The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1949
  • Morning everyone ;)
    Hi @Sweetp can't stay I'm off to work
    That is a fine looking bike sweetp;)
    Have a fantabulous flinging day all; )
  • @SweetP -- Lovely scooter and graphics! Didn't know we had another artist in our midst.
  • Please @yimmy7 No Yelling;/
  • Isn't there a forum on bad piggies?
  • I again appreciate your concern @SweetP but I didn't start treating this yesterday. I don't want to waste your time or mine but I'll answer your question. Yes, I tried many different approaches, both inpatient and out, with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation. I wore a TENS unit on my belt for many years but with limited benefit. It did help keep the muscles from freezing up while I worked but that allowed the nerves to be contacted/entrapped as I moved. Win/lose, Lose/win type battle. My main problem is with C4/5 and C5/6. Both discs were fragmented. Since this is my neck, it's a body part you use to do anything. I can't escape it. Even laying down to sleep compresses one or more nerves which leads to pain, headaches, or both. And yes, I've tried numerous braces and traction devices. I'm currently limited to one sleep position that uses nine pillows and a little contortion on my part to attempt any sleep. It took over fifteen years to find it. And it's not always effective and doesn't allow for more than three hours of sleep. I literally didn't sleep for over a decade. To be truthful, I wouldn't sleep for two or three days and then pass out for two hours or so, wake up in more pain with a severe headache, and start the cycle again. I've even allowed surgeons to insert wires, while I was awake, into the froraminal spaces of my vertebrae to access the outer coating of nerves as the leave my spinal cord. You have to be awake to tell them when they've hit the nerve and that it's the correct one. They then proceeded to burn the exterior of the nerves and hopefully only the exterior membrane. That's the part of the nerve that transmits pain sensation. I did get limited relief with this approach but the human body is a wonderful device. It tries, and in most cases succeeds, to regrow the membrane, albeit with the added benefit of scar tissue. I tried this many times until the scar tissue entrapment outweighed the benefit. And I won't list everything but in addition to surgeries, I've also tried different diets, medications (oral and transdermal), physical therapies, traction, hypnosis, relaxation therapy, steroid injections, trigger point injections, epidural injections, bio-feedback, and I could go on. Heck, I even tried acupuncture and got limited relief. But on more than one occasion they hit a nerve that would lock me up for weeks at a time. BTW, I also have numerous other bulging or herniated discs in addition to the fused C4-5 and C5-6, but have only had to fuse L4-5 so far. These are painful and irritating in there own ways, but it's mainly my neck that dictates my pain, activity level and sleep life. On the plus side. Most everything still works most of the time, even if eating soup is getting more challenging. And as I said in my profile, playing Angry Birds helps distract me from the pain. But only if it's interesting and a challenge. Rinse and repeat levels increase my pain. That's why I like Space. But I haven't had any new releases in Space in the last year to distract me. Did you hear that Rovio? I write this not for your pity but to let you know I'm very active in my own heath and keep up with most of the new approaches to pain management and neurology. Again thanks but I got this.
  • @yimmy7 -- What with all the recent updates, most people are having a hard time keeping up with new episodes, and unfortunately, Bad Piggies hasn't been updated for a while, relatively speaking.
    You need one of the other AB games to play. Find out how much it costs for your device, and you might be able to buy it yourself, or maybe your Mom will relent and buy it for you. You can always point out that AB Space teaches you quite a bit about astrophysics. Look up the connection between AB Space and NASA for extra ammunition.
  • @rat -- I think it is hard to realize that modern medicine can't always fix everything, but unfortunately that seems to be the case. We all wish you could find the one thing that maybe you overlooked, or that has improved, that would relieve your pain. Unfortunately, it sounds like you're more of an expert on your type of back pain than many doctors. Let's all hope for a breakthrough treatment soon.
  • Thank you @kathy, have a good day at work!

    OK @rat, I see you've been through every single contraption and treatment methods there are! I'm glad there's AB Space for your enjoyment, and some relief from all that awful pain.

    Thank you @mvnla2. The graphics on the gas tank was actually airbrushed by a good friend, who restores and customizes vintage autos, I just provided the design. I've been teaching myself computer graphics for about 6 years, and still have much more to learn. I just bought an airbrush set, and waiting for the weather to be more cooperative so I can set up my workspace in the garage to start practicing and refining my graphics style.
  • Yes, @kathy there is...
    @yimmy7 there is a forum that's for everything Bad Piggies. You can even start your own topic if you don't see anything there that you'd like to discuss. Check out this link:
  • We should invite @Yimmy7 to NYC, where there is a Baconery there! All things awesome pork!

    However I think it's closing down end of the year. Pity, it was the best 'bacon bakery' of all time :)
  • @SweetP -- I wouldn't even think you painted the gas tank yourself! In my mind, that's an entirely different kind of skill from devising the artistic design, which I thought was really good.
    @Yimmy7 does know about the new Bad Piggies forum, and in fact, has started his own forum. I think he is just wishing there were more posts.
    Yimmy7 -- Have you explored Bad Piggies comments in the old forum, and in the walkthroughs?
    @Les Toreadors -- Do you have a link to the Baconery in NYC? Not sure where Yimmy lives.
  • Hey, Hey, Hey! Guess Who's back?
    I saw this really strange fruit at Kroger yesterday. It was almost like a lemon, yellow and rough, and then on one side a bunch of "tentacles" were sticking out. It was called "Buddha's Hand". How do you even eat that?
  • @mvnla2 - It's a running joke for everyone at pigineering to glamorize the baconery and its delicious Facebook page, regardless of where they are around the world :D

    If the Baconery were to remain open (obviously not) I would even go as far as to propose everyone who has the means to embark on a pilgrimage to the Baconery! :D
  • Hey @theanonymoussomone ;)
    I wouldn't eat that if i were you lol
    @Sweetp that's some strange looking fruit!!
    Can anyone tell me Why I keep getting SW updates? seems like everyday I'm getting notifications of update for SW or rio or something?
    Tomorrow is my last day at work! ! Yippie 12 whole days off!!! Tomorrow we have half day then Christmas luncheon. .then I'm Freeee!;);)
  • @Les Toreadors -- Why do you think it's closing? Doesn't say so on their web page:
    Humph. They don't have chocolate bacon cake, which you can get here, although I haven't.
    @kathy -- Haven't tried Buddha's hand, but it is available, and no reason not to at least try. Might have to try it in cooking sometime.
  • @mvnla2 chocolate bacon cake? Really? Doesn't sound appetizing lol
    Jeez I really am a finicky eater lol..
  • Well good night all; ( happy flinging
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Nighty night Pahtnah see Ya tomorrow; )((((((hugs))))
  • @mvnla2 It was an announcement earlier this month on Facepork - they're closing the store in NYC but they still operate an online store for bacon products in the USA via their website.

    @Kathy, the updates are quite wonky sometimes.

    I installed Rio to try the new levels, only to be presented with an update notification in-game for Angry Birds: Rio. Which I just opened. Fat Pig must have been biting the cables in the server room again, the No. 1 cause of IT issues :)
  • Good night @Kathy, enjoy your Christmas party tomorrow and then.....Freedom!!! Whoo Hooo you've got a nice long break coming your way!!! :)
    *replaces batteries, for the loooong hols and super shines Kathys flashlight, sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *
  • @LesToreadores, I've tried chocolate-covered bacon - definitely an acquired taste! I'll stick to unadulterated crispy bacon with my eggs and toast, or my favorite BLT sandwich. Yummmm!

    Oooh! Those nasty swine creating havoc with servers! I'll bet their little baby piggies are causing my wifi connection to be so ssllloooooooooowwwwww! I can't imagine what other explanation there could be! LOL
  • I adore dark chocolate with fleur de sel and salty caramels. I think I wouldn't mind tasting chocolate covered bacon or some bacon brownies. As the matter of fact ever since I heard about this novelity, couple years ago I wanted that but never had a chance.
  • @cosmo2503, here's an easy recipe you could try:
    When I tried this concoction at the county fair, I asked the woman who was selling them what kind of chocolate she used. She said she found Ghiradelli dark was the best, since it held up well and covered the bacon better than others she tried.

    Well, there ya go, you can make your own! Or, if you don't want to try making them, maybe there's a carnival or fair you could go to in your area? Either way, enjoy!
  • @sweetp thanks for recipe link. Looks yummy to me. I really LOVE combination of sweets and salt, so bacon could be just fine. What I find funny in recipe is "... Prepare the bacon according to the package directions..." Really?!? are directions really neccessery? I had never seen any packed bacon that would have directions for preparation.
    Anyway I will try it. We have really good Belgian, French and Italian dark chocolates here, I guess I'll choose one that's in medium price range.
  • I really love the last level of ABSW. Emperor Porkpatine was a sick, twisted, evil piece of bacon that surely deserved to be popped for 10k points!! :D
  • @cosmo2503 - I think in @Annifrid's post you can see the ultimate type of bacon. Should be well roasted by the time of scoring 10k points :D
  • @mvnla2 no i didn't do either. maybe once i get my own for christmas, currently, mom doesn't want me to use her tablet
  • i just realized bvad piggies no get update this month :(
  • Well OB looks like another quiet day
  • *ppresses 'L2' on the jukebox
    I'll have a PigKiller please OB ;) I'll just be sitting by the fireplace flinging away:)
  • @yimmy7 - It's because the piggies are so bad, they never did any Christmas decorations.

    "On the first day of Christmas,
    the Fat Pig ate and slept..."
  • Lol @LesToReadors and on the second day? ......
  • Let me Guess
    The fat pig ate and slept..?
  • the fat pig ate and slept.
    on the thrid day of chrsitmas the fat pig ate and slept etc.
    on the twelfth day of christmas the fat pig ate christmas dinner and slept
  • BTW, that's the best song ever
  • Oh well at last he changed it up a bit for Christmas Roflmao; )
  • he ate moar food!
  • Hi @yimmy7 ;) you know you can get free angry birds games when you get your tablet; )
  • Hahaha; ) moar food. . I'm not doing very good in any birds go:( I keep smashing into the side:(
  • yep i knew that. so yeah hopefully i'll actually take part more after christmas
  • Only a few more days @yimmy7 ;) you must be soooo excited. .I know i couldn't wait till i got mine; )
  • So are you on vacation from school now?
  • starting tomorrow. i'm homeschooled, so no snow days or anything just school, except for a couple shorter than normal breaks. but my lack of school to do makes up for that. i only have to do math and language.
  • the funny thing is that i got less excited the longer it took. at first i was EXTREMELY excited. now i'm saving all the excitement for christmas eve
  • Ohh that's cool; ) I don't understand the home school concept but i hear is better than public.
    Do you know angryboy? He is home school also and seems to like it
  • Haha you'll be up all night on Christmas eve I bet;)
  • I'll be back inn a bit gotta wake up BF he has to go to work. .see ya soon. .
  • no more like going to bed early so i can face the horrors of waking up any time between 2 to 6 in the morning, and then having to be quiet because our living room is right next to mom's bedroom. lol
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