The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1963
  • Crap!!! Before I'm shot dead with the looks!! @tas good going!! You did Great to get as far as you did and you should be proud of yourself!!! Nice work!!! :)

    Ok Realllly going now!!!!!
  • *wipes forehead. .*ok ok I'm ok all is well. .. Roflmao
    Heee hee sorry you got locked out Pahtnah! !
  • OMG it went blank or black for you?? Crap I really gotta go :( sorry I can only pop @Kathy but it sucked rocks to be locked out of Everything!!! :/
    Sleep well Pahtna and hopefully catch ya erm Sooooomedday!!!!! ;)
  • @Kathy -- I have 3* in all of the AB whatever levels and am above average in most, but not all. You and Kimmie are trying for something different, I think, to be in the top 10 / 50 whatever in each episode or level. I don't have the patience or skill for that. To each his own. We all enjoy AB. I may go back to AB to see if I can raise to above average in all. But there are some I just can't seem to do.
  • Ok page change but I checked my notifications. Lol @Kimmiecv dinging like a Madwoman..yes narc strAt the one where he aims straigt at the 2blocks. I'll just go there and post on the one I used..
  • Haaha Stop!! Went black cuz you snatched my flashlight. .go go feed the masses. ..
  • @AMSlimfordy -- Are you still playing Super StickMan Golf 2? I think Improbable Land is worse than Impossible land. At least I finished Impossible land.
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- It may or may not make you feel better, but today, as usual, I've had to google the spellings of ~20 words, as in after several attempts, the spellchecker still says it isn't spelled right. I really envy those who don't have trouble with spelling.
  • @mvnla2 we were trying to conqer SW and leave ourselves in the top 100
    Then we tried the same with a couple other. .we settle on sseason's. .don't sell yourself short your s hort your a pretty good flinger..I bet our scores overall are comparable..
  • Ohhh Sowwy @Kathy!! LOL it went black!! :D I did ding like a mad woman!! Too afeared ill get locked out again so I needed to put everything out there! Now it won't be getting locked out But death by starving mean people!! ROFLMAO :D
    Thanks ill have a looksee at the walkthrough later tonight, erm fingers crossed I'm both Internet able And still breathing!! ;D
  • Oh yes, I should say that I blame my spelling troubles on the learning-to-read theory that schools used when I was in the first grade. They concentrated on recognizing whole word, not individual syllables; so I can read very quickly, but my spelling, and sometimes pronunciation are really bad. I LOVE spellchecker!
  • *Places fflashlight in the safe already nice and Shiny clean;)
    Cool ready for use in the am with my coffee thanks Pahtnah;)
    Hope you not catching the bird-addict flu of being locked out:/
    Enjoy your dinner. I left you a message in level 7.. nightly night♡♥♡♥♡♥
  • @mvnla2 you still play Superstickman golf 2? It is one of dozens games on my iPad that I downloaded because it got great critics and reviews but never or only seldom play. I believe it appeals more to you then it apeals to me as you really play golf. I still haven't completed ABS Cosmic Crystals, ABO Shot Fuse and Birdday Party, ABSW 2 Battle of Naboo and didn't even touch ABSW I Death Star 2. I believe that a lots updates came at same time so I wasn't able to choose which one I'll play. Besides CTR 2 was released and I give it try too...
    I still play ABGO! but less then 30 minutes a day, just try to beat some challenges.
  • Yep @Kathy and thx for the breadcrumbs! :) I don't think the blank out was a normal thing, we've been having issues with the wifi connection again so it could have been that, hopefully it won't happen again as that really sucked rocks!

    Ahhhhh earplugs everyone!! It's WWwhhhiiiinnnneee Tuesday and I have a big one coming for level 7.................WWwhhhiiiinnnneeeWWwhhhiiiinnnneeeWWwhhhiiiinnnneee
    Ok off I go to fight again!!!!

    Happy Whine Tuesday everyone!! :)
  • @cosmo2503 -- An update to SSG2 came out a week or 2 ago, so I downloaded it and played it because I'm pretty much caught up with all of the AB updates that were released before Christmas. I do think that people who play golf probably like SSG and SSG2 better and may have an easier time playing. Because you have to be level 20 to open the new courses, I had to up my score in some of the older courses first. I have finishes all of them except the last, called Improbable Land, and as I said, I think it's much harder than the older Impossible Land.
    I don't play CTR, but I did play WMW? until they started charging to unlock new levels.
  • Hello @all Sorry for absence, things have been a bit fraught in the kitchen as our cooker died on us. Had to rush around to find a new one the right size and today men came to install it. Relief! Mind you, I did get a trip to the pizzeria out of it... yummy.
    @rat I loved the video, incredible dog! Thanks for sharing. Is your Technicolor Dreamcoat fading nicely?
    @SweetP Saw the first Dr Who seasons back in the day, with William Hartnell. . . In b&w of course.
    Nighty-night, xxxxxx
  • Oh @Sunshine the new menu looks delicious ;)
    OB I'll have the BBQ Bacon Wrapped Shrimp w/Basil Stuffing ty
    *press F2 on the jukebox*
    Just flinging away in WTH. Fun fun fun
    Sorry to hear about your cooker @TomPuss what a headache but at least you got a night out for pizza. .;) night night. .
  • Ohhh jeez I forgot it's Tuesday
  • @e-star, @kathy -- So did the BP header change today also, or have I just been unobservant? Good thing @Sunshine doesn't deliver to LA, or I'd be gaining weight instead of losing it.
    Kathy -- Maybe you should ask Sunshine for a couple of her recipes that sound scrumptious (they all do) and not too hard to make. You could try them on the weekend. If I did this, I would be gaining weight at an alarming rate.
  • Yep @mvnla2 the Bp header on page 1 has been updated as well as the menu and jukebox:)
    And yep I'd surely gain some weight eating the scrumptious stuff @sunshine cooks up:)
  • Just started reading back on page 1962, and what a surprise!

    Wow, a new menu for the BP! Thank you @sunshine, I'm looking forward to trying everything!

    @rat9, you have got a SMART pup! And what a brat, too! I had to laugh when I saw her pushing the chair towards the sink. Did you scold her when you pointed out the pan on the floor? It would've been sooo funny to see the look on her guilty face!
  • Hope the wind doesn't do anymore damage in your area @kimmiecv!

    I had a "brownout" just a couple hours ago, lights flickering, digital clocks flashing 12:00, and my internet connection went crazy! The winds must be moving the satellite dishes on the roof, because the TV blanks out every few minutes with a "weak signal" message, and the internet modem lights keep on blinking. My connection is very slow, so I might just have to log off and call it a night. I hope caching the walkthroughs for WTH keeps me flinging the rest of the night.

    @TomPuss, well that was an unexpected emergency, having to get a new cooker! Um, silly the cooker also called a stove here in the US? Glad you were able to get it replaced so quickly! At least you got to treat yourself while you were out there. Hubby and I just started watching Dr. Who, and never get tired of it. Still have to catch up with the intro of the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi.

  • Wow @Sweetp some strong winds y you get there:/
    I gotta bid you all good night It's Way late. .
    * places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Night night Pahtnah happy flinging hope you have a great day tomorrow
    Happy Hump Day !! Lol night. .
  • Yikes @sweetp you did have some strong winds! It was actually Bird-addict that had the strong, destructive winds in her area not me, it's been abnormally Hot but only normal winds here ranging 3-10 mph. :)

    @tompuss I'm glad you got a new erm stove? And got some yummy pizza! You got double the goods! :)

    @sunshine the menu Does look scrumptious!! :)
  • Good night @Kathy, I gave up on the lucky shot on #7 and I'm hitting the R&R 8 :/ sigh
    *Shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    Whoo Hooo I got 7 more minutes!!!
    Ahem.......WWwhhhiiiinnnneeeWWwhhhiiiinnnneee WWwhhhiiiinnnneee WTFH Sucks!! :(
  • That'll do @Kimmie, That'll do.
  • Mmm those look scrumptious @Sweetp :)
    Good morning all Happy Hump Day! !!
    Have a fantabulous flinging day everyone:)
  • @sweetp they look awesomely scrumptious!!!! Yummy!!!!!! By all means they are added!!!!!! :D
    @kimmiecv thanks!
    @kathy and @mvnla2 I'm more then happy to share!!!!! I could even deliver to LA!!! Lol ;)
  • @kathy, @kimmie, @SweetP, @all Yeah - stove, oven, cooker, whatever! Gas rings on top, electric oven. Like all French stoves, the grill is inside the oven, whereas I'd like an eye-level grill. . but can't complain, it was certainly time for a new one. Actually I like the layout of the kitchen in the beagle vid posted by @rat, with everything separate. But that would mean gutting the kitchen and starting over. . . can't face it, my idea of hell!
    SweetP Those bacon goodies look divine. And so does the new BP menu, some great ideas there:)
  • Since it's lunchtime here, I'm in the mood for something delicious from the new BP menu. Let's start with the Teriyaki Pork Lettuce Wraps, and @sunshine's Homemade Gumbo. For dessert I'd like Apple Cinnamon Bacon Brownies. And a large mug of ice cold Stone Pale Ale! Perfect for a warm day (feels like summer) in beautiful California!
  • @SweetP Great vid! LOL:)
    'Night, all, sweet dreams
  • Haahaa Roflmao @Sweetp great videos! ! How was the movie?
    OB I'll have the usual. Flinging in WTH!!
  • That's a Pretty Big pig face @LaurenM could you make it a little tad smaller?
    Im off to Dreamland happy flinging everyone. .
    *Places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth. . Sorry I'll miss ya Pahtnah I gotta try tl keeping the sleeping schedule. . Although I'm not even tired i gotta try:(
  • *Snicker* @rat I never got you that's enough comment but having just read it you got me laughing! Thanks for that! It's been an atrocious day!! Shoulda known the way last night was going I was in for a headache of a day!!! Thankfully it's Over now! Yeay meeee!! :)

    Good deal @tompuss! Just glad you have a working oven now! :)

    Nighty night @Kathy! Good for you sticking to your early to bed plan!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * another crazy day tomorrow sighhhhh sure wish there were more hours in a day!! Ha at least I don't have to drive My car tomorrow! No worries about whether the sucker will start or not!!! ;)

  • Shoot!! @sweetp I meant to tell you I loved that vid as well! Hilarious and yep makes me laugh when I see those commercials as well!
    In fact @e-star when you pop in you need to see the video, not sure if the Hump Day one would be around as well but it'll explain why we're always laughing when Kathy says it's hump day!! :D
  • Crap on toast!! @e-star click on sweetps first line thingy, That's the commercial that sets most of us giggling about hump day!!! :D
  • Awwwww! At last someone intelligent to talk to! (Present company excepted, of course)
  • Talk about quiet days!
    In S. CA we seem to be in fire season. A wildfire was started in Glendora this morning, apparently by 3 men being careless with a campfire, which is totally illegal in this kind of weather (hot, dry, Santa Annas). Last I heard it had burned several thousand acres and several "structures", some of which were homes.
    Glendora is several miles NE of downtown LA. I left this morning for an appointment south of the airport (LAX is on the coast, SW of downtown). At home it was sunny with blue skies when I left. However, as soon as I turned south on a street with a good view, I was hit in the face with the sight of really dark smoke. The smoke was actually quite a few miles south of LAX, blown there by the Santa Annas.
    FYI -- The seasons in S. CA are Summer, fire, earthquake and mudslide. They sometimes overlap.
    The highs today were in the upper 80's (F), and the humidity in single digits. This is winter, right?
  • Ikr @mvnla2 very quiet the last few days! Everyone must have the winter blues or busy with school and work.
    I did hear about the fires on the news. . It's awful:(
  • @Kathy Midterms are coming up for me next week, so that's why I haven't been on ABN frequently. The good news is that we're expecting snow for the next 2 weeks, so I'm hoping that it snows on the day of my mid-terms.
  • @blahalb09 -- What good does it do to postpone midterms? Do you mean an extra day of studying will help? Don't bet on it.
  • Good luck on the mid terms @blahalb09 im sure you'll ace them; )
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Nightly night Pahtnah. .TGIF ;)
  • Yeah good luck @blahalb09! I'm sure you'll do great though, extra time off or not!

    @Kathy hope your Friday goes quick!! :)
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    @tompuss that video was too cute!! :)
  • Good Morning everyone Happy Friday! ! Woot!!
    Have a Fantabulous Flingin' Friday all! !
  • sorry i haven't came here for a long while... so yeah... i don't have a tablet :( 9 days till my B-day...
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