The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1938
  • On that note everyone have a good Monday! Must needs go bye bye now! Have to work early annnnd I'm talking to myself tonight!! LOL :D
  • Hi @folks! I wish you all happy Monday, hope you managed to recharge your energy for new week and your's everyday duties.
    I am, as most of you disapointed with Season's update. It's not price that disappointed me but, like @kimmiecv said it is ruining tradition. I really enjoyed excitement of anticipation, waiting ro open one level each day. It was like unwraping presents, now that joy is just ruined.
    I read reviews about new Rovio's game Angry birds GO! That was „soft launched“ in New Zealand's iTunes store and guess what??? There are karts worth 100 US Dollars!!!!! As I suppose game targets younger public, kids and teenagers so I wonder how many children would pay 100s $ of their parents money to play game? It also have that „energy meter“ thing that I really hate as I always lose energy before I solve or 3 star puzzle. I usualy have to restart game several time before I got nice score and with energy meter it becomes annoying.
    @mvnla2 I always wonder what „black Friday“ is, thatnks for clarification. I am addicted to shoping on amazon and I've been shopping on Amazon US, Amazon UK and Amazon France for over 12 years. I admired their fast service but now, after watching film made by British journalist who secretly recorded a day in Amazon's warehouse and employees treatment I am shocked and although it is very convinent for me to shop on Amazon I am going to consider if I will shop there anymore. I am pretty sure there is no difference between any other of their warehouses around the world.
  • Good Morning everyone:)
    Have a wonderful Monday Happy Flinging:)
  • Yay! New avatar... (I was bored) It is a bit small, sorry...Have an amazing Monday, everyone!
  • @BubblesLover -- Like your new avatar, although I had to look at your profile to see what it was. Looks like you drew it yourself? Very nice. A suggestion -- It would be a better pic if you took the photo from directly above, instead of from the side. You would need a flash or a side-light.
    I'm sure @E-Star could give you some artistic advice on how to make an avatar that is easier to see.
  • my mom thinks explaining something you did wrong translates to "do you need help?" my mom is such an idiot sometimes
  • Welcome back from the Holidays @all. I hope everyone had a blast. Can I use "blast"? Does that translate into todays lingo?

    Robert is a tough old puddy tat. He is not going willingly into that dark night. Still has quality of life after losing over six pounds. Nothing but skin, bones and a lot of hair. I think he's living on our love. He won't let go of us and we can't let go of him.
  • hello to @ll... just posted my 1st video and want to hear feedback from all of you on TBP... this video ismy "record"... lol
  • and please someone teach me how to do to put only the link and no the video itself:
  • (Sits scowling in corner booth, muttering to himself) *I'm supposed to be the AB prodigy in the family, not HER* *Why does @BubblesLover get a highscore* *Why don't I ever get a highscore*
  • Dear @AngryBirdSpace(sibling). At least it's in the family.
  • I forgot to say, I am working on a Christmas avatar set, as well as an Arctic Eggspedition iPhone wallpaper. I can't wait to who it to everybody.
  • @TienShenLong, on the YouTube page, click on the "Share" link below the video. The URL will appear in a box. Copy it and paste with your comments like this:

    Hope that helps!
  • Oh my, @rat. I'm so sorry my dear friend. I am in tears for you and your little Robert, for I know what you're going through. He's enjoying every second of the love you're giving him, not wanting to let go of it yet, Be comforted in knowing that he will be crossing the Rainbow Bridge, where he will be welcomed with eternal peace, love and happiness. (((HUGS))) Robert, sweet angel kitty.
  • @SweetP I will have nightmares about that turkey.
  • @rat I'm glad Robert made it through. How many lives does that leave him with? 8? 5?
  • Oh @rat I've been thinking about your Robert every day. It makes me cry. All the love in the world to him ❤❤❤
  • Oh okay @mvnla2! Thanks. I'll change it. :)
  • i'm playing angry birds chrome. so much fun :O
  • thanks @sweetp... most welcome
  • @yimmy7 you know chrome score are not aallowed on leaderboards right?
    What the difference I been wondering?
  • lol i wasn't planning on entering scores to the leaderboard
  • @kathy have you played bad piggies yet?
  • That's cool @yimmy7 just wanted to to know:)
    Nope haven't played bad piggies yet. .
  • @kathy hello! I'm not a popper for once! Are you still here too @yimmy7?
  • yep. what do you by i'm not a popper for once?
  • Well @yimmy7, generally I stop in for short times because a) I'm busy or b) I know I'll end up falling asleep. And school (ugh!) makes it so I can't stop in. It ends at 4 pm (ugh, again!)
  • Lol I'm the popper now hee @bubbleslover ;) sorry
  • Was just watching a movie 'TED' sooooo funny; ) ROFLMAO ;)
  • It's okay @Kathy! :3 I do it all the time so no worries! I sometimes will be like 'ten... More... Minutes!' But by minute # 3 I am asleep!
  • Mmm. My parents won't let me watch that one. I've heard it's funny though!
  • It's very funny @bubbleslover but i guess i wouldn't let my teenager watch it, alots of vulgarity and some not for young vviewers:/ sorry. .
  • Good night all. .* places flashlight on @kimmiecv booth. *
    Sorry Pahtnah it's in tough shape tonight:( good luck in WtH really good luck
    I'd leave som 'L' factor but i can't find any:(
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster, That's the turkey that got away from the Thanksgiving axe! LOL. sorry didn't want to cause nightmares! But I guess it's better than those nasty green swine! I like your new avatar, too!

    You're welcome @TienShenLong. Glad to be of help, anytime.
  • Night Pahtna!! IKR the luck is for sure missing in WTH!! :( Evil game for sure!! I hope your Tuesday goes well @Kathy!! :)
    *takes all the massive dings out of Kathys flashlight, shines it up bright as new and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • I have been having issues at work lately because the company director is on vacation till Dec 16 and guess who gets to play foreman pig in the meantime (yes, as always no one else, so, that's me.)

    I hope to settle all the messy stuff by tomorrow so at least I can get some nice pig engineering in. Also would like to say thanks to @mvnla2 and @yimmy7 for giving new ideas on 'bacon dynamics' tutorials. The black vs green soda discussion is really fun and so is the debate over the non-Newtonian physics flaws of the Bad Piggies game engine, whatever it is!
  • @rat9 just caught up and I'm hating to hear Roberts gone to skin and bones, it happens so damn fast, due to the fact you and Mrs. Rat love him so much and he loves you with the same fervour I'd say he's going to hang on to every last day he possibly can and then some! I know I've already said it but really he can't have too many so give him an extra dose of Kimmie Kisses please!! :•
  • @les-toreador I hope things simmer down for you so you can get to your pig contraptions that are really quite fun to watch!! Makes me almost want to give the game another try!! If Only I could catch up in the AB games!!! sigh
  • *sets out baskets of earplugs on the bar, n the booths*
    Welcome to WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee Tuesday! !
    Have a fantabulous flinging day everyone ;)
  • @all I'm being a popper too, sorry! We've been so busy with Christmas parcels and cards because the Post Office is going on strike soon (nice timing). . .

    Well, today is whine day. I don't know if others have the same problem: I am hopeless with Space Eggs. I just can't handle them, they won't do what I want them to do. This is especially frustrating in S-19, where I'd so love to blow everything up. . . but I'm afraid the earth hasn't moved for me here so far. . .

    So grab your earplugs (you'll need them) - here's the whine:

    Moar L8R I hope, love to all meanwhile xoxo
  • Happybirdday to @KingBird!
  • Why is it not christams yet? i want christmas know!!!
  • @all Quiet evening! So hi and good night to all patrons! And have a fantastic flinging time! I'm just going to slip in another whine, this one about the invasion of previously PUPU-free zones. . .
    @yimmy It'll be here before you know it. Enjoy the anticipation!
  • anticipation isn't fun though. time to wait 3 weeks. i'm so tempted to sleep and eat, and maybe exercise a little until christmas...
  • Good Evening @all :)
    Hope everyone is well?
    Thought I might of had a ton of pages to trawl through since I was last in 4 days ago but only 3...okaaaay.
    @Tompuss glad to hear you keep up our old 25th big dinner tradition! I've got my food ordered and although I still can't believe it's December I can't wait till the feast! Also hoping for the next Simons cat, Don't think it's far away now!
    Have finally found my mojo again and loving flinging! ABO new release is beautiful and so much fun,as is seasons but I have nasty taste in my mouth at the greed from Rovio to "make " peeps buy instead of waiting. Personally I loved the original advent game a day. I loved the out of sync countries and that we were all excited,trying to get our scores and strats in by a few hours. I now look into walkthrough and see folks have been there days before.'s just not special anymore. That's my whine......
    @karen68 I blew coffee through my nose this afternoon thinking about you!!! I've got the sweetest,friendliest little robin in my garden! I was putting out feed this afternoon and he was getting so close to sitting beside me. I then thought of the drunken,whisky swilling,bottle throwing birdies that you have! LOL!!!!! Oh I hope they're not back but thanks for giving me a laugh!!!!
    OB a mug of nighty night spiced tea please? Cheers :D
  • @jlz-666 hahaha glad I could help you clear things out... I would have loved to have seen that! Actually I'm amazed you have robins in December - ours are gone & won't be back til the spring. Lucky for me, I don't have to duck when I go outside lol :)
    @Tompuss I'm with you on the space eggs, I still can't figure them out. They deserve a special whine all of their own.
    My evening whine will be for all of Wreck the Halls. Trying to improve my scores & in a few days on 3 levels have yet to earn a single extra point. :(
    Hope everyone is having a good evening!
  • @TomPuss -- That was the cutest whine I've ever seen. Not sure it will help your AB score though.
  • finally got 3 stars on 2-2. so hard.
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