The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1967
  • That was a fantastic video @TomPuss. Thanks for the link. I hope he does well at Sochi. I used to love watching figure skating until 1994 when Nancy Kerrigan got attacked by Tonya Harding's hubby. I lost interest after the Winter Olympics that year.

    Good excuse to give yourself the day off @Kathy! Get those bad piggies!

    So sorry you have to keep on lurking @yimmy7, but just be patient and you'll soon be back interacting with all of us.

    Wow, that's a lot of snow @blahalb09! That deep freeze has really affected everyone from the midwest to the east coast. My hubby's aunt who lives in north Iowa, said they're expecting more snow and wind gusts up to 20mph, and -30°F wind chills! Be careful and stay warm!

    Heehee, @pagechanger here.
  • Thanks for the idea @ABcrazy. I haven't had a cucumber salad in a while. It's on the menu for tonight. I make mine with sliced cucumber, thinly sliced red onion, tomatoes, red wine vinegar, and crushed red pepper flakes. Don't tell the wife I've been cooking. I've got her convinced I eat pizza and Chinese take out when she's gone. If she ever finds out I can cook...

    I threw a few in Seasons @kimmie, @Kathy, and @SweetP. What episode are you playing at the moment? I took a break from it when I saw that the Daily Challenge was in Space.

    Look, another puppy.
  • Pa we are playing Wreck the Halls in season 2 we are all on a different level I'm on 14
    @kimmiecv is on 12 or 13 I think not sure where everyone else is?
    @ mecstaveler chimichangachick may join us also; )
    Congrats on the puppy again lol;)
  • Thanks Ma. That brings my EPA to .583
  • What's EPA I forget eeliminated pig average?
  • @Kathy, EPA (Earned Puppy Average). The number of puppies I've won (7), divided by the number of Daily Challenges I've played (12). 7/12= 0.583 EPA
  • Ahhhh it all comes clear too me now:)
    Mine is -something lol not sure how many challenges I've tried. . Not many
  • School is canceled again, so my midterms are going to be rescheduled for a second time.
  • @rat I'm glad I helped inspire your menu. My cucumber salad is very simple and is inherited from my euro family roots. Peel the cukes and slice very thin (I use a mandoline although the slicer on a box grater works just fine). Salt the slices in a bowl and let them sit for a while in the fridge. Drain the cuke juice. I dunno, but I think celebs swear by the wondrous properties of cuke juice so do what you want with that. Season the slices with your favorite ranch style dressing. Your version sounds tasty too!

    Congrats on yet another puppy!

    Really.... ABSW would probably bore you. ;-)
  • @blahalb09 do you have to make up the time missed at the end of the year?
  • @blahalb09 Have fun! Just think, your teachers are also rejoicing while also fretting about how they will fit everything into whatever time is left. It's a cursed blessing either way. ... Um... Not to snow on your parade or anything.
    Yeah. I'll go back into lurk mode again now.
  • @kathy So far we have a make up day on President's day.
  • Since I go to a private school, the administration of my school makes the decisions, but they follow the county rules 99% of the time. Tomorrow is the unlucky 1%. My school decided on a 2 hour delay instead of a closing tomorrow, so I guess I'll be doing midterms tomorrow.
  • Aww well good luck @blahalb09 I've a feeling you'll ace them; )
  • @all Is everyone else still getting notifications when you're mentioned in walkthroughs and forums? Mine have stopped. It didn't matter whether you used @Rat or @Rat9 for a while. Now nothing. I didn't change any settings. So if I ignore your comments, please forgive me. I probably didn't know.
  • Hi everyone ;)

    OB - Apple Cinnamon bacon brownies sound delicious - I'll take a few!
    Long time no see ... School is taking over my life in a way I don't like. (Whine, whine.) Fortunately just three more months and I'm outta there :)
  • @rat9, I still get notifications (email) when I'm mentioned, so I get onto the Nest and check them. The number next to my screen name in the upper left always shows a "1" even though I may have more than one notification.

    As @kathy mentioned, we're in WTH. I'm flinging in level 15 for now.
    BTW, congrats on getting that puppy!

    I have a really good cucumber-tomato-avocado salad recipe that my hubby said was better than his sister's *snicker*! Add in a little bit of chopped cilantro with the apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, lime juice, soy sauce, and sugar, sea salt and pepper to taste.

    @ABcrazy, I use the same method to remove the cucumber juice whenever I make a Japanese "sunomono" dish, which is a type of cucumber salad, also! I remember when I was little, I'd snatch a few pieces when my mom sprinkled salt on them. Yummy!
  • Good luck on your midterm exams @blahalb09! With all the extra time you've had to study, you're going to ace them! It'll be a great feeling once you're done anyway. ;)

    Hello @Annifrid, good to see you stop by for a little while! Glad to see you're being disciplined and studying instead of goofing off. As you said, you'll be done in three months, then you'll be free! Take care, and we'll see you again soon!
  • It's true, elephants never forget!
    Take a look at this reunion:
  • Glad you enjoyed your day off @Kathy! Geez but you and @blahalb09 are getting some wicked cold and snow!! Blecky!!!
    *shines Kathys flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to dreamland *

    @blahalb09 good luck on those midterms, I'm thinking you'll beat the heck out of them!!

    @tompuss yep migraine is history!! Knock on wood it stays that way!! Loved the video! I'm glad to hear he's made it to the big time! Fun to watch for sure!! :)

    @rat9 I never get notified if you just use Kimmie only kimmiecv gets me notified but I've had issues with the forums both old and new lately so I think maybe it's a glitch in the system?!
    I am indeed on 13, we're playing seasons #2 Wreck the halls = WTH just in case you didn't know what WTH stood for. Hope to see you popping in there!! Nothing like sharing in the misery of Xmas seasons!! ;) CongRATs on Another puppy!! You and Karen have like the most wins I'm thinking!!! :)

    Ok I'm off to fling!! Everyone have a great erm Thursday!!! :)
  • @tompuss - love Morecombe & Wise ! Also love the two Ronnies especially this one
  • @SweetP Oh, those adorable elephants! I cried. Thanx for that lovely vid!
    As for the Sochi games, I pray everyone keeps safe and there are no security problems. I'd be happier with another venue. . .

    @mumsie So then I cried laughing over the two Ronnies - hilarious! I adore Morecambe & Wise too, just seeing Eric walk onto the stage sets me off every time.

    @kimmie Glad to hear the evil migraine's over. My dad used to suffer terribly with it, and eventually it turned out to be caused by a gluten allergy. He followed a gluten-free diet and never had another one. But I know it's terribly difficult to pin down a cause for each person.

    @blahalb09 Wishing you the best of luck! Cheer up, it means the exams will be over sooner.

    @allWTHflingers WTH is real brute! I've 3*d all levels. . but hesitate to post my puny scores.

    @rat Congrats on the puppy!

  • Sorry @kimmiecv. But three people have much larger kennels than me. @karen68(14), @annach(11), and @swellD(11). In my defense, they had about nine puppies apiece before I played my first challenge. Of the more than 600 challenges, I've only played twelve Space challenges. So it only looks like a lot because of my win ratio. If they keep putting Space in the daily challenges, I'll catch em.

    Thanks for the puppy @TomPuss. Cute.

    Glad your notifications are working @SweetP. Wish mine were. Someone asked me a question in the daily challenge yesterday and I didn't answer them because I didn't know. It makes me look like a jerk. I don't like that.
  • @rat9, I only asked you "WHAT?"

    You mentioned, in brackets, as an aside to the fact that you put us all to shame on the daily challenge yesterday by grabbing first AND SECOND place - completing a series of 3 adjoining high scores in the process (tic-tac-toe) - that, oh, by the way, you had also mistaken my episode highscore in Cold Cuts for a snack. I’m sure it was an honest mistake.

    My “WHAT?”, wasn’t so much a question as an expression of astonishment. Like one might say “WHAT?” upon discovering that one’s hair is on fire. Not really a question. So thanks for responding at all!
    update: Ah, you were referring to the question by Chimichangachick. My bad.
  • Thanks @Tompuss & @Mumsie for linking to some old-school BBC humor. I can't play them here at the office but I'm looking forward to viewing those clips tonight!
  • Hey OB long time no see! Not going to try to explain how the the start of 2014 is going for me but lets just say roll on February ;)
    @sweetp that was just amazing,thank you! It's not taking a lot to get me bubbling lately so thanks for my afternoon sob lol!!!
    @tompuss @mumsie Two of the best comedy sketches ever! Although I lean more towards "fork handles" I just loved everything Ronnie Barker did! So glad I dropped in this afternoon,I've had some great vids to watch!
    Congrats on the puppy @Rat :)
    I think there will be to many pages to look back on since the start of January so hopefully everyone is well and life is being kind :D
    Gotta scoot back to work
  • Love the videos everyone is posting, they're so funny.
    @rat9 there seems to be an ongoing issue around notifications. I thought it was fixed but I missed several yesterday as well. You should let Birdleader know - it's been discussed in the new forum, under "bugs in the nest" or "design tweaks" thread, can't remember which.
    Congrats on your new pup & your "EPA" lol. There's a Space challenge every 6 days so you should be in double digits soon!
    Nice to see you @jlz! Have a good day at work. Hope things are improving :)
  • @SweetP -- loved the clip about the elephants.
  • @rat9 et al. -- BirdLeader said he thought the notification problem was fixed yesterday, so if you still have it, be sure to tell him.
  • Just popping in to encourage SW players to check out the the comments on MoE 5-20. Something amaaaaazing happening!
  • What? You're too funny @Burpie.
  • Yea! My notifications are working again. For @Rat and @Rat9.
    @karen68 Every six days a Space challenge you say. I did not know that. I just catch them occasionally.
    Hi @JLZ666 long time no see. *the sun will come your bottom dollar that tomorrow...* Clear away the cobwebs and the sorrow @JLZ666.
  • Very interesting @bonneypattycat thanks for the heads up; )
    Figures Kimmie and i didn't play MoE on our quest the glitches will probably be fixed by the time we t ever do..
    *poof* back to work. ..
  • @JLZ666 Hope February brings more cheer - remember, laughter is the best medicine. .

    @burpie Lovely to see you back! Hope you enjoyed the vids. And long live the BBC!

    @kathy, @rat, @bpc, @all Night-night, sweet dreams xoxo
  • Odd, I got a notification from the TomPuss post, but not from Kathy's. I think they must still be working on the notification problem.
  • If you go to MoE 5-20, be sure to scroll allll the waaaaayyyy down to the bottom. Look for two images posted by @wrm39
  • Ya that was great @bonneypattycat @BPC not sure what get your notification so i tried both lol
    @Sweetp great video on the elephants; )
    @Mumsie that 2ronnies was funny but i didn't quite get it..
    Hi @annifrid nice to see you pop in everyone it's busy with school lol
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please.
    Just returned from my first training session at the gym I felt and looked like a Complete Dork!!
    But i did it lol..
  • @Kathy -- The more often you go the less you'll feel like a dork!
  • Lol thanks @mvnla2 ;)
  • Uhmm guess is time to change my avatar ..
    I'll be back:)
  • #closefcps was a trending topic on twitter for 2 days in a row. They just announced that it's going to be a 2 hour delay, so now #onedayweek is starting to get popular. Fcps stands for fairfax county public schools. I have no idea what decision my school is gonna make, but I'm guessing it's gonna be a 2 hour delay.

    Edit: My school decided to open on time, I hate whoever made that decision
  • Lol @blahalb09 you gotta get back in the swing of things at some point; )
  • Here we go again @bonneypattycat. Thanks for the heads up on @wrm39.
  • Asrghhh OB I'm such a jerk!! Totally missed my friend @JLZ666 pop in!!
    Sowwy jlz666 :(and pa sang you a song and all; )OB from now on her drinks are on me whenever she pops in! ! I feel like an ass:(
    Anyhow can' t believe it's that time again .. just about. .one more ciggie.. one more PigKiller and one more fling:( Thank Goodness tomorrow is Friday! !
  • Is -1º do I really want that ciggie ? Hmmm
  • Well the one more Ciggie didn't work out well. .too cold
    The one more fling isn't working either. .
    *gulps down one more PigKiller*
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv favorite booth*
    Have a great Friday Pahtnah don't work too hard and try to keep maybe earplugs handy? Good luck ..
  • Good night Ma.
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