The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1950
  • lol sleeping at this time of day seems crazy to me. i don't know about in 10 years though...
  • K @yimmy7 good night. .be vewwy vewwy quiet; )
  • What time is it where you are ? @yimmy7pagechanger ?
  • i'm in EST, so 8:42
  • Oh me too;) I couldn't imagine going to sleep this early either. .good luck; )
  • on special occasions were i have to get up before 7 i might go to bed at 8:30, but not often
  • Wow that was weird! ! I stepped away and when i came back i was suddenly in the aviary? Hmmm
    *shakes head* maybe i was seeing things lol..
  • Hello my flinging friends! OB, I'd like a large mug of hot cocoa please. It's pretty chilly tonight, around 42 degrees. Brrrrr!

    Hmmm...pretty quiet around here. I guess everyone's either asleep, busy flinging, gift shopping, or out partying!

    You're pretty lucky to be home schooled @yimmy7. That must mean you're not in high school yet? I don't know how it works on the east coast, but here in Calif. you can be home schooled only through your 8th grade, and then must go to high school to graduate and be eligible for college.

    Yikes! Kathy, have you been hitting up that egg nog I made earlier? LOL I hope you're not being tricked by some hoodoo voodoo again!
  • I'm still alive! Still busy! Missing popping in here! Will be back soon!
  • @sweetp where i live you're allowed to be homeschooled until college
  • lol we have this bag of pizza bites, and it says not to put 30 pizza bites (or rolls, whatever you call them) in a toaster oven. i almost want to see if it would fit
  • @lol yimmy7 what would happen if you put that much pizza into an oven? Explode? Cheese version of Chernobyl? Fat Pig smelling it and crashing through your kitchen wall?
  • Toaster oven is basically a mini oven, that would barely be able to fit 10. so, probably an explosion, followed by an electrical surge.
  • but it appears you were talking to lol
  • You know in the local supermarket here there are all sorts of toaster ovens on sale. I always joke that the smallest toaster oven, which can barely fit one slice of bread, is somehow twice as expensive as 'normal' sized toaster ovens twice the size :)

    Lol I think if you preheated the thing up to its desired temperature it should be able to heat up whatever you stuff inside. Just make sure the food does not touch the heating elements directly or you will cause a carbon-encrusted mess.
  • i should be safe as long as fat pig isn't in my neighborhood
  • Good night @Kathy, I hope your enjoying your time off!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • Wow very quiet night! ! I found it strange this morning to have Not One message in my e-mail. Turns out All my ABN notices went to spam! ! Thank gooness I knew where to look this time thanks to @e-star :)
    Off to p.m.'s now; ) have a great afternoon everyone:)
  • Phew I just finished my weekend 'work' on a new Pigineering department.

    It's called the Piggy Porkcasting Corporkration and instead of just playing videos of random silly contraptions, there's an element of pig lifestyle and current affairs news as told by pigs. It's as controversial and pig-written as my ABGO game guide, so viewer beware!
  • Accchhh why are all my ABN notification going to spam! ! How do i make it stop?
  • @Mumsie, @SweetP, any other golfers out there --
    You may have seen this, but even if so, it's worth another view.
  • @les-toreadors i feel like you should post that in the bad piggies forum
  • @kathy Check The new Christmas special is up.
  • @Les-Toreadors -- Great news report!
  • @yimmy7 - I will, once you get a few fellow pigfans to post there together. :D (hint hint)

    Otherwise I will just sing here like the El Porkador.... which by the way, was worth waiting (nearly) a year for! Fat Pig is one of the more popular characters out there because of his incredible bulk of course.

    I often open AB:Space just to pop the fat pig.

    The only disappointment was that he was the consistency and texture of a beanbag. LOL!

    @mvnla2 thanks for the feedback!

    There are more news reporks on the way. I have a whole playlist of Mr. Moustache's traffic stuff ready to go. Just need to generate appropriate epig fails in the Field of Dreams.

    And another for Christmas themed machines. I should do the Xmas machines first in time to send them off to King Pig Office as they'll be on vacation from Tuesday onwards.
  • @LesToReadors if you post there more often as the lead Pigineer then maybe@yimmy7 will get more followers who enjoy bad piggies ;)
  • True @kathy but until pigfans will post there on their own I'll have to at least make a modest, understatement to promote green ham and bacon :)

    Pigineering is always at risk of dying out if left on its own as everyone in the Angry Birds franchise takes more fancy to blowing up the pigs for 5,000 points a snout. So here's a little thanks to @birdleader, @AMslimfordy and ABN staff for keeping us alive over the entire year! :)
  • Watching a Great interview from 1967 with William F. Buckley interview of Ronald Reagan then gov. of California ;) if anyone interested. .is worth watching; )
  • Oooh I see @LesToReadors :( sorry I'm not a bad piggies fan:(
    But i wish you all the best; )
  • There have been a lot of rioting for religious and other reasons here in South East Asia near me. I am especially concerned for my Facebook and Twitter fans in Indonesia. I'm sure y'all have heard the news from this region.

    I am doing my part to promote racial and religious tolerance between Muslims and Christians because the people who use religion to wage war on their neighbors is simply absurd especially in today's day and age where religion, indeed is a personal matter and no one is forced to adopt their faith. And for that I am making use of some knowledge I've gleaned from visiting the Muslim Converts' Association in Singapore in order to maintain an impartial humanist point of view.

  • *shakes head* I just don't understand it all @LesToReadors why can't people just let people be and believe what they want to believe.? I applaud your effort for trying.
  • Removed own post due to a bit too serious stuff for ABN :)

    Oh and whhiinnnne.
  • Enough for me:(
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    nighty night all. .see ya tomorrow. .
  • I hear ya @LesToReadors I pay attention to such things. . But yes not for discussion here i agree.good night for now. .
  • How great are they??? @Sunshine/@angryboy do you think we should squeeze them onto the festive menu?
  • @mvlna2 - I do like that video! Though I had to go to YouTube to get it to play! Have forwarded it on already!
  • Those are Fantastic @mumsie42!! Almost too cute to eat!!! Very talented grandkids you've got!!! Did they taste as scrumptious as they look?! :)
  • Good night @Kathy
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Enjoy your day off tomorrow!! :)
  • @lestoreadors have I mentioned that I follow Pigengineers almost from beginning?You are awesome, creative and fun, I am imperssed with your work. First I thought you are couple of 20-something young men and I was so pleasently surprise when I realized that you are lady. As for your "Porkcating Coporkration" project, congratulations for finalizing it, I can't wait for new reports on pig's channel. Funny, funny, funny, I enjoy it everytime.
    I did now that you would love El Porkador episode, after all you are Les Toreadors...
    Now, more serious thing, politics, ethnical and religious intollerance - I am one who survived all during 92-95 wartime in Bosna and I should know that from experience. Things I believed and was taught all my life before were suddenly broken. I do respect all my neigbours of different nation, but there are much more people with radical views then tollerant and living here is like sitting on gunpowder barrel, it may explode any time.
  • It's easy to forget not everybody enjoys the same freedoms I do @cosmo2503. Spread the word on tolerance. But in the mean time, don't strike any matches around all that gunpowder.
  • I agree with @rat. Don't blow your face off.
  • @mumsie42 by all means!!!!!!! Yummy!!!! ;D
  • OK @all. Who hasn't voted for the blue Space Rat avatar? I want to come thank you each personally. Ha ha
  • @les-toreadors i don't know anybody with a tablet or is willing to spend 5 dollars on a computer game, so unless i give it to them for christmas... what are it's system requirements... i have a friend who might like it... his computer is old though
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Happy Christmas break! Hope to see more of you during the holidays. How much time do you have off from school?
    @rat -- I haven't voted yet, but you are on my short list.
  • Hi @Lisko -- Notice you've been flinging some. Meant to ask you if you celebrated the Winter Solstice, and if so, how? Not sure if anyone else celebrated it either.
    Would like to hear related traditions.
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