The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1940
  • @Estar, I just noticed that Angry Birds on Facebook have released your country-themed avatars as fan art :D Seems like you never did Italy xD
  • Mumsie "poofs" in what's that I hear? The 'clink' of Cristal glasses??? What's happened OB? Oh fantastic - Mumsie clears a space and dances a jig of joy for @ripsy - WTG - sooooo pleased for you! - Mumsie has a quick sip (its only 08:30 here! ) and poofs back home
  • @ripsy Jumpin up and down Gangnam-style in celebration of your news! Big congrats!
    Yes, a glass of Cristal please, how kind of you.
    Join me, @mumsie - call it a champagne breakfast, and carry on thro' brunch! *clink*
  • @SweetP I don't have auto update on but I do get notifications everytime there's an update to anything, and in this particular case I even checked the google play store manually ... still nothing. Guess I'll just wait and see.
  • Hello @mumsie! How've you been, haven't seen you in a long time! *poof* she's gone already. LOL

    Happy Thursday @AngerManagement. Wow, I didn't even know those flags were there! @e-star and @BirdLeader you guys never cease to amaze us! Thanks for such a great idea.

    @TomPuss I'll join you for champagne breakfast (brunch?) since @mumsie did a quick fly-by and went back home.
  • @annifrid, maybe you could search in Play Store for Star Wars II v1.2.0. hopefully @AMslimfordy or @BirdLeader might be able to find out if the update is going to be available for your country, and when it will be released.
  • *clink* @SweetP, @Annifrid, @rat nice to see you! :)
    @yimmy Oh, what a disappointment! So sorry :(
  • @SweetP & everyone - It's alright now, just downloaded the update. Still don't know why there was a delay, but I don't care anymore, Naboo is calling :D
  • Yay, you finally got it @annifrid! Happy flinging and good luck in Naboo!

    Have a good night/morning/afternoon @all! Happy Thursday!
  • Good Morning Everyone; ) hi @SweetP ;)
    Can't stay im off to work.
    Have a fantabulous flinging day all; )
    Yay @annifrid you got it! ! Have fun.
  • @bubbleslover @tompuss it's not that i'm not getting it, just an extra month
  • I'm back!! Chores done - so sit back in my rocker and .... "Any Cristal left OB?" Oh you are a sweetie - you made sure there was some for me!
    The weather is wild here in the North West of England and Scotland is being hammered! Thousands without power and all train services cancelled! Hope @JLZ666 manages to pop in and reassure us she's ok. Mumsie picks up the knitting needles and starts to knit.
  • E-Star stumbles in... have to get ready for away weekend with hubby, but I have been trying to keep up with the country requests. LOL @AngerManagement I don't have social media myself, so I missed it all, when I saw the requests rolling in I thought there was a spam attack WHAHAHAHa... now all @birdleader needs to do is find a way to get them all on the page without having to add to the already massive thread.

    We are having wild winds as well @mumsie it is said to keep up till the morning over here. Trains have issues here as well, but luckily no power outages over here. Thanks for popping in, as I was just thinking of you and JLZ. So to all on this side of the pond in the area of the storm, be safe!
  • @mumsie, I think you've had a wee bit too much Cristal. Hehee! I see you're getting low on yarn. I'll be back later to refill your basket.

    Have a wonderful weekend @e-star with your sweetie! Hope the nasty weather doesn't intrude on your quick getaway. You and @birdleader started a great trend with those flags. Nice to see so many Nesters using them! Be safe and have fun this weekend!
  • Hi @EStar I'm so glad all is well, as I can see you're having filthy weather there. Take good care and have a great weekend!
    @Mumsie Hope you weather the storm. Rocking-chair is a good place to be, stay cosy!
    Yes, it'd be good to hear from @JLZ666 too. Everyone stay safe!
  • i sort of want to make a topic, but i feel wierd making three topics in the bad piggies forum :P
  • Thanks @SweetP I hope not, but given the fact half the public transportation was out today, there might be some issue even getting there :( But nothing like the weather to change overnight. And I know right, I think it is amazing that so many different nationalities are flinging the birds :D 71 and counting, never knew my lill idea would become so big, whoops hahahhaa

    @TomPuss thanks and my hubby is pretty protective, so I will be fine... he even rang today from work asking if everything was fine at home :D
  • the topic would be "bad Piggies challenges". people would make challenges for bad piggies, and at the end choose a winner. the challenges could be anything...
  • Good evening @all!
    Thank you for all for asking and yep,we're all ok. The house had thankfully little damage,just a few tiles off but we've got a great roofing company that have sorted us in the past (we're at the top of a hill & very exposed) so he made a point of driving by my house this morning to check on it....such great customer service! Theyre going to sort it out over the weekend. Had a scary journey into work this morning that tested my driving skills to say the least! Had to run a gauntlet of tree branches and wheelie bins but finally got there unscathed! Like @estar were leaving tomorrow for the weekend! Heading over to Prague to soak up some festive spirit! Thank goodness the storm has passed as most flights were cancelled today. Fingers crossed tomorrow morning is ok. We're on the 7-30am flight so have to leave the house at 4-30am......yeesh...:(
    On that note I have to say nighty night.
    @estar I hope we both have uninterrupted travel plans and that Mother Nature plays nice! Have a wonderful time with hubby!!! XX
    Catch y'all soon!
  • Night night @TomPuss, sorry I vanished... been running around getting everything sorted before tomorrow. Luckily we don't have to get up that early... jikes JLZ off to bed with you... Good to know all is well after the winds of today! And I so agree, mother nature needs to play nice tomorrow for the both of us! sleep tight honey!
  • Mumsie wakes up in her rocker! Notices that OB has removed her Cristal glass and decides there's just time to top up her secret supply box in B&R before going home for a good nights sleep! Ohh @SweetP tat would be great lots of lovely yarn to look forward to!
  • @e-star Have a wonderful weekend with your hubs no matter where you end up!
  • @jlz666 Wonderful weekend to you as well.
  • @Yimmy7 -- I think a Bad Piggies challenge sounds interesting, and well worth a new forum. Check out the Lowest Score Challenge (in general forums, I think), for an idea of what you need to do. You will need to establish some ground-rules, like how long the challenge is, who determines the winner (presumably you), who selects the next challenge, and give some examples of types of challenges you're thinking about. You will, of course, select the first challenge. I assume you will only have one running at a time?
  • i was thinking the winner of the last challenge would choose the next challenge, and they could choose a winner to. if they don't want to i could substitute. i was originally thinking a day, but maybe a week would be better...
  • well, since this one you're gonna enter once, and probably not improve it, 1 or 2 days should do.
  • Hey OB I see our friends on the other side are all safe; ) good to know
    @yimmy7 I think that your forum sounds good; ) I maybe will try. Don't hold me to it though..maybe you can start any amount of forum you want i think maybe check with Amslimfordy ?
    I'll take a PigKiller please OB; ) thanks
  • i just feel wierd making half the topics in one of the forums. :P
  • Argghh!!! I'm soooo confused about the stupid Challenge! ! Why does today say 1-4 ...
    I thought it was 5 ... @mvnla2 HELP.. please did they change it?
  • Hmm @yimmy7 idk ..I guess is o.k but I'd check first
  • be patient, @kathy, just 26 minutes
  • @yimmy7 I Know but..*sniff..* I've been flinging in 1-5 thinking it was the challenge cuz I had no internet t work but i assumed its been going by the day. .so now only 26 minutes to get on 1-4 and I've done as d good as I can in 5 so now no chance of winning either one * sniff..sniff*
    *wipes tears* is no use I'm destined to never win a challenge. .*sniff*
  • @Kathy -- The admins realized they really were a day ahead with the Christmas Advent challenge levels, so they kept one open for 2 days. Even if you win the challenge, you won't get a doggie, because since the levels are so new, there would be tons of people topping the "current" high score.
    @Yimmy7 -- No problem with making half the topics, as far as I can see. Go ahead!
    But I think 1 or 2 days is not enough, particularly in the beginning, when not that many people will even notice it. Good Luck!
  • Oohh thanks @mvnla2 for explaining..I must have missed the memo lol;)
    No Puppie? So whats the point? Just like i says it's just another episode :(
    I'm off to read my book. .see all later
  • @mvnla2 @yimmy7

    A 'Bad Piggies challenge' is incredibly difficult to regulate due to the nature of the game. Also for competitive play there are far too many game exploits available to the casual user to break any sort of fair competition.

    I've done a lot of competitions during the heyday of Bad Piggies and none of them were truly enjoyable if the wrong level and mode of play were chosen. Worst of all Road Hogs as the game timer can be glitched and you'll have a multitude of "0.01 second" completion times, which is absurd.

    As for construction challenges I am sure we are all aware there are a number of community-spanning officially run initiatives available since 2012 that have been run on a weekly basis for a long time by administrators who have had a hand in community engagement and know how to promote fair competition without being too strict or too random in their expectations.

    I strongly suggest @AMslimfordy and @BirdLeader consider giving publicity to these Rovio initiatives (which provide real prizes) than for our community here starting ambitious Bad Piggies projects then fizzling out a few days later.

    I mean, if I have 20k page likes and still don't run community challenge, it says a little something on the 'why' we don't run community events. No one has asked me anything to date but eventually there will be a need to acknowledge that it is because we want official challenges to be run more frequently and with official help to provide gifts, prizes and recognition for winners. That's why there has never been a community challenge on my end to date.
  • Thank goodness you're all safe @JLZ666, @e-star, @mumsie, @AngerManagement. Those 140mph winds are what we call hurricane strength here in the US!

    Glad you got to work safely @JLZ666. Those winds sure made a mess of things there in Scotland! Have a safe trip and a great time in Prague @JLZ666. Hopefully Mother Nature is done with her PMS and brings in the sunshine for the weekend!

    Thanks @mvnla2 for that explanation! I didn't think I was imagining things when I was flinging in 1-5 and checked on my placement in the Challenge page. Then when I saw it had changed to 1-4, I thought I had lost my marbles! Whew! good to know I don't need a new pair of glasses! LOL

    @kathy, IKR? What IS the point if there is no puppy? Don't be sad my dear friend. *grabs a tissue to wipe away the tears* Someday you'll get that puppy!!

    Well, @all I'm going to do some flinging, so I'll see you later!

    OB, I'll have a PigKiller please.


  • @Kathy @SweetP -- They've never given puppies for the Advent Challenges. So ABN has kept to tradition because they don't give puppies, and they've now changed the challenge to the day after the level is released.
  • Well I've already nodded off in my book twice. . Good night all
    *places flashlight on @kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Night night Pahtnah ,
  • Thank @SweetP :) night night,;)
  • Comments don't seem to work for me... hope this one does...
  • Hey guys! Long time no see! Sorry I haven't been around much. I'll try harder. Meanwhile I've gotten the newest AB updates and have been playing them some.
    Hm..... How about Pig Ears for everyone. @kathy the bill's on me. I'm in a really good mood because i just saw Catching Fire on Friday! It was a great movie, almost exactly the same as the book.
    @kimmiecv how's the slug problem? Any news?
    @kathy I hope you don't get confused about the challenge again. I really hate to see you in pain.
    Any other news?
  • I think we should get to 2000 pages (100000 comments) before we move to the new forums.
  • @tas I think we should get there before the end of this year! Just 60 pages to go :D
  • Yeah! Good thinking!
Post in the New Forum!