The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2086
  • @bernersenn I look forward to buying you a drink when I bump into you.
  • OK @bernersenn. That's another fairly severe word over here. Not used to flinging it around lightly.

    Edit: Actually BS isn't severe, it's considered profanity here.
  • Hang in there @bernersenn you are almost released from the working part of the day... btw what do you do (sorry if I already should know this)
  • @estar, what I do is that secret, that even I don't know what I'm doing. Ok, lets be fair, I cannot be serious for more than 10 minutes. But you're lucky, I'm in such a 10 minutes period. I work for Atos, I pretend to design Citrix/Windows environments for our customers. Most of them wanted to work - wherever they are - so, Virtual disks, virtual desktops, actually cloud items. Our customers are large companies as Philips, Akzo, etc.
    @rat, that's heavy, all those severe words. I shall think of it. I never have the intention of being rude, insulting people or whatever.
  • @Kelani -- The link to the Sundowner map didn't work. Even if the South doesn't have that many, I would guess there are many places (or at least people) in the South that would welcome Mr. Sterling.
    I'm apparently 4 pages behind. BTW -- I won't kill you; too late for that. Not my style of humor, and don't say I don't have any.
  • @estar, that's btw why I use sometimes use 2 Ipads for flinging. When I got a really boring day at the office, I sometimes fling some birds and even get better results as at home. Then I thought it would be fine to enter my highest score for a particular game into the leaderboards. That's what the admins allowed me.
  • Sounds lucrative @bernersenn. Maybe you should buy me a drink.

    Ha ha ha ha ha... I looked at your waterfall again. ha ha
  • @bernersenn ahhhh yeah it will stay a secret as I have no clue about such systems. Luckily you do hahahah

    hi @mvnla2, Hey and ermmm sorry bye!! Not leaving on your account, but I need to get a move on too... need to at least try and clear up the house a wee bit, so it looks like I have done some chores ;)

    it was nice catching up with you all guys!!
  • @mvnla2, well, well, look who's here again. Welcome back - have OB bring you something to drink. Ow, what the hell, let him ask the others too. All goes on my tab.
  • @rat, whenever I run into you, you can drink (and eat) what you want - on my costs. That's what @estar mentioned, when we invite someone, he never will get a bill (or part of)
  • Bye @Estar. Great talking with you as always.

    @Burpie Couldn't get past the censored sign for the dike picture. Were you trying to be funny. You had me at waterfall. ha ha ha
  • Bye, E-Star!
  • @estar, that's why I don't know anything about Apple. It's operating system isn't that open as Windows - so I cannot (or will not) understand this cr... (Oops) wonderful stuff
  • Same here. The real world beckons. BFNIMCBLIDK
  • Bye bye everyone, I have to finish up here at work and get out of here.
  • @bernersenn, I was reading the previous page in an effort to trace the confusion about crap to the source when I came across 'just a bit mealy'. I think I see what went wrong. Melig = flauw = 'I'm feeling a bit unsalted.' ;-)
  • @Rat, all -- I've been playing IceBreaker, and still have some pars and coins to collect. Some levels are very challenging. Guess I've forgotten to stop into the BP. I'm still a page behind, and discovered I wasn't 4 pages behind this morning, like I said above, but 6!
    BTW -- All the BR talk has got me skipping some posts; so you guys (non-gender-specific) won!
  • @Burpie -- And I bet they pump the water to the top also!
  • @mvnla2 I've never been there but I wouldn't be surprised.

    And I can't believe you read all of that!
  • @all -- Have to go for a walk before it gets too hot; supposed to be 100 F today! Ugh!
  • @Dutchies We have a 15% tip because in our largest cities; NY/LA, 90% of wait staff are unemployed actors/writers with huge senses of entitlement. They think you should pay a premium for the privilege. As more people leave those cities, that attitude filters to the rest of the country. (Neat! I was kidding, but that sounds almost plausible!) Also, a trivia book I have says your phrase for paying is "ieder voor zich"?

    @Rat The Dutchies won't tell you this, but most of Europe has a term "Going American: Man and Woman sit down, order entire menu, eat two bites from everything, fall into diabetic coma, wake up, have dessert, try to pay with obscure credit card, complain loudly until manager forgives the bill, knock over a display while waddling to their hotel courtesy van.
  • Wow, and I thought I typed a lot. 3 pages since I went to sleep?
  • @Rat Seriously, a casino called you and invited you to shill? Where do I sign up for that job? I'm a pretty mean Stud/8 player.
  • @kelani, good morning my friend. The term "going American" is new for me. I'll learn a lot these days here.
  • @Kelani, @bernersenn I had Googled "going Dutch" before the discussion this morning and had been amazed at how many countries use a version of "paying American" as a method of splitting the bill. But ironically, not the Dutch. I couldn't find a concensus about why we call it going Dutch but none of the versions were about The Netherlands.

    I don't know how it happened Kent, but I got on the small whale list with the casinos. They offer me transportation, rooms, food, entertainment, cruises, and money quite frequently. The wife and I get a kick out of being picked up at the airport in a stretch limo when we do go to Vegas, about once every other year. To be totally truthful, I might have exaggerated when I said they give us all the gourmet food we can eat. They've always put a five hundred dollar a day limit on food. lol We've taken three free seven day cruises so far. Two to the Med. I don't gamble high stakes. My biggest bet is five dollars and I've never lost more than I took with me in the first place, three to five hundred. We normally have a vacation paid for by the casinos and a few dollars in our pockets when we leave to boot. But if they want to consider me a whale, who am I to argue. Ha ha I'm not even a guppy. I'm truly going to hate it when they come to their senses and drop me from the list. Btw, I lived in Las Vegas for four years and have watched as fools and their money have parted ways too often. And I'm nobody's fool. That town was not built on winners.
  • @Kelani -- Thanks for the link. Very interesting. However, I couldn't figure out if there were still some essentially sundowner towns. Granted, it's now illegal, but I'm sure there are places where non-whites aren't made to feel at home.
    Got a chuckle out of the CA list. Lots of the places on the list are now primarily non-white.
    I'm sure CA was the center of anti-Japanese sentiment during WW II, and I think that took a while to fade.
  • @rat, interesting. We live about 2 miles away from one of the "holland casino's". At wednesday, they have 'ladies night', that means that ladies don't have to pay to get in, that's it. Perhaps that is meant with 'dutch cheap'. Nice to see you back
  • Not really back yet @bernersenn. I just let @fenikus goad me into flingin' for about twenty minutes last night. It cost him third place. I am feeling better though. Still hoping to be in shape for Space.
  • @bernersenn They make you pay to lose your money? That's just not right. You need to wear a suit coat to gamble in Venice. I borrowed one of there's and gambled away ten dollars just to say I'd done it. Ironically, when I went to Monte Carlo in Monaco, I never set foot in the casino. I took a boat ride south along the coast instead. Very beautiful.
  • @rat, what did you say? Taking over the third place? Wow, I'm getting scared - 20 minutes. I'm flinging now over 3 hours and the yield is 0.0000000. Gratz anyway. I think that I am seeving at the wrong place. Time is running out here ...
    What the casino's concern, yes, that's strange. They make people pay to enter the casino. To be honest, I never saw a casino from the inside (except in movies).
  • About seeving, I see actually a strat that can beat @Kelani's highscore, didn't realize yet. A minor change in the strat, think back to High Dive #5. When it works, I will write it down in the walkthrough - then it's your turn
  • @fenikus, are you seeving at the wrong places, of aren't you seeving at all?
  • OK @bernersenn. I'll bite. What's seeving?
  • @rat, a few pages back, I told about seeving river water - as in the goldrush - most of the times you are seeving mud. Once in a while you find a very tiny piece of gold. And sometimes, as last week for me in #9 you can find a huge gold peace. That's what I mean. Actually two games are a pain in the ass for me (also rude words?) - it's a bombbird and Terence, not my favorites
  • As far as moving into third so quick @bernersenn, someone asked me about my level 20 strategy and I flung three times to verify it and got lucky. Scored an additional 650 points. And on level 19 there was a speck of dust on my screen at the sweet spot. I scored 5 or 6 one birders in under twenty minutes. That dust speck is still there. I might try to improve my score if it's still there tomorrow.
  • I don't have a problem with strong language @bernersenn. I just thought you were getting mad for some unknown reason this morning. They're not fans of cussing in the BP though.

    Seeving must be the Dutch word for panning. We pan for gold here. Never heard of seeving and can't find it in a dictionary or on the web.

    I either need to cook or, and I'm leaning this direction, order a pizza.
  • Oh! You mean sieving @bernersenn. I get it now.
  • @rat, from now on I call that panning. My God, I get a english course here - for free! Please all BP members, go on, correct me if I say things that upset you. I never, and I repeat, never have the intention to insult people. About that #19, 5-6 onebirders in 20 minutes? How? Please...
  • Guys and dolls, that's it for today, tomorrow bad things... Starts with W and ends with ork.
    See you, keep these birds flinging.
  • Almost caught up with all messages now i gotta go:( then I'll be behind again!
  • Ooops just like @mvnla2 I Thought I was caught up!! NOT
  • As I said, there is a speck of dust at the sweet spot on my I-pad @bernersenn. But I'll try to walk you through it. Unlike @Kelani, I didn't try to use reduced power. The sweet spot is only one or two pixels wide, so even if you know where to fling, it's not easy. And even when you hit it, most of the time it doesn't result in the block shooting to the left. OK, disclaimers out of the way.

    Shoot low. If Terrence goes under the concrete ball and continues on. You're getting close. Now come up a few pixels. There are about three ways you can hit the concrete ball and get it to go to the right and bounce off the inner tube. You want the middle one. The low method hits the platform and bounces up slightly to hit the ball. You don't want this one. The high method looks the same as the middle approach and is easier to hit, but you get no results with it. Ah, the middle approach, and keep in mind all these approaches are within pixels of each other, is the way to go. If you hit it correctly, the concrete ball will barely get to the inner tube and bounce up to hit the lower TNT. A block will shoot to the left causing the upper platform ball to slowly move to the left. Terrence will continue on and demolish other stuff. Success! A one birder. It wasn't easy to say. It's harder to accomplish. Good Luck.
  • Pizza it is.
  • Well anyway I wanted to thank @burpie for the beautiful photo album! That is what took me so long and i only got through the first seven pages! @all you Dutchies how lucky you are What a beautiful countryside. .what is the little house i think on page 7 third one back from the very last one ?
    Anyway i thought i heard mention of waterfalls but i didn't see any, well one going down next to some steps ?
    The conversation about 'going Dutch' was also very informative:)
    OB I'll have a Marmoset Killer please:)
  • Pa what level are you describing above I didn't read up sorry now trying to keep up instead of catch up! Hi @fenikus
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