The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2085
  • @estar, why not playing Rio, it's big fun - and we would get great vid's ;-)
  • I can't keep up with one Dutchie, let alone three. I surrender. ha ha My one finger typing has me three topics back.
  • Sorry I forgot your work schedule @Estar. I've been having trouble keeping track of SWDNF. Last week, DC. She's gone again this week to Mississippi. Next week, New Mexico. The week after, Tennessee. But I'm going with her on that one. Might be the only way I see her this month.
  • @bernersenn I hardly ever have time to fling anymore... I am just lucky I wasn't hooked, lined and sinkered (probably not the right use of the phrase, but mweeeeh I can always play the Dutchie card LOL) when I was playing and recording Seasons the first time... back then I had time.... loads of time. Somehow that disappeared the minute I made new friends here and I found out I could actually help with more stuff than my videos.
  • All this blethering does get in the way of flinging. But I'm still on the sidelines, so it's not too bad.
  • O-o WOW Hope you will remember her face after so many trips mister @Rat

    Ow and yeah, after 200 comments I kinda did have some issues trying to contain myself... you know like with little kids screaming. One can not blame the kid, cause well it's a kid. But still it can raise one's blood pressure ;) Nahhh just joking, it wasn't that bad you guys, just for me and my reading large amounts of text issue it did turn into a bit of a task to read them all. But I can not help it, I want/have/will-not-survive-if-I-don't to read them all hahaha
  • Ha ha ha ha ha Reminds me of @Mvnla2. She doesn't want to miss anything.
  • Speaking of MV, she hasn't been around much lately. Is she ill?
  • Hi @Estar!

    @Rat, the Dutch are also great lurkers. By the way, if we ever meet (you mentioned something about a trip to Europe a few days ago? I was lurking then, too) you can subsidize my drinking all week. It's not that 'recreational' style. When you get to Holland, just ask for burpie. We all know each other here.
  • One good thing has come out of her constant travel. I've been getting more creative in the kitchen.
  • Not so. @bernersenn lives clear across that big country. 124 miles away, Wow!

    @Estar SWDNF has about decided to work for one more year. So she was trying to get me to commit to an across the pond vacation in July. It's miserable here in July. She keeps talking about the Netherlands. I'm trying to stay stateside this year. Niagara Falls/Canada type trip.
  • Did you notice that @fenikus taunted me too much last night. I finally flung for about a half hour and bumped him in the ranking at the river. That'll teach him to poke the big guy with a stick.
  • Hi @burpie @e-star @rat and @bernersenn
    who are online now...
  • Hey @burpie :D

    Mister @Rat what's for dinner tonight? As for the weather being misarable in July... ermmm has she been reading up on the Netherlands even just a wee little bit... our weather is unpredictable and we all head out when the sun is shining, reading between the lines, we don't get that much sun here and when we do we all en mess go to the beach!! So either it will be rainy and cold and you will have the BIG place to yourself as we Dutchie will go about our own way... OR it will be beautiful weather and we Dutchie will all head outside and invade all the space the tourists would like to be/enjoy... but please do come hahahahhahaha we are a lovely country for sure and with Burpie as the host I am sure you will see some great places, just remember to bring the Euro's ;)
  • Hey Tien :D
  • I saw that in the BR :-)

    Aha, here's an image. I've seen the Iguazu falls, Niagra falls, etc. but behold the majesty of our Dutch waterfalls: een waterval aan de Vrijenbergerspreng.html

    Get over here!
  • Haaaa ha ha ha ha

  • I know. It's impressive.
  • Hi TienShenLong !
  • @Estar I came back from the Bahama's with an extra ten large. I think I can afford to buy Burpie a drink or two on the economy.
  • Line up all those impressive sites @Burpie. I will be headed over there, but not before the great "Spaaacccceee" release.
  • @Rat What the heck were you doing there? (10k)
  • @Burpie I couldn't ride the lazy river at the Atlantis resort. The inner tubes were too small for me. The surf was too strong at the beach. The wait too long for the other attractions. But they had a casino where I could drink away my sorrows. And they were giving away money while I drank. BTW, large does not mean one hundred.
  • It still amazes me how the casino business works over there... but on the other hand I never go, so it might be here as well, but that does get you across the pond and buy burpie a drink yes :D

    @burpie good thinking, I forgot about that wonder of nature everyone must see LOL
  • Well done! Never mind a vacation, that's enough to buy Holland. (I said 10k, didn't I? It should be enough.)
  • @Estar For some reason, I'm better at gambling than flingin'. But I don't press my luck. The moment you start trying to make a living doing something as stupid as gambling, you lose your shirt, pants, shoes, etc.
  • but you will always have your tutu @mister Rat I will make sure of that hee hee
  • @Burpie I just got a phone call yesterday from a Las Vegas casino. They offered me a suite, front row concert tickets, show tickets, all the gourmet food I can eat, and just to sweeten the pot, one thousand in cash. Not bad for such a small guppy.
  • I'm proud of my tutu @Estar. Not many people could pull it off.
  • Never read such a crap on just one afternoon, unbelievable. @burpie, it IS impressive. Btw the capital where I live has 18,000 citizens, now you're speachless, aren't you?
  • Oops, I wasn't trying for a pun there.
  • Whoa! That didn't translate well @bernersenn. What did you mean by crap?
  • @rat, crap is crap. I didn't write dutch, was I?
    Try this one:
  • @estar, are you one of the amins nowadays?
  • @Burpie SWDNF wants to see a flower or two too. Y'all have those there don't cha? And don't forget the kid with his finger in the dike. That's a must see.
  • huh @bernersenn capital?? I forgot where you live, sorry... but 18k?? Amsterdam is the capital and has 1.6 million people... you mean the capital of a province?
  • @bernersenn Yeah I have been awarded the admin badge over a year ago now and they didn't take it away just yet... ;)
  • @estar, I was joking. My capital is the village where I live (Amsterdam is unknown area for me)
  • Yes Mister @rat we do, I believe we have the largest flower auction place of Europe and I have seen a couple of shows on Discovery that the dutch have a high standard of flowers and people in the states are importing them just because of that
  • My apologies @bernersenn. I don't know what we/I did to irritate you, but I'm sorry if we/I did. I will politely shut up.
  • @bernersenn LOL owwwww as for Amsterdam, I feel like a foreigner there too, but I have to cause of the rivalry between Rdam and Adam :D
  • @estar, awarding the admin badge, so you are granted to handover batches? Last week I was trying to double my amount of batches (from 1 to 2), haha. Sent in proove to our beloved @slim, nothing happened.
  • huh?? mister @Rat I lost the plot there?!
  • @bernersenn I am sorry I am not, I believe that power lies in the hands of Slim and BL... But I will use my back channel to get the job done!
  • @rat, I'm not irritated at all, just a bit mealy (that is the right word?). Just waiting to finish my work and goto see my birds. So keep on writing, got a lot of fun wit it
  • @Estar Never seen so much crap. Crap is crap! He doesn't sound happy to me.
  • OK @bernersenn. Crap over here is a fairly severe word to use. I wasn't sure you were joking. Not my intent to make you mad about your wonderful, if a little small, country.
  • Crap isn't such a heavy word for me, about the same as bullshit. And, I am still happy - soon I go looking for some gold in that river
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