The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1966
  • Looks like you get to use that snow blower again @Kathy.
    @Kimmie Did you say you were flinging while you had the migraine? That's something I couldn't do. I can fling when I'm in great pain, but not with a full on migraine. I just try to hide.
  • BTW, what are you Ladies flinging at these days? I have flung much in months and was thinking of joining you if it's something I'd like. Not much more damage I can do in Space.
  • Yeah 1st year teaching is challenging. Just figuring out how to do it all AND have a decent plan every day. I'm learning as much if not more as the kids. One of the hardest things has been shifting to early morning hours. I'm still a night owl at heart.
  • My notification are slow Maybe the weather?
  • Pa we are flinging in Seasons wreck the halls ;) love for you to join us! !
    Yep the snowblower coming out again but I won't be the one using it lol!
    @ABCrazy sounds like work lol but interesting and fun i forgot what age do you teach? High school m
  • Hi @ratpagechanger! I'm still flinging in ABSW. Been very slowly making my way through the new DS2 levels. Glacial would describe it well. But somehow ABSW works for me. I did the Advent levels over the holidays and had fun with them, but it just didn't click with me like my usual. I think @kathy & @kimmiecv are still working their way through seasons.
  • Hi @kathy apparently my typing is slow too as I was typing over you. I teach high school seniors mostly, a few juniors. I'm still part time for now, but next year is looking good for full time with more engineering classes.
  • I've heard a lot of flingers say seasons has a lot of rinse and repeat levels. What do you ladies say?
  • Yes !! Unfortunately Pa lots of rinse and repeat :( the 3 P's are definitely a factor.
  • Good luck @ABCrazy engineering huh? Great field. .
  • Sorry I'm watching a show so I'll be back in a bit..
  • I'm still lurking lol.. sorry bf was giving 'the look' he doesn't understand 'multitasking' ;)
  • Frustratingly rinse & repeat for me @rat. I don't know, ABSW has its share of rinse & repeat too, but I seem to do better at it.
    @kathy Engineering yes, the basics at this level, but doing our best got get them interested as much as possible.
  • I'm a little busy as well @Kathy. The better half is out of town this week so I don't want to burn supper. Cajun style red beans and rice tonight.
    Thanks for the info @ABcrazy. I think I'll quickly run through it to see.
  • Boy oh boy, have times changed. The best I could get in high school was a physics class @ABcrazy. Now it's multiple engineering classes. Whoo hoo!
  • Noooo.... @rat you don't want to do ABSW. ;-)
    Yeah, I got the sciences & math in high school too. Really had no clue what engineering was till I was about to graduate with the degree. We have a pretty cool program in our school district now. Kids actually get to build an airplane! Yes, a real one that people can fly in.
  • Mmmmm.... Beans & rice. Yum. Roast chicken, brown rice blend, & cucumber salad for us tonight.
  • That's amazing @ABCrazy in high school when i was young nothing but the old norm .m teach er , secretary. The boys just wood shop .. and such n is great there are so many more opportunities nowadays
  • Pa absw is a lot of those not so much rinse and repeat but lucky one birdies
    And you have to play through twice in order to get good score ..:/
    Kimmie and i did pretty good; ) awesome actually; )
  • Officially, there's 6 inches of snow on the ground in my area, the most since snowmageddon
  • We would love for you to join us in WTH @rat9! It's been frustrating to say the least, but nice to share the misery with our friends! LOL Mmmm...beans and rice sounds so yummy and comforting!

    OMG @blahalb09, that's a lot of snow that got dumped on you! Yup, time to break out the snowblower! Stay safe and warm.
  • Ahhh I totally forgot Earplugs Everyone ( thanks @sweetp for setting them out; )
    WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee level 14 WTH !!!
  • @blahalb09 looks like we have about 10" already! ! I hope they call off my work:)
  • @Sweetp what level are you on?
  • Feels like -6º in Boston -20º predicted for morning. .even if my work doesn't call off. . I'm NOT going. . In that case. .OB another PigKiller please; ) and one for everyone. .;) or drink of thier choice;
  • Speaking of WTH, get those earplugs in everyone!


    Here's something you all might like...looks like Bomb Bird!

    @Kathy, I'm on level 15 right now. Aieeeeeee!
  • I'll have to watch video tomorrow @Sweetp bf sleeping. . good luck on 15 I've improved a bit on 14 but not enough WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee. ..
  • k off to fling
  • Well, when I was in high school, we had math through calculus, biology and advanced biology, physics and chemistry, no engineering; and girls weren't allowed to take shop or mechanical design! We did have to take a year of home economics. I only got out of typing and business ed, because my mother promised to teach me how to type, and my father promised to teach me how to write checks, plus he insisted I learned double-entry accounting. They both did, and my father insisted that I keep a double-entry accounting of all income and expenses in college.
  • I sure hope they call off work for you @Kathy. Good to know you're not going in even if they don't! That is just insane cold! OB, I'll have a large mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows, please! (thanks @Kathy)

    This gives me an idea...OB, I'm going to make a large batch of hot chocolate so anyone wanting to thaw out can get something hot and comforting to drink! I'll be right back with the milk and marshmallows.
  • Thanks @Sweetp I'm ddefinitely not going lol
    Good idea with the hot chocolate. .mmm marshmallows and all; )
  • Right now Im puffing on my electronic cigarette lol to cold to go outside! !
  • Getting sleepy. . Good night all have q great night;
    *places flashlight (reluctantly ) on @Kimmiecv favorite booth. .. with a coupon for a free PigKiller and order of vegetarian bacon bites lol new invention hahaha night night Pahtnah ((((hugs)))) miss ya round here! !
  • Good night @Kathy, yikes!! Stay warm all you nutters living in coooooold snowy country!! Couldn't pay me to live where snow falls!!!
    Thanks for the coupon Kathy :) OB ill take it to go please, *Snicker* veggie bacon thingys!!! :D
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland * Enjoy your day off Kathy!! IKR I miss popping in like I used to!! :( ((((hugs)))) :)

    @rat I did fling a wee bit while dealing with the migraine, sometimes it helps for a teeny bit to forget about the pain UNTIL you start stressing THEN it actually makes it worse so didn't fling a whole lot as WTH causes a Huge amount of stress!! :/ As to joining us in that dread game, yep seems there a more R&R with a large dollop of praying in most of those levels! Only a few that are actually good shots based and not luck but your very welcome to join us! I'm betting you'd do great in them! :) IMO ABSW is my 2nd fav after space for AB games give those a try too! Especially since you have to go through them at least twice, although I heard you may actually get yet Another upgrade on your saber with the newest game, not at all sure that's true though. Either way going through it twice is nothing for you since you like to play games for a wicked long time. ;)

    Thanks OB :) I'm off! Everyone have a great Wednesday!! :)
  • hello once again BP! i feel broken, i haven't flung a single bird in months... oh what has happened to me!?
  • I haven't seen you for a while @angryboy, how's life?
  • hey @blah, well school has taken over most of my life, but other than that its been good, wbu?
  • @angryboy Same, I have a lot of tests coming up. Thankfully I had a few snow days so they got postponed and I have more time to study.
  • that does help, never really get snow here, so doubt i shall get snow days, so you enjoy those extra studying days!
  • @all Hello dears! Sorry to be out of touch - it's been a busy few days with boring domestic stuff. Just couldn't get down to writing.
    @yimmy No!! *sob* Come back as soon as you can. . .
    @kimmiecv Migraine, what misery, so sorry you had to go thro' that. . Quite better now, I hope?
    @rat Cool beans! You sound like a great cook!
    @kathy and everyone snowbound: good luck and keep safe

    This is just so perfect I'd like to share it with you:

    ttfn xoxo
  • @TomPuss -- Great video! I used to spend hours watching figure skating, but haven't been so obsessed lately. Wonder if AB has anything to do with that? How did he do overall?
  • Hmm.... @Angryboy -- Your use of "shall" instead of "will" sounds more British than American. : D
    Glad to hear school is more important than AB these days.
  • @Kathy -- So are you happily flinging at home today? How much snow did you get?
  • @mvnla2 At the U.S. Championships in January 2014, Brown placed third in the short program and first in the free skate. He won the silver medal and was named in the U.S. team to the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. [Wikipedia]

    I love to watch skating too, but get very stressed every time they prepare for a jump - can't bear to see them fall! If they do I feel an unpleasant electric shock, it's weird. .
  • @mvnla its not just that school is more important than AB(although it is) i just haven't had the urge to play the game at all, this somewhat scares me
  • GAHHHHH!!!!!
    sorry guys, i promise this will be the last post until i'm old enough, but i just can't take it anymore... so far, lurking has been complete torture, lol. i want to reply to so many things, but then i remember that i'm not supposed to... anyway, @Kathy yep, (insert number) (insert measure of time) is soon enough... anyway, my final request is PLAY MOAR BAD PIGGIEZ!!!!
  • I just went outside to shovel the snow, and was way too cold outside! First time I've been outside with below 0 wind chills and single digit temps. Also measured the snow, it was about 7.5 inches.
  • Great video @TomPuss thanks for sharing it:)
    Hi @angryboy @blahalb09 we ended up with just over a foot of snow! !
    My work had a 2 hour delay, but i took the day of anyway so yep @mvnla2 I'm enjoying a nice day of flinging:)
    @yimmy7 sorry lurking is pretty difficult , its like being in a room full of people and not being able to speak:( but we know your here in spirit and soon enough you'll be posting away. I hope you get your wish:)
  • Sorry @blahalb09 I was talking over ya! ! Yes is pretty darn cold out! ! Or says 6 º but the'real feel' says -7º !!
  • Just watched the news, and they said that school could be delayed or even canceled again tomorrow. Depends on how cold it gets and how much melted snow freezes overnight.
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