The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1968
  • Night Pa ;)
  • Good night John boy
  • HEEEEEEEEEYYYY @Burpie. Those daily challenges are going to be the death of your lead. You know me, I don't play Cold Cuts, Pig Bang, or Eggsteroids. But it's still hard to pass up a daily challenge in Space even if it is in one of those three episodes. So I am truly sorry. If, correction when, you get the lead back I won't come after you unless they post another challenge. That's your bailiwick and you've earned it.

    *Don't tell Burpie, but I'm lying out my anal orifice* He can't read thought bubbles, can he?
  • @Rat9 , Your ruse to lure me back into the game has the subtlety of Niagra Falls. I’ll think about it.
  • It's no fun if I don't have somebody to play with @Burpie. I think that's why I do so well in the daily challenges. I thrive on competition.
  • Good Morning everyone! !! Happy Flinging Friday! !
    Have a fantabulous day all; ) ;)
  • @Rat Thank you for that beautiful rendition;) I don't know what put the biggest smile on my face.....the positive,feel good lyrics or the image of you singing away with a curly red wig on and your new puppy Sandy beside you! Both made me smile so thank you:)
    @tompuss indeed laughter helps a tremendous amount and with having such fantastically nutty friends here it's certainly helped :D
    @Kathy it's no wonder you didn't understand the comedy sketch! It's east end London accent at its best,so much so that the confusion of the shopkeeper is the whole point of the scene!
    @BPC I'm sorely tempted to have a wee peek at what you're talking about but I'm not flinging right now and I certainly don't want to be dragged into another glitch level! Hmmmmm maybe tomorrow;)
    Oh and thanks for the generous offer of being on your tab for the week @Kathy,that's so sweet! OB I'd love a large double shot to go please. Another busy long day/evening so need my caffeine.
    I'll try to catch up with pm's soon ((hugs))
  • @JLZ666 I tested the new glitch on MoE 5-20 last night. It is quite easy to duplicate, but it remains to be seen if these scores will be accepted or capped by admin.

    Depending how the log falls, the rate of the increase in scores varies. In slow mode about 150k a day. In high speed mode, it took wrm39 about a day to get 999990.... something like that.
  • If anyone tries the MoE 5-20 glitch, do not let your score run over 999990. According to @rat, your score will turn into letters and there is no going back without a backup.
  • @Rat, why do you not play those three episodes of Space?
  • Awwww stop it @BPC You're piquing my interest now! 999990k???? Holy Batman!! Nope not looking...nope.... nup....noooooo way....maybe ;)
    OK switching off phone & curiosity as I need to work :(
  • Too many rinse and repeat levels in those three episodes @BPC. I hate R&R levels. It takes the skill and, therefore, the fun out of it for me. BTW, I never said don't let the glitch run up over a million. I said exactly the opposite. How do you think I got over seven million on the Anchors Away glitch? You misunderstood. I was talking about the level 3-10 glitch scoring in letters instead of numbers. That, you don't want. It resets your high score to zero.
  • @Rat, but how do you know when a glitch level will start scoring in letters? Could not the same thing happen on MoE 5-20? I think that is why @wrm39 stopped the level when he did, he was afraid of what might happen if he let the score go higher.
  • @BPC et al. -- I too have the MoE 5-20 glitch going, unfortunately in slow mode. I'm sure the admins will cap the score like they did with anchors away.
  • I'm pretty sure the letter anomaly is unique to 3-10 @BPC. The planet blew up on that one. That's not suppose to happen. I make the occasional wager. And I'd wager quite a bit that the MOE 5-20 glitch will cross over into seven digits with no problem. Never say never, but I'm real sure.
  • Glad to see you're feeling better @JLZ666.
  • @Rat, I will happily wait for someone to go first :)
  • Hey @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster congrats !! You should make those into links though for easier access.
    @JLZ666 I did get the humor of it , like the fouracandles =fork handles and the misunderstanding but some Of the items i'm not familiar with the London accent like you said Do you guys really talk that way? My goodness if you heard my Boston accent which even isn't'real Boston' gosh lol now that would be a funny go between! ! Not that the 2 Ronnies weren't funny. Uhmmm I'm gonna shut up now lol (insert foot in mouth now)
    Good good luck with the glitch all!! I'm not going there until slim makes a descion
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please thanks. .
  • Um -- @SweetP -- But we could use some real winter and real rain. Not to mention the mountains could use some real snow. Are you sure your snowman will only affect the northeast?
  • @kathy I don't know how to make it intoa link :{
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster ; ( me either. .but maybe tomorrow @e-star will see and help:)
  • Ooops earlier i said sorrry @Sweetp I didn't see ya there I was talkin over you. .thanks for the hoodoo voodoo to get this miserable cold winter outta here! !
  • Baaaaaad Kimmie bad Bad BAAAAAAD!!!! @Kathy last night I made the mistake of catching up in BP and instead of taking care of business I erm clicked all the vids, sadly I clicked @sweetps last, mostly because I Knew it'd be a tear jerker, next thing I knew it was flippin 4:30 and I'd been through countless tissues and saving animals vids! No flinging no nothin!! Just Uh Oh gotta go to Bed!!! :/ Sooo *poofs over and Gently nabs Kathys flashlight, does another super shine and yikes! Knocks all those dings and dents out and replaces batteries, poofs back over and Gently replaces flashlight in confused Kathys hand with a pat on the head and a (((hug))) for the confusion of being in the dark and poofs back to BP*

    Thanks for the laughs and cries @mumsie42 @tompuss and @sweetp :)

    Siiiiigggghhhh sorry for being a popper Yet Again!! Have to finish up the house work then.....*sob* pick up my sis and BiL at the airport *sob* their back bringing their love of drama with them *sob* quiet is over!! ;/
  • Who..what..huh wha happening. ...?
    Oohhahhh better v all went dark for a second. ..
    Ooohh shiny flashlight. .hee heee thanks @Kimmiecv I didn't see ya coming. .hookheeehaha
    I know Right I couldn't see for hours due to leaky eyes Elephants are So Amazing. .I watch nat geo wild alot and some of the stories are heartwarming but heartbreaking at the same time. .
  • Ooohhh nooiiooo You Even have to go and get Them! !!! Crapola!! Oooohh
    OB an Extra large super duper PigKiller for @Kimmiecv. .to go. :( :(
  • Oooh, so sorry @kimmiecv and @kathy for the tears. It was heartwarming to see them finally free from chains.

    Here's something that will cheer you up!

    Yes, @mvnla2 that was for the "snow" bound peeps! I know, we're in a horrible drought season! It sure did look like it wanted to rain today, with the huge clouds and the cold air all day long. I probably saw the sun peek out for only a few minutes and then it ducked back behind a grey cloud.
  • @sweetp yes it was very heartwarming to see them finally free, heartbreaking to know they lived 20 years alone not know ing there were other elelephants that survived.
    I didn't understand WHY they kept her in chains for so long till the other elephant came? Maybe i was confused ?
  • Need to tslleeep .*places flashlight still nice and shiny in the safe for tomorrow*
    Thanks for the extra buff and shine @Kimmiecv. Try to breathe deeply then go hide in you room when you get home .. night night
  • The chains were used while Shirley was in the circus (24 years) before arriving at the sanctuary. Solomon was saying he didn't know who was the first to put the chain on, but he was glad that he was the last to take it off. Jenny was already a resident at the sanctuary, and when she was reunited with Shirley, the bond was immediate. Jenny and Shirley were both at the same circus when Jenny was a calf and Shirley was thirty years old. They were separated 22 years prior to arriving at the sanctuary.
  • small hint. .flinging with eyes closed...uhmm doesnt work well. ..night
  • Ohh thanks @sweetp I got that part I guess i was confused as to which one was in th he chain sorry I'm wicjex tired. .eyes closeing.. night I'm gonna look up the store y
  • Thanks for the puppy video.. ):)
  • Nighty-night @kathy. Sweet dreams my friend! Have a good weekend and happy flinging in WTH. Get those piggie swine! Heehee.
  • @blahalb09 it's being covered on Fox News right now. Terrible tragedy
  • Ugh. Nothing's ever going to get done about these shootings!!!!
  • Good aft/evening @all!
    Had a news alert on phone about the shooting. Yet another "why?" Idiots with guns:(
    @Kathy LOL!! Nope we don't all speak like that! There's no British accent as such. That clip is an English regional accent....actually it's a regional London accent. The UK has so many different accents and each country has very different localised/regional accents! It's far to confusing! IMO @mumsie42 has the best English regional accent (Liverpudlian) every time I hear it I smile! I've obviously got a Scottish accent. It's a very middle of the road soft accent and I don't think you'd have trouble understanding me. On the other hand I think you'd struggle with a strong Glaswegian or Aberdobian one!! The one thing I've loved about my Mum living in Cali,North Carolina,Texas & Philly is the different accents! I'd like to say I can tell them apart but who knows?!! I do have a soft spot for the east coast though.....actually I love the southern.....actually scrap that,I just love listening to all different languages and accents :D
    @sweetp thanks for the vid! I've seen it before but the clip of the slow walking "please don't look at me" doggy has me LMAO!
    Sorry to be a popper again but just about to cook dinner. It may gross out the vast majority of you but I'm having Chicken stuffed with haggis this evening;) It's Rabbie Burns birthday today so gotta have haggis! Although there's a lot of official Burns suppers this evening,we're chilling out and cooking in our jammies! So I'll raise a glass to Rabbie,what would we sing at New Year if it hadn't been for you?! Cheers!
    Have a great weekend everyone and keep warm all those in winter wonderland!
  • Enjoy your Rabbie Burns meal @JLZ666. And try to remember you like the guy that's giving the "Toast to the Lassies". He's trying to be funny.
  • I'll have to learn more about this Rabbie.sorry nodaclue:(
    Hi Pa; )
    OB a PigKiller please:)
  • Ahhhhhh @Rat,yep I hear it all the time but the "Toast to the laddies" is normally a whole lot more brutal in my home lol! I'd like to think I could stand up at a supper and give my best back but I don't know if I could restrain myself in public;) I'll just keep the rebuttals to the 666 household ;D
    @Kathy don't fret honey! He's a Scottish poet/song writer from days gone by! His most famous verse is "Auld Lang Syne" but some of the others we had to learn at school and believe me even I can't make head nor tails of them! It was HARD! I had to recite "Ode to a mouse" I'm sure it was the short version and I remember learning the words but not having a clue what I was saying! Jeez....memories ;(
  • Lol okey dokey @JLZ666 I'll take your word for it; )
    Ode to a mouse..? Heee heee right up your alley Pa;)
  • Oh btw @Jlz666 I've always loved hearing the English , London, Scottish accents most i can understand the most of it. .I understand the different things you and Mumsie , well different words and i can usually make sense of it all; )
    It's really cool and different to realize so many different dialects there are
    I love language it's a beautiful thing.
  • Did that make Any sense lol..
  • Oh gosh!! Haahaaaaa! I didn't think of that @Kathy!
    "Ode tae Mr Rat"
    "Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie,
    O, what a panic's in thy breastie!"
    That's all I can do at short notice! Although Mr Rat would would never lower himself to a cowrin mouse ;)
    Yep Kathy that all made perfect sense! I'm amazed you can decipher half the things me and mumsie talk about! I think she would agree that we now try to "Americanise" most of our words!
    Really getting the evil eye so gotta go back to the real world!
  • Aww @Jlz666 now I'm gonna have to Google that lol;)
    Enjoy your jammie night. .don't burn the Burns supper; )
  • Yep I did! !
    To a Mouse

    (Whilst ploughing on a November day, Burns ruined the nest of a field mouse. He ponders why the creature runs away in such terror)
    Oh, tiny timorous forlorn beast,
    Oh why the panic in your breast ?
    You need not dart away in haste
    To some corn-rick
    I'd never run and chase thee,
    With murdering stick.

    I'm truly sorry man's dominion
    Has broken nature's social union,
    And justifies that ill opinion
    Which makes thee startle
    At me, thy poor earth-born companion,
    And fellow mortal.

    I do not doubt you have to thieve;
    What then? Poor beastie you must live;
    One ear of corn that's scarcely missed
    Is small enough:
    I'll share with you all this year's grist,
    Without rebuff.

    Thy wee bit housie too in ruin,
    Its fragile walls the winds have strewn,
    And you've nothing new to build a new one,
    Of grasses green;
    And bleak December winds ensuing,
    Both cold and keen.

    You saw the fields laid bare and waste,
    And weary winter coming fast,
    And cosy there beneath the blast,
    Thou thought to dwell,
    Till crash; the cruel ploughman crushed
    Thy little cell.

    Your wee bit heap of leaves and stubble,
    Had cost thee many a weary nibble.
    Now you're turned out for all thy trouble
    Of house and home
    To bear the winter's sleety drizzle,
    And hoar frost cold.

    But, mousie, thou art not alane,
    In proving foresight may be in vain,
    The best laid schemes of mice and men,
    Go oft astray,
    And leave us nought but grief and pain,
    To rend our day.

    Still thou art blessed, compared with me!
    The present only touches thee,
    But, oh, I backward cast my eye
    On prospects drear,
    And forward, though I cannot see,
    I guess and fear.
  • That is a beautiful poem *wipes tear*
  • What a very interesting inspiring Man was Rabbie Burns ;)
    Happy that i learned of him today; )
    *raises glass* A toast to Rabbie*
    You learn something new every day; )
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