The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1943
  • @birdaddict! how could we miss your birthday! Hope you had a great one! Of course, when you get older, you're not that interested in big celebrations, at least not by people who know your real age! I think that's why BP celebrations are so great!
    @blahalb09 -- Best luck in getting into TJHSST! Sure you will do well.
    @mumsie -- Love your sign! Maybe I should print out a big copy.
  • An unusual page-changer!
    @all -- Know I won't get any sympathy, but it's COLD here! Snow in the local mountains actually made the national news. Of course, any snow on the I-5 Grapevine totally shuts it down; we are such wimps!
  • Lol @mvnla2pagechanger !! Haha you hardly ever change it!
    No sympathy is right; it's 28º here ffffreeezing!
  • Happy Birdday @BirdAddict! :)
  • Haha @Kimmiecv @Sweetp I just posted to you both on 1-7 kinda whiny,
    Immediately after i got 130660!! The powers of the whine at work; )
  • 17º here. pretty cold, but NO SNOW!?
  • @mvnla2, It's not that you're wimps on the road. Y'all are some of the worlds most aggressive and skilled drivers. But when it comes to snow, forget about it. While I lived in California I heard of numerous twenty plus car pile ups on the Grapevine when it snowed or got icy. Shutting it down is the only way to protect y'all from yourselves.
  • @rat -- You haven't been here for a while, I think. Aggressive, definitely; skilled, no way; stupid, careless, inconsiderate, all true.
  • *Just a reminder as Christmas gets closer, please share your gingerbread house creations on the gingerbread table*
  • Go Pats!! The Comeback Kid does it again! ! Woo hoo..
  • Gooo Pats!!!!!
  • @kathy - do they have be one's own gingerbread creations? Or virtually mine!
  • @Mumsie o think your own creation. .That's @Sunshines department lol
    I was just giving a reminder inn case nobody noticed on page1;)
  • Roads are a nightmare here in DC, no one is going over 20mph on the highway and there are many accidents.
  • @blahalb09 -- DC is one of the places that is almost as bad as LA in terms of being wimps when it comes to snow. I lived in DC many years ago, and we got a snow day if there was so much as a flake of snow that didn't melt. When I lived in Denver, we got a snow day if there was 3 feet of snow, and we did get some snow days!
    I said almost as bad as LA, although if it ever snowed on the "flats" of LA (i.e, not in the mountains), there is no way I would even set foot outside until it melted. I do know how to drive in snow; it's the other 99.999% who haven't a clue that worry me.
  • hahaha @mvnla2 same here; ) we never get 'snow days'so there are lots of peeps who as soon as they see a flake they suddenly 'forget'how to drive. .it's me who panics because of them;/
  • Wow pretty quiet here today!!
    @Kathy I wanted to pop in before I start dinner and catch you before your pillow walk, good job getting 1-7 to cooperate!! Well done!! Been trying every chance I get to up my score but it's a bear!! Our weather tonight is frikken FREEZING!! Going to get down to 27 degrees tonight and it's well on it's way down!! I can only stand being outside for short periods!! :( For sure we aren't used to it this cold!! And so early in the year too! I think we're breaking records for cold so early and for so long!
    Ok just wanted to pop in quick like before you got cozy warm with your book!! :)
  • Yikes! didn't know Cali got that cold @Kimmiecv. .
    I'm beat..*Places flashlight on @kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Night night Pahtnah happy flingin'
  • Lol so much for global warming:/ just sayin'
  • Thanks to all for the birthday wishes! I love being a part of this great community. @Kimmiecv, @Mumsie, @Kathy,@mvnla2, @Annifrid you're gifts and well wishes are appreciated. Been partying for 4 days now with more tomorrow. Gonna take weeks to recover, lol!
  • @Kathy, my sincere sympathy for losing your uncle. ((((((( ( HUGS ) )))))))
  • I'm not able to get into my PM's. I sign in, click the PM and am booted back to the login page. Is it a problem with the site or me?
  • @Kathy it only gets that cold usually in January or February and only a very few spread out days so this early is not normal. Brrrrrrr it's really cold too!!!
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Have a good Monday! It's baking week for me!!
  • @Bird-addict I'm glad you liked your goodies, just sorry it wasn't the party you deserve, although I'm wondering if you could have even shown up for it as your having a week long party animal fest with your bf!! :D Kepp on keepin on Mrs. Party animal!! *Snicker*
    I just popped into the draw room and had no issues so I'm guessing its from your end?! Hmmmm
  • Good Morning everyone; )
    Hope all had a great weekend :)
    Happy Flinging:):)
  • Right when a winter storm is finished, another one is coming. We're expecting 3-5 inches of snow tomorrow.
  • @Kimmiecv -- It's a hard week to get any sympathy for cold weather from the rest of the U.S.! Maybe if we told them that lots of people in CA, in LA at least, don't have central heating. Our house, which was built in the 1920's (old by LA standards) originally had a wall heater in the bathroom and an in-floor unit in the living room (boy does that sound like a safety hazard). Thankfully we now have both central heat and air, but many people still don't.
  • @kathy Chapter 3 of Assassin is up! Also, anew website with a Christmas special coming soon! (My friend and I are working on an animated logo for the Christmas site, so hang in there. It'll be soon.)
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster ;) I got the notification ;) I'm subscribed; )
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster the above didn't come through as a link if that's what you meant to do?
  • That was the intention, yes. Just try copy/pasting it into the URL. If all else fails, there is a link on the original website.
  • I already have it in my email @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster ..I was just saying for anyone else; )
  • My trophy arrived over the weekend and I finally opened it yesterday. There was some work to do on my end but once complete it was truly a majestic bad piggies invention :)
  • @Les-Toreadors -- Not sure what the trophy is about? So what did you have to do? What was the trophy for?
  • Wow @LesToReadors that's onc helluva Trophy, but ya like @mvnla2 asked what's it about/for?
  • Well its about that time. .*Places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth for safekeeping*
    Thanks Pahtnah:) I did well with your help tonight; ) *places 'L'factor next to flashlight'*
    Happy Flinging; )
    Ooh @SweetP if you could be so kind as to set out the baskets of earplugs tomorrow, .? I know your usually here early. .that would be great; ) thanks .. if not. .no worries I'm sure OB will get round to it as soon as the first whine comes in lol;) nighty night all.
  • @mvnla2 @kathy The trophy was for winning the Bad Piggies contest 2 months ago
  • OK @Kathy, I'll get them in there bright and early in the morning. Have a good night, and stay warm!

    Aack! *slaps forehead* So sorry @birdaddict I missed your birthday! Oh my, I sure do miss a lot of things going on when I can't be here on weekends. Hope you had a fantabulous day!
  • @les-toreador sweet trophy!!

    @mvnla2 IKR but then they don't understand that for us (even in northern Cali) that's some wicked COLD weather!! At least we know how miserably cold it is ATM!! ;) Thankfully it looks like it's warming up after tonight and heading back into the mid 30s to 40s! Phew am I glad to see those numbers!! I like colder weather but Not that cold!!
  • Good night @Kathy, I hope you sleep well and tomorrow goes OK for you, I'm just a PM away if you need me!! ((((Hugs))))
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • On that note it's time to get dinner started!!
    Hello @blahalb09 and @sweetp, byyyyeeeee to both of you!! ;)

    Maybe catch some of you later!!
  • @mvnla2 & @Kathy - it's for winning the October contest at

    Basically ,best pig creation wins. It can be any type of pig creation. Mad scientist contraptions, fanart, real pig machinery? Who knows what the pig community would come up with :)

    So far one fanart and one artistic contraption won the challenge.

    I posted more details on my winning entry here
  • @mvnla2, sounds like my house, which was built in the early 1930's. We have one of those floor heaters too, but never used it. The wood stove kept us warm until last year, when we got central air/heating installed.
    You're right about a lot of LA homes do not have central heating. My friend lives near Hancock Park, where there are beautiful older homes. She said it's so cold, they keep the fireplace going 24/7.
    Most of my hubby's family lives in Iowa, and they got hit really hard last week with the snow storms. Brrrrr! He said there's no way he'd move back to that! LOL
  • @LesToreadores congrats for winning the contest, cool trophy!

    Yes we are wimps @mvnla2. But there is a really good reason why they shutdown the Grapevine. That steep 6% grade, 6.5 miles long, is nothing to sneeze at even without bad weather. Add snow and ice and it becomes one of the most dangerous stretches of freeway infamous for huge multi-vehicle pile-ups!
    It sure was windy today! Our EZ-Up got flipped and flew about 30 feet and if it weren't for the garage, it might've ended up who-know's-where!
  • I can't even imagine not having central heating when it's freezing and snowing. I'm used to awfully cold weather during winter but I still hate it hate it hate it!!
  • Just catching up with the rest of the back pages...

    My sympathies on the passing of your fav uncle @kathy.
  • Hi @annifrid! It must be so cold there! I can't ever remember it being this cold here in So. Calif. Last night it got down to 28 degrees, which is very unusual for this rural area. The overnight temps are supposed to "even out" in the low to mid-30's the rest of the week. Good thing there's no rain predicted, or it'll be totally miserable.
  • *places one basket of ear plugs next to entrance* Hello, Good Morning everyone.
    It's WHINNNNEEEE TUESDAY! Please be sure to get a pair of ear plugs. I've got a feeling it's going to get pretty loud in here!

    *leaves a small basket of ear plugs on the bar*These are just in case anyone forgets to grab a pair when they come in the door.

    Well, now I can go back to flinging for awhile. See you @all later, happy flinging!
  • Whine Tuesday you say? Well ....
    Whhhhiiiinnnneeee! Not a particular level, just an overall whine about complete lack of time to play AB because I have to learn for school every night!!
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