The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1951
  • mvnla2 - No, not really celebrating it :) It's just the darkest day during the year and happy to know that it's done and we're already going towards brighter days :D

    Sorry for not being even popping in, I've been going crazy with all the x-mas gifts and that kind of stuff :( I'm glad that I've got some time for flinging :D Tomorrow morning we're going to visit my in-laws and after that, probably on thursday we're heading to visit my parents. Oh how I wish that there would be snow. It's kinda sad to wake up every morning and see that it's raining and it's so dark everywhere, mostly 'cause there isn't much daylight anyway and without snow it's even darker than normally :(

    I'll try to pop in a bit later today, but I wan't to say MERRY X-MAS to everybody already if I won't have the chance to come back later today!

    Oh, and btw. nowadays we've got a CAT! We didn't get that cat (the pic I posted at some point), but we decided to take a little cub who was found from a street with all his sisters and brothers :) I'll post a pic when I have time to go all the pics through :D
  • Hi @Lisko Good to hear form you again! Glad you are doing well! Have a wonderful Christmas and I'm looking forward to hearing more about what's up with you?
  • @mvnla2 I'm going to look for a new stylus today. The cheapie I bought a while back is finally starting to tear. Do you have any recommendations? My search in the forums came up empty even though I know there has been discussions on that topic before.
  • Hey @Lisko;) nice to see you ;) Merry Christmas to you also;)
  • @mvnla2 I couldn't get the video to play?
    @Mumsie yummy c cupcakes hee hee are they little micees? I feel I've just devoured heyyougetouttamyway and his twin:( sorry Pa
    @cosmo2503 I'm sorry to hear that you feel like your living on a time bomb:( that's so scary
    I don't understand these radicals and why they don't just let everyone be. I'll never understand it, but i do wish the world leaders would figure something out to help the situation.
    @theanonymoussomone hope you enjoy your Christmas break,you too @all the teens and other flingers that are on holiday break; ) OB I'll have a double PigKiller please I'm back to wrappping :( *heavy sigh*
  • Hi all, Been a lurker too, like everybody else the end of the year means or so it seems, more things to do and the days keep getting shorter by the minute. Well not really, but it sure seems that way as I am unable to stuff as much chores I need to do in one day in these days and I vaguely remember being able to do it, so I figure it was somewhere this summer... or was is last year, hmmmm come to think of it, maybe it was pre AB? mweeeh doesn't matter, still here and lurking :D

    @Lisko good to see ya around again. Awww and a new cat! Can't wait to see and good for the both of you to rescue one from the streets!

    Will be lurking as always, but want to edit the videos of the last couple of days, I think I am 4 days behind?! Today was my last workday of 2013 !! yeahhh me! Doesn't feel like vacation just yet, but come tomorrow when we get to sleep in... I definitely know the Holidays have begun ;D
  • I hear ya @e-star I'm lurker too..hee hee was going to wrap but bf called we went to dinner and THEN guess what hahaha couldn't pass by the CVS store where we did a little MORE shopping haha think I'm done now.. right down to a bag of beggin' strips for Jasper (my sisters dog)
    Think I'm really done now hahaha I'll be safe as long as i don't leave the house; /
  • @lisko- lovely to see you again!
    @kathy - the cupcakes are reindeers!
    @E* - I'm lurking too but managing to do some wrapping at last!
  • Aahhh @Mumsie I'm sorry...; ((( I did think reindeers at first. .must be my tiny phone screen:/
  • Guess we are all lurkers huh hee hee... hope to have more time in the next few days, but for now I am going to enjoy me a nice back to back series on the couch. Enjoy the evening ladies!
  • i'm also lurking.
  • Hee hee
    *a lurking we will go..over the hills and snow
    Hi ho the derio (?) A lurking we will go...;)
  • Yuckkkk the dreaded wrapping time approaches again!! OB you know what i need:)
  • @yimmy7 - you mean Bad Piggies? I think any PC from the last 5 ears should be able to run it purrfectly on lower resolutions. It's a mobile app after all and runs just fine on my 1 GHZ Android phone. I'd imagine the specs were officially posted on the Angry Birds store as well.
  • ok, i'll probably see if i can give it to my friend. my mom gave me 37 dollars christmas money earlier today. he can't use the internet much, though
  • @kathy -- I think @mumsie had to use YouTube to see video, but not sure how she found it.
    @ABCrazy -- Sorry for the late reply. My favorite stylus right now is a bamboo with a firm tip. Not sure you can buy them that way. I bought a regular tip bamboo, but it wasn't up to the demands of playing AB. The firm tips, which I bought separately, seem to be the way to go. Good luck stylus shopping.
    @Lisko -- Interesting that you want snow to make it lighter, but it does make sense.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 I'll check it out with Mumsie
    As far as the stylus jeez I have no luck. I'm hoping to get one for Christmas
    I bought another one of those 10 $ rubber top ones. .this time I lost it before i had the chance up wear it out. They want like 40 $ for those bamboo ones are they really worth that? Providing i don't lose it of course?
  • What I'm really hoping Santa brings me is a pair of those touch screen Gloves; )
    Supposed to be able to use touch screen with them; )
    (((Hint hint) Santa if your listening; )
  • @Kathy -- I bought my Bamboo from Amazon, and I'm sure it didn't cost $40!
    What are touch-screen gloves? Something only someone in a cold climate would want?
  • @mvnla2 the staples store near me sells the cheapo stylus with the rubber tips for 10 $ and the bamboo for40 $ .
    The touch screen gloves I've seen aren't really warm but allow for some protection against the elements, they kinda look like driving gloves, but the fingertips are designed so you can use a touch screen. I'll let you know if i get a pair lol; )
  • Hey @yimmy7, what's the capital of Piggy Island?

    Porkington PC

  • Good night all.. as usual my keyboard is playing trick on me again; (
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Night night Pahtnah. .sorry I gotta safe lol;)
    Night Pa;)
  • Hey @lisko nice ro see you after long time. Where you've been? How is Little Monster? Still doing damage around? I hope cat and boy get along nicely, for both safe. My colegue was in Finnland last week, he visited some of thermal power plant and he mentioned how short days you have there. BTW say hello to Santa from me :-)
    Marry Christmass to @all who celebrate, hope you will all have wonderful Cristmass eve and Santa will bring you all nice things you wanted for yourself.
    @les-toreadors nice joke :-)
  • Merry Christamas everyone! I think I forgot to mention that I won the school spelling bee! Yay!
    Meanwhile in the secret invisible underground hideout of doom, @lisko has a new cat!? I love cats, but my mom doesn't. She also is allergic, so.... Yeah.... But that didn't happen in the secret invisible underground hideout of doom. Just to clear up any confusion.
  • €_€ I have the strange feeling that @firebombbird is lurking....
  • Jingle Bells, Piggies smell,
    The King Pig ate all day.

    Oh what fun is it to steal
    Fresh Eggs off the Nest!

  • Lololol you should put these in the jokes forum.
  • Hahaa funny @lestoreador!!! :D

    @Kathy sorry I missed you but I worked late today and will be working tomorrow until just before my sis and BiL call us in to dinner, sooo looking forward to NOT cooking Christmas Eve!! :D
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Enjoy your day off!!! :)
  • Merry Christmas Eve everyone!!! I hope you all have a Really great day filled with lots of joy and family/friends!!!!! :)

    Don't forget to vote in the Avatar Contest if you haven't yet!! Time is running out!!! :D
  • Kathy to watch the video mvlna2 posted I just searched on golf anger management
    happy Christmas Eve - are we all ready ???? well I am soooo nearly there ! Then why I am sitting at a key board instead of getting on with my list I hear you ask! Just wanted to pop in and leave OB's present under the tree!
  • Hey guys! How's it going
  • Merry CHRISTmas Eve everyone!!!
  • Happy Winter everybody!
  • Merry Chritsmas everyone! Have fun!

    @kathy I still have the cheapie $10 stylus with the rubber tip. It came with a little lanyard and a plastic doober that fits into the headset port. It's a little awkward, but keeps them together and not lost. (Looking around now wondering where it went.....)
  • Unfortunately this Christmas is the WORST ever for me because my family and household is giving me problems after problems after problems.

    And once I am done solving them it is 24th December 2013, 11.14pm local time and not a single family member, (local) friend or person in the same country appreciates whatever I do for them the entire year if not the entire last decade.

    It is very ironic that the only people that I can exchange appreciation and well wishes with are on the exact wrong side of the world! I do not get discriminated in America, Europe, Russia, and even in India. I get discriminated by people in Asia of the same race just because I look and act -slightly- different!

    So I guess I shall wish "Merry" Xmas to my friends on the far side of the world and quit bothering about the unappreciative ones. I deserve a break!

    (People here should be thankful I don't go "The Devil Wears Prada" on them all for what they have done to me today. I am a merciful domestic ruler :) )

    I am now going to do an expensive overseas phone call! Worth every single cent!
  • @Les Toreadors -- I know it's a distant second, but we do appreciate you and your creation of Pigineering. I assume you don't celebrate Christmas, so Happy Holidays! It's a good time of the year to spread joy and good wishes whatever your religion.
  • Merry Christmas to all for whom it is already 12/25! Happy Holidays to all who don't celebrate Christmas!
    Just noticed that NORAD's Santa Cam has Santa traveling the wrong way around the world! He was in Russia and going to China.
  • Hang in there @les toreadors it's not worth the energy to explode on those who don't appreciate you anyway. It will only convince them you are crazy and serve to justify their attitude toward you. Allow yourself to vent. I hope you can find a way to relax and at least enjoy some piggie time. Happy holidays.
  • Happy winter @angermanagement!
    Merry Christmas @mvnla2 @angryboy! We celebrate today and tomorrow.
    Hi @tas!
  • @Les-toreadors at least there weren't a bunch of sewer leaks or something in your basement and a couple in a bedroom. we have plumbers trying to fix it right now.
  • Well, he was coming from the north pole, so maybe he turns around and starts going east to west. He is currently in Australia. Those escort plane are supercharged -- I'm sure Santa is moving much faster than any real plane can fly.
  • Just saw the black cat up in the tree in our backyard! He's not as good a tree-climber as the calico cat. It really seemed like he was after a bird! Makes me wonder about the intelligence of cats!
  • @LesToReadors as @mvnla2 says it may be a distant second but all of us enjoy your company and tales of Fat Piggie :) I do hope to hear of his Christmas adventures! !
    Even if you don't celebrate i wish you a very merry holiday and hope those you do so much for will show you some appreciation.
    @theanonymoussomone yes you did mention the spelling bee victory congrats again, please remember to let us know when you go to district; )
    Meanwhile what's going on in the secret invisible underground hideout of Doom?
  • Merry Christmas to All who do celebrate; )
    And Happy Holidays to those who don't celebrate Christmas; )
  • Merry Christmas everyone!! ;)
    We celebrate Christmas day on the 24th, which means we get all presents today in the evening. For me it was just fine this way when I was a kid, I'd never ever have the patience to wait until the morning!!! :D
  • we only open our secret santa gifts on christmas eve, and we open them right before we go to sleep
  • Beautiful banner @e-star and wonderful wishes; ) I agree it all mean the same matter which way It's said warm happy fuzzy' s to all;)
    Wow @TomPuss so sorry your friend isn't feeling well and dinner is on you, wishing you all the best; ) ooh nice chocolate covered snail for @kimmiecv haha where do you find these things hee hee
    If I even began to name and tell the tail of all the kitty's I've been blessed with in my lifetime I'd fill a few pages for sure, luckily I'm typing on a tiny screen with a possessed keyboard so i cant lol.
    @yimmy7 hopefully your 'secret Santa'gift is your tablet ;) wouldn't that be so cool
    But if not one more day and youll be loving it ;)
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