The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1944
  • WWwhhhiiiinnnneee WWwhhhiiiinnnneee WWwhhhiiiinnnneee :(
    Thanks @sweetp just in time!!! :/
  • Stupid 1-9!!!! WWwhhhiiiinnnneee WWwhhhiiiinnnneee WWwhhhiiiinnnneee

    Sigh back to it!!
    Good luck sweetp, I hope the 'L' factors working better for you!! Sleep well when you turn in!
    Hi @anifrid bye @anifrid, sorry about school! :/

  • Ooooh just realized I left the 'L' factor Kathy left! *snatches it off the booth and poofs back to
    1-4, 1-7 and 1-9!!*
  • Good Morning everyone; )
    Hope you had some luck @Kimmiecv
    Thanks @Sweetp for putting out the earplugs:)
  • Since I have a snow day today, my math teacher assigned my class to do the hour of code activity because of computer science week. When I started, I was really surprised to find that the lesson used Angry Birds characters. That was probably one of the best homework assignments I've had in a while.
  • Hi @Blahalb09! Tell us more about your homework assignment. Sounds really interesting to do something with AB for homework.
  • @mvnla2 On there is an hour of code lesson, which teaches you to arrange different codes so that the red bird can kill the pig. The different codes they allow you to use are move forward, turn right, turn left, repeat until, and if-else statements.
  • Oh before I go,I thankfully missed the bad weather when I left Scotland but unfortunately caught up with it in Czech Republic!! We had a very scary landing in Prague. I've never had the plane come into land sideways before and couldn't believe I wanted the pilot to abort. Even hubby had a fixed gritted teeth grin trying to reassure me! OMGirrafe I can't believe he landed it in that wind and I'm sure we bounced 3 times before brakes came on.....not nice at all for someone who doesn't like flying. Had to laugh though when the pilot announced "well..........sorry about that......welcome to a slightly breezy Prague!" Huge kudos to that guy but never want to do that again!
  • But aside the terrible feeling of shame, I did have an amazing weekend! we rented an apartment in Limburg near the border of Germany and the people who rented it to us where the most hospitable people I have ever encountered in the business of renting.

    @JLZ ermmm okay, sounds like a great experience, that landing I mean. Not a fan of flying and well we never do, but I would bet ya after such experience you describe, I think I would rather have walked to Prague LOL
  • @JLZ666 -- Can't believe the landing you described! There was a video on the news a few days ago of a plane trying to land in England (Manchester, I think), basically sideways. The pilot tried twice and then aborted. Don't know if you have the stomach to look for it. I can imagine it looks almost as scary from the ground as on the plane.
  • As for weather in LA: On the way to play golf this morning a warning light came on in my car that I've never seen before, a yellow triangle with a snowflake inside. Turns out it is a warning to look out for black ice and other slippery conditions. It comes on at 37F. Fortunately it was totally dry this morning, although a bit cold for golf for about the first 9 holes.
  • Mumsie dashes in - wwwwwhhhhhiiiiinnnnneeeeee - short fuse 25-10 - runs out again to see if the whine works!
  • Nope it didn't! :^(
  • Phew, doing a 24 hours Twitter event in 2 shift sure is tiring, but I think @ Pigineering had the highest per-user tweet rate of them all.

    This is for the ongoing "BecauseOfAngryBirds" event on Twitter. The intention is for fans to all share stories, pictures, etc related to Angry Birds on a promoted hashtag run by the official Birds.
  • Thanks @LesToreadors ;) I haven t been paying much attention to Twitter lately, I'll check it out;)
    wow @JLZ666 that sounds quite scary! I've only flown once in my lifetime and the more stories I hear the less likely it is that I ever will again!
    OB I've had alooooong day could I please havea pigkiller;)ty
  • @Les Toreadors -- I had no idea this was going on! Why was there no announcement on ABN? Saw one tweet from @BirdLeader, but didn't know what it was about.
  • Well like i said lloong day:(
    Good night all, happy flinging; )
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth* nighty night Pahtnah ((((((Hug))))))
    Thank you for everything you do♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
  • Welcome back JLZ and e-star!!! Glad you both had such a great time!!! :)

    @Kathy lots of ((((((((Hugs))))))))) I know this was a tough day for you.
    Your 'L' factor kicked in for me today, thanks very much!! I'm giving it back so you can use it later!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • @mvnla2 I was in a T shirt today!! It's cold now but it sure wasn't today! And I was on my porch which is covered and tends to be cooler since the sun doesn't shine over me but nope wasn't cool at all! Cali weather at its best!! One day frozen the next day on the warmer side!! And that's why I never pack up my summer wear!! Sigh
  • Angry Birds GO is now available for iOS devices!

    Android - Still waiting.
  • Amazing banner @E-star! @BirdLeader deserves it!!

    I've three starred the ABo update, and I'm waiting for my birds to charge up so that I can unlock Bomb in AB Go.
  • Happy Birthday @BirdLeader ;) hope all your b'day wishes come true!!
    Great Banner @e-star :)
  • Happy birthday @BirdLeader !!!
  • Everyone A friend of mine joined here today @sohan3421
  • @Birdleader Happy Birthday! Hope you have an amazing day! Thank you for creating this wonderful community :)
  • Happy Birthday @Birdleader! I can only echo everyone's thoughts by wishing you a great day and thanking you for this wonderful place! Such a special date as well 11-12-13!!
    @mvnla I hadn't heard about that landing so searched YouTube and YIKES! That's pretty scary stuff:( I'm almost sure we weren't that sideways but it was bad enough thanks very much. I've only had an aborted landing once and as scary as that was I'd much rather the pilot had tried again than have that bouncing sideways touchdown.
  • happy birthday @Birdleader!!!!!!!
  • Happy Birthday @BirdLeader -- Hope you're having a special day, including a real walk on the beach. Nice of Rovio to give you 2 special presents!
  • Mumsie dashes in - oh my goodness I've only just read the news - Happy Birthday @BirdLeader - I cannot thank you enough for all the hard work that you and the team have put into creating our virtual world! I hope you have a fantastic birthday - you deserve it! OB please have whatever @birdleader's tipple is sent to him at his desk where he is, as we speak, thinking of new, wonderful, ideas for this place! xxxx
  • Happy Birdday @birdleader! Happy flinging & thanks for all you do to manage this wonderful community!
  • Happy Birdday @birdleader, have a really awesome flinging day :)
  • Happy Birdday @BirdLeader :)

    @EStar That birdday banner is awesome ;)
  • It's ok, @annifrid. Your school studies are always more important than playing AB! But I certainly can sympathize, wanting to have a little bit of fun but can never have enough time to do a little flinging! It'll all be worth it once you're done with your finals and you can relax a bit to catch up.

    I'm glad I got those earplugs in early for you @kimmiecv! I've left some L-factor for you and @kathy in your booths. Looks like you're gonna need it. Hope your flinging gives those piggies a good roasting! LOL

    Love your birthday banners @e-star! They're always so festive and creative!

    Time for me to get to bed. Nighty night @all, have a good evening/morning/day!
  • Happy birdday @birdleader! And happy 4th for Angry birds!
  • Good Morning Everyone
    Have a fantabulous flinging day; )
  • @all So sorry for the long radio silence - I had an absolute stinker of a cold with bronchitis, plus an upset tummy from the meds. I've been like a limp rag for many days. So I've got a lot of catching up to do here.

    @kimmie Those books sound fascinating! And a nice long series to keep you happy! I just ordered a book called "Let the right one in" - have you read it and/or seen the movie? Apparently the play is on at the theatre in the UK and there are some very scary moments!

    At this time of year, a big specialty here is chocolate snails (all choc, not actual snails!)

    Do hope your dad is mending fast (((hugz)))
    And special love to Tigger xoxo

    @kathy Very sorry to hear about your favourite uncle, such an important part of the family, you'll be missing him for sure. . . I had one too - he was a clergyman, huge fun and with a wicked sense of humour. Such people live on in our thoughts for ever ❤ ❤

    @blahalb09 Way to go!
    @ripsy Ditto!
    @LosToreadors Ditto! Love that creation!

    @Birdaddict I missed your birdday and am blushing in shame. . . Looks like it was a good one tho'!

    @birdleader Have a fantabulous flinging swinging singing (squawking?) birdday!

    @JLZ666 So glad you loved Prague! Isn't it something? We've been there twice, both times before the fall of the Berlin Wall. We were in much trepidation about venturing behind the Iron Curtain, but when we got there we were wowed. Beautiful, such architecture and art. We had a Czech friend to show us around, so we were very lucky (realizing of course that the inhabitants were not so lucky at the time. . . ). There was full employment, tho' - when we went to the shops, to buy Bohemian glassware, for example, there would be one person to welcome you and show you the merchandise, another to take your order, another to package it and the last one to take payment at the till. And in every restaurant and cafe you had to hand over your coats - and money - to a coat-lady!
    Sorry about your bumpy ride. We don't fly any more, but I did look at YouTube to see planes landing at Newcastle - whoooooo, rather them than me! Even in normal conditions, there's some hedge-hopping just before landing that always scared me!

    @EStar Ooh, I'd love a walker like that, complete with Birds, when I get really past it! So glad you were lucky with appt, and had a well-deserved break!

    @rat Still in trouble with Space Eggs on S-19. . . Kudos to you and @burpie for your scores there, and also on 7-16. I need to get me some earth-moving equipment. .

    Finally, @all, here's a lovely musical experience, hope you enjoy:

    Holiday flashmob at the National Air and Space Museum by the USAF band.
  • @tompuss that sounds like you've had an awful time of it....poor you:( Don't overdo it now though or you'll be back at square 1 again. Although how can we not overdo things at this time? My head is full of "To do's" Mum arrives home for Christmas on Saturday and as she stays with us she'll ease the workload for me a little bit LOL! Hubby can't wait as I won't be getting in till late in the evenings so at least our dinner will be prepared,she's a fab cook!
    I loved Prague and thought the architecture,churches and cathedrals were absolutely stunning and it was extra special to see it at christmas time but it's turned into such a tourist trap:( So many tacky gift shops etc. Luckily we prefer to wander the back streets and that's where you find the little hidden gems:) The glassware was incredible!
    @estar that's fantastic! I love it! I don't want to wait till I'm past it...I want one now haahaaaa!!
    *sighhhh* coffee break over,back to work :(
    Have a fab day @all!
  • Oh sorry....loving these flashmobs!
  • Mustache pig is my favorite... especially with voice acting!

    "Morning Coffee Crisis" by MrMoustacheGP on Twitter:
  • WARNING! Suspicious e-mail possibly pfishing or containing virus. Title was something like "About your recent order from" Had an order number and an attachment with "details." I had not ordered anything and the e-mail did not come from Amazon. Very clever ruse, if you ask me, and I'm sure there will be many more during the Holiday season.
    Not sure I'm able to receive e-mail now, but that could be my fault from deleting too many recent files in an excess of caution.
  • @all -- So far today I've gotten 3 e-mails about my recent purchases at Amazon, all fake.
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