since I was in and only skim read the last two pages!!!
  • Wow !! @karen68 I love it; ) great works again @E* ;)
    Don't the wawalkthroughs usually come all at once? I thought in the past they did, and Like you refuse to play ahead lol..I love the anticipation although hard it's the fun of all playing together that makes the advent special and different;)
  • Hi @Mumsie looks like we both popped in at the same time; )
    @yimmy7 I'm sure you'll be busy when you get your own tablet; ) but please be careful not to get lost in the games. You are still young and need to be hanging out with friends ;)
  • of course, i'm not gonna be spending any money on my games. i might get ME or DZ, but probably not :P
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