The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1964
  • Hey @yimmy7 sorry to hear you haven't got your tablet yet:(
    Oohh well you waited this long right a few more days won't hurt; (
    Any one else got a BIG Advertisement blocking the top ? It is very annnoying:(
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please;)
  • So the TJHSST results just came out today and somehow I made it past the 1st cut
  • Nice Job @blahalb09 Congratulations;)
  • @blahalb09 -- Congrats! We all know it wasn't just somehow you made it past the first cut. What's next for TJHSST?
    I think you'll ace your midterms. Are there any subjects you are less certain of?
    @yimmy7 -- Best wishes for a tablet soon!
    @Kathy -- Yeah, the site tweaks have made there way to the old forum. There is a discussion on them in the new forum. My understanding is that @BirdLeader intends to get rid of that ad placement, but hasn't happened yet.
    Speaking of ads, does anyone else get that League of Angels ad with the women who look like cows needing to be milked rather than sexy? Bleh!
  • @mvnla2 yep I just saw the new forum discussion on the tweaks, I really don't see much difference except the Big ad up top and the movement of the user name. .is there anything else Im just not noticing?
    And no I haven't had the displeasure of seeing that particular ad yet.. but i really don't pay attention to the ads much anyway. .
  • @mvnla2 The next part of the test is writing a few essays about science, logical reasoning, and personal information. It's scheduled to be on the 25th, right after my midterms.
  • Well, I did think I'd already posted this (above).
    @blahalb09 -- So how do students do essay tests these days? I can't imagine that you actually handwrite them, but maybe you do.
    Good Luck! Remember that good, clear writing (not to mention good grammar and spelling) is still an important part of scientific work. Tell them what you're going to say, say it, and then tell them what you said. Be sure that each paragraph has a topic sentence. Don't leave the most important sentence for last.
  • @mvnla2 yes. and i hate it. i mean really, on a site that all ages go on, there is ads with half nude women.
  • @mvnla2 Thanks for the advice. I read a bit on how the test is going to be taken, and it seems like that we're typing our essays on a computer with a 1650 character limit for each.
  • @blahalb09 -- Hope the program you use has spellcheck and a grammar checker. The grammar checker is less reliable than the spellchecker.
    @Yimmy7 -- Glad to hear you hate it. @BirdLeader -- Is there anything you can do?
  • I agree @yimmy7 some of the ads are inappropriate for teens my suggestion is to just ignore the ads as I do and concentrate more on what you are intending to do on any given page.
    Also ifind if I'm zoomed in on the page I can't see the ads:/
  • @kathy why did i never think of that?
    but yeah, since i'm not zoomed in and i'm usually scrolling through large portions of the page i look at the right side, where the scroll bar is...
  • Ya I see how that could be @yimmy7 guess you just gotta train your brain and eyes not to bother looking there and just look at what your reading or typing:/
  • i think i'll just stick with zooming in...
  • Ya lol @yimmy7 that's a lot easier that's what i do. .plus it help me type to be zoomed inn; )
    Are you still playing bad piggies ?
  • a while ago my mom said it bothered her that i used her tablet, so i haven't played in a long while...
  • Ohh that stinks can't you play on your phone?
    Well you'll have your tablet soon right 9 days; )
  • that phone that i don't have? yeah, but there's one problem... i don't have it. lol
  • Ooh lol I thought you had a phone sorry:/ well soon enough you'll be kicking piggie butt or building piggies contraptions lol
  • yeah i take it i'm younger than you think
  • Im off to dreamland shortly. Gonna fling a few good night all! !
    Hang in there yimmy7 ;)
  • Uhmm Iassume @yimmy7 your old enough to be on this site? Yes?
  • Don't post your age here though o.k? @yimmy7 I
  • Night all
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Nightly night Pahtnah ((((hug)))
    ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧ ~=lucky shamrocks Die Piggies
  • I'm not gonna stay on this topic for long because it may bother some people, but things like the league of angels ads are actually directed to 7-8 year olds, which is why so many of them have popped up on ABN and similar websites. Companies try to get kids addicted to thing like that at a young age because 1) Young kids click on everything that is new and interesting and 2) they want to capture the viewer early so that they'll keep coming back for more.
  • Agreed @blahalb09 I haven't seen that particular ad but i think most ads are meant to target as you say. .
  • Battery dying good night all. .
  • Hiya everyone!

    I see discussion of that League of Angels ad, and wanted you all to know that I mentioned it to @BL and @Slim. I just got on the Nest a few minutes ago, and haven't seen it appear yet. Hopefully it's gone for good.

    Hmm...nevermind. the ad is back.

    Good advice @mvnla2! Brings back memories (or nightmares) of those days in college. LOL

    Nighty-night and sweet dreams @Kathy
  • Good morning east coast USA. Hello to the rest of the world.

  • wait your supposed to be a certain age to be on this site? this is the first i've heard of this...
  • @yimmy7 There is no age restriction to be on this site, but you must be 13 or older to be a member
  • yeah i don't really now what to replace this with
  • yeah i don't usually look at privacy policies and just look at rules...
  • What a very very slow day OB. .I'll have a PigKiller please; )
  • Night night All happy flinging. .
    *places flashlight in the safe*
  • Looks like everyone was out late Sat. night and sleeping in this morning!
    Guess it's time for another AB update!
  • Yep @mvnla2 it's been very quiet lately:(

  • New experience

    A guy took his blonde girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team’s bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience. “Oh, I really liked it,” she replied, “especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just couldn’t understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents.”
    Dumbfounded, her date asked, “What do you mean?” “Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it, and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was, ‘Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!’ I’m like, hello? It’s only 25 cents!”
  • I posted that in the senoirs forum, but i really though it was funny so thought I'd share it here as well; )
  • Tough crowd tonight! I liked it :-)
  • Hi @Burpie and @Kathy.
    Go Broncos.
  • Thanks @Burpie ;) hi Pa Go Pats! !
  • Old joke. Still funny Ma.
  • Thanks Pa I never heard it; )
  • Hi @Rat and @Kathy

    Sorry for the late reply, I was watching a movie. I don't think it's just me though... the BP and the forum seem much slower than usual lately.
Post in the New Forum!