The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1961
  • I got a new phone kind of! It's a smartphone (finally) and it's running the second Android operating system. I got ABGO since it won't work on my nook or my dad's android tablet. It didn't work. ANONYMOUSOMEONE ANGRY!
  • Oh no! Page change!
  • @theanonymoussomone what do you mean? It won't work?
  • Oohh sorry:) Hi ..
  • Maybe try going into settings and doing system update that might upgrade your phone so it will work with abgo..
  • Well it kind of has no SIM card. My dad just uses the same one and puts it in every new phone he gets. Mine is his last phone. And by it won't work, it means it won't start. I tap the icon, the screen momentarily goes black, then goes back to the home screen.
  • Try uninstall the game then reinstall..Maybe just a glitch..shouldn't need SIM card to play..
  • Just got Amber Alert on my phone
    Fitchburg Ma
    LIC# JJT681 ( SC) (south Carolina)
    1998 Blue Buick Century

    Can't hurt to pass it on right
  • Thanks @Kathy. Hope they find that little 6-yo girl soon. Here is the actual Amber Alert:
  • @Kathy -- Good Luck! You might want to get a personal trainer, although they usually deal with people who want to lose weight. They do usually know some basics of nutrition. My gym gives you at least one free session with a personal trainer, in fact, I think they insist on it. I do Pilates, which doesn't burn a lot of calories, but build your core strength. Not sure what's best for you. There will probably be lots of people at the gym who envy your slim figure. Maybe weight training would be good for you.
    Again, good luck.
    If Pilates isn't right for you, they probably have a lot of other, free classes, which might give you an extra motivation for going.
  • Thanks @ SweetP all Igot was an sms message..thanks fir looking it up :-)
  • Thanks @mvnla2 they gave me a schedule with free classes..and they do have trainers available to get you into a routine..I doubt anyone will be envious of my`slim` figure though ty
    I'm pretty underweight..:(
  • More like skinny than slim..
  • Oh my, a multiracial foot @rat9! Hematoma can really be a strange beast at times, looking a lot worse than it feels. Must be multi-talented too because you're such a top notch flinger!

    My guess is you never went @kathy! It kinda sounded like when I had a membership and I went diligently 5x's a week for the first year, and then when they dropped the fee in half, I found all kinds of reasons I couldn't go! Money down the drain is what it ended up to be, over $700!!
    Anyway, good for you to make that commitment to get in shape for the sake of gaining strength and helping to quit smoking. WTG!
  • Thanks @SweetP :) this time I plan on going lol :-)
  • Thanks @SweetP. It's strange that my foot looks so bad now that it's feeling better.
    Good luck with the gym @Kathy.
    And a special "GOUD LUCK" to @tas in the regional spelling bee today.
  • Thanks :-)
    YES Good Luck @theanonymoussomone !! :-) :-)
    *packs an extra bag of pig ears for tas to of charge*
    bring home that golden Bee..
    Do please and let us know how it went :-)
  • So following 2 weeks off from school, I got another day off and 2 two hour delays. I was so happy this week.
  • Well I know it's Friday..but so I don't waste my whole saturday I must turn into a pumpkin
    *places flashlight on @@KimmieCV favorite booth* Nighty night Pahtnah.
    Catch ya tomorrow maybe..have a fantabulous flinging night :-)
  • Nighty night all..have a great weekend if I don't see you..
  • Sending you off with tons of luck your way @theanonymoussomeone! Have a good breakfast and relax while you listen to your fav music on the way to the competition. Please do let us know how you did! Here's a package of trail mix and some Gatorade to give you energy on your breaks. Good luck!

    Boy, you're lucky @blahalb09 to get all that time off from school! Just remember though, you'll be making that up at the end of the school year. So, enjoy it as much as you can and have a great weekend.

    Nighty night @Kathy, and sweet dreams my friend (((HUGS)))
  • @tas - ok now remember have a good nutritious breakfast with plenty of brain food - from my research I think a cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli & fish omelette with walnuts and seeds on the side should do the trick!! OB can you rustle that up for my good friend please!
    My real advice is to just do your best - no one can ask for more - and enjoy the company, the trip and the fact that you made it to the district final!
    ( Mumsie checks that @tas is looking at the tray of delicious goodies and ducks in fast to give him a quick hug!! )
    I"m off out to lunch with friends I did my degree with over 20 years ago - 5 of us meet up for lunch twice a year so when I get back @tas should just be on his way - good luck!
  • Hello to our Rainbow Warrior @rat. Glad to know you're feeling better!
    @kathy I've plenty of kilos to spare, I wish we could do a transplant. . .
    Go @tas! So heartening that good spelling isn't dead!
    @blahalb09 Enjoy your extra time! I recall how happy I was when floods or thick fog kept me at home. . .
    Hi @mumsie, @SweetP, @all Have a wonderful weekend xoxo
  • Good morning all; ) happy Saturday! !
    *hands OB a large basket of knitting supplies*
    "Please put this near @Mumsie's rocker for me. .I have a feeling she's going to be very busy"
  • Oohh and OB please make sure the spare room out back is tidy just in case she is to tired to poof home*;)
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Good luck on the spelling bee! Keeping up your energy with trail mix and water (I suggest water rather than gatorade).
    @mumsie -- Hope TAS doesn't take you seriously! Would be enough to give me indigestion all day.
  • @mvnla2 is there a way to view the members list in the maps group alphabetically ? I forgot where tas lives, what time zone?
  • @Kathy -- Not sure where @theanonymoussomeone lives; he is not on the map. I think he lives somewhere in the eastern US. I think his not being on the map is a decision his parents made a while ago.
    As for sorting the table, it used to work, not sure how well it works now. Will check.
  • Thanks @mvnla2. .hmm he seems to pop in late at night while im sleeping which makes me think he isn't inn my time zone. .
    I may not have been doing it right or looking in the right place
  • @Kathy -- The table doesn't sort because Google Fusion tables has screwed up the sort feature! Will see if I can find a solution, but might take some time.
    As for @theanonymoussomeone, he pops in at weird hours in my time zone also, which is why I think he is in the east.
  • Ohh o.k @mvnla2 no worries ;)
    Lol so here we are both thinking the opposite! ! Guess we should just ask
  • Ok am officially declaring Saturday as Primal Sigh Saturday from now on!!
    WTH 5 *SSSssssiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhhhh*
    OB a PigKiller please. ..*sigh*
    Sooo close but.. not close enough:(
  • New avatar! Since Gravatar is a little slow, go to my main profile to check it out.
    And yes, I made it myself :)
  • Cool @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster I'll go check it. .
    The Avatarcontest should be starting up soon; )
  • OB you know what? I'm starving I'll have some of that Old Fashioned glazed ham and some mashed potatoes;) ty
  • @all--TAS lives in northern Mississippi.
  • Mumsie stands up stretches and cracks her knuckles - thanks @kathy for that basket of wool! New batch of dusters done ready to put in the secret supply box in B &R! Oh OB thank you! Are you sure the blues don't mind? Well I'm truly grateful that they're going to take the dusters to B&R for me! I'll sit down again and I'll have a large G&T with ice and lemon - thanks!
    @rat9 - so glad your foot is feeling better - thank you for inviting me over to look at the amazing colours of your foot and yes it inspired me to knit some new patterns in the dusters!
    @absm - love the new avatar !
    @tas - dying to know how you got on! OB when @tas pops in the pigs ears are on me!
  • Your very welcome @Mumsie;)
    Yes @theanonymoussomone We are all on the egdge of our seats awaiting the news !!
    How did you do on the spelling bee?
    Even if you didn't win we are anxiously waiting for news..
    I will take the liberty of Speaking for all of us here at the BP we are soooo very proud that one of our own had the opportunity to participate in a District Spelling Bee;)
  • So is about 4:30 pm for @tas - mmmm guess he won't be home for ages - I'll have to catch up with his news in the morning! Think I'm going to have an early night once I've finished my drink. It's getting a tad chilly here tonight 0 degrees C - but having seen some of the temps that have been discussed in here that must seem positively warm to some of the nesters!
    GnGb all
  • Yes I just googled the spelling Bee and it just seems awesome - at local level (worldwide) 11,000,000 (yes 11million!!) pupils participate! That's awesome!
  • Yes indeed @kathy - very proud - I've just been telling hubby and daughter that I can't wait to hear how it went!
  • Really @Mumsie 11 million and Our tas is one of them Coool..
    Sweet dreams . See you tomorrow (((((hugs))))))
  • @Kathy -- Hubby is watching Pats, tape delayed. He grew up in Boston, so even though they didn't exist then, he is somewhat a fan.
  • @mvnla2 that's cool. .but lol I thought the pats always existed haha
    Didn't they used to be called The Boston Patriots ask hubby?
  • Wahhoooo @Amslimfordy !!! Great Game! !
  • OB food and drinks on the house for the rest of the weekend; )
    Go Pats!!
  • @Kathy -- They didn't always exist. In particular they didn't exist while he was growing up, maybe until he was mostly through high school.
  • Ohh @mvnla2 hmm I don't know the history of the team. .I just know they have been a team since i started paying attention lol.. but interesting I'll Google it maybe
    But Woohoo We let's root for San Diego tomorrow; )
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